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12/02/11(Fri)01:23 No.17080724 File1322807035.jpg-(671 KB, 1500x999, 1320643880923.jpg)
 >>17078095 Never trust one of those Animar bastards. Oh, they're pleasant. They come in with they're big flowery robes and their face tattoos and the 'chan' this and 'sama' that. But you want the truth? Stinkin' liars, every one. I wouldn't trust 'em as far as I could throw 'em after what I've been through.
See, couple of months ago, I was havin' a hard time sleeping. Bad dreams, back aches, gettin' up for no reason; it was murder. Shaman says it's nothing magical, just stress. Well I'm prone to agree with out good ol' angakoq. He never steers us wrong. So a while later, I head into the city to sell furs. Otter skins; hell of a good price in Tabula.
So after I've got my jink, I see this lil' medicine shop, sign with a kind of funny, blocky letters. Anyways, I head in, and there's that lil' old animar bastard sitting behind the counter. Now, okay, maybe he wasn't the most wholesome looking fellow. I mean, his jaw was rotting off, and his eyes were pure white, and he had a beard down to the ground. And, sure, his shop may not have had the most honest goods on its shelves, but I wasn't looking to buy a masked monkey corpse or shrunken heads, now was I?
So I tells him, 'Buster, I'm sleeping somethin' awful. You got anything to help?' He smiles real wide, like a snake, reaches under the desk, and pulls out a box of lil' rocks and pendants. Anyway, after he scuffles 'round a bit, he shows me a stone; looks like two little foxes curled up real cozy together, bound up in little ropes. He says to me, 'Put this over bed. Takes all the bad dreams from you. Tsunes very efficient. Make hard things in life go right away. Five coppers'. Well hell, for a price like that, how could I say no?
So I get back home. I put the rock over my bed. The missus looks at me funny, but she lets it go. That night? I sleep like a god. I wake up feeling ten years younger. Okay, five. Anyway, this goes on for about a week. Then weird stuff starts happenin' around the house. |