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!!L+hOixyXrvo 12/11/11(Sun)17:42 No.17180283 File1323643349.png-(69 KB, 746x890, Spade.png)
 >>17180156 With the Flunkies gone, Jean races towards the front, bypassing the Former Sherriff and edging closer to Garrett, the Dandy, and Elias. Meanwhile, Yao and Andrew make their own advances as does Sarah, who passes up Melvin and approaches the others. They race out of town towards the midpoint of the race.
>Break time Horses eventually have to rest, and Elias and the Dandy stop first. Seems like their horses were carrying some extra weight - water for the horses! This allowed them to remain more inland and closer to Sacramento during their rest, while Jean, Andrew, Yao, and Sarah had to pull off a little ways away to water their horses at a creek. Meanwhile, Garrett, the Former Sherriff, and Melvin continued on for a while longer before they rested up. They spent some time resting up. Yao and Andrew agreed for a 1st-2nd finish respectively while Sarah and Jean kept to themselves.
And off they went again.
From another minor conflict, Andrew got out first with Yao right behind him. Sarah waited a bit longer to rest, and then Jean, who was ahead of the other PCs, rested longest, but ended up in the back of the pack because of it. Elias and the Dandy were already headed back out from their own resting spot, and the others were still too far ahead. By this time, the sun was starting to set.
As the riders continued to jockey, a loud bang echoed through the air. Andrew and Yao were close enough to see that Garrett was hunched on the side of the route with a smoking shotgun and Elias getting knocked off of his horse. Afterwards, Garrett got on his horse and hauled ass while Yao, being the thieving bastard he is, takes the time to get off the horse and make the killing blow on Elias, taking his gun and ammo with him. However, this also put him in last as Jean and Sarah sped past.
>Continued in next post |