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On the steps of the Royal Stronghold in Geneva, a lowly squire read out the Kings decree for the nation. Work was to be done, lest the nation slip behind.
"Let it be decreed by the King of Switzerland, King Henri Guisan IV the following:
Firstly that our Navy is inadequate. New ship designs are to be drafted immediately, with an emphasis being made on smaller and faster ships that can be made more easily, and outmaneuver enemy vessels.
Secondly, continuing with the modernization of the Navy, that troops be trained in inter-ship combat, and are to be kept aboard all Swiss naval vessels. Swiss Marine Defense Troops are to be trained and taught in the following: Combat with an emphasis in the usage of the crossbow in ranged combat, taught to have a keen eye for the leaders of the enemy vessel, and pick them off. Close combat utilizing the saber, they should make an attempt to break out of close combat as quickly as possible and retreat to a better ranged fighting position. Close combat is, ideally only to be used when boarding an enemy vessel after most resistance has been dispatched. The are also to be taught in general sailing abilities so that they do not become useless when combat is not occurring.
Thirdly, that an improvement to the arquebus be made. By adding a trigger mechanism, we should be able to imboost reliability of the weapon, ensuring that each shot actually gets fired as well as improving the safety of the user. Such weapons are for now, experimental, and we should best stick to the crossbow for general ranged combat troops.
Fourthly and finally that a new crossbow be developed for frontline troops. It should be fed through a hopper from the top, to produce a higher rate of fire than common crossbows of the day. |