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!!J5+vjygjQuK 12/20/11(Tue)22:07 No.17285101 File1324436843.jpg-(167 KB, 600x1796, pot tank.jpg)
 Meanwhile in the Launch bay, the security cameras show tons of smoke, and the Black Panthers bringing out some strange-looking plants with multiple leaves. "Oi, Chapta Masta," asks Wazgor, "Wot are ya doin'?" "Hm?" asks Chapter Master Johnson, "Oh, ain't nothin' better to do." Chapter Master Johnson passes Wazgor a rolled burning sheet of paper. "Got some friends who supply the good stuff." Wazgor eats the rolled burning sheet of paper. Chapter Master Johnson starts laughing, followed by the rest of the Black Panthers, who begin laughing at each other. "Oi. you muhreenz iz pretty big on Waagh, roight? wots dis burny gubbinz?" asks Kroz. "It's wisdom." says Brother Captain Dynamite. "Uh, wots a wisdom?" asks Kroz. "Wizdum iz wut 'umiez kall bein' cunnin'." replies Grakgut. "Yeah, that..." says Dynamite, staring into space. "Oh Dat. WAIT. IF YOU SEZ IT LOIKE DAT, DEYZ'LL ALL REALIZE DAT WE AND EVERYONE IZ ALL ORKZ!" says Kroz. "But it ain't jus' kunnin, itz loik bein' so kunnin' dat yoose kan't git it yerself. Yooze gotta git it frum sumplace." says Grakgut, "Speakin uv which..."
"OY, BLACK PANTHAZ! IT'Z TIME FER A MEDIKAL EXAM!" yells Grakgut. "Well, our Apothecary is currently passed out on a beanbag, so some screening can't hurt." says Dynamite. "EXCELLENT. WE HAVE FREE...FREE... Wutsit dat 'umiez loike?...FREE LOLLIPOPS!" adds Grakgut. "OH FUCK I LOVE LOLLIPOPS" yell half the Black Panthers as they begin climbing over each other to get on line. |