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  • File : 1326566420.jpg-(16 KB, 500x333, Achievement-Unlocked-0-500x333.jpg)
    16 KB Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:40 No.17541318  
    DM achievements:

    You all meet in a tavern: start a campaign in the most cliched way imaginable

    Roll the dice! : Have your first combat as DM

    Getting better: run the same campaign for 3 sessions in a row

    Surging forward: run the same campaign for 5 sessions in a row

    Keep on Trucking: run the same campaign for 7 sessions in a row

    And the adventure continues: run a campaign after the BBEG is defeated

    TPK: wipe your party

    Oh snap: Do this by mistake by misjudging a monster's power

    wool over the eyes: work in a reference to another form of media that at least 2 of your players should've got, but didn't

    story teller : maintain player interest for over 15 minutes without anyone rolling a dice

    story master: maintain player interest for a whole session without anyone rolling a dice

    the goggles do nothing: make a "___"punk setting

    fickle feaster: have your players buy food for you to try and gain your favour
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:43 No.17541341
    Wasted on them: Have your players forget 4 essential NPC names.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:44 No.17541349
    When All You Have...

    Kill a plot-important NPC or villain with an impact weapon before the GM meant you to.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:44 No.17541350
    Train Wreck: Campaign is derailed during first session.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:44 No.17541351
    And The Horse You Rode In On: Eject a player from your game.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:45 No.17541355
    Alright, let me think about this: The campaign is disrupted by an ingame unforseen event.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:45 No.17541359
    Faggotry knows no bounds: Be OP of this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:46 No.17541369
    My old campaign was called Trainwreck.
    The PC's met during a Trainwreck.
    And the campaign was a Trainwreck.

    My current campaign is called Brainwreck.
    For...similar reasons.

    It's sort of become a theme in our group. All of our campaigns involve it in some way now. Shipwreck, Treewreck, etc.
    It's kinda...awesome(?)
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:47 No.17541373
    Well, That Was Awkward: Describe sex in detail.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:47 No.17541375
    Derivative Life: Respond to OP's thread by calling him a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:47 No.17541378
    Conscientious Objector: Resolve an intended combat encounter without using direct violence.

    Pacifist: Resolve three intended combat encounters in a row without using direct violence.

    Time Lord In Training: Resolve intended five combat encounters in a row without using direct violence.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:48 No.17541386
    Just As Planned: Successfully railroad a campaign without anyone noticing.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:48 No.17541390
    ...Imitates Art?

    Directly copy an element of another story for your character or setting.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:49 No.17541394
    That Seems Familiar: See your campaign posted about on /tg/
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:50 No.17541405
    Backstabber: Murder a character without being caught.

    Ripper: Murder three characters without being caught.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:51 No.17541414
    Jack The Ripper: Murder a player without being caught.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:52 No.17541417
    Syrup: Have your character polymorphed or otherwise become a dryad.

    Swan Song: Change race at least three times over the course of a campaign
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:54 No.17541438
    Yes Dear: Run a campaign with your significant other as a player.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:55 No.17541449
    Forever and Ever: Be the GM for three years straight.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:56 No.17541460
    The End: Accidentally TPK
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:58 No.17541476
    Song of Ice and Fire: run the same campaign with the same NPCs for twenty years.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:58 No.17541480
    NOPE: Your bypass the BBEG without using combat, magic, diplomacy, or stealth.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:58 No.17541481
    IT BEGINS : Meet your first That Guy
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:59 No.17541483
    FUCK YOUR RAILS: have your campaign derailed by a substitute DM
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)13:59 No.17541484
    Ovid Wannabe: Transformation occurs in three consecutive sessions of your campaign.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:01 No.17541501
    Meaningless Achievements Are The Fucking Worst: Read the rule book
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:01 No.17541503
    Sparkles: Start a campaign in which no players use typical races or classes.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:01 No.17541505
    Guy Montag: Set a building or dungeon with enemies inside on fire.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:03 No.17541517
    fuck canon: have your players kill plot-important characters in a canon setting
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:03 No.17541518
    Snowflake: A player uses a homebrewed class or equipment.
    Snowglobe: Three players use homebrewed classes or equipment.
    Snowstorm: Every player uses homebrewed classes or equipment
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:06 No.17541541
    Unleash the Power of the Sun!: Exalt as a Solar

    When the Moon Hits Your Eye: Exalt as a Lunar

    Party like a Rock Star, Kick a Little Ass: Exalt as an Infernal

    Down to Earth: Exalt as a Terrestrial

    It All Comes Tumbling Down, Tumbling Down, Tumbling Dooown: Exalt as an Abyssal

    Before Enlightenment Chop Wood, Carry Water. After Enlightenment, Chop Wood, Carry Water: Exalt as a Sidereal

    Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto: Exalt as an Alchemical
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:07 No.17541557
    Into the sunset: Complete a oneshot with an optimistic ending.
    There is another: Complete a oneshot with a bittersweet ending
    No Hope: End a oneshot with a TPK.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:08 No.17541566
    Must Run Away: Fail a Fear test in Adeptus Evangelion.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:10 No.17541579
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:16 No.17541637
    Bleeding Heart: Sit through someone's railroady, boring game just because they're having so much fun running it.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:16 No.17541639
    Epic Dragon Kill: One shot a strong enemy
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:17 No.17541650
    You Are Not Mark Hamill: At least one player tries to make a Joker expy for your superhero game.

    These Aren't My Glasses: An NPC is killed by projectiles to the face.

    I Used To Be An Adventurer: Expose the party to the human wreckage of their collateral damage.
    (Party once drove a closeted knight to attempt suicide)

    Did Not Read The Manual: Player catastrophically misunderstands the function of new equipment

    I Never Asked For This: Player character receives awesome powers at the cost of humanity, angsts about it.

    I Am On FIRE: Player rolls crit-equivalent after crit-equivalent.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:18 No.17541662
    Dim bulb: The character does something uncharacteristically stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:18 No.17541667
    This would be perfect, but add fapping while asleep. (It's a real thing)
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:20 No.17541677
    Rule Nazi: Derail an entire session by obscure rules bickering.

    Grognard, HO!: Derail 3 sessions with obscure rules bickering.

    Revolution: force a DM/GM switch mid game

    Bug Splatter: TPK at level one

    Don't be that guy: GEt That Guy killed

    Calamitous Intent: Attempt To kill your own party and fail horribly.

    Calamitous success: kill your own party

    Team Killing Fucktard: kill your own part 5 times.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:20 No.17541680
    You Find Three Hit Points: Attempt to run a game that you have never read the manuals for.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:23 No.17541710
    thieving is my name: Party steals an item that they shouldn't have

    Dick Ass Thief: someone steals something extremely valuble and promptly knocks the former owner into at least unconsciousness.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:26 No.17541735
    Fumbles: Roll on the perils of the warp table in Dark Heresy.
    Liability: Hurt or kill a friendly character through a roll on the perils of the warp table in Dark Heresy
    Boltmagnet: Obtain a roll of mass possession, daemonhost, or be swallowed by the Warp due to a Perils roll.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:28 No.17541750
    low tech - all players are humans. No one has magical powers.

    you maniacs! - destroy the earth

    it keeps happening - destroy two planets that are homeworlds of two different sentient species

    now witness the power of a fully operational battle station - destroy all sentient life in the galaxy

    I shouldn't care - make a player cry through emotional damage

    Shit got real - kill a well liked NPC

    Vindictive - do it twice

    Remember meeeeee - create a legacy character that appears in at least three campaigns

    there's always one - turn down a player attempting to have sex with an NPC.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:28 No.17541755
    Hot Potato!: Switch DMs in a single campaign multiple times
    Hot Potato Victory: Somehow make it work
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:28 No.17541756
    I am the law!: Convince an NPC that you or your party works as police officers/city guards/etc. despite not actually being employed by any government.

    Berserker! : Kill the BBEG or one of his most powerful minions on your own with nothing but your bare hands.

    I haven't come this far to give up now: Fight an enemy that the rest of your party ran from.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:31 No.17541780
    ROFL copter: derail a game by making everyone at the table laugh uncontrollably
    Mood swing: rescue an awkward moment with a one liner
    Why so serious?: Make a joke during a really serious scene
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:32 No.17541800
    Jolly good show chap: Do something so awesome the GM buys you a drink
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:32 No.17541807
    Counter-Revolution: Be restored as DM/GM by loyalist players following a successful revolution.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:37 No.17541844
    Got all the OP achivements except TPK. I never found TPKs to make interesting stories so I always just fudged rolls in that case.

    Actually I always fudge rolls to make it a challenge for everyone. Wizards have plot armor and rarely get crit damage unless I noticed they started feeling invulnable while warriors and tanks always got to perform their role in such a way that they really feel they are contributing to every fight.

    That said, a chaotic-stupid player is a dead player in my games and the same goes for players to make such a mess of a situation that it is unavoidable - in the latter case I always give them a chance to escape though and it is always roleplay based and never rollplay based.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:37 No.17541847
    don't give up - lose more than your entire health in one combat

    overdrawn at the blood bank - lose three times your health in one combat

    WHY WON'T YOU STAY DOWN? - continue fighting after going to 0HP

    phyrric victory - kill an enemy at the cost of your own life

    The good ones always die young - kill the BBEG at the cost of your own life
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:38 No.17541855
    Who needs support?: Play a D&D3.5 campaign where none of the players are Clerics or Druids

    PRAISE VECTRON!: Play Dungeons the Dragoning

    Nothing can stop us!: Complete a full Dungeons the Dragoning campaign.

    Collateral Annihilation: Destroy millions of dollars/gold/currency worth of equipment, buildings, vehicles, etc. in a single combat.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:41 No.17541867
    [ X ] Roll the dice! : Have your first combat as DM

    [ X ] Getting better: run the same campaign for 3 sessions in a row

    [ X ] Surging forward: run the same campaign for 5 sessions in a row

    [ X ] Keep on Trucking: run the same campaign for 7 sessions in a row

    [ X ] And the adventure continues: run a campaign after the BBEG is defeated

    [ X ] wool over the eyes: work in a reference to another form of media that at least 2 of your players should've got, but didn't

    [ X ] story teller : maintain player interest for over 15 minutes without anyone rolling a dice

    [ X ] story master: maintain player interest for a whole session without anyone rolling a dice (First session of oWoD I ran, nobody in the group but me and a bro I had brought had ever played PnP RPGs before, so i wanted to introduce them to roleplaying before I introduced them to dice)

    [ X ] And The Horse You Rode In On: Eject a player from your game.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:43 No.17541888
    Ragnarok: A TPK involving the destruction of a pantheon.
    Sutur-self: A TPK that involves the world being set on fire.
    Roots of the World Tree: Be left for dead after losing an eye.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:49 No.17541941
    Magpie: Loot an item of wargear from a defeated foe in a Deathwatch game.
    Honourary Magpie: Loot an item of wargear on every mission of a Deathwatch game.
    Giftee of the Millenium: Loot a Relic in a Deathwatch game.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:49 No.17541943
    This is going to be a long night: Run a campaign for people who've never played before

    Everything went better than expected: There are no 'that guy's in the first timer campaign
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 01/14/12(Sat)14:55 No.17541999
    >Player Achivement:
    Import Save: Use your last character in the next campaign.
    White Knight: Always Good. All the time.
    So Cool and Edgy: Always Evil. All the time.
    MODERN CHARACTER: Always Grey. All the time.
    Breaking the wall: Use your real life knowledge to break ingame mechanic.
    The Hero: Rescue a Princess.
    It wasn't meant to be: Fall in love with a character on the enemy side.
    Blood for the Blood God: Roll a 10+ on all rending hit in one battle.
    Capitalism Ho!: Spend more time trading stuff than playing the game itself.
    Eisenhorn: Turn your worst enemy into your greatest ally.
    Chairman: Continue fighting despite reaching -0HP.
    >GM Achievements:
    Along the way: Never plan for your session but manage to run the game without stop.
    Recycle: Reuse the same NPC again and again without the players noticing.
    Watching Eyes: Create a NPC based on yourself.
    I might make an image like this if I gather enough achievement from these kind of thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:56 No.17542006
    Who the Hell do you Think I am?!: Have a PC die, only to continue their legacy in the party, even after death.

    Broken Pacifism: Have the PC with least monster-kills single-handedly defeat the BBEG in a duel.

    Lolligagging: Complete a session with your PC being the only one in combat.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)14:56 No.17542007
    If It Works... Use the same weapon for an entire campaign.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:02 No.17542046
    Deep Thought: Build a supercomputer in a philosophical or comedy campaign.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:06 No.17542083
    YOU GONNA GET TAKEN HOME - have the players adopt an NPC

    good investment - have such an NPC save a players life

    Earn your happy ending - Have a player break your campaign in a way that you didn't expect, leading to a happier ending for everyone

    these goddamn guys again - run 5 combats with a group of minor villains who always escape before your players kill them
    >> Halfling's friend 01/14/12(Sat)15:12 No.17542126
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:21 No.17542198
    Ripping good yarn - when you say you want to bring an end of a day's session, your players beg you to keep going.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:22 No.17542210
    Art Critic: destroy an idol or other mythos artifact in Call of Cthulhu or Delta Green
    >> Alpharius 01/14/12(Sat)15:26 No.17542239
    >Paranoia Will Destroy Ya
    Run through an entire 6-pack of clones in one session

    >That Information is Above Your Clearance Level
    Play a session of Paranoia: High Programmers

    >Happiness is Mandatory, Citizen!
    Run a session of Paranoia.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:31 No.17542288
    Better then expected: A player comes out of a campaign a better roleplayer
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:32 No.17542298
    Cassandra Wannabe: Kill off a character after his player attempts (successfully) to predict the next plot point.

    One Man Theater: Enact a dialog between two NPCs.

    One Man Comedy Routine: Enact a dialog between two NPCs that makes the entire party laugh.

    I Read Your Book: Use a DM's house rules against them.

    I Wrote Your Book: Have a DM use all of your house rules.

    Hindu Convert: Have a player commit suicide to try to make a new character.

    Snowman: Create a very special DMPC with custom rules

    Snow Fort: Create a very very special location in your campaign with custom rules that can't be touched.

    Warm Front: Remove every homebrewed element from your game in-game.

    It's A Feature: Kill an insect with a character sheet, then claim its entrails as a dot on your sheet.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:36 No.17542334
    >It's A Feature: Kill an insect with a character sheet, then claim its entrails as a dot on your sheet.

    Haha, I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:37 No.17542342
         File1326573439.jpg-(149 KB, 783x535, murderer.jpg)
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    >Hindu Convert
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:43 No.17542391
    GM general achievements:

    Invested: Get the player characters emotionally attached to an NPC.

    By The Heartstrings: Get the PLAYERS emotionally attached to an NPC.

    It's Fucking On Now Chaps: Drive the player characters or players into a vengeful fury at an antagonist when the NPC they've grown attached to is harmed or killed.

    Dr. Manhattan: Successfully introduce and use an NPC with godlike power that the PCs don't abuse for their own gain, and has legitimate reasons to not solve the plot instantly.

    Chekhov's Gun: Use a seemingly innocuous plot element from earlier in the game to complicate or resolve a current problem.

    Chekhov's Ninjas: Use a Chekhov's Gun that nobody saw coming.

    Chekhov's Deus Ex Machina: Use an unexpected action the players did earlier to solve a problem that would otherwise be utterly insurmountable.

    His Name? It's, Uh, Steve: Have player interest in a minor NPC create a character who goes on to have a major role in the plot.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:48 No.17542413
    Got all of them but fickle feaster, but they have done things to try and gain my favor.
    Unlocked. Players needed the favor of Graz'zt, had their female leader walk in and willingly get raped by him
    Probably why I have everything here.
    Had my fair share of that.
    Greyhawk. Robilar.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:54 No.17542459
    WoD player achievements:

    Wait, How The Fuck: Create a character who can attack with 20+ aggravated dice per turn without the ST noticing.

    No, Really, How The Fuck: Create a character who can attack with 20+ aggravated dice per turn without meaning to.

    Do The Impossible: Kill a True Fae.

    See The Invisible: Learn about the hidden truths of the world.

    Fight The Power: Defy the will of the Exarchs and live to tell the story.

    Fuck The Police: Break the plot so badly that the alignment of reality has to be restructured to account for what you just did.

    WoD GM achievements:

    That Was Unexpected: Have the PCs kill or nearly kill a monster you never intended to be beatable in a straight up fight.

    Where We're Going, We Won't Need Rails: Have the PCs jump ship into the plot of another supernatural group, whether to foil them or aid them.

    Saving The Day: The PCs bail out a group you fully intended to die.

    I Am The God Of Hellfire: Have a player trick fire spirits into thinking they're a bigger fire spirit.

    And I Bring You Fire: Have the same player trick vampires into thinking they're a flaming angel of God's vengeance.

    I Meant For That To Happen: Quietly restructure your story based around player actions and have it fit organically into the setting.

    Nigga I Shit Trains, Now What: Have a player survive getting hit by a Train/Death Magath.

    TWOOOOOO SCOOOOOOOOOOPS: Have the players successfully ally with the spirit of the Sun, and be unable to argue against this being possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:57 No.17542485
    Pulling Punches: Avert a TPK intentionally.
    WWE: Avert a TPK intentionally without the players knowing.
    Will it Blend?: Use a genre that is unconventional to the ruleset you're playing.
    Master of 1,000 Voices: Use a different voice for every NPC your players encounter.
    You Are the Demons: Make every character's alignment shift to evil before the end of the campaign.
    You Are the Heroes: Make every character's alignment shift to good before the end of the campaign.
    You Are the...Player Characters?: Make every character's alignment shift to neutral before the end of the campaign.
    Make Love, Not War: Convince the player characters to join the BBEG without overpowering them.
    Yes-man: Never tell any player "no," for an entire campaign.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)15:59 No.17542498
    And so it begins...
    Run your first campaign

    Archive? Archive.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)16:04 No.17542526
    Just recovered from running an nWoD campaign last night.
    Achievements unlocked:
    >Infant Tree
    Introduce child soldiers into the campaign.

    >What Was That?
    Introduce a new kind of creature the players don't know how to defeat or fight.

    >Middle of Fucking Nowhere
    Set the campaign far from the trappings and resources of a civilized area.

    >All Our Guns Are Loaded
    Tell the players that turning on each other is perfectly acceptable.

    >Cold, Wet, Miserable
    Make the players joyful at the prospect of finding shoes that fit.

    >...And a Headache
    Make them worried that they may have mysterious diseases.

    Oh, what fun..
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)16:08 No.17542547
    Banned from Argo: Have the party become wanted on a planet for their deeds.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)17:32 No.17543359
    Beowulf: Have a character wield a weapon a size category or more larger than them.

    Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places: Character falls for a character/NPC of opposite alignment.

    Probability's Bitch: Roll more than two natural ones during a boss encounter.

    By The Skin Of Your Teeth: Survive said encounter.

    The Lollipop Guild: The whole party is made of size category Small or smaller races.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)17:50 No.17543509
    Wait. I'm not a big WoD expert. Where do ghosts of fire and Sun appear there?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)19:05 No.17544390
    Jeepers creepers
    Make a player feel genuinely scared in a horror themed game.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)19:42 No.17544834
    Has this been archived cause I want oto read this but need to sleep since work tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)19:47 No.17544891
    Then fucking do it. How is this board supposed to get shit done if the fa/tg/uys are even too lazy to click two links and give in some text? Seriously, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)19:51 No.17544950

    >Jeepers creepers
    >Make a player feel genuinely scared in a horror themed game.

    Impossible. People don't play horror games to be genuinely scared.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)19:55 No.17544984
    >willingly get raped
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)19:58 No.17545026
    $5 he can't even bother to learn
    >> Neo Odin 01/14/12(Sat)20:07 No.17545130
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    damn, I'm only 11/13. Story master is godmode ><

    Check and check. In the same game no less :p

    Yup. That's more of a player achieve though.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)20:09 No.17545156
    Player achievements.

    Supreme Idort Godlike Superbeing: as a Wizard, Cleric, Druid, Archivist or Factotum, die to a level-appropriate encounter.
    Who Painted My Roses Red: as a one-time replacement DM, turn the game on its head and have someone else lose their heads over it.
    Taggart Transcontinental: after every derail, get the players back on the tracks before the session ends.
    Casey Jones: finish the game without the players ever successfully derailing it.
    The Villain: use the DM's railroading to dispose of an NPC.
    The Music Molester: play a bard and have a bigger in-game footprint than anyone else in the party, including the full casters.
    Back Alley Kender Transplant: play your character as a Kender without anyone noticing for at least one story arc.
    Skillgorilla: smash a campaign to pieces through skill checks alone.
    And The Little Fishes: make the DM and the other players smash a campaign without doing anything yourself.
    Extra Heretical: Bring a copy of the Dark Heresy rulebook into the Vatican.
    So Ronery: Buy a game and never play it because no one is interested.
    Oops I did it again: Buy minis but never paint them, use them, or even take them out of the packaging.
    I have no beard but I must shave: Get into an argument about rules editions of a game you don't even play.
    Forever Alone: Plan for a game/match but there's no one to play with.
    Must Play: Travel to another city just to play/join a game/match.
    A Wizard is never late: Cancel/Stop whatever you are doing because of a game/match.
    Nor is he is too early: Arrive precisely on time at a game/match.

    (continued in next post)
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)20:10 No.17545165
    Short Attention Span: Play a computer game while in an rpg session or a game match.
    MULTITASK: Play another RPG with another group while in an RPG session.
    1st ed Old school fighter: Win a level appropriate encounter or higher doing nothing but standing in melee and full attacking until the battle ends and contributing 50% or more of the damage inflicted. Minimum 10 round requirement
    1st ed Old school Thief: Steal something from party members 3 times in a single session and create an excuse that at least gives them enough reasonable doubt that they don’t kill you
    1st ed Old school Wizard: Win a level appropriate or higher with nothing but damage spells one of which must be a fireball that catches a minimum one party member and contributing 50% or more of the damage inflicted .Minimum 10 round requirement
    1st ed Old school Cleric: Cast only full party buffs and heal while winning a level appropriate encounter. You must miss 30% or more of your attacks.
    Railroad tycoon: As a player, get everyone to follow you on a personal sidequest. As a GM, get the players to follow your narrative without trying to kill important plot NPC's.
    What's your poison: Use poison to kill a large amount of people/things in a tavern.
    Brass Balls: Hit the BBEG while he is monologuing.
    Godlike: On a single skill roll, beat the listed "hard" DC for the maximum character level.
    With Friends Like These... : When totaling a single attack, defense, or skill roll, be interrupted by at least three other players pointing out additional bonuses.
    ...Who Needs Enemies?: When totaling a single attack, defense, or skill roll, be interrupted by at least three other players pointing out penalties.
    >> Neo Odin 01/14/12(Sat)20:14 No.17545203
    Lets see.

    Yo dawg: Have a player ride a mount, who is in turn riding a mount.

    Fastball special: Have a PC kill the BBEG with another PC.

    True masters of the mind: Have a party member kill a PC, NPC, or monster with his brain. As in, the actual organ.

    Your all playing what now?: Have a one-class-only game.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)20:14 No.17545205
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    >a dice
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)20:20 No.17545276
    Jinxed: A player rolls low consistently through the entire session even if they switched out their dice.
    Eugene Horowitz: A player rolls ones consistently through the entire campaign even if they bought new dice.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)20:21 No.17545287
    STOP! Hammer Time!: Successfully halt a battle by any Perform skill and then resume said battle by smashing a hammer in any enemy's face

    I'm The Juggernaut, Bitch!: Successfully smash through at least five walls in one session

    That’s Not Supposed To Work: Escape a 5x5x5 room by casting Fireball

    Xeno Lover: French-kiss a Ork, a Kroot and a Eldar during the same adventure/story arc

    Curse of Monkey Island: Get transformed into a monkey by a curse

    ]Surf’s Up, Dude!: Surf any cart or wagon into battle without the aid of horses or other means of propulsion
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)20:24 No.17545327
    Nuke It From Orbit: Successfully order in a "Danger Close" macrocannon barrage. (The character must survive to earn this achievement)

    The Codecks Astartees Nehmes This Maneuvah Steel Rehn: Successfully complete a Drop Pod insertion onto a battlefield.

    We Are The Empra's Fureh!: Subjugate a world and baptize it by force to the Imperial Cult

    What's your poison: Use poison to kill a large amount of people/things in a tavern.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)20:26 No.17545348
    >Your all playing what now?: Have a one-class-only game.
    Haha, I've done that. We were all wizards and the party infighting was so bad we got taken out by the city guards instead of the goblins. Silly 1st level wizards...
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)20:32 No.17545406
    >Nuke It From Orbit: Successfully order in a "Danger Close" macrocannon barrage. (The character must survive to earn this achievement)
    Achievement unlocked

    Radioed in a full macrocannon barrage as the Rogue Trader at the end of the the Lure of the Expanse adventure arc. That fukkin' wraithlord died like a bitch... along with the entire tomb/whatever the fuck it was it was protecting and the arch-militant who was trying to distract it from killing the techpriest and me while we were running like scared chickens and radioing our cruiser.
    Still... we got some good loot and the corpse of a farseer from the venture.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)20:37 No.17545470
    40K TT

    "The gun show"
    Win with a squad of Ogryns

    "Shut up, Hannibal"
    Kill a Chaos Sorceror with Imperial Guardsmen.

    "I can do it, Apollo!"
    Win a melee engagement with Tau Fire Warriors

    "The Skill-less Wonder"
    Deploy an unpainted Superheavy unit for any faction
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)20:53 No.17545672
    >Xeno Lover: French-kiss a Ork, a Kroot and a Eldar during the same adventure/story arc
    That's disturbingly precise. I don't think even R'Myr's Space Pimps did that.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)21:05 No.17545822
    you just love to hate: Create a BBEG that the players love, but the characters despise with a passion

    consequences will never be the same: Tie down one of your players with a child after he consorts with an NPC

    Royals who actually do something: Have the King and Queen of the kingdom be reasonable people and who's vizier isn't evil

    Cower in fear, mortals : Kill a player with a single attack dealing more than three times their HP total

    Someone forgot to check...: add traps to a room after players forget to search for them

    Player achievements:
    STR is not my dump stat: while not under the effect of any spells keep a part of a building from collapsing long enough for everyone to escape using just his hands (or equivalent)

    DEX is not my dump stat: while not under the effect of any spells have a character hit a target 4 size categories smaller than them

    CON is not my dump stat: while not under the effect of any spells, drink something that should poison you sufficiently to kill you and survive

    INT is not my dump stat: Work out who the BBEG is before he's set up as the bad guy

    WIS is not my dump stat: Never fall for a trap for a whole campaign

    CHA is not my dump stat: while not under the effect of any spells Have a romantic encounter in every village you visit, OR convince the BBEG to change his ways with a diplomacy roll
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)21:23 No.17546054
    >CON is not my dump stat: while not under the effect of any spells, drink something that should poison you sufficiently to kill you and survive
    Was had by a friend of mine. Ravenloft campaign in Not-Egypt, she rolls up a cleric of Osiris. The local mummy lord awakens and makes all water in the kingdom spread mummy rot, the effects start to show up slowly. We walk through the desert, she tries to create water. Surprise, surprise, all that comes out is few drops of a black stenching liquid. She tries to drink it nevertheless, it tastes awful.
    >I need a Fortitude save from you.
    >Wait, what!? OH SHI-
    >Natural 20
    >The DC was actually high enough that she wouldn't survive it if it was not for the auto-success, she needed something like rolled 29.

    >INT is not my dump stat: Work out who the BBEG is before he's set up as the bad guy
    Was kinda had recently. DSA adventure, bad guys at two fronts, what we don't realise. Our quest-giver for one front is BBEG from another, using the situation to sell his soul to an arch-demon.
    >Friend makes in our first encounter with local guys drop a joke about how the guys is a dark sorceror.
    >Later, we fail to foil hos plans.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)22:34 No.17546861
    > Have the King and Queen of the kingdom be reasonable people
    Well that's not too bad, I'll just use the viz--
    >and who's vizier isn't evil
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)22:37 No.17546883
    Knight-Commander man, Knight-Commander
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)22:49 No.17546993
    >Tumbling Down: End a Campaign due to there being nothing left alive that could possibly be a viable option for a new player character in the entire setting.

    >WALL-E: as above, but instead continue the campaign anyways.

    >Brave Little Toaster: Start a campaign where all of the PCs are inanimate objects.

    >Everyone Lives!: Run an entire campaign where no PC or NPC who is ever shown on screen dies.

    >The A-Team: do the above in an action campaign
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)23:16 No.17547219
    >Time Travel GM achievements
    Some serious shit: Intentionally introduce time travel to your campaign.
    Sound of Thunder: Create a new timeline based on player actions in the past.
    Trials and Tribble-ations: Return to an old adventure using time travel, add on to it, but change none of the events that the old characters experienced.
    Blick Winkel: After having your PCs meet their future-selves at least twice, without using mind-control, the threat of Paradoxes or other GM-fiat, get them to perform all actions they saw their future-selves perform when you have them encounter their past-selves.
    Great Scott!: Be perfectly consistent in your application of time travel throughout your entire campaign.
    The Leap Home: End your campaign where it chronologically started.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)23:41 No.17547394
    >Blick Winkel: After having your PCs meet their future-selves at least twice, without using mind-control, the threat of Paradoxes or other GM-fiat, get them to perform all actions they saw their future-selves perform when you have them encounter their past-selves.

    Does anyone have pulled this off? Stories?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)00:25 No.17547701
    Quite An Experience To Live In Fear, Isn't It?: Have the BBEG spare a PC's life.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)00:31 No.17547744
    Tuned to a Dead Channel: Start a cyberpunk campaign.
    The Final Frontier: Start a space exploration campaign.
    A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Start a space opera campaign.
    War...War Never Changes: Start a post-apocalyptic campaign.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)00:36 No.17547775
    Ah Yes, "Reapers": Have the local government disbelieve the players' warning about an imminent threat.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)00:46 No.17547876
    I've actually done this one. It's never been so dark on a brightly lit day.

    -What Could Have Been: Explain the entire rest of your ideas to the players when your campaign goes under.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)00:49 No.17547902
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    >It keeps happening
    >setting up a homestuck PnP session
    >2 races because I can't get everyone to just be god-damned humans
    >MFW I have this achievement locked up.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)05:57 No.17550168
    Conductor: Threaten a player that doesn't go along with the plot.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)08:40 No.17550894
    >I beat the Flash!
    Kill another character who's using supernatural speed without enhancing yourself in the same direction.

    >Doesn't afraid of anything
    Try to make a fire. As a vampire.

    >You will live on in my heart
    Sucessfully diablerize another PC.

    >Wait... What?
    Actually succeed on a roll that your Storyteller intended to be a joke.

    Use a supernatural ability in a creative way.

    Some that I don't know names for:
    A botch derails the whole campaign.

    A botch causes the whole table to burst out laughing.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)10:22 No.17551565
    How do you archive?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)10:32 No.17551649
    >Leaves on the line
    >Joker Gas
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)13:47 No.17553259
    Bumper: bump a thread on /tg/
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)14:42 No.17553859

    Directed by M. Night: Have a BBEG turn out to be on the PC's side, only to betray them later.

    No, John...: Have the players be the bad guys all along.

    Dead Men Can't Sing: Kill the party's bard off in the 1st session

    To Hell With You: Have the party take a trip to the afterlife, or just a very underground and fiery place with demons.

    Magic Missile: Have the BBEG be a wizard.

    Brutal and Ruthless: Have the BBEG be a huge, armored warlord.

    Shivs Up!: Have the BBEG be a slippery leader of a crime syndicate.

    Master Of Silence: Masturbate for atleast 30 seconds while the players are out of the room.

    I Can Explain: Get caught while doing so.

    Master Chef: Have a player vomit during one of your sessions.

    Blood Mage: Have a player hurt himself to the point of visible blood during one of your sessions.

    Fight Club: Have a fight break out during one of your sessions.

    Martyrdom: Have a BBEG kill one of the PCs after his death.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)16:34 No.17555148
    Rock-Bottom: Have the party do something disturbing OOC.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)16:56 No.17555396
    OP achievements:

    Oh shit, really?: have a thread you made yesterday still be there when you get back the following day
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)22:18 No.17555708
    Not 1: Kill a teammate by critically failing.

    Hit The Ground Running: Survive a fall after taking full falling damage.

    Stalag-might: As a dwarf, kill an opponent with a headbutt.

    No Homo: Seduce a party member of the same sex as your character.

    Weabomb: Successfully sneak a Tome of Battle character into a campaign.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)22:49 No.17555931
    I'm gonna post some that have actually happened in games I've played.

    Have at least 10 arrows in you at one time.

    You all meet at the-HOLY FUCK
    Burn down a tavern

    Shit Tyrone get it together
    accidentally KO/kill another player

    Single-handedly kill a dragon in one turn

    Single-handedly kill 3 dragons in one turn each

    Single-handedly kill an avatar of tiamat in one turn.

    I need better friends
    Have an entire group consisting of nothing but min/maxers
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)23:43 No.17556329
    anyone got some more for Dark Heresy? I showed these to my group today and they loved them
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)23:56 No.17556444
    An Ice Cream In the Sun: Use a flamer or melta weapon to inflict wounds on multiple enemies at once.
    >> Dowjin !!9I4SJG4jQPb 01/16/12(Mon)00:54 No.17556565
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    My Achievements:

    [x] You all meet in a tavern
    [x] Roll the dice!
    [x] Getting better
    [x] Surging forward
    [x] Keep on Trucking
    [x] And the adventure continues
    [x] Forever and Ever

    [x] story teller
    [x] story master

    [x] Sparkles
    [x] Did Not Read The Manual
    [x] you maniacs!
    [x] Shit got real
    [x] Vindictive - do it twice
    [x] Remember meeeeee

    [x] you just love to hate
    [x] Someone forgot to check
    [x] Directed by M. Night
    [x] To Hell With You
    [x] Magic Missile
    [x] Brutal and Ruthless
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)00:58 No.17556596
    >I'm gonna post some that have actually happened in games I've played.
    >Implying the other achievements in here didn't happen, for the most part
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)01:03 No.17556631
    Mars Mission: Scare the shit out of your player's while telling the story.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)01:10 No.17556684
    rolled 2 = 2

    the best offense...: kill someone with a shield
    you're a she? :have your gender missed by other characters
    How meta : Your players destroy a train
    kindling : kill yourself by accidentally lighting yourself on fire
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)01:14 No.17556705
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    posting in an epic thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)03:02 No.17556873

    I just did the math and I have 80% of those achievements. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)03:41 No.17557077
    >Some serious shit: Intentionally introduce time travel to your campaign.
    DM did this in a two-year-long campaign after a timeskip during the summer intermission.

    >Blick Winkel: After having your PCs meet their future-selves at least twice, without using mind-control, the threat of Paradoxes or other GM-fiat, get them to perform all actions they saw their future-selves perform when you have them encounter their past-selves.
    We were the ones who discovered, recovered, and introduced the mcGuffin that destroyed the kingdom in the past (of the first campaign). It was us.

    Then we were fighting beholders over the course of two sessions, and we were horribly outclassed. After some out-of-session scheming, we decided to convince the DM to let us meet our future selves who would appear and save us from the beholders. It happened, and one of the PCs (Toryg) asked a future-PC: "Zephyr, where did you get that scar?"

    During later travels, Zephyr was eventually knocked unconscious and got a scar.

    During another encounter with future-ourselves, Zephyr asked future-Toryg: "Toryg, since when have you been female?" His response: "I've been one all along."

    After about five minutes of laughter, it was retconned.

    My Dorf character made a habit of bro-fisting his future self.

    When we came back to fight the beholders (yes, we did run that encounter), I got to brofist my past self. Shit was off the hook.

    >Great Scott!: Be perfectly consistent in your application of time travel throughout your entire campaign.
    This happened.

    >The Leap Home: End your campaign where it chronologically started.
    It was open-ended. After encountering a parallel dimension and Master of All Universes Forever, we had to punch Lawful Stupid Bahmut to stop him from turning the universe into lawful nothing. After that, our point of temporal reference was kind of skewed.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)03:44 No.17557084
    We also killed the dragon baby of the dragon that kept trying to follow and kill us in the future.

    Except the dragon was trying to kill our past selves, the ones who had no knowledge of time travel.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)03:58 No.17557141
    No, YOU are the demons: Attempt to kill who you think is "that guy" and piss off all your players in the process
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)04:10 No.17557224
    >Time to split
    Generate at least one object given from a future version of a character to his past version of himself that has no origin point
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)04:37 No.17557351

    My/my players' glorious collection of achievements. Anyone want to start making the tabletop version of PS3 platinum trophies?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)04:48 No.17557404
    Be A Family Man: Retire a character without having him/her killed.
    Nostalgia: Have the other players miss your retiree.
    1st Edition Was Better: Have the other players miss your retiree because your new character is far worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)04:48 No.17557408
    It's so crazy, it just might work: Black out while drinking during a game, still do your part and play in character
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)04:50 No.17557420
    Got that one a few weeks ago.

    The character is now referred to as 'Trainwreck'. When he beat the shit out of that train, the DM even quietly mumbled, 'That train was supposed to get away...'
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)05:00 No.17557470
    Not that famous: One of your players runs a 'gritty' electricity user.

    Work-in-progress: One of your players runs a 'morally gray' bio-user.

    Not everything is permitted: One of your players runs a Neutral or Good Assassin.

    Dammit, Salvatore!: One of your players runs a CG Drow.

    Sadly, all have been done in my group ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)05:03 No.17557497

    You Win D&D: Conquer the Nine Hells, the Abyss, and the Negative Energy Plane

    You Win Pathfinder: Kill Rovagug the Rough Beast.

    You Win Warhammer: Defeat the Chaos Gods and/or the Hive Mind.

    You Win CoC: Kill an Elder God. (current holders: 1)
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)05:17 No.17557567
    Pied Piper: Play as a bard and bring in your instrument of choice, playing songs as you use abilities

    I Hold The Fate Of Millions: Have a spell/ability with an AOE larger than 100 ft and does more than 20 damage.

    Cheaters Never Prosper: Look at the DM's campaign notes without them noticing

    Loose Lips Sink Ships: Use metaknowledge to ruin a romantic relationship between a character and an NPC.

    Stop Exploding You Cowards!: Have a PC or NPC get instagibbed.

    You Fool!: Use an incredibly powerful and unstable artifact, despite (not so) subtle hints not too.

    Speaking In Tongues: Know at least three languages.

    Master Of The Spoken Word: Know at least five languages

    Master Of The Unpronounceable: Know at least seven languages

    Diamond Dozen: Have enough value in equipment or money to be worth 12 astral diamonds.

    Icy What You Did There: Be encased, in a block of ice and survive.

    The Penitent Man Shall Pass: Disarm 50 traps.

    Master Of Unlocking: Pick 50 locks.

    Tastes Like Chicken: Consume the flesh of an aberration.

    I Hope My Liver Can Take It: Consume alcohol every time your character does for at least 5 sessions.

    Taste The Rainbow: Do seven types of damage at once.

    I Didn't Ask For This: Have your character lose a limb, and get it replaced by a mechanical equivalent.

    Screw The Whole Thing: Browse 4chan in the middle of a campaign.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)05:42 No.17557653
    Oops:Accidentally kill or cripple one of your players characters with a friendly NPC
    Fat Controller: Get caught railroading 3 times in the same campaign
    No one could have survived that: Have the BBEG fake his own death.
    MY PARENTS ARE DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAD: Everyone's' characters are orphans.
    Why can't we be friends: Players attack 5 different non-hostile NPCs
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:22 No.17558444
    Raise Dead Thread: Bump a thread twice on /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:37 No.17558540
    By Our Powers Combined: Run a campaign where all the PCs are based on a unifying theme.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:59 No.17558657
    Dark Heresy

    Game over, man!: Send PC's up against tyranids

    Bug hunt: PC's sucesfully survive three encounters with tyranids, no casualty.

    Get away from her, you bitch!: Pc's slay a hive-tyrant

    Ripley's Revenge: Pc's sucessfully kill a Hive-mind fragment.

    Weyland Yutani Employee of the Month: Tech priest sucessfully creates tyranid based servitors.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:14 No.17558768
    Divine Intervention - Go an entire session without rolling one above-average result

    Gordian Not - Have the campaign completely derailed into the players attempting to resolve a ten-minute sidequest

    Red Army Special - Run a game in which multiple PCs have the Leadership feat

    Civilization III.5 - Run a game in which ALL the PCs have the Leadership feat

    Diversification Is For Insects - Assemble an adventuring party based entirely around one niche
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:18 No.17560542
    This thread is pretty fantastic, so I'm going to bump it in the hopes more people can enjoy it, and possibly contribute.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:19 No.17560550
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:24 No.17560596
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:27 No.17560611
    bumpitty bump
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:28 No.17560619
    bumpitty bump bump
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:30 No.17560644
    bump bump bumpitty bump
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:32 No.17560656
    still bumping in the hopes someone who has seen this sees it
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:33 No.17560678
    OP here. Literally the only thing showing in this thread at the moment is bumps. Stop that shit. Let it die.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:35 No.17560694
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:37 No.17560710
    I wanted to let other posters see it. that's it. Either way, my attention span isn't large enough for me to continue, so this is my last post, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:37 No.17560714

    Learn how to delete. Bumptards gonna bump.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)14:08 No.17560998
    ...The fuck?
    You posted in fucking MINUTE INTERVALLS.
    Get Retalin, ffs. We are not your clowns.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)15:17 No.17561677
    Jesus fucking christ, 6 bumps in 20 minutes or something? The fuck man....
    Also this thing archived?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)16:26 No.17562427
    actual OP here, yeah it's on sup/tg/

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