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01/18/12(Wed)16:51 No.17587415 File1326923480.jpg-(175 KB, 826x1010, ATSKNF.jpg)
 >>17587343 Break marines into seventeen platoons of twenty, sixteen broken into two Strike Forces of eight platoons each commanded by a lieutenant, and one platoon commanded by ourself. The lieutenants and their commands are to thoroughly survey the geography, geology, resources and natives of all local worlds including our prospective homeworld. Ourself and our command platoon will stand in reserve, attend to paperwork, and handle communications with Adeptus presences and local leaders in the region. Librarians and psychic staff seconded to the Librarium are to be distributed equally throughout platoons to maximize communication ability. The lieutenants are to understand that this is NOT a permanent command structure, but a temporary arrangement for the duration of an operation, as the Codex permits. The goal is to create an accurate map of all resources, inanimate, technological, and human, at our immediate disposal. By direct, cooperative communication with the locals, we will maximize the human resources, and by accurate assessment of resources and systems we will lay the groundwork for future optimization. This is NOT an assumption of control over the region, only an assessment of resources in case of urgent need, ie homeworld siege. |