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!EGl50Sr6go 01/20/12(Fri)18:16 No.17610275 File1327101418.jpg-(205 KB, 848x658, bf8efa324bc4aa3ae18f89945bf431(...).jpg)
Equipment: Living armor (Your body) >Regenerative(Minor) >Arcane hearing(Hear things that aren't normally heard) >Arcane sight(See things that are left unseen) -If you have read a map of the area, it shall guide you to what location you want to go. Very General. >Consume (You can eat things, seems to be at random what works) >Creation (Using souls, you can create things) >Conversion (Gives items properties of your armor) >Flames of manipulation (You are wreathed in fire. Changes depending on your mood. Also has let you become a master of thermodynamics)
Your Cloak (Crimson) >Has hammer space storage. (Enough for half a shark) Currently contains a lockbox of treasure
Glaive (Your weapon, no name currently) >Converted into the same material as your body. >Blade has a ghostly white glow and can cut through stone >Same regenerative properties as your armor. >Can imbue it with the fire that surrounds you
Mercy(Your Horse) >A horse you made with the soul of a boy we killed in the entombed city >Can use the flames to a lesser extent -Uses them to walk on water, and shield his legs from harm. Also, Thermodynamics
Vengeance (Your metal Snake) >Born from the tortured soul of a creature you found in the tower, it begged you for a chance at revenge, to strike down the ones responsible for its plight. >Can control her size >Very quick (Spring at the old mage quicker than you could even catch)
Drei(Your interpreter) >Vengeance's sister >saved her from the tower >You have her a convered necklace that lets you mind talk with her >Short, brown skin, pointed ears, with green eyes with vertical pupils, sharp teeth and short white hair |