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01/21/12(Sat)01:42 No.17615695 File1327128171.jpg-(27 KB, 640x480, IronEngineer.jpg)
 The room was vast but dim, a yawning man-made cavern of metal that held a scattering of strange machines and devices at its center. These machines whirred and moved as they were adjusted and re-adjusted by a small crew of technicians who lovingly worked on them as if they were favored pets. While these men and women worked, an ever-growing throng of people clustered at a safe distance to watch, keeping to the cordons that separated the work areas from the audience. On the border between them was set up a booth beset with microphones and speakers, an extremely eager looking young man in an oil stained work jumpsuit sitting besides a rather nervous looking young woman with glasses in the same.
“Centuries ago, three men had a dream!” the young man bellowed to the audience, all but jamming the microphone in his hand to his mouth. “To create an arena where engineers and inventors would create fantastic new devices never before seen, dazzling the world with their creativity and innovation! Today, that dream is a reality in the founding of the Radium Stadium, th-”
“Marv, it's just cargo-hold fifteen with some tables and chairs set up...”the young woman protested. The young man, Marv winced, glaring at her.
“Jennifer, don't you ruin this for me.”
“I'm just saying!” she said, putting up her hands.
“Anyway, these three men will judge the worthiness of those who rise to challenge their mastery of engineering! These-”
“I don't think this is how that show works anyway, it-”
“Jennifer, shut up, I swear to God. Anyway, these men are here today to find out if among our modest engineering team...” Marv suddenly deepened his voice and gestured with his free hand over the work-arena. “...there might be an IRON ENGINEER!!!” |