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01/25/12(Wed)15:17 No.17671612 File1327522622.jpg-(11 KB, 513x389, claydevil.jpg)
 As I said before I'm going to use the necromunda rulebook for my campaign.
Every toy starts with a stat line of a kid, these stats are now altered buy the choice of race and class.
Races alter mainly the basic stat line whereas classes add two random skills from a certain skill list.
Plastic: Passive: -1 strength to enemy fire attacks , +1 strength to received blunt damage, -1 strenth to received cutting attacks, 4+ armor save , + 1 toughness
Active: +1 strength unarmed Plushy: Passive: Immunity towards blunt attacks, +3 to charisma, +2 to received fire attacks, +2 Life points
Active: -1 strength armed (close combat), -2 strength unarmed(close combat), +2 strength for physical tests like lifting a toy car Electronical toys:
+ 4 to a stat of your choice or 2x +2 +1 Toughness Are allowed to be seen by humans during movement Need batteries or other sources of energy +2 strength to received water attacks, +1 strength to received fire attacks |