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    6 KB The Field of Blades quest III Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)19:34 No.17700413  
    Previous threads:

    You are Rend, a Scimitar given a mind through the sheer effort of your forging, and your creators overflowing passion. You are found by a young girl named Adel after several decades of sitting in an old battleground, and agreed to let her wield you.

    Because she cannot return home for the time being, Adel has decided to take to the road, to see wonders and learn the songs of the world. Your travels have brought you to the capitol of Citadel.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)19:39 No.17700477
    Awww, yeah. Field of Blades Quest err day.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)19:43 No.17700502
    Perhaps Chlem's family can help finding buyers for the goods that we saved. As established brewers, they likely have good contacts with the other merchants of the city.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)19:43 No.17700504
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    Go on...
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)19:46 No.17700543

    > Sentient blade
    >Can project your consciousnesses on people to mind talk with them
    >REALLY fucking sharp
    >So sharp you can cut through magic

    >Your wielder
    >Getting rather good at using you; a natural
    >Leather armor
    >At least 20 silver peices
    >a horse drawn wagon filled with pepper, grain and hides

    >A caravan guard Adel saved
    >Both his legs have been broken
    >His family owns a brewery in Citadel
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)19:48 No.17700561
    Field, did you read the last posts from the second thread yet? Stuff happened!
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)19:52 No.17700621
    OOC stuff. Despite being so sharp, Rend can be a little dull when it comes to reasoning out clues. He doesn't see the signs regarding Adel's emotions and Marla's history, even though we do, which is something that I actually find adorable about this quest.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)19:55 No.17700658
    That was punderful.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)19:57 No.17700682
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)19:59 No.17700708
    You don't need to f5 hard, just often.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:02 No.17700743

    Well, for now. Later on we can stop, unless the F5 key is something you can live without after hammering it into a useless nub over 3 days.
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)20:08 No.17700816
    I did read, and I'm impressed with that "Now get the hell of my mountain." If you want Marla could have mentioned that to Adel during some point.

    Approaching the gate, you notice a large lineup, of wagons and such. They are getting searched by guards, yet no one seems to be passing through. Clem curses, and Adel just looks confused. "Clem, what is it?"

    Clicking his tongue, Clem replies "I remember hearing about Green Tide infiltrators breaking through out boarders, but in the last village they were talking about Orc skinchangers assassinating high ranking officials INSIDE Citadel." he curses again "Looks like the gate might be closed...."

    Adel looks unsure as four heavily armed guards approach the wagon, and squeezes your grip.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:09 No.17700823
    Let's get Clem to his folks, see if they can help us sell our load of salvage. Also we ought to get Adel some armor, as I suggested last thread some light brigandine and chain or at least some good cloth and leather.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:10 No.17700843

    We could suggest that Clem could try to use his connections to his family inside to get us past the gate.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:16 No.17700903
    Well suggest that Adel keep her cool, be polite, ask why the gate is closed and for how long, see if Clem can help out about getting through. This is definitely a diplomacy situation.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:17 No.17700915
    What are the salvage laws in this area? Would Adel taking the horse and wagon after that disaster be considered legal? If so, let the wagon be searched - we actually don't have anything in it to hide, surprisingly.
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)20:18 No.17700933
    She was employed in the caravan, so she and clem are well within their rights to save what they can and bring it along the way.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:20 No.17700945
    Was the caravan an independent caravan or part of a trading company? If it's the latter, we may have to return the wagon, its contents, and the horse to the trading house in town. They'll probably give us our 30 silver coins of additional pay, but that's all. I hope it was an independent caravan.
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)20:21 No.17700958
    You didn't notice, it was just the one caravan leader though, so it is quite possible he was independent.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.17700968
    Let's see what they have to say. We can tell Adel that there's no reason to be afraid, they're probably more scared of us than you are of them, considering the fact they're not letting anyone through.


    I was looking at that and was thinking:

    >woman with a giant sword
    >possibly wanted to learn a technique called northern broad strike, which SOUNDS like a "using a big fucking sword" technique
    >implied she was young at the time

    Did she learn it? Eventually maybe? Perhaps we could do a dream/flashback scene to Adels and Marlas training time.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.17700972
    Then let's suggest Adel let them search the wagon. And to not look like she's about the draw her blade - it could make the guards nervous.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.17700975

    Check the cart for any sort of marking. Or ask Clem, maybe he knows?
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)20:25 No.17701005
    Heeding Mr. Angry mountain's words, I would say she probably made her own "northern broad strike", as it sounds like something Marla would do.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:27 No.17701028

    Striking like only a woman of the north can. A northern broad strike
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:29 No.17701056

    True. I wish marla had stuck around a bit longer, I hope we run into her again.

    So, these guards?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:31 No.17701074

    That's so much funnier than it should be lol
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.17701142
    Cooperate for now.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)20:39 No.17701167

    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)21:01 No.17701391

    >"Try not to seem threatening, if what Clem says is true, then these guards are suspecting everyone. Let them search the cart, its really only thing you can do."

    "But what if they find out that this wagon isn't actually mine?" She says nervously "Actually" Clem pipes up "Old man Dean ran his own trade routes. Didn't even own a company, just ran the routes for something too do."

    Adel stares at him for a second, realization dawning on her that to others she has been talking to herself or her sword this past month. Turning red, she turns her head away and stammers out "A-ANYWAYS! We have nothing to hide if thats the case then." Clem nods as the guards approach.

    "What brings you to Citadel, Girl." The lead man says, obviously an officer or something similar.
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)21:02 No.17701402
    >"....Shocktroops? Things must be dire if they are guarding the city."

    Clearing her throat, Adel answers "I have goods to sell here, and have an injured man who needs to see a healer." Clem pipes in "I have family here sir, I'm Richard Brewlard's nephew." The lead man cocks an eyebrow "Brewlard's nephew?" then a slow smile creeps across his face "Little Clementine has finally come back to learn the ways of the Brew from his uncle has he? Heheh, haven't seen you since you were about this big." He shows with his hand.

    Moving over, he inspects Clem, and sucks in air "Clem, what the hell happened to you?" Clem looks at his ruined legs for a moment before replying "I wanted to make a bit of silver on the trip over, so I signed up to guard this caravan that was heading to Citadel, but passed through that fucking forest.....They got me, and dropped me. If it wasn't for Ms. Adel here, I would have died there."

    The officer comes back around to Adel and takes a good look at her, regarding her with experienced eyes. Taking in her deep green eyes, mess of black hair and tight figure, letting his eyes settle on you. "Thats a fine blade Miss. I have to thank you for saving my friends nephew." Straightening, he continues with business "I'm afraid that you can't enter the city, but you can stay within the outer walls for the time being, in the guard quarter. Only the important and injured are allowed this treatment, and I extend this to you because you rescued this man."

    He turns with his men and starts walking towards a smaller side gate, motioning for Adel to follow. "They didn't even search us....." She mutters.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)21:09 No.17701492
    "Now might be a good time to ask if he knows of a good place to have a proper sheath commissioned, Adel. You sleep so close to me that I worry sometimes about you accidentally cutting yourself in your sleep. I would feel... awful if I was to blame for you getting hurt. A military officer might have a good idea of who to go to."
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)21:13 No.17701532
    >I would feel... awful if I was to blame for you getting hurt.

    It feels like she might take this the wrong way, like we are being sarcastic or something. Might just be me though
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)21:21 No.17701599
    Ah, then allow me to correct myself. The ellipses represent an emotional pause as Rend searches for the right word to express himself. He doesn't get quite the right word, since he's bad with feelings, even his own, but he gets close.
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)21:22 No.17701621
    I knew what you meant.
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)22:07 No.17702120

    Adel gets the horse to start trotting after them. "Rorrik the Tall, I can't believe that old bastard is still alive." Clem says shaking his head in disbelief.

    >""Now might be a good time to ask if he knows of a good place to have a proper sheath commissioned, Adel. You sleep so close to me that I worry sometimes about you accidentally cutting yourself in your sleep. I would feel... awful if I was to blame for you getting hurt. A military officer might have a good idea of who to go to."

    She cocks her head sideways at your wording, a slight smile playing across her face "Right...but I have no idea what kind of scabbard you would need....something that will cover you but not touch the blade?" She muses mostly to you but to herself a little.

    >"I'm not familiar with it myself, Andrei used to just keep getting new ones."

    "I suppose this Rorrik might know..." She says drawing the wagon up to the second gate. Rorrik shouts some orders out, and the gate opens, and you enter Citadel once more.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)22:31 No.17702435
    Let's have some of the military docs take a look at Clem, make sure that his legs are properly braced and stuff. We don't want them healing wrong. Even if there's some irreparable damage, it's better he walk with a limp and a cane than not walk again at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)22:37 No.17702523
    Besides looking out for clems wellbeing, is there anything else of importance going on? Or interesting people of note?
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)22:43 No.17702587
    The situation with then Orc Infiltrators.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)23:02 No.17702829
    I think it's time to try out our telepathy. We know we can project thoughts and, to a limited degree, passively detect thoughts directed at us. Let's see if we can actively skim thoughts. Pick random soldiers/commoners to try to skim the surface thoughts of. Telepathy is far too interesting to just accept without experimentation.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)23:02 No.17702834

    we should find someone who knows what those things in the forest were
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)23:09 No.17702909
    Roll for it. 1d100
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)23:10 No.17702928
    rolled 26 = 26

    Here goes.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)23:13 No.17702975
    rolled 83 = 83


    Might as well roll.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)23:14 No.17702991
    rolled 22 = 22

    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)23:15 No.17703003
    rolled 45 = 45

    Are we shooting high or low?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)23:16 No.17703011
    rolled 78 = 78

    Does this stand any chance of hurting us if we roll badly enough? I suppose that's metagame knowledge either way...
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)23:16 No.17703015
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)23:17 No.17703023
    rolled 17 = 17

    Well, this guy's in the bottom 25%, so that's good, at least.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)23:25 No.17703127
    Anyone else going to roll, or is it resolution time?
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)23:37 No.17703274
    The talk of the skinchangers had been bothering you since Clem first mentioned them. So once you entered the guard quarter of the city, you tried something you have never tried before while Adel spoke to Rorrik about commissioning a sheath. Focusing yourself, you tried to stretch out your conciseness on those that you passed, trying to draw their thoughts out to you, not the opposite that you normally do.

    Instead all you got was a moment of intense concentration and several started people staring around frantically looking for the person yelling "COMMON YOU BASTARD!" into their ear.

    >"Well that could have gone better."

    <"Whats wrong Rend?">

    >"Oh nothing, just seeing if I could find our intruders.....Wait, Adel?"

    Adel scrunches her eyebrows together.

    <"....Well this is odd. Could you have done this, this entire time?">

    >"I don't know. But this is convenient."

    Adel's face suddenly goes beat red as if she realizes something, and seems to panic.

    <"D-D-Does this mean you can read my thoughts?!">

    >"No...from what I can tell we are just conversing as we would be normally. Can you read mine?"


    She seems to calm down a little.

    {You have gained a bond with your wielder! You can now freely converse}
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)23:42 No.17703333
    "It's too bad we can't read each other's minds. I assume it would be even faster than the telepathic exchange of words. I'll see if I can fortify the link between us to that end at a later date. At any rate, did Rorrik have any suggestions regarding the commissioning of a scabbard? I was concentrating instead of paying attention to him."
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/27/12(Fri)23:55 No.17703465

    >"It's too bad we can't read each other's minds. I assume it would be even faster than the telepathic exchange of words. I'll see if I can fortify the link between us to that end at a later date. At any rate, did Rorrik have any suggestions regarding the commissioning of a scabbard? I was concentrating instead of paying attention to him."

    This doesn't seem to comfort Adel at all, oddly enough, but she pushes through it with a soft cough.

    <"It seems that there is a former blacksmith here in Citadel that is familiar with the type of scabbard we are looking for. He owns a tavern in the main area of the city, however we can't leave here for an undisclosed amount of time. Also, once we get to the barracks they will take Clem off our hands and bring him to the healer.">
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)00:00 No.17703514
    "It's good that his family has connections here. He'll surely be treated to the most competent healers available. I'll be honest, investigative talent isn't something swords are terribly renowned for. I don't know if I'll be able to help clear up this orc business. We may have to find things to do here in the outer wall for some time before we're actually let into the city."
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)00:14 No.17703647

    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/28/12(Sat)00:15 No.17703657
    >""It's good that his family has connections here. He'll surely be treated to the most competent healers available. I'll be honest, investigative talent isn't something swords are terribly renowned for. I don't know if I'll be able to help clear up this orc business. We may have to find things to do here in the outer wall for some time before we're actually let into the city."

    <"I'm glad we got here in one piece, but I'm wondering about what we will DO for the next while. I mean, I don't imagine there is anything worthwhile in this quarter, besides maybe a tavern.">

    You reach a building Rorrik was guiding you too, and he beckons Adel to dismount and follow him in.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)00:18 No.17703699
    "Perhaps now would be a good chance to learn some new songs and stories. After all, if you're to be stuck in a tavern, you may as well be productive. You might even learn some legitimate information about geography and distant lands. You'll need an eventual destination in mind if you want to keep exploring. Will you be buying a fiddle in the city? I'm interested in hearing you play."
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)00:21 No.17703727

    Rest, for one. Then think about where to go next, if we can't get in the actual town. Always look to the future, while keeping the past in memory.
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/28/12(Sat)00:40 No.17703873

    >"Perhaps now would be a good chance to learn some new songs and stories. After all, if you're to be stuck in a tavern, you may as well be productive. You might even learn some legitimate information about geography and distant lands. You'll need an eventual destination in mind if you want to keep exploring. Will you be buying a fiddle in the city? I'm interested in hearing you play."

    She smiles shyly as she dismounts the wagon, some guards come up to collect Clem. She waves goodbye and promises to come visit if they don't see each other again before she leaves. "Remember what Marla said about the man in the mountain." He winked at her as they carried him off.

    <"I...I wouldn't mind playing for you. Though its been a long time, I'm sure I'm probably no good now.">
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)00:48 No.17703945
    "Well, you certainly won't get any better by not-playing. Let's see what else Rorrik has to say."
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)00:52 No.17704002
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    I'm glad that Rend is a truly elegant blade.
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/28/12(Sat)01:25 No.17704364

    >"Well, you certainly won't get any better by not-playing. Let's see what else Rorrik has to say."


    She follows Rorrik into a small room, an office, where he takes a seat behind a desk and beckons her to take a seat as well. He folds his hands before speaking "I'm afraid that you will be unable to enter the city at least until we are sure you are....safe." Adel raises her eyebrows "How could you think that I would be not safe? I brought Clem here." Sighing he began to explain "Well, these are turbulent times. As you know, there was never a clear victor in the war with the Orcs, we merely forced them out of our lands. Even still, they continue to send assassins through our lines and slay high ranking government officials. We can't be too careful."

    He massages his temples with his thumbs "However, I do no believe for a second that an Orc assassin would make a trek through that forest with an injured man on his back. So I shall allow you to stay within the walls, until a time that I have deemed you safe to pass into the inner city. There is a travelers inn here that you can stay in, over by the gate heading into the main city. You will have to pay for your own food and bed however."

    Adel considers for a moment "What of Clem?" Rorrik makes a gesture with his hand "Clem has people here that can confirm his identity, you however, do not." Adel nods "Very well sir, you are kind of letting me stay. If there is nothing else, it has been a very long journey, and I would like to rest." Rorrik stands and opens the door for her "Tell Nan I said hello." He smiles a tired smile.

    Making your way back to the wagon, you set out to find the inn.
    >> Field !/MRkaMGfyI 01/28/12(Sat)01:26 No.17704374
    I'm stopping here for the night.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)01:28 No.17704397

    Hopefully nothing bad happens when we get to the tavern, like say orc assassins identifying rend for what he is and attacking us.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)01:33 No.17704455
    I'm sure Andrei has quite the reputation with the Orcs.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)01:42 No.17704559
    "I hope that the inn doesn't cost too much per day - or, better, if you can buy a full week of room and board for a discount. Have you ever been in a city before?"
    >> Starshadow 01/28/12(Sat)05:31 No.17706409
    Hmm, well if the cart is impounded Adel will have to find some work. I doubt she could aid directly, but she should try to find out exactly why the gates are shut. This could at least tell her how long she will need to wait.
    >> Starshadow 01/28/12(Sat)09:44 No.17707952
    I wonder how rare that pepper is. If that could be sold then living expenses wouldn't be an issue for a long time. Clem's family might want the grain for brewing.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:01 No.17708057
    The gates must be shut for a good reason. Perhaps there's a war looming?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:18 No.17709025
    Its already been said by two different people. Its shut because Orc skin changers keep getting through and killing people.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:31 No.17709117
    The pepper, furs, and grain will sell for a small fortune. The problem is that there won't be any buyers here in the outer wall. We need to get into the city proper to sell all of this stuff. Adel might very well need to get a job until we're let through into the city.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)13:55 No.17709892
    So, will this become Spice and Wolf: Sword Edition? Because I am perfectly fine with that. More than fine, actually.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:25 No.17710165
    If only field wasn't a lazy cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)14:30 No.17710213
    While Spice and Wolf was Trading>Exploring>Combat, we seem to be Exploring>Combat>Trading. What combat we've had, though, has been of the OH GOD OH GOD ARE WE GOING TO DIE I THINK WE SHOULD JUST RUN NOW variety. I like that - feels like real combat.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:49 No.17710846
    Yeah, running a quest every single day and having the nerve to stop for work and sleep. Fucking lazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:49 No.17710847
    Adel should spend time training with guards if there is nothing else to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)15:52 No.17710854
    I was talking about how it sometimes takes him almost an hour to update if he is here.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)16:12 No.17711040
    God forbid someone might take time to make sure the post they are writing for the quest isn't rushed and half-ass.
    >> Starshadow 01/28/12(Sat)16:26 No.17711169
    Not everyone types at the speed of light. And that doesn't make them any less qualified to run a quest.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)16:27 No.17711180
    This is honestly fucking abysmal.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)16:46 No.17711360
    >Stop liking what I don't like!
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)19:09 No.17712914
    Just making sure it doesn't fall off the end of /tg/ before Field comes back.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:13 No.17714430
    I love to like what you don't like, friend.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)23:30 No.17715986
    Keeping this alive for Field.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)01:26 No.17717174
    It's been 24 hours since Field has been here regaling us with tales of Rend and Adel. I am sad.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)01:31 No.17717233
    Just an opinion, no need to get your ass in the air about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)01:36 No.17717271
    Actually, it was stated as a fact, not an opinion. You said:
    "This is honestly fucking abysmal."
    You didn't say:
    "I think this is honestly fucking abysmal."
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)01:44 No.17717342

    Then do as a favor and keep your opinions to yourself.
    >> Starshadow 01/29/12(Sun)03:18 No.17718202
    Badabumb. Hope OP returns tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:54 No.17721072
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    Hey Field, Are you finished with those errands?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:56 No.17721084

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