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01/28/12(Sat)16:44 No.17711341 File1327787052.jpg-(1.49 MB, 2592x1936, youjustwalkeddownthewrongalley(...).jpg)
 "So, I think I can wrap this case up."
"Good, I've had enough of being stuck down here in this stinking dungeon. So you say you've found the killer?"
"I did, I did. He was very careful, you see. Dragged that poor halfling down here, probably promising her some money to help her father...he has a bad leg you, know."
"Yes, yes. Everyone knows about Mr. Briar and his his old sword wound. What does that have to do with this?"
"Well, never mind that. What I think is, someone lured that girl down here, and this is the smart bit. You ready for the smart bit?"
"Yes. Dwarf-Columbo. Please get on with it!"
"The smart bit is once she was down here, whoever killed her probably snuffed the lamp, and the poor girl wandered into the cell in the darkness. Then, the killer, lets just call him a "he" for now, he used mage hand to trigger the trap door...no fingerprints, you see."
"No fingerprints? So you're saying you don't have any evidence?"
"Now, I didn't say that. I never said that. What I said was the killer thought he was being smart by not putting a hand on the lever. But, you see, and this is the clever bit, magic like that...it leaves a kind of residue. Like soot. A residue that, with the right combination of magical ingredients, can be traced back to the person who cast the spell."
"Oh...oh really? I hadn't heard of anything like that!"
"Well, you wouldn't, not being a magic user yourself. You did say you can't use magic, didn't you?"
"O-Of course not. Its never run in my family."
"Well, anyways, I have some of it here, and all I have to do is sprinkle a bit, like this, on the lever. Then, we wait."
"Well, I-I don't have time to wait. I have a very important meeting to get t-"
"Hey, that's right! That meeting with the banker...hey, doesn't he own the house that girl and her father lived in? I remember her saying he was trying to sell it out from under them..."
"I wouldn't know. I don't discuss that sort of thing with clients." |