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01/30/12(Mon)06:00 No.17734271 File1327921218.jpg-(32 KB, 415x476, Shalelu.jpg)
 Pleb appeasing trash. You have steered our race into every conceivable mistake, and you have given the humans every conceivable advantage, and now you advocate a return to form six hundred years after it's too late?
How do you propose we cull their numbers you ignorant glade-floorer? With our army? Oh wait, we don't do mandatory Ranger service anymore. It used to be that just BEING an elf was a sign that one was as capable as a human ranger, we were a class all our own, every man woman and child learned swordsmanship and archery from birth, there was no such thing as an "elvish healer," there was no such thing as a, a, a fucking Druid, what the fuck, I'm so angry I can't even talk straight, this was YOUR idea, the idea of you, and people like you, who don't look to the future, you only think about your pleasures today, about how to best spoil your brats and maximize the amount of human cock you can suck tonight, heedless of the inevitability of the destruction you subject us to.
Now that you've successfully wasted the childhoods of five generations of elves with this wishy-washy namby pampby subsistence agriculture bullshit, taking away everything that made Elfdom great, teaching our people that we OWE something to the fucking humans just because we spent a few hundred years doing to others before they could do to us, now that you've spent a millennium making every concession to those round eared cunts rather than terrifying them in their mud huts and occasionally raping the cute ones, as we should have always been doing, they outnumber us thirty to one. They've got more infrastructure than we do, they've got more territory than we do, and they're no longer afraid of us.
And NOW you want to act? Newsflash faggot, you can't undo a thousand years of social decay in an afternoon of legislation. |