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  • File : 1328370359.jpg-(134 KB, 1024x768, sqtitle.jpg)
    134 KB Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)10:45 No.17801814  
    Spider Quest time!

    Link to the earlier threads:

    You are a little female jumping spider named Bibi currently living inside a hole in a tree, with your mate Dorpou, your eight young siblings, your newborn brood of spiderlings and your pet centipede Isaac.
    In addition to your family, the hole also is a home for old spider named Ranou, who agreed to let you stay there, and a honorable warrior ladybug named Andor.

    In the last session while you searched for food you found a caterpillar stuck in your web. The prey was also contested by a parasitic wasp, who you allowed to lay her eggs to the caterpillar, in exchange of information and alliance.

    After this, you continued your search for food, by catching two aphids that you brought back to your home. Along the way, you also slew an ant following you, and used it's body as a distraction for any would be followers, so that they wouldn't find your nest.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)10:46 No.17801825
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    You and Dorpou are currently hanging out near your nest in the tree hole, after talking with Andor about the logistics of your future aphid farm.

    >How this works.
    Suggest an action and then depending how feasible it is, the spider will act.

    You are just an ordinary spider in moder day earth. You have no special powers, other than your intellect.

    Making silk costs proteins, which you can restore by eating. Your mate has his own protein reserves. You both have currently 95% if your reserves.

    You can upgrade your nest with silk.Your nest currently has the following improvements:
    >Small rudimentary web nest:
    >Storage chamber
    -20 units of food, 3 chitin plates.
    >8 slingshots.
    >Trap webs near the base of the tree.
    >Aphid pen.
    -5 aphids.

    You also need to feed your family.
    Your siblings, brood and Isaac combined require 15 units of food per day. They are fed for this day however.

    What do will you do next?
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)10:48 No.17801838

    After all that you have been through?
    That would be quite out of your character.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)10:50 No.17801855
    rolled 60 = 60

    Well, we're going to need more food, definitely.

    But what source do we go for?

    I vote we make a net and snag a water-strider or two.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)10:57 No.17801915

    Do you take Dorpou with you?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:05 No.17801990
    rolled 99 = 99

    Sure. The faster we can bring in food, and the more we do, the better off we'll be.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:07 No.17802009
    So many nokos.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)11:08 No.17802018
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    You and Dorpou head to the pond.
    You can see multiple water-striders idly "doing that weird thing how they move across water".

    Your intention is to build a net to catch them, but what sort of a net? A passive trap like one, one more suitable for active fishing?
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)11:20 No.17802123
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    You are there.
    What kind of a net will it be?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:27 No.17802183
    Fishing spider time!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:28 No.17802188
    Threads rather slow today
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:29 No.17802193
    Man.. I haven't been keeping up with these threads.. How is Motorcycle, heir to our Spider Empire, doing these days? Will he live up to our expectations?
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)11:32 No.17802219
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    You weave a simple fishing net and throw it to the pond.
    It costs you both 5 protein.

    Roll 1d10 for successful catch.
    Number to beat 7 (you have never fished before).
    The highest of first three will be applied.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:33 No.17802224
    rolled 8 = 8

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:34 No.17802228
    rolled 2 = 2

    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)11:34 No.17802230

    You are jet to name any of your offspring and it seemed that the general consensus among the players was that a name should be only given to those who start to stand out from the rest, or that getting one's name should be some sort of maturation ritual.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:40 No.17802267
    Spiderquest! Awesome!
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)11:40 No.17802270
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    You catch two water-striders.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:42 No.17802282
    Oh god these two things in the middle of the pond look like eyes of a frog. Better be ready to abscond fastly if it really is one. It would most certainly go for water bugs anyway but better be ready.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)11:43 No.17802291

    Part of post vanished!

    Anyways, one strider is worth 10 food units. Will you attempt to hunt for more, or will you take these two back to your nest?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:46 No.17802314
    Call it a day; we want to spread our hunts across the different prey groups to ensure we have enough to hunt for tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)11:48 No.17802335

    I forgot how much food our combined family and Ranou need. Is 20 Food enough for a day? If not we may want to consider getting more. Maybe more Waterstriders if the population of them is big enough. Overfishing is never a good Idea.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)12:00 No.17802433
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    You return to your nest with your catch just as Andor is about to depart.
    "I am going for a hunt. I might bring some leaves with me when I get back for the aphids. I also let your wasp friend inside. She is near the water hole."

    20 units of food is pretty much what all of you will consume. You and Dorpou require about 2 units of food a day, as your growth spurt has mostly passed, your siblings, brood and Isaac combined need 15 units, as they are all growing and Ranou, being old, needs very little sustenance. 1-2 units of food per day.

    You will need more food if any of you makes a lot of silk however, as silk consumes proteins, that can only be replenished with food. For 5 food units you will replenish 15 protein.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)12:02 No.17802451
    Deposit the food safely away and then go see our precarious Wasp ally.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)12:07 No.17802487
    Well Ranou is a proper web building spider. We are but mere amateurs in web-using. Maybe he could teach us some of his skills and tricks so that we can get a level-up in webbing :3
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)12:16 No.17802545
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    You store the striders to the storage chamber.
    >40 food units, 3 chitin plates.

    You also go and see your new friend. Dorpou says that he'd rather not deal with that "dumbass parasitic imbecile" right now, and goes to check on your young.

    "Your home, is like SO cool! I have never even had a home before! This is so awesome! We can, like stay out of rain, and, and hide all kinds of stuff in here and, and have this like totally GREAT set up in this hole!"
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)12:21 No.17802574
    "Yes, it is sweet." :3

    "However..." >:3

    "...you have to pull your own weight if you live here. Parasitic though you may be, you'll be no free-loader in this tree. But don't worry; we'll put you to good work." :3

    "First, some more information. Have you ever seen anything bright or out of place nearby? Something that looks like it can be moved in small quantities or dismantled like the great white splash inside the shed." Basically, we must begin our empire with pictures and a writing system to educate our children. To do that, we need some writing materials, like paint or some fine, reflective material that we can stick to the wall.
    >> Slushed 02/04/12(Sat)12:22 No.17802582
    Ask the wasp what defense strategy would be good against those hostile wasps
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)12:23 No.17802593
    Yay, spider quest!
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)12:41 No.17802728
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    You inform her that she'll have to be useful if she wishes to stay.

    "Yeah, yeah. Off course I will try to help, I am not a squatter or anything like that! It would be like rude and stuff, to just stay here and not do anything."

    You ask her about unusual colored stuff.

    "Well, maybe. Few days ago I, like, saw the giants carry around some weird thing full of really nasty smelling red stuff, and then, like, smearing it over the shed so it became really red and sticky. Many flies and other stupid fliers got like totally stuck and then wasps came and took them away.
    The giants left the red stuff near the shed like a day ago."


    "Against the wasps? Honey, no offense, but you got, like nothing on the wasps. There are like many tens of them! Maybe even hundreds! If they want to come here, they will!
    I guess you could, like build nets and stuff, so that they would get stuck, but there are still like so many of them!

    They are like fighting against the bees like all the time though, so they probably wouldn't come here anyways."
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)12:45 No.17802751

    Sorry if I am rather slow today.
    I'll try to pick up speed.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)12:48 No.17802779
    Good to hear about the bees. If one comes knocking on our day, then we'll just beseech the other. Soon, however, they will have to contend with the Dancing Spider Empire!

    "Can you tell me where you saw this red stuff? Also, do you know where I can find small seeds? I need them."
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)12:50 No.17802792
    I meant door.
    >> Slushed 02/04/12(Sat)12:55 No.17802836

    Oh no, many tens its bad! Hundreds might be worse!

    How large are the chitin plates? We could start working on two sets of chitin armor, One piece for a helmet and two for abdomen armor...
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)13:04 No.17802918
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    The red stuff is near the shed.

    "What kind of seeds?"


    The plates are quite large. If you find a way to cut or carve them, you could make most of the armor just from one plate.

    You need sharp things to cut the chitin, luckily you found some sharp stuff in the bird's nest.
    Making it more easily moldable would also help, as it is currently rather stiff material, making it hard to manipulate.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)13:06 No.17802935
    "Small seeds; seeds that you can see someone like me or my husby carrying. Don't let our small size fool you, however." :3
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)13:15 No.17803021
    That many bees and wasps are bad news, that's true. Especially considering that we will eventually get their attention. We don't know if it will be days or month, but someday they will find us.

    We should really consider to start building the glorious scarecrow soon. We shuld get food and materials for that. Food because we may need lot's of protein for setting up ropes to fasten the dead bird into place. And small points of sticky web to fasten leaves unto the bird skeleton to make them look like feathers.
    And we may need to contruct pulleys, to get the heavy bird bones in place. So...lot's to do if we really want to do it. But the payoff may be awesome. Not only will it look great and be a monument to spiderkind and the prowess of our empire, no it will also most likely keep curious insects away. It will maybe even keep other birds away!

    We should Ranou ask for help in this project. He is way better in all things WEB then us.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)13:17 No.17803037
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    She says that the only place she can think of right now is under the berry bushes, as the berries contain small seeds. They are however heavily contested by all kinds of creatures, such as ants for example, and thus, the area near the bushes isn't very safe.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)13:19 No.17803046
    "Well, here's something you can do for us, than. Care to go retrieve some seeds? We only really need two, but the more the better. You can have all the berry around it if you so desire." :3
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)13:26 No.17803100
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    "Well, I guess I could do that. Not like it would be hard for me or anything. I'll be of then! See you later darling!"

    She flies off.

    You go to Ranou in order to ask him for help in the project SCARECROW, and general advice in things related to silk.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)13:36 No.17803163
    Soon...soon, our form will litter the walls and strike fear and awe into the hearts of our children...
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)13:42 No.17803229
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    You climb to Ranou's web.

    "What brings you here, young one?"

    You tell him that you seek his help, and general advice regarding webs. You explain your plans for the bird bones, and how you feel that in order for the project scarecrow to succeed, you need his help.

    "You are quite ambitious. I will try to aid as best as I can, but an endeavor of that magnitude is far from guaranteed to succeed. Tell me what I should do, and I will try to come up with something.

    Regarding general advice, I can give you this tip.
    Conserving silk is the key to success. Always try to make the strings you lay to do as much as they can. An individual strand can be both a support strand as a walkway. There is no need to waste web on redundant structures, as nothing we ever build will last the test of time.

    >Webbing skill increased.
    From now on, your silk structures will consume 3 units less proteins than before.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)13:46 No.17803276

    "It's really easy, actually. It'll just take a bit of upkeep every now and then." Explain to him the principle of bones, and how they are meant to be supported by flesh and organs. Since the bird will eventually decay, we'll need something fill the space and a way to keep the exterior still looking bird-like. Leaves could serve as an interior support while sun exposure might dry out the bird's skin.

    "Also, Ranou; when's your birthday?" :3c
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)13:53 No.17803368

    The bird aleady IS a skeleton if I remember the picture correctly. What we wold need to make it stand errect at the entrance of our treehole....would be to fasten the bird bones together with web and/or glue, more web and maybe wood to support the structure, pulleys to heave it in place, again glue or web to get the artificial feathers to stick tightly to the bird.......and the finishing touch would again be strong strings of web, to support and secure the whole thing.

    It may not succeed yeah. We have to live with that. But IF it succeeds it will surely pay of our effort manyfold with increased safety.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)13:55 No.17803392
    If that's the case, we can encrust the bird's skeleton in the paint that we'll try to get since paint has a natural adhesive in it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)13:56 No.17803405

    The wasp mentioned red paint. Maybe we could even use that for gluing purposes concerning the "feathers" a coat of red paint would even make the leaves less prone to decay.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)13:57 No.17803415
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    You try to explain how you think the inner workings of the bird are supposed to be, and how you are planning to make it work.

    "Sounds feasible, but this deed will still requite much time and great effort."

    You also ask when is his birthday.
    He is slightly surprised at the question.
    "Hmm, I don't recall. We never celebrated birthdays in my clan, as we all were born the same day. I hatched three summers ago, in one of the flower bushes behind this tree, but that is all I can remember."
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:01 No.17803467
    "Well, ok...expect a gift." :3

    With that, let's return to our husband and the children.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)14:13 No.17803605
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    After promising Ranou a gift, you say good bye, and go to your nest.

    The majority of your brood and siblings are still resting. The few that are awake are playing with Isaac or eating. Dorpou is watching over them.

    What do you do now?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:15 No.17803620
    While we wait for the wasp to return, let's teach our children the dance of our people.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:15 No.17803622
    Explore the crown of the tree we're living in. We have no idea what kind of stuff is living upstairs.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:17 No.17803655
    Dancing lession, I agree! By doing our arm-wave-cance our empire begun and this tradition has to live up!

    And dacing is fun! And cute. :3
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:21 No.17803683
    you keep using that emoticon. I do not think it means what you think it means.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:22 No.17803693
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    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)14:27 No.17803722
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    You teach your brood the dance of their people. Or at least to those who are currently awake.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:28 No.17803734

    Cuddle up for something to happen or go exploring like >>17803622 recommended.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:31 No.17803752
    Aww dat Isaac
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)14:35 No.17803775
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    As you are about to leave the hole and explore the rest of the tree, Andor returns with leaves.

    "Greetings friends! I brought these for our common endeavor, the aphid farm."
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:37 No.17803787
    No image could properly convey how sad I am to see Spider Quest when I have to leave for work!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:39 No.17803803

    "Any news from the wilderness, Andor?"
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)14:42 No.17803829

    Aww, must be kinda shitty to have to work on weekends.
    Well, work is work, and everyone has to earn their living, so have a nice day at work good sir. You can always read this in the archives when you get back.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)14:53 No.17803913
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    "The ants are on the march nearby. Large patrols are heading towards the wasp territories. I also spotted one of the giants working on one of their loud noxious contraptions near the shed
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:57 No.17803955
    "We should be cautious then; man the doors!"

    "I hope the wasp is ok..." <:3c
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)15:01 No.17803995
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    You sit tight and wait for something to happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:06 No.17804043

    We need a telescope made out of webbing and small lenses...

    This could potentially wipe out our two most present threats at the moment and we'll have no idea who the winner is. Maybe we should go scout it out alone? Couldn't be THAT dangerous for a jumping spider as long as we're just watching from behind a few blades of grass.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)15:09 No.17804080
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    Then suddenly!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:11 No.17804106
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:13 No.17804125
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:13 No.17804127
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:14 No.17804141
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:15 No.17804157

    Yeah shit just went down in the yard. I'm guessing some sort of future tech pest murdering machine from the future. Hold on to your thorax.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:20 No.17804214
    dude just started up the lawnmower
    I think it will be ok
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:20 No.17804219
    I'm guessing lawn mower? Can we look out the entrance carefully?
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)15:22 No.17804236
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    The hellish sound is emanating form the giant's contraption.
    It is slowly moving towards the tree, the noise getting louder with every step the giant takes.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:23 No.17804247

    It's future tech to us. Unless we've already managed to make an engine in one of the previous threads that I missed.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:23 No.17804252
    Only thing you should do is pull in any lines you have handing out, and otherwise make this whole in the tree look as much like spiders AREN'T in it, no of course not, as possible.

    Go Bibi!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:24 No.17804259
    Pray to Lolth for safe deliverance...

    We're in the tree, right? We should be safe.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:24 No.17804262
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:25 No.17804277

    Retreat further back into the hole so we won't be seen once he passes the tree.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:36 No.17804396
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:36 No.17804403
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    Unfortunately, there isn't time to start dragging any hunting lines back. You quickly retreat further to the hole and hope that the alien monstrosity doesn't see you.
    The noise is getting louder and louder!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:37 No.17804417
    Protect the young and Isaac!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:38 No.17804420
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:40 No.17804442
    Because we're not just an ordinary spider; we are the main character...who happens to be a spider.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:44 No.17804493

    Plug our...ears...Do we have ears? With web based spider ear plugs. Do so for our children as well. Wouldn't want us to go deaf.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:46 No.17804510
    I don't think so, spiders feel vibrations more than hear things
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:48 No.17804533
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    You scramble back to your nest. Dorpou is already trying to cal down your panicking brood.

    The noise is starting to get maddening.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:48 No.17804541

    Make giant spider socks to keep us from going vibration deaf.

    Also panic hilariously. Slap Dorpo to make him calm down.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:50 No.17804562
    Keep sane; we must perform the dance of flipping the fuck out.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)16:01 No.17804682
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    You keep perfectly calm.

    In this serene state, you start furiously smacking Dorpou so that he would calm down too.

    Your brood is in disarray, and the noise is getting louder and louder.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:05 No.17804743

    While remaining calm, pick up Dorpou and use him to seal off the exit to the small sub den to block out the sound.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:10 No.17804791
    Muster up the courage to peek out of the tree. See what the giant is doing.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)16:10 No.17804798
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    Before you manage to do anything else, Dorpou smacks you.

    "Get a hold of yourself woman! This is not the time to go hysterical!"
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:11 No.17804812
    Rally our brood to perform the dance of our people to remain calm! No one must leave the tree!
    >> Ranger 02/04/12(Sat)16:16 No.17804879
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)16:22 No.17804965
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    You and Dorpou start dancing, hoping to calm the younglings.
    It seems to work, but as soon as the brood is starting to gather around you, the insufferable noise ends with a loud bang.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:25 No.17805001

    >> Slushed 02/04/12(Sat)16:26 No.17805026
    Peek outside to see whats up, Also see it you can see that waspLady coming....

    Dorpou cracks my shit up!
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)16:34 No.17805113
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    The giant is shouting incomprehensible nonsense at the clearly broken contraption.
    Foul smelling smoke is emanating from the corpse of the loud thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:39 No.17805183
    Ha! Too bad we'd need a few thousand spiders to salvage the thing.

    Clearly the spider pantheon smiles upon us, for the contraption has been struck down. But what can we do to protect ourselves in the future?

    Tell Dorpou we need a defense against sonic attacks.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:39 No.17805185
    Do not approach! If anything, we shall watch what the giant does next.
    >> Slushed 02/04/12(Sat)16:39 No.17805191
    When the giant leaves perhaps we can go out into the yard in search of metal parts that blew off of it?
    We could use them as cutting tools, and on the way back we could check out that red paint.

    Only if the coast is clear however!
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)16:47 No.17805286
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    After giving the contraption a few kicks, the giant walks away.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:50 No.17805321
    Keep watching for a while. Don't want the giant to come back when you're crawling on it.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)16:54 No.17805362
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    The giant walks out of your field of vision. You can still hear it's heavy steps and incomprehensible mumbling emanating behind the building.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:56 No.17805387
    Ask Andor if he could scout the area near the machine for any small, carryable bits.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)17:01 No.17805457
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    You ask him if he would be kind enough to scout the wreckage.

    "Meddling with the contraptions of the tall ones brings misfortune to us all. Are you sure you want me to go there?"
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)17:02 No.17805463
    Bro, just go to the wreckage to see if there are any debris we could use.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:03 No.17805482

    Offer to go with to direct his actions and to act as a guard. Also specify that you don't want him to meddle with it, only to look for small parts that broke off to carry back
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:03 No.17805485
    Not if you really don't want to. I can go myself, it'll just take longer.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:03 No.17805487
    We could go with him, flying on his back.
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)17:04 No.17805498
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:04 No.17805503
    Scout, but watch out for the smoke, and don't land on anything. It looks like it could be hot. Just see if there's anything useful looking.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:08 No.17805552
    Flyin' on the back of our ladybug bro? NICE
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)17:11 No.17805587
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    You manage to persuade Andor to take you to the wreckage.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:12 No.17805605
    >that face

    You're awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:12 No.17805610

    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)17:13 No.17805627
    Ok bro, just don't dive in too far unless it doesn't look too dangerous, AND NO FLIPS OR HARD BANKS. WE DON'T HAVE THUMBS
    >> mick824 02/04/12(Sat)17:16 No.17805655
    and especially NO barrel rolls!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:17 No.17805671
    Let's be careful, these things tend to get hot as hell. So we probably shouldn't land directly on tha contraption.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)17:17 No.17805673
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:19 No.17805699
    I suddenly had a vision of the Spider Air Force performing a carrier launch from the middle of the pond.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:20 No.17805709
    Initiate Ride of the Valkyries.
    >> mick824 02/04/12(Sat)17:23 No.17805752
    now i'm curious as to what would be the carrier for our spider air force
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:24 No.17805768
    I love this. At the rate this is escalating we'll end up becoming the Ganges Khan of arachnids taking over our 4th sub-division from the foolish humans.
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)17:25 No.17805773
    A plank of wood, :3

    Maybe we should like, let out a few drops of silk to avoid slipping?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:25 No.17805778

    Bark leaves and grass attached together with web, mostly bark.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:26 No.17805787

    We don't need to let out a few drops of silk, spiders don't stick to silk any more than they stick to anything else.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:26 No.17805790
         File1328394410.jpg-(23 KB, 222x412, giantwaterbug.jpg)
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    A giant water bug, of course.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:27 No.17805799
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:27 No.17805800
    We did spot what might have been a frog earlier. We could have amphibious assault carriers.
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)17:27 No.17805806
    But if it's still attached to our butts, if we slip we're connected.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)17:28 No.17805817
         File1328394487.jpg-(270 KB, 1024x768, sq290.jpg)
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    Approaching target.

    Requesting a landing zone.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:29 No.17805827
    Set down by one of the wheels.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:29 No.17805828
    I think this should just be a recon pass, landing wouldnt serve much because even if we do find something, how could we use it?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:29 No.17805829

    Land next to it, not in front, and definitely not on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:29 No.17805834
    Scout the ground around it.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)17:29 No.17805835
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    >> mick824 02/04/12(Sat)17:30 No.17805849
    seconding this
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)17:31 No.17805860
    This. Just look for something we could use, if nothing, return home.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)17:32 No.17805867
    So which is it?
    Do we land, or do we just fly past it?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:32 No.17805874
    Recon only.
    >> Slushed 02/04/12(Sat)17:33 No.17805878
    Right front wheel.

    Stay well away from the exhaust!

    Have Dorpou search for bits and pieces of metal in the yard, while we climb up to the machine to examine it....

    Safety first :)
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:33 No.17805879
    I'd say flying past is enough.
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)17:34 No.17805891
    We look for anything to use that may of flew off the contraption and is small enough for us to carry, if theres anything bigger, dorpou and us will come and bring it back.

    Also, blue mushroom acid + oil + fire = napalm?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:34 No.17805904

    Fly past, but get close to the ground so that we can look under it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:36 No.17805940
    So, I was wondering about our size. I mean our mother was much bigger. Since we don't know if she died in the shed she could still be danger to us (considering we took her children).
    Ranou is also bigger than us and he's male.
    If we encounter a huge female spider it could not end well.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)17:39 No.17805972
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    You fly few rounds around it.
    Besides the few bits of metal, only notable thing you can spot is the thick black liquid leaking from the contraption.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:41 No.17805995
    Land. Collect the bits of metal.

    Use leaves and/or blades of grass, with plenty of silk, to create a container for some of the black liquid.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:42 No.17806007
    The few bits of metal. Are any of them small enough for us to carry back with us? I am sure our trusty steed/military adviser can carry back some sizable pieces.

    The foul black fluid is exactly that, and we should not concern ourselves with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:43 No.17806016
         File1328395397.png-(35 KB, 375x396, Father Dorpou is watching1.png)
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    Check things out, recover what you can, maybe further disable if it seems possible, and get back before Dorpou turns into a dictator or something.
    >> mick824 02/04/12(Sat)17:45 No.17806034
    now that's cool
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:45 No.17806035

    Look at the metal pieces, if any are of a good size to take back, do so. Avoid the liquid, it may be useful eventually but we have nothing we need it for now, and we don't want the kids messing with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:46 No.17806053
    Ï‚, please.
    >> Ragebrew 02/04/12(Sat)17:48 No.17806072
    First things first, metal. We need it to work the chitin into serviceable pieces.

    Also, spiders with spears. even a pin can punch through the strongest of chitin.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:48 No.17806080

    Hey OP, you seem to have the drawfaggin' covered, but is there a picture you would like made? I have been following the quest for awhile and I figure I should give something back. Plus, Bibi is adorable.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)17:50 No.17806096
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    You land and start checking out the metal bits.
    It seems that there are 3 pieces small enough for you to carry. The larger piece weighs hundreds of times more than you do.
    It seems that the smaller bits were broken of from this somewhat circular thing.

    >> Ragebrew 02/04/12(Sat)17:51 No.17806119

    Three pieces is more then enough. Secure them for transit, and let us get away from this giant's artifact. As small as we are, it is obvious it does not like us. Best to be away from it's reach, rather than at it's feet when it returns.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:53 No.17806134

    Collect the 3 pieces and leave, use webbing to secure them if needed.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)17:53 No.17806139

    I don't really know, honestly.
    You are free to draw something if you wish, off course, but right now, I don't really know what to suggest.
    Rest assured that I appreciate your offer, and any possible art you do.
    >> Ragebrew 02/04/12(Sat)17:56 No.17806175
    Draw Bibi's first flying experience!

    For an earth bound creature, I am sure the first time flying on the back of a lady bug would be pretty amazing/horrifying
    >> Slushed 02/04/12(Sat)17:56 No.17806180
    Collect metal, then ask Andor to take you over next to the shed to look for that red liquid, since it is close by...
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)17:58 No.17806197
         File1328396307.jpg-(263 KB, 1024x768, sq293.jpg)
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    You collect the metal bits in a small web bundle, that Andor picks up, and then you take off.

    Do you head back to the nest, or something else?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:00 No.17806216
    Take them back to the nest before we're seen; run away~!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:00 No.17806220
    If posters can suggest?

    How about 'Bibi in a dress?'

    Don't really know how that'd work, but I'm pretty sure it'll be funny.
    >> Ragebrew 02/04/12(Sat)18:01 No.17806227
    We have our bounty, and I am sure these three pieces encumber Andor enough. Let us not push our luck and meddle in the affairs of the giant. He already destroyed many of our clan, we do not need to add ourself or our ally to the roster.

    To home, and to creation!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:01 No.17806240
    One of the first episodes had Bibi making a sweater out of silk. It was comfy, but it covered several of her eyes.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:02 No.17806249

    This, we have what we came for.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:02 No.17806255


    Didi riding into battle on a glorious heavy-armor flying platform of aphid death? That'll do.

    I'll try and get it done before the 404. If not, I will post it next week.
    >> Slushed 02/04/12(Sat)18:02 No.17806257
    I we could see if the Red paint is useful, and have Andor close by for a quick get away
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)18:09 No.17806327
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    As you are flying back home, you spot a familiar wasp frantically flying away from a big flier you have never seen before.

    I like this idea.
    >> Ragebrew 02/04/12(Sat)18:12 No.17806356
    Move to intercept. Prepare for bug to bug boarding. Quickly weave up a net or the like, see if we can disable it's wings with a lucky throw.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:12 No.17806359
    Wasp, a being that could fuck us up, running from something that could fuck a wasp up....logic dictates....
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:16 No.17806398
    "Oh no!...We have to save her!"
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:17 No.17806410
    We can throw the metal thing into the enemy to save the wasp, for the moment it's kinda a good bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:18 No.17806416
    Carefully watch, do not attack unless needed, just help the wasp make it to the tree.

    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)18:20 No.17806453
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    Interception tiem!

    The parasitic wasp (you haven't asked her name) speeds towards you, carrying two berries with her. The large flier is right on her tail.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:21 No.17806462
    "YOU SHALL NOT PASS~!" ...we'll say to flier behind the wasp.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:22 No.17806475
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:22 No.17806482




    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:23 No.17806490

    Fly between the parasitic wasp and the enemy, Do Not Engage unless required, head for the tree and safety.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:26 No.17806534
    It better not be what I think it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:27 No.17806537
    Avoid them both.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)18:31 No.17806586
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    ROLL 1D10 to see how much you will fuck up this dragon fly!
    Number to beat 3.
    Highest of the first three will count.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:31 No.17806587

    You have the reading comprehension of a disadvantaged first grader.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:31 No.17806594
    Damn, a dragonfly would make a great and powerful ally. Try to incapacitate the dragonfly. See if it sapient. If it is, try to recruit it.
    As for the wasp, try talking to it as well. Make sure not to tell either of them any details about our home; as far as they know, we're just... Spiders from the Shed.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:31 No.17806598
    rolled 4 = 4

    Rolling /tg/-dice, bracing for TPK.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:32 No.17806601
    rolled 9 = 9

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:32 No.17806603
    rolled 4 = 4

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:32 No.17806607
    rolled 10 = 10

    Come on!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:32 No.17806609
    rolled 10 = 10


    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:33 No.17806613
    rolled 8 = 8

    For the Emperah!

    Make a lazo and tame the beast!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:33 No.17806620
    rolled 1 = 1

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:33 No.17806622
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:33 No.17806630

    >Rolled a 10


    >Also rolled a 10

    Can we get a bonus from these?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:34 No.17806636
    rolled 10 = 10

    No, I'm just a slow typist.
    Rolling for non-lethal
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:35 No.17806647
    The third ten.

    Gentlemen, the dragonfly turns out to be an insect genie that is forced to grant a wish when subdued.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:37 No.17806666
    >Three 10's

    Did we just level up?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:38 No.17806678

    I say we told that dragon fly who is boss, and now it seeks only to serve us.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:38 No.17806679
    Was... not expecting to roll a ten.

    First time in Spider Quest, woo!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:39 No.17806682
    Requesting Bibi with Kamina glasses to cement our saving of a friend from a MOTHER-FUCKING DRAGONFLY.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)18:39 No.17806684
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    The dragonfly is so confused about this turn of events that it stops flapping it's wings.
    This is understandable, as few seconds ago, he was just about to catch a nice meal, then suddenly a ladybug charges right at him, and a goddam spider jumps straight to his face.

    You have the initiative. How do you proceed.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:40 No.17806693
    rolled 4 = 4

    Submit it and show who is the boss.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:40 No.17806695
    Bite time?

    Bite time.

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:41 No.17806699
    "You're going to calm down and land on that tree over there, or I'm going to inject all of my poison straight into your eyes."
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:41 No.17806700
    Befriend the fuck out of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:41 No.17806701
    uh.....get onto his back and try to communicate, currently were on the BUSINESS END of the fucking dragonfly. Not the greatest place to negotiate from.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:42 No.17806707
    Guys, guys, if Humans are gods, Birds are our Rocs, that makes Dragonflies -literally- our Dragons.

    Awesome, if we count the Centipede as a Land Dragon we are totally monster hunters considering how fucking -small- we are compared to anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:44 No.17806728

    We threaten the dragonfly, with poison.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:44 No.17806730
    Dragonflies aren't that big, even compared to us. Andor is bigger. They don't seem like the kind of threat that would warrant a comparison to a dragon.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:45 No.17806741
    Quick! Find out if it's intelligent or not, and if so, negotiate with it. Try to get it on our side by promising to help it hunt/fight the wasps, or something,

    If all else fails, attack.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:45 No.17806744
    rolled 10 = 10

    Alas good job in that pic, it's truly epic.

    And tame the beast! We will need to increase our aerotransportate armada!
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)18:51 No.17806804
         File1328399496.jpg-(212 KB, 1024x768, sq298.jpg)
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    Before the dragonfly manages to recover, you crawl to the back of his head, and grab the antennae. You then proceed to tell him who is the boss. He doesn't respond to your words, and struggles against you.
    He has regained his balance however, but you pulling on his antennae is making his flying erratic.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:52 No.17806817
    Oh god that look of concentration/determination on Bibi's face

    How the hell do you make spiders so expressive, OP?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:53 No.17806823
    Rip and tear.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:53 No.17806827

    If he does not respond then he WILL DIE! ATTACK KILL!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:54 No.17806839

    Steer him into the tree base. Land him. Hard. Proceed to gang up on him with the small force you've amassed over the quest so far.

    Also bite off his antenna when you land him.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:54 No.17806846
    I would suggest not killing it until we've figured out a viable escape route.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:55 No.17806853
    rolled 10 = 10

    Entangle his wings.

    And depending of the potency and mortality of our venom, inject a little to make the insect dizzy enough!
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)18:55 No.17806859

    By ignoring their natural biology.
    Spider eyes in the real world, aren't expressive at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:57 No.17806877
    Either we ride the dragonfly down or we jump back onto Andor.

    Unless we can make a silk parachute really, really quickly.
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)18:57 No.17806879

    Afterwards, send his body to the Wasps. DO IT.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:58 No.17806889
    we're on it's freaking face. bite it, bite the fuck outta it
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:58 No.17806894
    Nop, I prefer don't bother the wasp at all, and make this dragonfly our bitch can be very good in a long term.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)19:00 No.17806913
         File1328400019.jpg-(164 KB, 1024x768, sq299.jpg)
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    Roll of ten will get the honor!

    You inject a bit of venom to the dragonfly, just enough to make it a little dizzy and more passive. You start steering him towards your nest, and he no longer struggles against you.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:02 No.17806938
    Guide him to a safe landing. If he can not be tamed, he will at least provide an enormous amount of food.

    And bragging rights, holy shit we have boarded and captured a dragonfly.

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:02 No.17806943
    Then we try another time to submit or make a deal with it. If does't agree... Well, we have a great brood to feed, and the beast it's large enough...
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)19:02 No.17806944
    Possible mount? Work on a silk rope and collar, while assigning one of the kids to train him. Or the old guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:03 No.17806955
    We're gonna need to practice this. we can get an escort for our carrier ladybug
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:04 No.17806965

    No one is to be alone with the dragonfly, until it is tamed, for the beast is dangerous. But we shall do our best to tame it and make it our mount.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:06 No.17806995

    Fly him into the tree base, call the other insects into it to help deal with him, and deal with him asap either by getting him to calm down and become your slave or just kill it if it's to much trouble.

    Then help him find food that isn't our wasp friend or feast for weeks up his giant corpse.
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)19:08 No.17807005
    >Implying spider silk can't hold him down
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:08 No.17807006
    >Meddling with the contraptions of the tall ones brings misfortune to us all

    When misfortune comes, we will jump on it and beat it until it agrees to serve us.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)19:09 No.17807011
         File1328400542.jpg-(194 KB, 1024x768, sq300.jpg)
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    You land.
    Dorpou is amazed/confused at seeing you ride a dragonfly.

    Andor compliments your warrior spirit, and says that this event shall be made in to a great song of legends, and that his children will sing it for generations to come.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:09 No.17807020
    Don't wanna cram our style; but, I think this one's dangerous.

    Cap 'em.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:09 No.17807030
    Wait... Does Andor have a family? We don't know much about his species, do we?
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)19:10 No.17807036
    I'm starting to think that, too.

    Plus imagine how much we'd have to feed that big fucker.

    Kill him, kill him now.

    Tell him to have his family move in, if he has one. :3
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:11 No.17807048

    No killing yet, if it will serve us it may live, it it is a problem, it is to be food.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:12 No.17807070
    Let's see how things go with that flyer. Killing it now would probably be premature.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:12 No.17807071
    >implying we can feed that thing
    >implying it won't eat us if we can't find food
    >implying it doesn't already take up half of our house
    >implying it hasn't already tried to eat our friend

    Stop with the fucking diplomacy, it's a monster.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:12 No.17807072
    Only kill if it's inevitable, alas I think than will be capable of feed himself if we let him.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:15 No.17807103
    1. Food is not difficult to find.
    2. It won't eat us if it is physically restrained.
    3. Our house is extremely large. If Andor can easily fit in it, so can a dragonfly.
    4. Who cares?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:16 No.17807120

    Its a fucking dragonfly! Have you ever seen one? They feed themselves and then gorge on the random unfortunates who have the misfortunate to cross their path. And we caught it! It is our monster now.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:16 No.17807123
    If nothing else we can use it to carry shit around and stop using Andor as a pack mule
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:16 No.17807124
    We like living dangerously, yes?

    Groupthink seems to be let's interrogate and proceed from there.

    I'm still advising we cap it first sign of anything. Or just let our brood swarm it and have fun.

    Also give our wasp friend "the lecture" on rearview mirrors. Or at least situational awareness. Be firm but emphasis she is not dispensable.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:18 No.17807134
    But andor it's a knight minded ladybug, he does it because we save his ass a couple of thread ago, so if we loose him for whatever reason we will need an aero mode of transport, and a dragonfly it's pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:18 No.17807136
    Can we point out to wasp girl that when being chased by flying monsters she shouldn't fly directly to the nest? that's a sucky precedent
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:18 No.17807137
    >rearview mirrors

    We should see if any of the metal bits we have can be polished. They would be invaluable as part of an early-warning system.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:21 No.17807173
    Let there be death. Drink the blood from its chitinous left eye.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)19:23 No.17807205
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    With the aid of Dorpou, Ranou and Andor you hold the creature down.

    "..Release me... shameful...puny little creature...poisons my mind...let me go! "
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:23 No.17807215
    Why are trying to eat it's eyes?
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)19:23 No.17807216
    fuk u lol
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:24 No.17807224
    "Cooperate or more poison."

    I just had a thought - maybe we could get him addicted to the blue nectar.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:24 No.17807225
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    It can talk.
    It can talk.
    It can talk!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:24 No.17807229

    Tell him, "No, you have lost, submit to our rule or die!"
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:25 No.17807232
    The fucker it's Hugh... Start the submission program.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:25 No.17807239
    Isn't the blue one the deathy one?
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)19:26 No.17807243

    Yellow you mean.

    Blue was the "acidic exploding death poison."
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:26 No.17807244
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:26 No.17807249
    Did we bring this huge thing, alive, to the place where we keep our children?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:27 No.17807260
    My mistake.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:28 No.17807267

    No time like the present to teach them how to dominate your lessers.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:28 No.17807268
    He is totally warped be our web, and it can be food or be part of our army, alas he isn't able to to reach our little ones, so isn't that dangerous.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:29 No.17807269
    Don't feed him any of the nectar. we don't need him hyper when we're trying to restrain him. Shouldn't we be talking? Bibi's been nice to random bugs so far

    Captcha: Runties del. Well, the dragonfly wants to kill us yeah
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:30 No.17807284
    Feed it the death nectar. Black History Month celebratory explosion?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:31 No.17807286
         File1328401868.jpg-(157 KB, 707x419, Sipder Quest Ride of the Valke(...).jpg)
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    Done. Ish. I need to figure out how to make a spider smile at some point in the future. Shit is hard to draw without lips or eye brows. Oh well, I guess they all can't be winners.


    And now we have another giant flying mount of death. This will probably end horribly, but it is so bad-ass.

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:32 No.17807299
    That is awesome and you should feel awesome.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)19:32 No.17807300
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    You explain that he lost, and now he must comply or face death.

    ".....No... Disgraceful...captured by...tiny, tiny thing...Ancestors flown....ancient skies...eternal shame...."
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)19:32 No.17807301
    Bro, draw
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:32 No.17807303
    Wow, you have talent too.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:32 No.17807307
    rolled 4 = 4

    If it won't cooperate, well we can always check if blue liquid is as deadly to bigger creature.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:33 No.17807321
    Tie him down and let the inevitablility of his defeat sink in. he isn't gonna listen for a while
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:34 No.17807325

    "If you serve us you may find glory in future battle, if not you die by, as you said, tiny, tiny things."
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)19:34 No.17807335
         File1328402095.png-(48 KB, 334x324, duuuud.png)
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    ...I have no words...
    That is simply great.
    You are awesome!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:35 No.17807338
    "Your only chance to redeem yourself is to work with us. If you refuse, we will only grant you a painless death, without honor."
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:35 No.17807342
    Well, an honourable one, this will be more easy than expected. Tell him than was defeated in a good figth, and than his live depend of us, so we can do whatever we like with him, so if him denied it will be a great shame for his ancestors.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:36 No.17807353
    Maybe we ask andor if he knows anything about dragonflies. sounds like they have similar cultures

    Captcha: Venders together. or we sell it some shit apparently
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:36 No.17807360
    Alright, fine, if we're not gonna whack him outright can we at least cocoon him up in a web based straight jacket?

    After that you crazies can chat him up to your heart's content.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:37 No.17807367
    Honor-based psychology? Have Andor talk to it?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:42 No.17807421

    Why /tg/ characters end up bein female most of the time?
    I know we are mostly guys around here so that's a bit disturbing really...
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)19:43 No.17807431
    I hate playing chicks in anything, but this is an exception. Probs because it's the only chick I've ever played in anything.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)19:44 No.17807437
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    You appeal to his honor.
    After long and tedious discussion he finally submits.
    He stops struggling against the bindings and lays down on.

    "Very well...submission...chance to redeem...forgive me...ancestors....I will...serve...for now..."

    With that the creature passes out because of the combined effects of extreme stress, exhaustion and your venom.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:46 No.17807450
    Well,ask for his name, get info and let Anor teach good manner in him, then we have to scold the wasp to bring a potential enemy to our gates and know his name too.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:46 No.17807452
    Double the bindings, just in case. Thank Andor for his assistance in being our ASSAULT TRANSPORT. Ask him if he has any family, if we haven't yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:46 No.17807455

    TOTALLY DUDE. I don't think it will get done for today. If the OP doesn't mind, I will shamelessly "borrow" his drawing to use as a base layer. Should have it done in time for the next thread (my guess is this one is close to wrapping up).



    I'll see if I can put something together. I have an idea about the dress one. But it will probably require Dorpu. And a Fedora. And Jazz.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:48 No.17807468

    Affix an excellently crafted saddle to seat 3 insects of a size similar to you onto him using his antenna as steering. Build a spear.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:49 No.17807482

    Because we like to look at, and think about pretty things. as far as Bibi, because female spiders are way cooler than male spiders.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:49 No.17807487
    Scold but be gentile, make sure she understands we're doing it because we're her friend and want her to stick around and keep sticking around.

    She's kinda ditzy and might just be totally crushed with any disapproval. We don't want that.

    Also complement her on her catch. Let's at them berries!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:50 No.17807503
    >because female spiders are way cooler than male spiders.

    Hey, Dorpou's pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:51 No.17807509

    Yes but do you identify with a female black widow or the male?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:53 No.17807530

    Get started making heavy lift slings for the Honorable Dragon Fly. We just got ourselves the insect equivalent of this.

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:53 No.17807531
    The male.
    Women are every time leeching my live...
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:54 No.17807538

    Wow, you are supposed to identify with the one you think will have the longer life. Something is wrong with you if you don't.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:57 No.17807568

    He gave a fairly adequate explanation as to why he identifies with the male. I could see it. Personally I'd identify with the female for power reasons, and not for the fun of being a female spider...I wasn't one of the guys requesting spider sex in the first thread. Honest...
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:57 No.17807571
    Stop off topic.

    [/spoiler]Alas you aren't in much relations with women, no? Nothing it's worse than divorce/separate (it's typed in that way in English) and the woman take your house, with you kids and part of your salary. Then tell me than you doesn't identify with the male spider.[Spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)19:58 No.17807578
    Is that some sort of bullshit psychology?

    Because I identify with male spiders because the fuckers are now being ballsy enough to rip their dick off mid-coitus to escape. Motherfuckers willing to go to such extremes to live do all right in my book.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:01 No.17807604
    Bibi swing dancer/flapper
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:02 No.17807611
    i will never get why sp has spoilers and /tg/ not...
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)20:03 No.17807624
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    unfortunately he already passed out.
    You double the bindings, just in case, and thank Andor for his assistance.
    "I was my pleasure."


    You approach the wasp.

    The way you just like, jumped on that big thing and BAM, flew it here and like saved me and and...!"

    You tell her that she should be more careful, and try not to attract the predators to your nest.

    "Off course! I'll be super careful, I promise!"
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:05 No.17807645
    Something from way back when about people posting porn.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:06 No.17807650

    God dammit. Stop making me empathize with a wasp. Those things are MASSIVE DICKS in real life.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:07 No.17807658
    Ask for her name.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:07 No.17807663
    Where are we going to plant the seeds?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:16 No.17807770
    So, plant the seed, check the bug traps and chek our brood?
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)20:18 No.17807786
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    "Well, umm, the thing is that...I like don't have a name. None of us did when we were born, there was no one to name us....so I have been just like calling myself Me...."
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:20 No.17807810
    Can we name him Waspie Mc Titty?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:22 No.17807838

    I'm for calling her McTitty.

    Then this
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:23 No.17807849

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:24 No.17807863
    So let's do it now, next to name him Mc Titty.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:25 No.17807873


    It's a female.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:25 No.17807875

    "Would you like us to give you one? It will make our lives easier when we have to get your attention."

    Bubbles. Her name MUST be Bubbles.


    "Like, I dunno. It totally seemed to make sense at the time"

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:25 No.17807881
    >Other than the "Parasitica", there are a few Apocrita that are also sometimes called "parasitic wasps": most of the members of the superfamily Chrysidoidea,

    How about Chrysi, or some variant of that?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:26 No.17807894

    Seconding Bubbles.

    It just fucking fits.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:26 No.17807899
    Chrysi McTitty.
    Doesn't sound bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:27 No.17807910

    Chyrsi "Bubbles" McTitty?

    Oh god. We just figured out her stripper name, didn't we.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:28 No.17807918

    Yes, yes we did, but you have to say it fits.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:29 No.17807924
    That fact that she can lay eggs in one's ass should probably also be factored in when deciding on her name.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)20:29 No.17807926
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    You inform the wasp that from now one, she shall be known as Waspie McTitty.

    "Okay...I guess.."

    You then plant the seeds, check the bug traps, which were empty, and then your brood.

    And thus ends this week's Spider Quest session.
    Thanks to all who participated, and especially to the amazing drawfriend, and the anon who archived this thread:

    I will once again, take any feedback you might have, before hitting the bunk.
    The next session will be next Saturday, about 10-14 server time, as always.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:29 No.17807933
    >You inform the wasp that from now one, she shall be known as Waspie McTitty.

    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)20:31 No.17807951

    Sorry, the correct name is Chyrsi "Bubbles" McTitty.
    I wrote that before you reached conclusion you see.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:31 No.17807955

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:32 No.17807962
    Excellent, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:35 No.17808003

    Now now, it isn't that bad.


    "Like Sir, yes Sir. Or Mam. Sir, yes Mam? Mam, yes Mam?"


    "Yes SIR!"

    That being said, I still want her nickname to be Bubbles.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:36 No.17808016
    >I will once again, take any feedback you might have, before hitting the bunk.

    This is easily my favourite quest on /tg/ at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:37 No.17808028
         File1328405839.png-(79 KB, 300x225, BisonYes.png)
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    YES, YES!
    So, a group photo?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:38 No.17808034
    Chrysi. Pronounced "Crissy."
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)20:39 No.17808054
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    Nice to know.
    For my first quest, this one sure is quite successful.
    I had made far more complicated plans for multiple differed quest ideas, and then, the simple quest about a spider becomes the one I go with. Figures.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:40 No.17808061

    I think that you are doing a very food job managing this quest. You mentioned in another thread that you were running low on ideas, but it doesn't really show. We have tons of stuff to explore/do still and having random encounters thrown at us is pretty fun. I also think the characterizations you are giving to all the insects/spiders/bugs is awesome. Bubbles in particular is really starting to win me over.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:40 No.17808063
    My web is the web than will conquer the garden!
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)20:41 No.17808078
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    This one?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:41 No.17808079
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    >So, a group photo?

    Bibi in safari gear in this pose with the dragonfly.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:43 No.17808103
    yep, ty!
    No dragonfly?
    >> Player1 !GcNX.o7WEc 02/04/12(Sat)20:43 No.17808108
    I don't think we're utilizing our older spider friend that much, guys. And we can send out other people to do jobs like we do with Ladybro.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)20:45 No.17808127

    Thank you.
    I try to make the characters distinct enough, but at the moment, I am just working out of some common archetypes for their personalities.
    As for running out of ideas, it is actually more like that I don't know what to do with this quest. Sure, I enjoy it, but it started as an one shot, and that lack of thought out "arch" to work from and having to constantly come up with stuff is quite tiring for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:46 No.17808137
    Goddamn, that picture is fucking adorable.

    Now back to JA2!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:46 No.17808140

    Our older spider friend is fucking old and can hardly do anything physically demanding.


    Draw Dragonslayer Bibi!
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)20:47 No.17808154

    Well, he isn't really jet part of your family. You kinda enslaved him, and forced him to work for you under the threat of death.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:48 No.17808177

    Ah...that makes sense. Well, I really appreciate the effort. If you every feel like you need to take a break, just let us know. I know I would rather you not get burned out and just disappear one day. It always makes me sad when Quests do that.
    >> Spider Quest OP 02/04/12(Sat)20:49 No.17808185
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    Maybe for the next session, but alas, it is time for me to go to sleep. The clock is almost 4 am here, and I do have things to do tommor...later this day.
    Cheers, and stay awesome!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)20:51 No.17808216
         File1328406717.gif-(1.78 MB, 240x192, 1327838650483.gif)
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    Good night spider bro! I will expect your next Spiderquest!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)21:23 No.17808619
    Some advice to OP ( hopefully this will hit the archive, otherwise I'll pop it in next week ) as a caution to not burn out. This is done in the spirit of keeping it fun and keeping this quest alive.

    a) Consider moving to a bi-weekly schedule. I do think you want to keep the same start time.

    b) This session ran almost 10 hours. You just put in a days work plus some OT. Consider a strict 8 hour time limit per session.

    Simply put you need to speak to someone who runs / ran some quests for advise at this point. I wish I could give some solid advise but *disclaimer* I've not run a quest myself.

    You are inspiring me to give it a go though. Thank you!

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