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  • File : 1328842827.jpg-(277 KB, 800x805, Ork Disguise.jpg)
    277 KB Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:00 No.17877833  
    Metal Gear cutscenes are 8 hours long and are more confusing than strain-deformation theory. But I digress. As you know, in Deffwotch, the players are Orks who trick the Imperium into thinking they are Spess Mehreens. They fly around looking for fights, loot, and a right good larf.

    Kroz Rubbykonzes - Mekboy
    Grimslag 'Eadmangla - Kommando
    Wazgor Shakbag - Stormboy
    Grakgut Grumwizzlewot - Painboy
    Wurrza Zzappar - Weirdboy

    Note that Grakgut did not appear until three quarters into the session, at the time Kroz falls asleep and Wurrza needs to go.

    Ever forget the reason you're somewhere, then make up a new one to feel better about it? Even if it means punching your way through everything in front of you?

    'Ere we go.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:01 No.17877848
    aw shit, its deffwotch!
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:02 No.17877855
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    Krooza is holding orbit over the world of Mezzigo. While most of the ork fleet scattered, the remaining fighta bommas and ground forces swell onto the Kill Team's ship. Wurrza is proud as he feels the swell of WAAAGH energy. Kroz looks over the new Meks and pilots approvingly. 'Eadmangla loses count of the new recruits. As the Kill Team takes inventory of the loot and boyz, the Skanna Jamma intercepts a storm of messages.

    "Dat 'gain. Probly Doggnoffer fer da tanksin'z or sumfin'," says Kroz, as he turns on the Main Screen.
    Message One: "Sector normal, all clear...wait, what is tha-blargh"
    Message Two: "No hostiles sighte-Eldar! Eldar everywhe-blargh"
    "Eldaars. El Dar. Elll daaar... Jus ain't orky no matter 'ow many times I sez it..." sighs Kroz.
    "Wots dis 'bout elfdarz?" asks Wazgor.
    "Elfs." sighs Wurrza, "In da starz. Dey'z gone too far..."
    Most of the messages continue like this, until the kill team gets to the last one.
    Message Sixty Four: "They've reached Volcania! The Eldar are attacking! A huge flee-blargh"

    "Wot?" yells Kroz, upset, "Dey'z tauntin' us wif a fight already dun wif!"
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:03 No.17877878
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    After a bit, Uzgob walks in. "Kannon's ded killy now, boss!" he says, "Where's da next fight?"
    "Uzgob, find da Doggfatha. I'z got a komplaint ta make!" states Kroz.
    "Well, even if da fight's dun, we shuld loot da good stuff 'fore dey find it!" says Wazgor.

    Wurrza immediately begins focusing, prepping a message for Doggfather.
    "OY, WOT'S UP DOGG?" yells WUrrza.
    "----ord up, wo----p, y'all hear----out those Eldar atta--------orld of Volcania?"
    "You'ze soundin' kinda sketchy. Ya may need mo' powa." Kroz says as he hooks up Wurrza's brain to a nearby pile of batteries and diesel engines.
    "Yeah! Da fight's ova!" sends Wurrza.
    "Done wi-----ight's still happenin------Eldar are moving across t-----ector. ----------y're still at Volcani------"
    "Wot? Tell dem gits ta send da message roight next time!" yells Kroz, slightly perturbed. He heads over to the Mekbridge.
    "Deathwa----------op those Elda----------fore they get to the world of--------" the Sending/Receiving connection ends.
    "I fink 'e said kill'em." says 'Eadmangla.

    Kroz hits the big red button, sending Krooza into the Warp. The trip to Volcania is set to take about three days. Of course, it's never that easy.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:06 No.17877906
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    While Kroz upgrades his weapons, and 'Eadmangla tries to steal the Big Red Button, they briefly look up.

    Across the hallway runs a swarm of rippers, chased by some grots.
    These grots then run the other way from a swarm of gaunts.
    "... WOT DA ZOG." wonders Kroz.
    These gaunts then run back across the hall from some boyz.
    These boyz then run the other way from a Carnifex.
    Finally, the carnifex is running away full tilt from Boldo.
    Boldo chirps as he slowly flutters across.
    "... ANY GIT LETTIN SKOOIRE BOLDO'S FOOD RUN AWAY IZ GONNA GET IT, UNLESS YOUZE BOLDO ASKS YOUZE TA LET IT RUN'ROUND, YA GET IT?" yells Kroz, deciding the matter was not important enough to get worked up over, and Boldo had the situation under control.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:09 No.17877936
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    Meanwhile, in the Armory, Wazgor and his grot Firegit begin training attacks. However, a large ruckus distracts them, and Wazgor goes to investigate. Wurrza, seeing a spike in WAAAAGH energy, also heads to the armory. Forcing his way through a crowd of boyz, Wazgor sees Clarence fighting with a bunch of boyz.

    "Ah, good to see you, boss." says Clarence.
    "Wots goin' on 'ere?" asks Wazgor.
    "Nothing much, boss. Just a bit of sparring to keep mind and body strong," says Clarence, "Want to join?"
    "Heh. Sure." Wazgor grabs a wooden staff off the wall and enters the ring.
    "Good choice, boss!" Clarence says, holding his own metal staff, "We'll go first to five hits. Don't worry, I can take it like the best of them. Ready, Boss?"
    "Ready." states Wazgor.
    Wurrza takes a seat in the audience to watch.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:10 No.17877948
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    Wazgor opens up with a charge, which Clarence parries. While Wazgor has higher WS, Clarence has Wall of Steel, Counter Attack, and the bonus from Wazgor's Hulking. Both have swift attack, so it's a pretty even fight. Clarence lets loose a flurry of blows, which Wazgor effortlessly parries before sending a few good hits on Clarence. Clarence counter attacks, and gets a hit on Wazgor. Wazgor continues his swift barrage, with Clarence returning hits when he can. Wood smashes against metal as Clarence and Wazgor keep up the pressure, eventually reaching a score of 4-4. Down to the wire, Clarence fails a parry, and Wazgor wins.

    "Heh, nice one, boss! Been a while since I had a good challenge." says Clarence.
    "That woz the best foightin I've ever seen from a beakie." says Wazgor.
    "Nah, I'm just your regular run of the mill digga." laughs Clarence. "I need to think about the fight now. Walk with me a bit, boss."
    Wazgor and Wurrza follow Clarence to an observation room. Clarence has it simply furnished. He assumes a meditative position.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:12 No.17877967
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    "Thinking about the fight, and actually fighting, is the thin line between orkiness and muckin' about." says Clarence, "One must live the fight in their very being."
    "When Oi wuz in wit da Stormboyz, dey alwayz quoted sum git from a thousand waaghh ago," states Wazgor, "A warboss leeds by ecksample, not force, though force 'elps."
    "A quote has only the meaning one gives it." says Clarence, "Let me tell you a story..."

    Jorskrag asked Neztragga: "Whatz da process ov startin a waaagh?"
    Neztragga said: "If youz an ork, then your startin a waaagh."
    Jorskrag asked: "Can yer practize waaaghin, like?"
    Neztragga said: "If yer tries dat bleedin trainin bizness, dats bein unorky an muckin about."
    Jorskrag asked: "If'n I'z not gunna practize, den ow's I zoggin gunna get good at waaaghin?"
    Neztragga said: "Best ta not fink bout waaaghin'. Best ta not stop yerself from waaaghin'. When you iz waaaghin wiffout finking bout it, den youz gettin proppa stuck in."
    At these words Jorskrag was enlightened.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:13 No.17877975
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    "You see, sometimes it's best to just go all in, other times, it's best to go all in another direction, boss." says Clarence.
    "Hmm...so sumtimez it'z best ta Dakka, sumtimez it'z best ta Choppa!" states Wazgor.

    "Heh," says Clarence, "Here's another one."

    There once was an Ork named Shogzak. Shogzak held out his kustom shoota with a chainsaw wielded on the end and said: "Iff'n you callz dis a shoota, you iz fergettin da choppy. Iff'n you callz it a choppa, you iz ignorin' da dakka. Now, what da zog would ya call it?

    "It'z like da tale of da original Skorpion, who made 'is shoota ta pull gits inta 'is choppa." says Wurrza
    "Chopdakka?" asks Wazgor.
    Clarence laughs. "I'll be around if you need me, boss." Clarence continues meditating.
    >> Someone else. !!Qb2aRW+wCPO 02/09/12(Thu)22:13 No.17877976
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    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:14 No.17877988
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    The other two days proceed calmly after the Visitations of the first, with Wazgor training his grot to shoot, Wurrza continuing to research Daemonhosts (from which nothing good can come), Kroz never leaving his Mekbridge, and 'Eadmangla searching through Krooza's hat to see if he can find any new stuff. 'Eadmangla does end up finding bitz to change his drone to a variety of configurations, though Wurrza fails to find any info on Daemonhosts, and Kroz fails to upgrade his hellpistol since he's running out of things to upgrade.

    Boldo flies over and begins chewing on the hellpistol.
    "OI! OI! NO! NO NO NO! NOT DA POWER FINGY!" yells Kroz, exasperated, "Go eat sum Trygons or sumfin'!"
    Boldo chirps.

    Wazgor, meanwhile, inspects da new boyz. They can be seen tooling around on their fightas, making numerous upgrades they feel fit. Most of the ones not engrossed in their fightas salute Wazgor as he makes his inspection.
    "Dizimizzed!" yells Wazgor, channeling Patton.
    Da boyz go back to upgradin' their fightas and beating the shit out of each other to determine who's best. Wazgor enthusiastically jumps into the new fight.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:17 No.17878020
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    Da Looted Krooza pops out of the Warp over the world of Volcania. The Kill Team can see the volcanos and savannas that make up the world. The Kill Team flies through the wreckage of numerous spess stations and Imperial defense ships. Wurrza scans the outside with his brain, and feels an incredible warp presence outside - far more than human, far different than ork. Krooza continues on its current trajectory over Volcania, where the source of the psychic phenomena becomes completely obvious.

    "It might be a brainbattle! Den dey might die from muckin' about!" says Wurrza.
    "Brainbattle?" asks Wazgor, "Dat dun make sense. Brainz're squishy an' 'ard ta fight wif!" notes Wazgor.

    Krooza rounds the planet to find a fleet of eldar ships...

    ...surrounding an Eldar Craftworld.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:18 No.17878027
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    The Eldar Craftworld is holding orbit, its solar panels extended. Da boyz look excited.


    The Kill Team actually gets a response back.
    "Vile Monkeigh, you will not break the spirit of Craftworld Kionash so easily!" the haughty Eldar Voicelady says, "You seek to fight us with one ship?"

    'Eadmangla, still in the Manta, hears this groaning noise reverberate through Krooza, as he notices Krooza is actually accelerating. Everyone else in the bridge looks down to notice all the cogitators are glowing green.

    >> 20 - Steel and Sun Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:19 No.17878034
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    Krooza's controls fall away, replaced with new ones.
    "PLASMA REACTOR OUTPUT INCREASING!" shows one cogitator, linked to the plasma drives.
    "FRACTAL MODULE SYSTEM ENGAGED!" shows another, as Krooza's bulkheads begin sealing.
    Krooza rushes forward, splitting down the middle, its bridge realigning. As the bridge aligns into its head position, Krooza charges past a majority of the Eldar battlefleet moving to intercept. The Orkross Kannon flies forward, into Krooza's waiting Klaw.

    Supa Dimenshun Stompa mode engaged.
    >> Someone else. !!Qb2aRW+wCPO 02/09/12(Thu)22:20 No.17878049
    This...this is amazing.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:22 No.17878057
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    "WE GOT YA KOVA'D, BOSS!" yell the members of Deffrokk, as they get into position on a stage deep inside Krooza, covered in pyrotechnics. They begin playing as Krooza gets into formation. Krooza begins evasive maneuvers, dodging and weaving through Eldar Plasma fire from a number of frigates which caught up to Krooza. Wazgor mans the Kannons, Kroz the Torpedoes, Wurrza focuses energy through his Wizard's Tower, and 'Eadmangla test-fires the Orkross Kannon Macro Mode. As they blast their way through waves of Frigates, they notice that Macro Mode is preventing Charge Mode.

    "Dun worry, boss! I'll fix dat!" yells Uzgob.

    "Your...primitive weaponry will not cow us, Monkeigh!" yells the Eldar Voicelady.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:23 No.17878066
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    Krooza continues through the waves of frigates, eventually breaking through. Krooza finally begins to break atmosphere of the Craftworld. Flying through the sky, burning through the air, Krooza lands, and knees the ground before standing up. A swarm of boyz pours out of Krooza, leaving a trail of fire and explosions as they rage through the area. Even Uzgob, Grakkar, Clarence, and Pliskin are out there. Boyz clash with Aspect Warrior defenders as Krooza begins walking towards a big center of warp energy Wurrza detected.

    Continuing their wholesale destruction of Eldar, Krooza downs more frigates, one of which crashes to the ground and is swarmed by boyz. Wurrza has by now identified the mass of psychic focus as the nexus of the Craftworld's Infinity Circuit, and the Kill Team decides they want one.

    At this point, Grakgut shows up, and nobody decides to fill him in on what's going on. So he does the only thing a lost, confused ork normally does - rolls Strength.

    Krooza charges the wraithglass bubble towards the Inner Craftworld, and punches through, shattering it and a number of buildings in the process.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:24 No.17878090
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    Krooza is now presented with a pair of Wraithships moving into position to fire on Krooza. After a devastating salvo of Pulsar fire, Krooza reels backwards, before getting angry and charging into melee. Krooza grabs one Wraithship, and swings it like a baseball bat into the other, destroying one ship and heavily damaging the other. Krooza then grabs the second ship, and guts it with the Orkross Kannon. Krooza cracks the Wraithship over its knee, and places its new pauldrons over its chitinous spess coat.

    At this point, Kroz falls asleep mid game.

    As Krooza makes the short run towards the infinity circuit, the Kill Team notices a bunch of Aspect Warriors standing around a single Eldar.
    "Now, intruders," yells the Eldar Voicelady, "You will fall to our greatest guardian, our Battle God of Flame, our AVATAR!"
    "PFFF!" yells Grakgut, clearly unimpressed.
    Above the Infinity Circuit, the air combusts as a massive burning iron form materializes. The Avatar of Craftworld Kionash steps forth from oblivion, its Wailing Doom sword thing shining. The Avatar is as large as Krooza.

    "PFFF!" yells Grakgut once again, this time hitting the button for da Git-a-loada-dis-grot kam. However, the Orkross Kannon is still not charging. Until the voxcasters activate.

    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:27 No.17878123
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    The Kill Team sees a Nightshade raider fly past. However, it's been clearly looted. Its plasma drives now leak smoke, and numerous armor bitz adorn it.


    Grakgut and Wazgor raise Krooza's arms. The Nightshade's hull folds inward, as its solar wings extend outward. Wraith Skranda rams into Krooza's back, attaching itself like a winged backpack, and the Kill Team can see a massive power surge flow through Krooza.


    Wraith Skranda docked. Krooza now has power for both Orkross Kannon Charge Blast and Macro Blast. The additional thrusters allow Krooza a Dodge as well as a Parry, and one more thing...

    "BOSS! USE YER KLAW!" yells Uzgob.
    "Dun't 'ave ta tell me twoice!" yells Grakgut excitedly.
    Krooza sticks out its arm. The arm begins to rumble, until the Klaw shoots out like a rocket, smashing into the Avatar.

    "HA! IT'Z JUS' LOIKE ME!" yells Grakgut.

    The Avatar, Battle God of Flame, steadies itself, and charges into battle against Krooza, Battle God of Steel.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:29 No.17878146
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    The Avatar charges, though its Wailing Doom, Flame Cloak, and Melta Blast barely miss Krooza. Krooza retaliates with a swift attack and every weapon possible, knocking the avatar down into a number of buildings. All across the craftworld, Eldar are cheering their Avatar, while da boyz fuel Krooza by the very act of fightin' and winnin'. The Avatar rolls to its feet, and strikes a heavy combo against Krooza with its Wailing Doom. With the added speed of Wraith Skranda, Krooza ducks and weaves through the Craftworld's buildings, shooting the Avatar from long range with Kannon and Klaw. The avatar charges again, though does not achieve much success. This time Wazgor and Grakgut take the klaws and unload a multitude of punches into the Avatar, which is sent flying through the Craftworld's superstructure.

    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:34 No.17878197
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    Krooza sticks out both its arms. Both of Krooza's arms fly forward. The two fists impale the Avatar as the Kill Team realize the fists are still connected by chains to Krooza.

    Krooza begins swinging. As if a gigantic anchor, Krooza swings the Avatar through the air, finally slamming it into the Infinity Circuit itself. Da boyz rush back onto Krooza as momentum forces it up.

    "ORKROSS KANNON...." yells Grakgut, "GO!"

    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:36 No.17878220
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    Krooza extends the Orkross Kannon. 'Eadmangla takes careful aim, and pulls the trigger. The Orkross Kannon's blades spin, as the energy is released directly into the heart of the Avatar. Most of the Eldar begin running and panicking, though it's far too late for them. As the energy washes over the core of the craftworld, it goes critical. The Craftworld explodes, its fleet caught in the explosion. Krooza stands there, its cloak billowing in the winds of spess, Orkross Kannon smoking.

    AS the dust settles, the Kill Team see the remains of the Infinity Circuit nexus floating by.

    "OH ZOG..." yells Wazgor, turning seven shades of purple, "WOT IF DA MERCHANT WAS DERE?"

    Krooza grabs the Infinity Circuit nexus , and stores it in a pauldron. Amongst the fading lights of the nexus, the players see a blue light. The Kill Team exceeds the speed of light rushing towards it. They climb through the wreckage stored in the Pauldron, until they see the blue light.

    "Got a selection of good things on sale, stranger..." says the Merchant.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:36 No.17878223
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    Grakgut tries for a conversion beamer and fails. 'Eadmangla manages a Power Board, silver surfer style. Wazgor grabs a Xenarch Death Arc, no doubt readying a trip to Kroz. They also acquire ship repairs. Kroz and Wurrza had fell asleep and left a minute before, respectively.

    "Heh heh heh, thank you..." says the Merchant as he walks off into a hallway.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:38 No.17878241
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    "So, boss, 'ow ya like da sekret projekt?" asks Uzgob.
    "It'z akseptable." states Grakgut.
    "Heh." says Uzgob.
    "OY, BOSS!" yells Pliskin.
    "Wut?" asks 'Eadmangla.
    "We found deze." Pliskin and his Boyz Wifout Bordaz are pushing a Grav Platform loaded to capacity with cardboard boxes. The Cardboard Boxes are filled with odd gems.
    Grakgut picks one up, and puts it to his ear. He hears a faint scream of terror.
    "Hmmm...dis is roight flash! We shuld dekorate Krooza wif'em!" says Grakgut.
    "Dey dun taste too gud." sighs Pliskin, "but dey shiny."
    "Well dats kuz ya fergot da Oregano an' Garlick!" says Wazgor, "Jus' leave it ta me!"
    "I'll put'em in da Loot 'Old when yer ready to do stuff wif'em." says Pliskin.

    Wraith Skranda disengages, and changes back into a raider, and Krooza changes back to Krooza Mode. We called the session there.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:39 No.17878254
    I'd say that someone needs to commission some drawfaggotry of Krooza's Supa Dimenshun Stompa mode, except I know that by the time the drawing would be finished, you guys will have added even more crazy over the top shit to it.
    >> Someone else. !!Qb2aRW+wCPO 02/09/12(Thu)22:39 No.17878258
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    damn shas, you awesome.

    So why were the elfs attacking an Imperial world?
    >> Sweetie !Belle.n47Y 02/09/12(Thu)22:40 No.17878271

    Like Eldar Spirit Stones
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:44 No.17878321
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    Everyone seemed to like this session. I've been looking forward to it for a while now. Along with the loot and XP, they unlocked a new Skwad Mode ability:

    An' Dey Know No Zoggin' Fear: Sometimes, the scarier an opponent is, the more encouraging it is for an Ork to fight. Combining the teachings of the Codex Astartes with natural Ork stubbornness, a solution was devised. Engaging this Skwad Mode ability allows for the fear test from an enemy to be ignored, and the Kill Team gains a bonus of +5 WS or BS per Fear Rating.

    (Example: The Kill Team engages ADKNZF against a Fear 3 enemy. The fear test is ignored, and WS / BS tests are at +15 for the turn Skwad Mode is engaged).

    In addition, the Kill Team has Wraith Skranda, a looted Eldar Nightshade that grants +1 Speed, a Dodge due to additional engines, and enough power to supply Macro Mode and Charge Mode of the Orkross Kannon, when combined with Krooza.

    Not to mention all those shiny gems getting tossed in the next roast...
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:46 No.17878337

    That will be revealed soon. There was a reason. Though I can say this now - they weren't attacking, they were merely rest stopping as part of a larger journey to somewhere...
    >> Wazgor 02/09/12(Thu)22:46 No.17878344
    That session was fucking crazy, but I felt like I got to flesh out Wazgor some more, and I can't wait to try out that LLC.

    I thought the Deathwatch stuff was outright banned, which is why I never went for the Conversion beamer earlier, although I don't really use heavy weapons.

    For anybody who would like more information (and Archived links to the adventures of Da Kill Team), our 1d4chan page is http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Deffwotch
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)22:48 No.17878363

    Conversion Beamer got released as part of Daemon Hunter, thus it falls under Dark Heresy as well. That's how Grakgut attempted for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:53 No.17878421

    You got to train under a buddhist monk. Those are buddhist-style koans. How does Clarence know that stuff?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:54 No.17878437
    do we have a complete archive of these threads? been reading on suptg but i noticed we are missing a lot of the early sessions
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:56 No.17878461
    and it goes to show why i should refresh my page before posting after reading the thread.
    >> Wazgor 02/09/12(Thu)22:57 No.17878469
    A complete archive of all of the sessions, including this one along with background information is available at 1d4chan.org/wiki/Deffwotch
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:59 No.17878496
    yeah saw that after i posted thanks. should learn to refresh before posting when i have spent the last 20 odd minutes reading the thread.

    seriously though you guys have the best game ever, i wish i could get a game anywhere near that good
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)23:00 No.17878502
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    Clarence is wise. He has plenty more wisdom on a variety of situations. Wazgor said that he was starting to find shooting boring. Clarence simply said, in certain terms, that the best solution is to mix it up. I hope it helped

    Nearly two years ago, before Deffwotch, before Pimps in Space, someone posted a large amount of Ork Philosophy. I didn't know why at the time, but I felt I should save them. I knew that one day I would need them. Here's another, free of charge.

    Jorskrag was a famous Warphead who lived in Jorskrag, a famous ork world from where he took his name.

    One day a slugga boy approached him, intending to ask him about fighting and winning. A squig walked by. The slugga then asked Jorskrag, "Oi, 'ow orky yer fink is dat squig?"

    The ork had barely completed his question when Jorskrag bellowed: "WAAAAGH!"
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)23:06 No.17878589

    that's fucking deep

    how the fuck do Orks manage that
    >> Wazgor 02/09/12(Thu)23:06 No.17878592
    I might end up with a massive drill arm or a Klaw, I just want to switch things up beyond just do one massive salvo per round and be done with it.
    >> Faiz, Etc. Etc. !!S6VZ1mbsIGr 02/09/12(Thu)23:06 No.17878594
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    These boyz is doin' EVERYTHING right, all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)23:10 No.17878652
    You really hate Eldar, don't you?
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)23:14 No.17878701
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    Does it show?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)23:20 No.17878773
    what are you favourite factions anyway Shas? i get the feeling that Tau and Orks are up there and Spess Mehreens are down there a bit above eldar from what i have seen of you
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)23:31 No.17878928
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    When I first started playing 40k, I would do a lot of 2v2s. My usual teammate was a Dark Eldar player. My usual opponents were Guard, Eldar, and Spess Mehreens.

    I guess this affected my viewpoints, as I'm a fan of Tau, Orks, Squats, and Dark Eldar. The Imperium tends to be the butt of a lot of my jokes, though I don't hate them (Otherwise I never would have created the Black Panthers). The Newcrons can go either way but overall I'm a fan of them. Not big on Tyranids, Eldar, Sisters, or Chaos (unless Alpha Legion).
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)23:34 No.17878955
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    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/09/12(Thu)23:35 No.17878968
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)23:49 No.17879128
    i feel enlightened
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)00:52 No.17879767
    >Boldo chirps as he slowly flutters across.
    I fucking lost it.

    >Not to mention all those shiny gems getting tossed in the next roast...
    Wait... tons of soulstones plus Wurrza attempting Daemonhosts. Anything that can go wrong with this combination?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)01:05 No.17879901

    >Carnifex rampaging through the decks
    >send the tiny metroid after it

    Because nothing can possibly go wrong
    >> Faiz, Etc. Etc. !!S6VZ1mbsIGr 02/10/12(Fri)01:06 No.17879910
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    Hell, anything that can go RIGHT?!
    >> Grakgut 02/10/12(Fri)01:19 No.17880027
    Mmm. Yes. We got crates full of soulgems. The only reasonable thing to do with these things is to show them the proper respect that these ancient and wise souls deserve.

    So I made a loin-cloth out of them.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/10/12(Fri)01:24 No.17880076

    Ah, yes. You did. Can't believe I forgot to note that down.

    Don't you hate your internet dying on you? At least you made it before the Avatar fight. I wonder what Kroz will say when he realizes he slept through Wraith Scranda and the Avatar.
    >> Grakgut 02/10/12(Fri)01:35 No.17880192
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    I don't recommend Vonage. Sister sold it to the family a few months ago when she got a job.

    Either way, we're sure to look stylin' in one of the most fashionable and extravagant things this side of Rogue Trader.

    I'm thinking Sequin Suit made of these babbies.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)10:04 No.17883618
    ...an entire craftworld?

    what is this I don't even
    >> Kroz 02/10/12(Fri)14:30 No.17885601
    You know when you've got 40 degree fever and you just kinda blink and next thing you know its 5am, the laptop's on the floor somehow not broken and all your limbs are completely asleep and numb?

    IRC had stayed well on. And the backlog was all there. There was... much sadness on missing all that out.

    Once again, REALLY fucking sorry about that. I'd been struggling to keep awake since before game. Much as it sucks for me though, glad it stayed well awesome well after I dropped.

    If there's one thing we've noticed, its that this party does better the worse the odds are against us. And I mean the outright rolls. I all but tear off 'Ast Danca's wings in clear blue skies, but put us against a fleet that could wipe our hull out in two rounds, and we walk out of there wearing half the bloody things. A craftworld fleet may be a hell of a fight, but that's what orks is for.
    >> Kroz 02/10/12(Fri)14:38 No.17885676
    hm... old edition splinter weapons could use soulstones as shard ammunition to make it homing or the like.

    Its probably really... 'chaos' to do this, but I wonder what we can do with the little buggers in their rocks... Can wurrza speak to'em? Can we craft some kind of not-very-infinite circuit and use them as an info database? Or to pilot lots of drones?

    Although I imagine giving them weapons is very much "BAD PLAN" given what we just did...
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)14:39 No.17885690
    Slaanesh owes you one, how will you collect
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:21 No.17887844

    how I can has daemonhost?
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/10/12(Fri)17:39 No.17888045
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    Hmm, unknown. Truth be told, my intelligence on soul stones and the Infinity Circuit in general is kind of sketchy. Must research further.

    After all, I know only how to use them as a weapon...
    >> Grakgut 02/10/12(Fri)21:28 No.17890793
    Weapon schmeapon! Which trade skill am I going to need to bedazzle my armor?

    Imagine it! A suit of armor, bedazzled in Eldar soul gems!

    And apparently they scream as well, which is music to Orks.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 02/10/12(Fri)22:58 No.17891853
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    That is simple enough, and probably won't require a test for a basic job. However, as an Armor Upgrade, I suppose it would come close to Lumen Heraldry, and require a Trade Armourer test.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)00:58 No.17893222
    Before an Eldar's death it's just called a waystone, once an Eldar dies wearing it, it becomes a spirit stone.

    Talking to it wouldn't be impossible but knowing what kind of eldar that's inside because you might just find your consciousness trapped in a little crystal with some warlock.

    I suppose Wurrza could find himself a nice new Wraithlord body though if he played his cards right with these things.

    The Imperium uses helmets powered by them to see the souls of individuals, to easily tell who's a psyker or a heretic.

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