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!!Cuw+lR6NxOH 02/20/12(Mon)17:47 No.18031092 File: 1329778046.gif-(21 KB, 490x415, newspaper_internet1.gif)
 >>18030950 Also, as a new player, much of the NEWS will be unimportant to you, as you were not present for missions 1 and 2.
In the NEWS, there are of course billions of entries pertaining to the billions of Canons under the Transpace Guard's watch. The entries which most pertain to you are:
February 2nd: A Looter raid on a Mansion was successful today. Mansion owner, James White, was an obese neckbeard who had somehow found a way to drag Canon characters to his mansion, across the meta, and then mind control them into his service. The Looter raid was successful in stealing White's means of kidnapping characters, which turned out to be a set of magical paints from Super Mario 64. However, White was able to summon the Hindu goddess of power, change, and death, Kali, to his aid - and the looters were forced to flee. An Editor team is being sent in to deal with the disturbance.
February 2nd: A Looter raid on a Mansion was successful today. Mansion owner, James White, was an obese neckbeard who had somehow found a way to drag Canon characters to his mansion, across the meta, and then mind control them into his service. However, by the time the Looters arrived, James White had been killed by his own hubris, when he summoned the Hindu goddess of power, change, and death, Kali. Kali had taken over the mansion in his stead. Faced with this new foe, the Looters did what Looters are known to do - they successfully charmed, and looted, Kali - along with 9 other characters. Efforts are underway to return these characters to their homes. >more |