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!!FOs+3LWXJDT 02/24/12(Fri)22:03 No.18087650 File: 1330138983.jpg-(113 KB, 492x700, Follow_the_east_wind_by_Gold_S(...).jpg)
 “Joking, of course.” You reply plainly, cutting her off before she can protest, “Look, I have been paid to protect you. Having you run off on some mission on your own in a place like this may end up killing you, and me out of pocket. ESPECIALLY if you’re going off in the state you’re in.”
She stiffens at the accusation, then softens, the cloak tightening against her as it constricted her spirit.
“...I’m sorry. You’re right. We’ll...we’ll just stay here then, sorry.”
“What’re you talking about?” You tut, picking your glaive up from the ground, “I’m coming with you.”
“...Oh. Oh!” She starts, evidently not used to her wishes being listened to, “Oh that’s great! Thankyou! Sorry, I didn’t understand...thankyou! I just want to get us to a higher spot, up the side of the ridge there. There’s something I...I need to check up on.”
The place she points out is at least five hours away, a singular large hill that presumably looks over a large swathe of the desert around you.
“Sounds good. Need spelling now?” You ask, but she shakes her head, more glad to have the company for the trek.
At first, progress is as slow as usual, being careful not to be ambushed as she leads you along a side-path overlooking the main road, slowly curving around to face the left-side of the rocky outcrop, the only things of note being another gathering of bodies, this time sand stalkers, packed tightly behind a boulder as if to hide them from sight of those who’d want to travel along it. Their legs still resonate hollowly in the air and you resist the tug to go down toward them; Baha, for her part, doesn’t even seem to notice them, which is worrying. Instead, she spends most of her time looking up to the top of the hill. |