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!DowN/N3yMY 02/25/12(Sat)00:20 No.18089056 File: 1330147223.png-(248 KB, 600x333, 252733-501stbase001_super.png)
 The light fades. You find yourselves on a beach,to your left a large castle with a runway jutting out into the sea. "Welcome to our home, 'HERMIONE'." Erica tells you with a grand sweeping motion of her right hand. "Wow, amazing place." you tell her as you take in the scenery. "What's with the name?" "I just thought it sounded more 'witchy'."
You walk across the sand towards the magnificent structure, when you hear a telephone ringing out of nowhere.
Looking to your companions to see if they had cellphones or something, Trude walks up to a rock and opens a hidden panel. She takes out the handset of what you assume is an old rotary phone and answers it.
After a few moments she heads back to the group. "Seems like someone spotted us touching down. Minna wants us to see her in the conference room ASAP. Looks like some brass are on the island waiting for us as well."
She then turns to you. "Ayasaki, as much as we would like to take you on a tour right now, duty calls. We must leave you to your own devices for a few hours."
She then picks up her pace. Ursula jogging behind while dragging her twin.
"Hey! Remember what i told you about the titty monster!" Erica calls out to you as they disappear into the distance.
You are now left all alone just at the edge of the runway.
Right ahead, the magnificent castle. A small air control tower sits at the near end of the tarmac. To your left are what appears to be some hangars. You also spot a pier in the distance jutting out of the beach.