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!DowN/N3yMY 02/26/12(Sun)03:32 No.18104035 File: 1330245171.jpg-(106 KB, 602x581, sdd234234df2.jpg)
 >>18103924 >>18103916 Taking this opportunity to play up your rescue, you cling to Erica like a an orchid cling to a tree. Faux-tears pool in your eyes, and your lip starts quivering on cue.
"Go. Ve must talk about somezings." The old man tells your brave knight. "NO. IF HE STAYS. I STAY." her hand wraps around you protectively.
"Fhacking vitches. Okay. follow me." He leads the two of you to all small office in the back. dust covering every flat surface.
He turns to you again. "You have ze smell of magik. YOu are a gnome."
You shrug. Of course you'd smell like magik. You ARE majaikal afterall. The only point of interest was that word again, 'GNOME'.
"Gnome? Can't you call me something cooler like a warlock or a wizard? Why gnome? I've heard the word 3 times today, do i assume correctly that it reffers to male magic users?"
"Yes. You are gnome. You noticed it before, yes? clocks stop around you, or somezimes it's like hyou are far too lucky..?"
"yeah, yeah, I can use magic." You say, stressing the word for MAJAIK in the local tongue. You take off your hat, and pull Jakob out and place him back in. "See? i can do Magic."
"FHAKIN KIDDY TRICKS." he's had enough of this, he knows you aren't taking him seriously and ushers you out the shop.
As you walk through the shop's interior surrounded by clocks of various shapes and sizes you ponder if you should show him yours.
[ ] show him Casiopea [ ] keep it hidden |