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  • File: 1330542535.jpg-(103 KB, 905x722, NEWInfluenceOP.jpg)
    103 KB REBOOT INFLUENCE: LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN, SHALL WE? EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)14:08 No.18151250  
    [[That would be Nature.]] Fear says, now in his old form, without bandages - his face a mess of scars. [[She hates when things are used for unintended purposes and grew this home for us. The rose angered her for roses are not meant to be decoration or gift. The child would have been better advised to give her an apple.]]

    You nod.
    "And the human ambassador?"

    Fear looks away.
    [[It is likely better for you not to know.]]
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)14:45 No.18151620
    >[[It is likely better for you not to know.]]

    "Well... I want to know nonetheless"
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)14:46 No.18151627
    [alright, the thread is bumping properly this time]
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)14:59 No.18151736
    On the contrary - not knowing would make me mistrustful.

    What, may I ask, is the intended purpose of a rose if not decoration? Rose hip tea?
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)15:13 No.18151849
    [[The man wished to know us better - to understand the news from Central, to understand the Breaking of the sword of the throne.]]

    He looks at the table.

    [[We granted him his wish, and instilled him with the touch of the fae.]]

    "What happened?"

    [[His mind broke. He is War's current sword.]]
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)15:16 No.18151877
    Poor sod... but is it possible for humans to be touched by fae and not break? If so, what happens to them?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)15:24 No.18151948
    Is that the likely result of such a procedure? Or was he simply unlucky?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)15:25 No.18151955
    Looks like the archive missed the last few posts. There was something about Breaker? I don't really remember.

    Anyone know why the thread didn't bump? I've seen it happen to a couple of other threads but it seems to be random.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)15:36 No.18152052
    "The Sword of the Throne was broken because it would have coordinated Human efforts against Fae attempts to break the seal.
    "So of course it was targeted first."

    "Of the Fae who resisted the war, did any attempt to find out WHAT the Wrongness is? Are all Fae that truly blind that we would attack a thing with no attempt to find out what it is that makes us recoil?"

    I hate the Fae more and more. They're stupid and blind, moreso even than Humans, and just as arrogant, hiding behind their excuse of their natures to rationalize their actions.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)15:39 No.18152082
    >rationalize their actions.
    Assuming they even do that much. Some like us and fear can but the rest of these guys are rather nuts. Like Courage, what was he even going apeshit over back there?
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)15:41 No.18152098
    "Is.... that normal?"

    [[Yes. Rare are the individuals who may be infused with Fae ability who do not go mad, or lose humanoid form.]]

    "... What happens if they don't break?"

    [[Then they become Faetouched. They stand the line between Man and Fae.]]


    "Of the Fae who resisted the war, did any attempt to find out WHAT the Wrongness is? Are all Fae that truly blind that we would attack a thing with no attempt to find out what it is that makes us recoil?"

    [[Do you not remember? You did just that, yourself. You were the only one with enough patience.]]
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)15:49 No.18152166
    But to be the only one to even try... what of other aspects that would question or oppose this by their natures, did any of them try? Do any of them still live? Or even if other fae have killed and absorbed their aspects, might they be allies for us?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)15:53 No.18152194
    >You were the only one with enough patience
    "Yes, I am beginning to relearn what it means to be Patient amongst beings who are led around by their natures only.
    "Will any Fae be able to answer my questions, Fear, if they all lacked the patience to ask questions themselves? Besides War, of course."

    Maybe there's a Fae of Doubt, that might have questioned the War and tried to find out what was really going on?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:19 No.18152396
    What nature of thing can effect a place without being there in a physical way? I've gone over every scenario I could think of to explain the place of wrongness but nothing fits.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)16:22 No.18152430
    "Do you think there's anyone who might help me?"

    [[There are possibilities.]] Fear admits. [[Doubt, Courage, and a few others don't participate.]]

    You nod. "A full list?"

    [[Doubt, Courage, myself, Anger, Punching, Brawling, Fisticuffs, Wrestling... all I can think of.]]


    Fear sighs.
    [[Yes. He, ah... is more interested in his own endeavors. Such as saving maidens.]]
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:22 No.18152431
    A working hypothesis is that the wrongness is the Fae magical system feeling the magical feedback loop of the massive city-scale seal needed to keep an archmagi contained.

    Another idea is that it is bleedthrough of the Archmagi's power.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:23 No.18152446
    Who would be overly hostile towards me to the point of killing on sight?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:24 No.18152454
    "Brawling, Fisticuffs, and Wrestling? I admit, I am somewhat surprised at their inclusion.
    "Courage could perhaps be motivated by the idea of a great quest to save two kingdoms.
    "Doubt...will be interesting.
    "So those are our potential allies. What about enemies?"
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:25 No.18152458
    "So he represents more courageous deeds than personal courage? Or would he be the sort to have the Courage to take a go at peace?"

    "...do you know where Peace is?"
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:26 No.18152463
    What maidens? Is there any actual maiden? Maybe we can bring it to his attention that the humans have among them, very many defenseless maidens in danger from wars machinations.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:33 No.18152528
    I'd like to think many of our brothers and sisters would sooner not assist war if they knew the truth of the matter. But some would. Besides War and Armies who among us to we truly need to count as an enemy? I don't wish my people harm but if removing them as a threat while increasing our strength can save us all...

    And about Armies in particular, would I gain strength if I lessened his number?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:41 No.18152596
    >Anger, Punching, Brawling, Fisticuffs, Wrestling
    These are the fae NOT participating in the war? Weird. What about Peace or Harmony or Love or any of those kinds of fae?

    Doubt I'm picturing as a conspiracy nut who nobody takes seriously, I doubt he'll be very useful. He doubts everything, even the true things.

    Pretty sure we killed one of Armies' bodies when Fear kidnapped Ceran and didn't gain anything.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)16:46 No.18152634
    [[Peace, Harmony, Love remain within the Breach.]] Fear says. [[They wish to remain wholly neutral. I had tried to swing them to your cause after you left, but they had none of it. Doubt would not listen to me - or to anyone else.]] he adds with a sigh. [[I'm sorry, friend. I did all I could in the time that you were gone. I fear I did not prepare for your return adequately.]]

    "And who are our true enemies?"

    [[Death. Swords. Conquest. Famine. Pestilence. Purity. War, Armies.]]
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:08 No.18152794
    >Peace wants to sit and watch the fight instead of trying to create peace
    Shittiest fae ever. I didn't even know they could go against their natures like that. If she's not using her power we should see if we can take it, it'll probably be useful.

    >Death, Swords, Conquest, War...
    Most of the fae at the head of the war have fighting in their nature, and thus are better at it than us. It also means they probably won't listen to us asking them nicely to stop. We're either going to need to get a large majority of the fae on our side, or... Assassination? We have his power, we could try to use it. Seems risky and desperate though.
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)17:22 No.18152892
    1 shot can change the world. And we are perfectly suited to make such a shot, assassination or no.

    The treatment of ambassadors here is highly ironic, that both sides turned them into weapons to win the war.

    'I can see why they would want war, but why do others fight? Is there some push by War or are they all doing it for their own reasons?'
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:22 No.18152893
    Not just Assassination, Assassination and Patience. Those two things put together can yield amazing results. I agree, though. Don't forget an important fact. We don't just get power from those we eliminate, it also affects our essence. Death would probably fit very well in Patience, but others less so. Fury, for example, is rather out of place, I think, and I'm not sure how many we can have before we start to crack or lose ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:23 No.18152904
    If I had a mind to kill one among them, who would be the easiest target?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:26 No.18152929
    Am I supposed to see a cartoonish chef shrugging when I see that picture?
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)17:29 No.18152965
    Swords. His nature would not let him prepare for ranged combat, only the honor of locked swords. War and Armies would be least vulnerable.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:29 No.18152967
    The ones we absorb are reinterpreted according to our nature. Rage for example, is not what we embody as it was for him, but what we manipulate. I think taking on more won't lessen our true nature... but we should ask Fear on the details with that. Ask him if we might lose ourselves to absorbed aspects.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:31 No.18152987
    It was mentioned in an earlier thread that taking on essences too unlike yourself can drive you steadily insane. It's why, for example, opposite among fae tend to be fond of each other, because they feel safe in each other's presence. For example, if War killed Peace, or vice versa, that would likely go instantly and irrevocably mad.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:34 No.18153021
    I remember that, but I wonder about having a quantity of other aspects not opposed to ourselves. They could dilute our own nature, or perhaps simply increase our overal power and influence. Being able to control our body and weapon more effectively at the same time would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:44 No.18153113
    Armies is basically invincible. All he has to do is hide one of his bodies in some far-away place and we can't kill him while he attacks us with the other 666,665 of them. I'd really rather not clash with him.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:47 No.18153143
    Perhaps if a fae kills one of his number, that fae takes that number into itself and his overall power is weakened? There is still the problem of facing a large number of himself, but perhaps that problem could provide it's own solution... imagine us with some of his talent. A Patient army! With Patient guns!
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)17:52 No.18153183
    The rank and file soldiers are a lower level of fae. I don't think that is where his power lies. But he'll be surrounded by them, making the kill nigh on imposible. Besides, our focus is on fighting the archmages, not the humans or fae. Ending the war isn't as high a priority as things relating to the mages, though it would help.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:52 No.18153185
    What about fae we've already absorbed? Say we kill Courage, does that work or does he drive us insane constantly arguing with Assassination about how to do things?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:58 No.18153248
    [[Peace does not neccesarily proliferate peace - as I do not necessarily proliferate Fear. If she has a Fae Mood, she might come out. Otherwise, she's keeping her life as Peaceful as she can.]]

    >Fae mechanics

    [[So long as you remain within your sphere of influence, your absorbed should not conflict with one another. You might change slightly, but so long as you're careful...]]
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)18:00 No.18153263
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)18:08 No.18153349
    Fae moods? Please explain.

    I hope it doesn't mean we have to make bone necklace with garnets, that menace spikes of garnet and depict a human and a fae, or go insane.
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)18:34 No.18153611
    Preventative bump
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)18:54 No.18153827
    [[Fae moods are when a fae is overtaken by its nature - such as, as War claimed, when Breaker destroyed the Sword of the Throne.]]
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)19:10 No.18153966
    Is there a fae of, spontaneity? Of planing or forethought?
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)19:10 No.18153970
    I sincerely doubt that. The Sword of the Throne could have ruined the conspiracy, and knew the Pretenders were returning. Too convinient for the Breaker to just up and break the most powerful and well defended intelligent weapon in the world. Just what happened?
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)19:34 No.18154199
    "That's too convenient."

    [[I agree. But what do we do about it? Nay, what do we do at all?]]
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)19:42 No.18154294
    'Ask him ourselves? I spent some time as a magic weapon, so an interest in one of the most important would be plausible. As to what we do, exactly what I always do. Get into a good position to ruin things, then strike when they are most vulnerable.'
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)20:13 No.18154590
    "We will ask him ourselves. As to what we do, exactly what I always do. Get into a good position to ruin things, then strike when they are most vulnerable."
    A smile slides up your cheeks. "Point the way, brother."

    Fear nods.
    [[Up the tree a ways, there's a large door. Breaker spends a lot of time in that hall. Be warned, it is a place of combatants and barabarism.]]

    You nod, Ceran in hand, and approach the hall, pausing with your fingers on the doors.

    How to make your entrance...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)20:22 No.18154676
    We're patience, perhaps we should simply wait until somebody leaves?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)20:27 No.18154720
    Perhaps, but it sounds as if Breaker stays by himself; it may take too long.

    There's a difference between patience and inaction.

    Let's knock on the door.
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)20:29 No.18154730
    We enter Patiently.

    Put Punching in the gun so we can beat people with it if needed. Messing with their anger will cause some hostility. Approach them about the gun, ask them what we should do with it. Assure Breaker that breaking it might hurt us, as it is a part of us.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)20:56 No.18154970
    How else? Knock and wait. The one who answers is the first person we should be speaking with.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)21:03 No.18155073
    You knock, waiting.

    And Punching opens it with a low growl. Recognizing you, he lets you in, stepping to one side and closing the door as you pass, before returning to a corner of the room where a large cube of metal sits with several dents. With a roar, his fist slams into it, denting the metal. He takes a few steps back and looks at it thoughtfully, before punching it again.

    You look through the room while Ceran jumps from the sounds of wrenching metal, and find your target.

    It looks like a massive pile of broken glass, animated, with stone spheres for hands. It looks up as you approach and sit down.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)21:18 No.18155225
    "Hello, Breaker. I have some questions for you.

    "How did it feel to break the Sword of the Throne? Or I suppose I should say, Xaver 88?"
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)21:24 No.18155287
    "My recent trip has been insightful. But what I have learned still is lacking, and some of that missing story is what you were a part of. Tell me of the day you encountered the sword of the throne."
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)22:03 No.18155679

    "Hello, Breaker. I have some questions for you.

    "How did it feel to break the Sword of the Throne? Or I suppose I should say, Xaver 88?"

    You feel something snap into place. Something just seems... right about saying that. Punching moves to cover the only door in.

    Breaker stares at you.

    "I am not at fa/
    /ult for my fey m/
    /oods. You know t/
    /hat as well as a/
    /ny." he says, words themselves cracking and sliding apart. It's hard to understand him. He looks nervous, though.
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)22:12 No.18155770
    'Why would you think you were at fault? I was interested in it, having spent time as a weapon recently. I was hoping to learn something of the Sword, as the humans put such importance behind it.'
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:12 No.18155775
    "Of course, Breaker. And I was not implying that you were. I merely want to know, what transpired between you and Xaver 88, when you broke him.
    "My recent trip has...given me new insight into the life of a magical weapon."
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:16 No.18155821
    >Xaver 88
    Where the fuck did we get that name from?
    >Punching moves to cover the only door in.
    It seems that being confrontational as shit is making them nervous.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:18 No.18155843
    If he had to suppress or divert his fey urges he could easily have snapped [broken] a slim jim, or broken a hymen. Both of which have far less consequences than breaking the Sword of the Throne. It seems too convenient, he's using it as an excuse.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:21 No.18155872
    I understand that, I am not blaming you. I simply wish to understand what happened, how things lead to that and where they went from there.
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)22:24 No.18155917
    The pre-reboot quests we were Xaver 88, number came from a suggestion to be an 88mm flak cannon. Xaver was just a random name.

    Well yes. This is a strange line of questioning, we spent some time under human thumbs (not sure anyone but Fear knows that), and we have a slow nature but just came in and got straight to business.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:25 No.18155924
    >Where the fuck did we get that name from?
    From our talks with Argyle and Ceran's investigation. Argyle basically said that the Sword of the Throne was Xaver 88 in his final correspondence.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:27 No.18155951
    Lawyers are patient in order to plan all they need and invest a lot of time in their cases, and spring bold questions like Patience just did. Being patient doesn't mean we aren't precise in questioning or round about. We can be direct as possible and will be patient when dealing with how Breaker struggles to respond. It's not incredibly out of character.
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)22:30 No.18155987
    It's in character, Patience means waiting for the right moment to act. And sometimes that time is RIGHT NOW. But it is slightly suspect, and the other factors make it moreso overall.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:35 No.18156032
    I know that, I was asking how Patience knew it.
    Ah, I forgot about that. Yeah, Argyle's last note mentions the name.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)22:57 No.18156221
    "Of course, Breaker. And I was not implying that you were. I merely want to know, what transpired between you and Xaver 88, when you broke him.
    "My recent trip has...given me new insight into the life of a magical weapon."

    Breaker calms, but slightly.

    "The humans revered and cared for it. His/
    /tory had it documented in a dozen ways. I/
    /t had survived generations of handling an/
    /d use. To break such a thing is a tempta/
    /tion. A terrible one. War informed me of t/
    /he blade before the war even began, and /
    /told me of its nature. I desired to break it."

    "So I did."

    You don't feel off. This feels /right/. But the feeling of that has yet to leave. There's something further...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:57 No.18156227
    "Clearly, we need a better method to create faetouched. Perhaps the problem is that the method is too traumatic...

    No, I don't remember. Not unless I left my memories with you."
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)23:00 No.18156259
    Why was it here, what did it say, who accompanied it and what happened afterwards? Please, I need the whole story, everything you know.
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)23:09 No.18156333
    'So breaking it left you... unsatisfied?'
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)23:13 No.18156373
    >War informed me of the blade before the war even began, and told me of its nature. I desired to break it.
    Could just be plain manipulation. "Hey kid, there's free candy over there!" I don't think it was though.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 02/29/12(Wed)23:19 No.18156440

    "Why was it here, what did it say, who accompanied it and what happened afterwards? Please, I need the whole story, everything you know."

    "Strange questions you ask me. Str/
    /ange indeed. The sword... Was.../
    /Desperate. That is the right word. I/
    /t was scared. Frightened. But not of me. I/
    /t was fearful for the one who held it. I/
    /t begged me not to touch her. It begged/
    /To spare her. Strange words. The peices flew./
    /The sword was silenced. The person who held it/
    /was in shock. A young woman with platinum/
    /hair. Her voice, when it returned, was strong and powerful. She asked for her Bow."

    "And then I left. I was satisfied."
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)23:27 No.18156525
    "So what did you gain from breaking the sword? Powers, or just relief?"
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)23:35 No.18156618
    The manipulation is far less interesting than that being said before the war started. Why would you dangle a live goat in front of a lion when the goats family are allies?

    Bow, wasn't there only 1 other intelligent ranged weapon, a bow? Might want to go talk to it. And why is her first reaction after having the sword break to get another weapon?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)23:36 No.18156631

    She asked for her bow and you left? Just like that? Seems like a rather abrupt end, especially when she asked for a ranged weapon.

    Usually, most people attempt to plug a few arrows into entities that break valuable things after asking for a bow. Assuming that it wasn't the type to tie on to a gift, that is.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)23:39 No.18156670
    Pretty sure Ceran said we were the most powerful ranged weapon since the bow was destroyed, so I don't think we'll be talking to it. And why wouldn't you want a new weapon when a hostile creature just destroyed your old one?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)23:39 No.18156672
    Her voice after the breaking, did it sound like the swords before?

    The bow was the only powerful magical *ranged* weapon before us.

    It seems he did it just to do it, let's not question his nature further.
    >> That McGuyver 02/29/12(Wed)23:56 No.18156812
    You're thinking Xaver took over her? That is... interesting. Entirely possible too, but the Princess was killed too. Unless he somehow retained that power and is playing skinwalker, it is highly unlikely. Then again, Xaver was also the most powerful intelligent item, it is still possible.
    Getting another weapon makes sense. Not ventilating the person who broke the first one doesn't.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 03/01/12(Thu)00:01 No.18156852

    >Getting another weapon makes sense. Not ventilating the person who broke the first one doesn't.

    "Why didn't she shoot?"

    "I left through a window. She could not fire in time." he says.

    You think for a moment.

    "Ceran, does this line up with accounts?" you ask. Ceran thinks for a moment.

    "Breaker showed up, shattered the Sword, then left, almost instantly."

    So it does fit. But something... Something doesn't fit. Something in there doesn't make sense. It's on the tip of your tongue...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:04 No.18156871
    The war had already started by this point, right? You'd think that somebody would have tried to stop him long before he got anywhere near the sword. He doesn't exactly seem stealthy.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:09 No.18156895
    >playing skin walker
    >Princess was found dead without a heart
    >Heart (symbol) Wiki page: "...in the past, also intellectual core of a human being."
    That actually doesn't seem that farfetched to me. Especially considering Xaver's powers pre-reboot.

    >but the Princess was killed too.
    They merged? Or Xaver really did take place of her heart?
    >> That McGuyver 03/01/12(Thu)00:10 No.18156902
    It sounds like he did it entirely without loss of life. Royal guards are supposed to die before anyone can even approach royalty. Did anyone get in his way, did he have to hurt anyone?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:15 No.18156934
    I think the bodysnatching theory makes a lot of sense actually. Xavier didn't seem like the kind who would sob and plead for his wielder's life over his own when we were playing him. And we know that all the Rust rulers were Xavier's puppets. And we know Westing could swap bodies with Ceran when we were being wielded.
    >> That McGuyver 03/01/12(Thu)00:17 No.18156946
    Xaver could bend reality to his whim. Not often, but I'm sure he kept some juice stored up. Could go either way. Perhaps the fae are immune to that power. For that matter, he LET himself get broken, merely asking the wielder be spared. Even the sword didn't fight back. It just makes me more sure he's still around, otherwise he would have at least fought. Likely, being broken served his plans. Wanted to be thought gone. Much like us, but being here kinda kills that.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 03/01/12(Thu)00:29 No.18157018
    A theory forms in your mind.

    Xaver lives.

    Xaver 88 survived, somehow, and he's the first to know about the Archmagi. You stand up.

    "Thank you for your help, Breaker."


    You turn to leave with Ceran, only to stare down a thin being in a grey cloak. Empty eyes stare down at you, a silver watch hanging from its neck. Too-long fingers curl and uncurl as it watches you.

    You suddenly feel incredibly, inexplicably cold and immobile.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:32 No.18157041
    Hi Time! What's up, bro?
    >> That McGuyver 03/01/12(Thu)00:48 No.18157150
    So he's using his own field on us, probably to slow us down. 2 can play that game, drop our own for the same purpose, slowing him down. Then we just delay. Engage smalltalk mode.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:05 No.18157271

    Agreed. We are patient.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:08 No.18157287
         File: 1330582085.jpg-(27 KB, 460x299, horatio460.jpg)
    27 KB
    So we're forced to stay and not take action? We're Patience, let's have a chit chat. We don't have our memories intact, for all we know...

    We may have not seen him in...

    ...A long time.
    >> That McGuyver 03/01/12(Thu)01:15 No.18157339
    Screw smalltalk, it's bad pun time. We aren't done till we're pun.

    >Lord Poloape
    Oh course captcha, we will use Lord Poloape's best puns
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 03/01/12(Thu)01:17 No.18157354

    A wheezing laugh crackles from its maw.

    No. I am not Time.

    It speaks, but it doesn't speak. It says words, but it doesn't need to talk, either.
    "Then who?"

    The death of all things. The death of death. The death beyond death. The end. The loss. The only one who lasts forever. That's what I am.

    "...let's have a little chat, then."

    You amuse me. Your struggles make me smile. They are new. They are different. They are refreshing.

    "... You want to help?"

    I want to warn you. Be careful. Step lightly. This is the land of wild, the land where there is no law. You are strong. Are all your allies strong?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:27 No.18157425
    Death was supposed to be our true enemy, though. "You have eternity, and have witnessed many things. Life and death alike with each creature. Why do you ask me things which you have already seen?" Pause for a moment. "I will keep your words in mind."

    As for the strong or not question I haven't been active enough in this quest to really respond to, someone else go at that. Death is probably not unlike us since you must be patient and enduring to live forever with any semblance of sanity (which Death has)
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:31 No.18157453
    >The death of all things. The death of death. The death beyond death. The end. The loss. The only one who lasts forever. That's what I am.
    Fucking riddles. Even Time is a valid answer to that and he just said he wasn't Time. Is he Death or Ending or Eternity or what?
    Wow, could you imagine how powerful Patience would be if he absorbed Eternity?

    Anyway, he's kind of right. Ceran's main strength seems to be running away. And there are only three of us. And the conspiracy is vast and powerful. And Madness said we'd fail. Let's just go home and chill with Peace and Love and Harmony and hope somebody else saves the world. If only we weren't the main character...
    >> That McGuyver 03/01/12(Thu)01:32 No.18157466
    'Strength takes many forms. More important is that I have allies at all. Quite the commodity in times like these.'
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:38 No.18157496
    Strong? Sure. Strong enough? Not going to assume that. Can't be strong enough.

    So if I amuse you now, what if you help me out a bit? Tell me something I need to know? Help us with is interesting struggle in this time of living, that gives the eternal afterwards it's contrast and meaning.
    >> That McGuyver 03/01/12(Thu)01:44 No.18157546
    War is basically one of the 4 horsemen. Involved in the war you also have Famine, Pestilence and Death. They would likely follow the horseman theme with War. This is someone else entirely.
    >> The Still Voice 03/01/12(Thu)01:46 No.18157557
    >This is the land of wild, the land where there is no law.

    There is no Fae with the nature of lawfulness or order? Interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:50 No.18157591
    The four horsemen are War, Conquest, Famine and Death. But Conquest was named as well so your point still stands.
    He said he was the death beyond death, and Death can't be beyond himself. Also he had a watch, while Death traditionally uses an hourglass.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:51 No.18157600
    "I would have them stronger. Any advice for me to that end, Oblivion? I promise our doing better will make things all the more interesting for you."

    They each follow their own law, none apply to the lot of them. It makes we wonder what Law actually does, though.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 03/01/12(Thu)01:52 No.18157603
    "So if I amuse you now, what if you help me out a bit? Tell me something I need to know?"

    While not limited in my answers, telling you too much would remove the interest. It would be akin to screaming the culprit while watching a murder play.

    "But you still want to warn me? Isn't that interference, too?"

    In a way. But in another it is not, for you know it already.

    "There is no Fae with the nature of lawfulness or order? Interesting."

    Law is the construct of man. I know this well. To impose law on the universe... You cannot unbreak eggs.

    "Strength comes in many forms. More important that I have allies at all."

    Indeed. Stand close to your friends. Or fall apart. My four brothers are mistaken. Save them.

    And then he's gone.

    What... the hell was that?!

    Ceran slips closer to you, holding your arm tightly.
    >> The Still Voice 03/01/12(Thu)01:54 No.18157621
    There is a fae of madness. Is there a fae of knowledge? Of understanding and insight?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:56 No.18157638
    >Or fall apart. My four brothers are mistaken. Save them.

    Four brothers, hmm?

    We already know War is one the conspirators. If we go by the horsemen theory suggested, that means that the other three will be Plague, Famine, and Conquest.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:57 No.18157640
    >My four brothers are mistaken
    >The Four Horsemen are his brothers
    >He's Jesus Christ, the fifth horseman
    ...or not

    >Save them
    Wait, he actually wants us to win? He's pretty unhelpful for somebody on our side.

    Anyway, I don't really have a clue what we should do next. Who else is in this outpost?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:59 No.18157666
    All the fae are "bothers", that term says nothing new. I'm more curious about "saving" them, does he expect a peaceful solution or are we saving them for a fate worse than being absorbed or sent back to the breach?
    >> The Still Voice 03/01/12(Thu)01:59 No.18157667
    I would think there must be a fae of clarity / sanity if there is a fae of madness. It seems equally unlikely that such a fae would be apart of the war effort if it existed.

    "It was not an enemy Ceran, but a messenger. Let us depart from here. Nothing more can be gained within these walls."
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:03 No.18157694

    Revelation is a bit weird with the horsemen. The names it gives are War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death, but they don't match with the physical descriptions given earlier. There's a white horse with a rider carrying a bow that is described, and some sources name it as Conquest, In most artistic depictions, he's kicked out and replaced by something that matches up with Plague/Pestilence better.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 03/01/12(Thu)02:05 No.18157710
    "It was not an enemy Ceran, but a messenger. Let us depart from here. Nothing more can be gained within these walls."

    She nods, holding your hand as you exit again, returning to where you had left Fear.

    He's nowhere to be seen.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:09 No.18157731
    Pretty sure they're never actually named in the Bible. The description of the white rider is:
    "I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come and see!" I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest."
    Just like the whole rest of the Bible, it's open to interpretation really. Given that we have Conquest and Pestilence against us, I don't see much point in arguing about it. They can both be horsemen.
    >> The Still Voice 03/01/12(Thu)02:12 No.18157755
    Lets be patient. Look around calmly and consider where Fear might have gone.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:13 No.18157759
    Well, shit. Where is punching and breaker? Or anyone else? Any place he might have gotten to or have been gotten to?

    Additionally I'm rather sure none of them will be upon horses.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:15 No.18157776
    But we already know War has a red horse, it was part of Madness's riddle and Fear told us. That and the fact that all the others are working with him seem like a bit of a coincidence if EGO's not going for the four horsemen.
    >> That McGuyver 03/01/12(Thu)02:16 No.18157791
    I'm going with that being Purity, but I'd much rather ask Fear. It wasn't an archmage at least, there are only 3 male mages.
    Also going off appearance, Death would look like what people associate him with. A ferryman, angel of death or a Grim Reaper are far more likely than Grandmaster Time.

    In other news, figured out the meeting we eavesdropped on was between War and Lady Delarosa.
    >War is in their nature. They cannot stand together.
    >Then you and your brothers can ride
    Riding? War? Lack of altruism? Sounds like fae to me.
    >they have been dealt with. We need no longer concern ourselves with Patience or Argyle
    Only a human who both ordered our killing and killed Argyle would know we had been dealt with. Argyle was writing his last writ at that very moment.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 03/01/12(Thu)02:26 No.18157887
    You look around the area, almost frantically. There's no one nearby - but a note is pinned to the wall by a rose.

    >I think Fear would make quite a suitable sword.

    >Don't you?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:30 No.18157920
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:32 No.18157946
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:34 No.18157954
    Oh hell no. Find war, look for war, use our talent of patience to track him down however you can.
    >> That McGuyver 03/01/12(Thu)02:47 No.18158063

    Fuck it, lets be as obvious as possible. He either expects us to remain calm or to lose it and go straight for him. We show one way, and kill with another. Though if they kill Fear, might as well just eat them all.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:50 No.18158086

    Lets write on that note, "No, I don't think so, fear makes people react unpredictably."

    Then lets start looking, but put on more of a show of it, like we are really freaked out.
    >> The Still Voice 03/01/12(Thu)02:59 No.18158166
    >Writing with a pen.
    "Fear would make a fantastic sword. He would make a better Fae."
    >> That McGuyver 03/01/12(Thu)02:59 No.18158168
    Actually it'll work for us if he ever finds out what happened. Likely, we saw through it in a plausible environment where intelligent weapons are all over. Fae, not so much. If he learns how to swap bodies, we have War stuck in a sword.

    Though I'm running on the assumption he won't find out as it puts the ball in Fear's court, not ours or Wars.
    >> The Still Voice 03/01/12(Thu)03:05 No.18158199
    Does anyone else find it odd how the note about fears disappearance was designed to cause fear?
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 03/01/12(Thu)03:13 No.18158251
    You almost fly out of the room in anger, but calmly, you write:

    >Fear would make a fantastic sword. He would make a better Fae.

    just below the feminine handwriting.

    Where would they take Fear to make him into a weapon, though? Considering the conspirators are likely working together, it's just as likely the went back to the city.

    "Ceran, who knows how to make Born Weapons?"

    "Just CMTR." she replies quietly. "Why?"

    "I think they took Fear there." you reply. "We need to save him. Or at least, find him."

    She nods. "I know the room. It's directly below where we stored you."

    You begin to walk.

    The question is, how do you get there?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)03:22 No.18158309
    We should carry Ceran, and lull her to sleep. It's for her own good after all. I think the time it would take to teleport with patience might drive a human insane. Then, when she's asleep, we focus our being entirely into getting to the room where we know we were stored.

    I figure it will be something like a pleasant stroll that gets us there instantly, objectively, but takes days, weeks, months, maybe even years subjectively.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)03:24 No.18158331
    Well what are our options? Are there beasts of riding and burden we could use? Something wild might be effectively tamed if we removed the anger from it. If not we'll need someone to help us... and all I can think of around here is Courage. Confirm no other options are around, and call out for him. Courage likely has a better idea on how to get there quickly.

    Interesting theory, I don't see a reason for all of that to be true, however.
    >> The Still Voice 03/01/12(Thu)03:27 No.18158353
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    >The question is, how do you get there?


    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)03:31 No.18158389
    Hold Ceran and simply wait until we are there.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 03/01/12(Thu)03:37 No.18158444


    "Ceran, do me a favour."


    "Call for Courage."

    "You can't be serious."

    "I am serious."

    She gives me a pleading look, and you shrug.

    She sighs.
    "Help, help, Courage, save me." she deadpans, and there's a loud bang as he simply APPEARS.


    Ceran explains it as a friend of hers being in great danger and she would be so very heartbroken if something were to happen to him.

    Courage thinks for a moment.

    "You do?" you ask.

    >> The Still Voice 03/01/12(Thu)03:47 No.18158511
    So long as their are fatalities on the opposing side...I'm not certain that is a bad thing. On the flip side it could be spun as an attack on the humans at the hands of the fae, but at this point do we have a better option.

    That orc from before drank a potion that teleported him away, don't suppose we could find something like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)04:13 No.18158659
    Problem with that is we may be opposed by people who are tricked into fighting and not supposed to die. They themselves are those who need to be protected! Can you do that? Save even those you strike down?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)04:15 No.18158670
    Guys we may be better off sending Courage to inform and rally our would be allies about the treachery of war. But ask him how he teleports first.
    >> EGO !b0vpMZLBb6 03/01/12(Thu)04:27 No.18158745
    "How... do you teleport?"




    You think for a moment. You can't have much time.

    "Can you send me without going? I will have need of allies."

    "I CAN."

    You bite your lip.
    "Then send us, Courage." you say.


    There is a sound like thunder.

    >> anon 03/01/12(Thu)11:13 No.18160977
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    Is it bad that courage reminds me of He-Man >.>?

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