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!!FOs+3LWXJDT 03/01/12(Thu)19:14 No.18165673 File: 1330647265.jpg-(115 KB, 767x1042, Desert_by_tincek_marincek.jpg)
 Slowly, Baha seemed to pull herself away from her musings and realized that you were actually there next to her, taking a small sidestep away and readjusting her cloak.
“So, um, find anything?”
“A couple of things, a couple of ways...I found out that the doors are locked and that there’s no-one peeping on us as near as I can tell. The entranceway is warded and stuff so a straight teleport isn’t going to be doing us any favours- not that it’s a smart thing to just teleport someplace that’s unsafe.”
“We might not have an option, maybe you can dispel...” She frowns, “But, um...sorry, carry on.”
“Ah don’t worry, I doubt I can teleport us b...right,” You sigh, deciding bringing up her squeamishness wouldn’t help the options, “Other than that, I’ve got a few of other schemes. One is elaborate and involves major property damage. The other is much simpler. We knock.”
She looks at you like you imagine your mother would, had you ever seen her in a human guise.
“You...want to knock. On the fortress door.”
You shrug in a ‘It’s better than digging’ kind of way, which seems to do a little less than appease her appreciation of the plan. However, after a few moments more incredulous staring she seems to fold, batting her eyes down and away, agitatedly running her fingers over the hem of her cloak again.
“Well okay, if you want. If you think it’s good. Sorry.”
Putting her odd behaviour out of mind for a moment, you turn back toward the giant gates and consider them, looking for some suitable mechanism to- ah, there, a handle by the side of it. It’s human-sized too...which you suppose makes sense, as Dwarves would likely have their own way of making themselves known to the Hold...and wouldn’t need to bloody knock. Perhaps this was installed for courteous invaders. |