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    189 KB MAQuest Part 10: The Azure Flash Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)14:08 No.18266408  
    And we're back, with the most infrequently updating quest on all of /tg/!


    also some shit about blue zakus and the captain's disappearance and allying with zeon forces

    (Status next page)
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)14:09 No.18266419
    SKILLS: SPIRIT GUIDE (When confused, you may ask Ben for help. He can also cover your back, or at least inform you of enemies behind you.)
    WEAPONS: 60mm VULCAN GUN, BEAM SABER, PROTO BEAM RIFLE, GUNDAM HAMMER (Does 5 damage for every increment of 5 rolled (5 or up does a minimum of 5, 10 and up does 10, up to 20 dealing 20), 15 and up also prevents use of a random weapon for 5 turns.)
    OUTPUT: 1380 kW

    OTHER UNITS: RGM-79 GM, RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam, Work Type Ball, MA-05M Bigro Meir, RGM-79 Desert GM, RB-79 DAEMONBALL

    ITEMS: "Zanny" Plans, "GM Ground Type" Plans, "Grabro" Plans, "Desert GM" Plans, "Gouf Flight Test Type" Plans, "Zaku II" Reusable Plans, "E-Cap" Reusable Plans, Sand Filter, Hover Unit, Bit Control Array, Railgun Attachment, 17 tons Scrap Metal, Turn-8 Necklace, Turn-8 Document, Knuckle Shields x2, Zaku Bazooka
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)14:12 No.18266449
    Fuck yeah, MAQuest!
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)14:18 No.18266524
    Oops, forgot something. You also have the "G-Fighter E" plans.


    You didn't sleep last night.

    After worrying about the Captain's disappearance for multiple hours, you were tapped by Burning and Garma to help in the exodus back to the Trafalgar. Ben has been on the lookout with you, searching for anything that could pose a problem. After a solid night of flailing around in the dark, you can finally see the Trafalgar in front of you.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)14:27 No.18266604
    Cautiously enter the remains and get to work trying to clear out any debris that might block the men. Get them situated in the available rooms, then search the Captain's quarters while Diez remains on watch.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)15:31 No.18267144
    I'm sure OP will be back any minute now....
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)16:58 No.18267782
    Keeping this alive for when OP eventually returns.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)17:40 No.18268080
    Sorry guys, lost connection.

    The debris isn't large in number, and you simply push it away, allowing the rest of the crew and soldiers to get into the base. Leaving the Gundam in the hangar, you search for Captain Vismenda, but find nothing.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)17:44 No.18268109
    Take a nap. If we haven't slept since the previous night, we've got to be tired and tired people make mistakes.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)17:47 No.18268137
    Exhausted, you crawl back to your room, and fall right asleep.

    Meanwhile, in the DAEMONBALL, a conduit lights up. The first of 7.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:07 No.18268274
    ...well, that's PROBABLY not good... also, don't tell me I'm the only one here. Where's the usual crowd?

    edit: No captcha, YOU mistyped the verification.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)18:09 No.18268291
    It's Friday night. That's all.

    You wake up, dizzily. Nightmares... Or something... Damn, your head...

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:12 No.18268315
    Yeah but this is /tg/, it's not like people have things to do on Fridays!

    Also, check what time it is, how long we've slept. Then go get some food and perform a thorough check of the ship. Anything that might lead us to information on the captain.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)18:56 No.18268756
    You check your clock. You've been asleep for 8 hours- perfect. You get up, and start searching the ship for anything that can help us find the captain.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:58 No.18268768
    Uh.... we....I mean, obviously...er....

    I'm at a loss for what we CAN do other than search around and hope that either we or Ben find something. Maybe check that sealed off section where the Gundam prototype was, see if anything's missing? Maybe the captain took something from there and left/was captured?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)19:02 No.18268805
    >the most infrequently updating quest on all of /tg/!

    BooneQuest laughs hollowly.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)20:07 No.18269359
    You go down to the secret storage, and search for a sign of the captain. You do find a scrap of paper, something hastily scrawled on it. There's no dust- it's new.



    Most infrequently updating quest that actually updates.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)20:11 No.18269395
    Read it, of course!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)20:15 No.18269428
    >Most infrequently updating quest that actually updates.
    Boone's had about a thread a month since last April! We're due for another in ~2 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)21:46 No.18270246
    Read the note, of course!
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)21:48 No.18270258
    You look at the scrap, scrutinizing for details. The only thing you can make out is "hren as". Whatever that means, you can't tell. The rest is torn and gone.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)21:51 No.18270289

    lets ask burning to take a look at it, or diez
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)21:53 No.18270306
    You take the paper up to Burning, who looks it over.

    "Well, it's the captain's handwriting, that's for sure. What it means? No clue."

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)21:55 No.18270327

    well we found Garma and the rest of our crew, I think we should head towards federation territory, of course Garma and Lister will need new identities as they will be captured otherwise.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)22:04 No.18270418
    The Trafalgar won't be ready for land travel for a few hours, but the nearest Federation base is Jaburo.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)22:07 No.18270445
    Are any of the shuttles or vehicles missing from the Trafalgar? It's probably too late to look for the Captain's tracks, but maybe there's still a trail left?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)22:16 No.18270533
    You go down to look at the shuttles. Several are missing, but many more are destroyed. You can't tell if one was taken recently.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)22:24 No.18270609
    The Trafalgar is still going to take a couple hours to be ready to fly, right?

    Let's find Lister, and ask him about the blue glowing Zaku that tore apart his team. And let's go to that abandoned Zaku base, see who was using it, and check out the fact that one of the MS bays showed sign of more recent use.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)22:41 No.18270715
    >You look at the scrap, scrutinizing for details. The only thing you can make out is "hren as". Whatever that means, you can't tell. The rest is torn and gone.

    Well, "hren" could be Gihren....
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/09/12(Fri)22:43 No.18270733
    You go looking for Lister, who is sitting in the mess hall, eating.

    "I don't want to talk about. It was a specter, a grim reaper, and I lost a good friend to it."

    Well, that doesn't sound good.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)23:06 No.18270878
    "Mr. Lister. The Zeon base that Commander Garma and I raided for supplies showed signs of recent use. I am unfamiliar with Zeon military computer systems. I would appreciate it if you could accompany me to the base in order to pull its most recent activity logs."
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)00:58 No.18271733
    Lister looks at you for a minute, before sighing. "Sure, kid. Whatever. Gonna need a suit, though. You willing to give?"

    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)01:43 No.18272073
    "Have you ever piloted a GM before, Mr. Lister?"

    Give him one of the GM's for now.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)01:54 No.18272177

    Lister sighs. "It's no Zaku, but it will have to do."


    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)01:55 No.18272190
    We inform Burning and Garma that we're going to go back to that Zeon Base, and if there's anything we should pick up while we're out.

    Also, your trip fell off.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/10/12(Sat)08:49 No.18274517
    You find Garma and Burning talking in the mess hall.

    "You're going back to that base?" Garma asks inquisitively.

    "Yes sir. I have a theory about the Zaku that showed up during the Trojan Horse battle, and we're going to look into it."

    "I see," says Burning, looking at Garma. "Commander Zabi, you said the base was deserted. There can't be any harm in taking a second look."

    “I suppose not. Just be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Garma says, an unexpected note of tenderness in his voice. You don’t need your Newtype powers to know his comment is directed towards you. You salute the two, and walk off with Lister. 5 minutes later, you and Lister leave in the Gundam and the Desert GM, arriving at the base before long.

    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/10/12(Sat)11:38 No.18275474
    Bumping once, and only once.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)11:40 No.18275480
    Head to where the suit was and show Lister, was there any terminal that we had trouble with? My memory is failing me atm, if there is maybe Lister's Zeon passwords could open it?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/10/12(Sat)14:26 No.18276796
    There was a terminal that you couldn't open last time. Maybe Lister can get it unlocked.

    You arrive at the base just as a sandstorm begins to kick up, and walk the suits inside just in case. Nothing appears to have changed at first glance.

    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)15:33 No.18277235
    Ask Lister if he can do something about that terminal, while NOT trusting your first glance. By which I mean, take a better look around, check for anything that might have changed since we left.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/10/12(Sat)15:50 No.18277355
    As you direct Lister to the Terminal, you begin to look more closely at the base. It's odd... The dust is gone. It's like someone cleaned up the whole place...

    "Hey, kid! Something's happening!" Lister yells from the Terminal, and you run over, looking at it. Lines of code begin to rush by, coalescing into a symbol...

    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)16:04 No.18277442

    Freak the hell out.
    Then when were done, see if maybe we can use the pendant data thing on the terminal?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/10/12(Sat)18:43 No.18278606
    "What the hell?!" you say, stepping back in shock. Lister looks back at you.

    "Does this mean something to you?" he says, clearly already knowing the answer. You nod.

    "Question is what it's doing here of all places..." A thought occurs to you, and you pull out the ∞ Pendant. The Terminal reacts immediately, a beam of light shooting out from an emitter beneath the screen and striking the Pendant. From there, the Pendant releases another beam of light into your pack, burning a hole through it. You yelp and pat out the suddenly smoldering flames. You open your pack to find the ∞ Binder glowing. Opening it, you find that you can something has changed.


    As this happens, however, a loud explosion sends you flying forward. You turn around to see a 60-ft glowing blue figure standing there, partially obscured by the sandstorm. A burning red eye gazes at you.

    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)18:55 No.18278717
    Scream like the girl we are, back up, and try to find some cover from the MS.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)20:32 No.18279819
    Fuckdamnshitcuntsjpg Alright, let's back away and hope to god we can get to the Gundam in time.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)21:24 No.18280561
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)22:37 No.18281536
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/10/12(Sat)23:12 No.18281939
    You take off, pulling Lister back, to the MS. The Zaku does not follow. Once you are inside, however, it begins to move, ponderously, towards you.


    HP: ???
    ARMOR: ???
    WEAPONS: ???

    The DAEMONBALL lies dormant at the moment, waiting...


    I really need to apologize, folks. When I say "Infrequently-Updating", that tends to mean "responds every few hours, if lucky". I really do enjoy writing this story for you folks, and I know I need to be more punctual. It's just been a very chaotic time in my life, due to auditions and schooling. I promise you that no matter what, I will still be here tomorrow, to high five you yesterday.

    Er, sorry, I meant to say that I promise that I will keep doing MAQuest.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)03:56 No.18284644
    Wait, are we in Lister's GM, or in our Prototype Gundam?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)10:46 No.18286816
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)13:16 No.18287883
    You are in the Gundam.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)13:28 No.18287952
    Attempt to open up communications with the strange Zaku, asking who they are and what they want. It's probably in vain, but you never know. IF they don't respond or prove hostile, fire at them with the Gundam Hammer.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)13:52 No.18288110
    You open up the communications channel.

    "Who are you? Why are you here?"

    After a minute of tense silence, there is a response.

    "I welcome you, Child of Sacrifice."
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)13:58 No.18288147
    "Oh great, another one of you crazy guys. I don't know what happened at Side [insert number here, I forget], but I'm no sacrifice! What do you want?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)17:21 No.18289936
    rolled 16 = 16

    The Zaku ignores your words, and suddenly charges!
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)17:28 No.18290021
    rolled 13 = 13

    You are struck by its spiked shoulderplate, and fly into the other wall, taking out a significant part of your armor. This guy may look like a ghost, but he hits like a Mack Truck.

    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)17:37 No.18290138
    Hit it with the Hammer!
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)17:51 No.18290283
    rolled 7 = 7

    You swing at the Zaku desperately with the hammer!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)18:00 No.18290392
    Also, will we be allowed to roll for our weapon attacks sometime?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)18:50 No.18290897
    rolled 14 = 14

    I'm not always sure, since multiple people rolling one time can make it difficult to pick which one is the real one. I can't just pick the highest, that would be like cheating.


    The hammer just bounces on the Zaku, and it charges at you, firing a machinegun at high speed at near point blank.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)18:57 No.18290948
    The bullets, glowing an unearthly color, tear through your armor, sending you flying.



    Lister is in the Desert GM.

    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)19:01 No.18290978
    Oh god that thing seriously just blew through our Lunar Titanium armor with its MG? Jesus.... well, swing the hammer AGAIN damnit!
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)19:08 No.18291052
    We're Lister now, remember?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)19:14 No.18291134
    ....derp me.

    Can I get a list of the Desert GM's weapons? I know the desert zaku had head vulcans, not sure if the GM does too.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)19:49 No.18291558
    We will fight to avenge our comrades. And Garma's face.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)19:53 No.18291610
    Dodge its charge and attacks. Fight defensively. If one of the gundam prototypes can't scratch it we definitely can't.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)20:42 No.18292249
    rolled 4 = 4

    Lister ducks and rolls away from the Zaku, taking no chances. "You're not getting me again!"

    The Zaku doesn't even turn to Lister, and shoots backwards.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)20:46 No.18292284
    A single bullet hits the GM right on the shoulder, piercing it. A little damage is done.


    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)20:52 No.18292350
    Ask for Ben's help. See if he can detect anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)20:53 No.18292366
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)20:54 No.18292374
    You turn to Ben. He is plastered against the back of the machine, breathing shallowly.


    "Oh god... Oh god... It's coming for me..."

    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)20:59 No.18292418
    Place the Gundam in a defensive stance. Do not attack.

    "If you welcome me, why are you fighting me?"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)21:01 No.18292447
    Its coming for you? Is it communicating with you?
    I second this, too
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)21:18 No.18292644
    Ben shakily points at the Zaku, which is approaching you slowly.

    "It's the grim reaper... It's coming to take me away..."

    The Zaku keeps coming.

    "Are you worthy?" a voice intones from your communications channel.

    "Am I worthy? What does that even mean."

    "Prove that you are worthy of the lives that have been lost, Shannon O'Clay!"

    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)21:42 No.18292960
    "I have faith in humanity. I have faith in the ability of all people to move beyond conflict, to cooperate, to reconcile. I have faith that I will not fail in my task, to end this war, not by fighting for a side, but for the cause of peace. I will see justice done, and I will see this solar system restored to its rightful state. The blood of Side 2 will be answered for, but not by slaughter. If you cannot accept this, find a new child."
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)22:05 No.18293201
    The Zaku stops. For a moment, there is nothing but tense silence as a machine gun is pointed in your face.

    "...Right answer." With that, it begins to walk away. At the edge of the base, it stops suddenly.

    "Know this. This will not be the last time we meet. I can only hope your conviction does not wane before them."

    With that, the sandstorm doubles in intensity for a moment, overtaking the Zaku. The sandstorm then dissipates, and it is gone.

    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)22:10 No.18293254
    Check if Ben's okay.

    Ask Lister if the spectre talked to anyone before.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)22:17 No.18293324
    Lister that thing is gone. We should get back to the Trafalgar and start to plan out our next moves.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)22:24 No.18293380
    Ben is breathing weakly, tears streaming from his eyes. You can only hold him in your arms, whispering comforting words in his ears.

    Lister interrupts the tender moment. "That son of a bitch was talking to you. What did he say?"

    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)22:28 No.18293422
    "He asked me if I was worthy. I don't think we'll have to worry about him for some time; I managed to convince him. Are you alright?"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)22:29 No.18293436
    "I'm not sure what he meant. He asked me if I was worthy, and what I told him seems to have stuck. He said he'll see me again, though, so there's that, too."
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)23:07 No.18293792
    Lister laughs harshly. "Let's be ready, then. I'll destroy it next time."

    The two of you trek back to the Trafalgar, where a furious Lara.

    "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE GUNDAM?!" she yells angrily.

    You whimper nervously. The Zaku wasn't nearly this scary...

    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)23:14 No.18293850
    Oh boy. We're going to get it. Especially as Luna Titanium of the grade used in the Gundams isn't exactly standard issue.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)23:16 No.18293876
    I believe Lister will attest to the fact that the Zaku was more than a match for the Gundam and we might well have lost the whole thing if it wasn't for the timely intervention of speechcraft.

    There's also the Gundam's cockpit recorder, but I doubt it picks up ghosts.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)23:34 No.18294012
    Incidentally folks, planning on doing a Gaiden of this during April, as well as kicking around ideas for a Quest based on what is assuredly my favorite toy/game as a kid.

    So, has anyone archived this?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)23:37 No.18294051
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/11/12(Sun)23:47 No.18294145
    Thanks very much, then.

    Actually, you know what? I'm going to keep going. This is like 50-70 posts at most. We can do more.

    After a STERN talking-to by Lara, you manage to salvage enough Luna Titanium to patch up the Gundam. (-6 scrap). Lister has gone back to... Whatever he was doing, and repairs to the ship are almost complete.

    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)23:54 No.18294194
    It's actually unfortunate this quest isn't set after the Delaz conflict. Most of my favorite machines are Titans designs.

    That said, I'm still glad I caught the updates.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)23:58 No.18294243
    It's at 88 posts as of now.

    If we have no further leads on the location of the captain, we'll just have to wait for the ship to be repaired, I guess.

    Commune with the DAEMONBALL. Can we discover anything by examining its systems?

    Also, how are we on upgrade points?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)00:04 No.18294305
    You mean, "Gihren"?

    Anyway, have we checked the Captain's personal logs, perhaps?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)00:05 No.18294317
    You didn't get any points from that, but you have 3 of them.

    You walk down to the hangar, and find the DAEMONBALL there, silent- and black.

    "...OK, who painted my Ball?" you ask, to no one in particular.

    "It's always been that color," one of the crewmen says, going back to his work.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)00:09 No.18294349
    Open the cockpit and check out the interior.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)00:27 No.18294523
    You open the cockpit.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)00:28 No.18294536
    Yes. But I doubt Ben wants to, if he even can. He can stay outside.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)00:54 No.18294802
    Ben is perfectly happy to stay outside, and does so. You, in the meantime, crawl inside, and look around. The consoles are inactive, but still pulse with a cold green light. A single icon is lit up, the first of seven.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)01:00 No.18294859
    Run the DAEMONBALL through startup. If nothing interesting happens, power it down, and head back to confer with the named characters and decide exactly what we're going to do once the ship is capable of flight again.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)01:04 No.18294900
    You go through the motions, starting up the DAEMONBALL. Or at least, you try to. Despite clearly having power, the thing refuses to start up.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)01:13 No.18294997
    Ask it nicely.

    "Tell me your secrets, spirit ball. My captain may be in danger. I must find her."
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)01:20 No.18295068
    As if it were reacting to your will, the front window begins to glow, until you can see an image through it. It's Captain Vismenda's face. She's in a normal suit helmet, and you can see some light reflecting onto it. Other than that, though, there's nothing. Her expression is lost in the glare.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)01:21 No.18295083
    "Could you zoom out, please?"
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)01:22 No.18295087
    Keep watching. Maybe Daemonball will tell us a story.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)01:34 No.18295191
    The image disappears as quickly as it appeared. Instead, a new image shows up, a movie. Strange mobile suits, coming out of the water, attacking-

    "Is that Jaburo?!" you say, horrified.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)01:40 No.18295244
    "Do you have any more you are willing to tell me?"

    If it appears no, then power down the ball, and go find Burning and Garma. Tell them that we think Jaburo might be in danger.
    If they ask us how we know, "Newtype. I'm sorry gentlemen, however I cannot explain such matters."
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)01:40 No.18295251
    Time to completion of repairs?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)01:42 No.18295268
    Keep. Watching.

    If that's the last we see, then we tell Burning what we saw, then we get moving as soon as our ship's ready to go. We're not going to accomplish anything else here.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)02:56 No.18295915

    The image then moves, to a single, out-of-the-way terminal in the base, before disappearing. You run out, not stopping until you reach Garma and Burning.

    "Ah, Miss O'Clay, excellent timing. We've just finished repairs on the-"

    "No time! Jaburo! Under attack!" Garma stops dead.

    "Gihren actually got enough support for the Jaburo attack?!" You and Burning turn to Garma.

    "It wasn't supposed to happen for another week, if it happened at all... How did he get such support?"

    "By using your death as propaganda. Maybe we still have time. It could have been some sort of premonition. Let's move!"

    As you rush to stations, you see Garma's face. He seems disgusted by something.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)03:37 No.18296213
    Ask Garma what's eating him.

    Also, once the fight's over, that terminal is probably the second that we need. But first we've got to beat back the assault.

    On a sidenote, they seemed perfectly willing to take our word on this one. I'd be curious to know why.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)08:12 No.18297701
    Garma looks up at you as you come by and ask him what's wrong. "...Call it dissatisfaction. I never wanted to be a martyr. I never expected to be one. My brother, though... He's very good at turning tragedy into strength."

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:28 No.18299074
    "What will happen if he finds out you're still alive?"
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:53 No.18299265
    Ask him if we can touch his hair. It's so shiny and soft. Also, we should see if he can negotiate for it's secrets, or at least which shampoo he uses.

    If our hair was even half as impressive as his, we could rule all of UC Gundam! Also, I'm 100% totally sure it's required for the RX-78-8.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:55 No.18299274
    i just saw 'Dave Lister' this quest has red dwarf?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:14 No.18299399
    He was severely burned, but not killed, due to Char's betrayal. What hair he has left is neither shiny nor soft.

    It's a character from Zeon Quest. Look it up on sup/tg/ if you want to know more, but be warned, it is very long.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:22 No.18299459
    Psh, it takes more then flaming GAW wreckage and Char's Betrayal to damage Garma's perfect hair.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:26 No.18299499
    Unfortunately not, according to Ori.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:28 No.18299514
    I don't remember him saying that Garma's Hair was damaged. Just his face and body.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:39 No.18299586

    >He's been terribly burned all over. His famous lavender hair mostly is gone now, a few patches lying haphazardly around the only sign he had it at all. His once-flawless face is now a maze of scar tissue, obviously untreated in the time since his supposed demise. His eyes, formerly naive and idealistic, now are cold, the gleam of madness shining in them.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)12:40 No.18299590
    Alas, Garma's glorious locks were burnt off during his sortie with the Gundam. It is all but gone.
    Wrong Lister, buddy. Read ZeonQuest.
    Garma chuckles darkly. "I imagine he will either praise me as a messiah who has come back from the dead, or try to finish the job to keep up public sentiment. Either way, I'm not excited about it."

    "...Is that the real reason you don't want to go back?" you ask.

    "..." His expression is stony.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:48 No.18299639
    "Regardless, we can use this to our advantage. If you suddenly turned up alive, and broadcasting this fact to everyone around, Gihren would have little choice but to 'praise you as a messiah'. He could try to convince the Zeon that you're an impostor, but I don't think that's very likely."

    "Do you think you could convince Gihren to halt the attack on Jaburo?"
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)12:54 No.18299684
    "Firstly, I doubt it. Secondly, how would I even find a way to broadcast? The Earth Federation would capture me the second I got near a base. Make no mistake, Miss O'Clay- Though I value the newfound camaraderie between our respective groups, I have no doubt in my mind that under even slightly different circumstances, my men and I would be died up and beaten in the penal block. I doubt other Federation soldiers will be as kindhearted as you," he says, smiling at you.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)13:06 No.18299745
    "For other Federation soldiers, the goal is to defeat Zeon. My goal is to restore peace, with the least possible bloodshed. If you don't think you can convince Gihren, we'll have to try something else. How could we force the end of the battle at Jaburo without blowing everything up or getting you captured, tied up, and beaten?"
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)13:54 No.18300126
    What exactly is the G-Fighter E?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)16:43 No.18301601
    Garma laughs loudly at this. "Well, we'll have to figure that out, won't we?" He gets up, to prepare for piloting stations.

    You're alone again, with Ben of course.

    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)16:44 No.18301605
    The G-Fighter E is, in essence, G-Parts made from the Elmeth.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:44 No.18301608
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:51 No.18301678
    The Zeon base doesn't happen to be on the way to Jaburo, does it? If it is, we could make a quick stop and search out that terminal the DAEMONBALL showed us.

    In any case, the Trafalgar should begin moving toward Jaburo.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)17:03 No.18301804
    The Terminal is IN Jaburo.


    You climb onto the deck, and watch the ship slowly rise, and begin flying towards the Federation's main base, Jaburo.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)17:05 No.18301829
    Oh. My mistake.

    Gather the named characters so we can start planning our arrival.

    Is it possible to equip Bits for use in atmosphere?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)18:05 No.18302440
    Plan for what to do once there. If theey are being attacked from below the surface, the Pegasus carrier won't be much use. WE'll have to enter the base in our mobile suits to help stem the tide of attackers.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)19:29 No.18303289
    Bits normally cannot be used in the atmosphere.


    You gather your compatriots (NOT MONSHA, and Garma and Burning are still on the bridge), and brief them on the situation.

    "In conclusion," you say quietly, "We've got 4 days to get to Jaburo, or the war is over. Zeon wins."

    "Those guys don't pay for shit," Diez mutters. "Let's kick their asses."

    "I'm with you guys," Kelly says, rubbing his now-dressed stump. "Zeon would have left me under that rubble."

    "I'm the only original Feddie here, ya buncha traitors," Lara says jokingly. "Of course I'm against Zeon."

    "And I'm always with you," says Ben, standing by your shoulder.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)19:45 No.18303433
    "We need two things: Information, and a plan. Right now we have neither. I welcome suggestions. Four days is enough time to work some engineering magic, at the very least."
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)19:45 No.18303434
    What happened to our original wingmen? Shouldn't they be here too? I'm cursing myself for not remembering their names...

    Anyway, with Lister with us and the Wyatt Bandit at Jaburo, I'm sure they can hold on without us. We just need to get our share of the fun is all! So let's push the engines to max and head out!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:59 No.18304730
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)22:10 No.18304855
    That's an interesting question. Now that you think about it, Chap and Adel haven't been around in a while.

    "Hey, what about this?" Lister mutters, rubbing his unshaven chin. "The Gundam is the worst nightmare of Zeon. If we get it there, and defend the base with it, it will ruin the morale of the soldiers."

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:12 No.18304889
    That gives me an idea. Would it be possible to modify the exterior of the other mobile suits we have so that they look like Gundams?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:25 No.18305055
    Garma's Zaku isn't on the unit list. Did we pick up the Bazooka Zaku or only its weapon?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)23:08 No.18305516
    You picked up a Zaku Bazooka, one that appears to have belonged to the Spectral Zaku. Garma's Zaku has yet to be repaired.

    That would require 4 scrap for each suit.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)23:09 No.18305528
    How much scrap do we have?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/12/12(Mon)23:41 No.18305905
    11 tons.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)23:44 No.18305957
    Modify both GMs so that they appear to be different Gundam models, with different paint jobs.

    Is there anything we can do to actually increase their combat capabilities?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)00:15 No.18306291
    Well, the Desert GM has a Custom Point.

    You ask Lara to "Gundamize" the two GMs, and she nods, grinning wickedly.

    "Can I paint them blue?"
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:20 No.18306339
    "Yes, you can paint them blue."

    How can we upgrade the Desert GM?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)00:25 No.18306397
    You can upgrade a weapon, HP, armor, or put it towards research.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:27 No.18306420
    Research, then.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)01:48 No.18307233
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)01:49 No.18307240
    rolled 14 = 14

    You put some research into the Desert GM.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)01:52 No.18307268
    rolled 9 = 9


    The research succeeds...
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)01:58 No.18307317
    ...And the Desert GM is upgraded to an RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type!

    ((Needed an even number above a 12 on the first roll to succeed in a proper upgrade, 1-7 were new weapons, 8, 13, and 15 was Luna Titanium Armor, 9 and 20 was Gundam Ground Type, 10 and 17 was GM Ground Type, 11-12 was Cold Districts, 14 and 18 was Type C, 16 and 19 was GM Cannon. You once more prove yourselves lucky as all hell.))
    >> Jim Profit 03/13/12(Tue)01:59 No.18307323
    I don't know,man...
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)02:00 No.18307338
    >suggest disguising GMs as Gundams
    >accidentally turn GM into actual Gundam
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)02:04 No.18307372
    Awesome. Use the rest of our scrap to repair Garma's Zaku, if we have enough. If not, we'll just have to pick up more somewhere.

    Head back down to the hangar and enter the DAEMONBALL.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)02:07 No.18307394
    I would support Advice MAQuest if we had a logo.

    You require 2 more tons of scrap metal.

    Pleased with the new Gundam, you go down to the DAEMONBALL.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)02:17 No.18307483
    Sit down in the cockpit and activate it.

    "Spirit ball, I thank you for all of your assistance so far. I have another favor to ask. In order to stop the battle at Jaburo with minimal loss of life, I request the aid of Side 2. At the moment I have two Gundams and a false Gundam at my disposal, but I do not know if this will be enough. One Zabi has joined me. I would like to deal with a second while I have the chance."

    "Saving Jaburo and defeating Gihren will present me with amazing opportunities. It will bring me closer to ending the war and to seeing justice brought upon those responsible for the genocide of Side 2. Please, help me in any way you can."
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)02:54 No.18307741

    The DAEMONBALL's green glow rapidly turns red as an image appears. It is earth, the sun behind the camera. Suddenly, a vast darkness begins to spread across the land. The Camera turns to see a massive object hurtling towards it, blotting out the sun. Maniacal laughter can be heard. With that, everything goes dark and the glow changes back to green.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)02:59 No.18307780
    "I'll do my best."

    Deactivate the DAEMONBALL and exit. Go to the hangar to help Lara paint the GM and chat about engineering, with a subtle inquiry about her relationship with Diez.

    Did the object appear to be a colony?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:11 No.18309433
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)08:31 No.18309899

    You leave the DAEMONBALL, more than a little unsettled. Going back to Engineering, you find Lara, by herself, spray-painting the new Ground Gundam.

    “Need some help?” you ask, climbing up to meet her. She nods gratefully, tossing you a can of paint.

    “That’d be great,” Lara says, spraying the bottom of the new shield with a few coats.

    “So,” you say quietly as you paint around a chest gun barrel, “how are things going?”

    “Great!” Lara chirps happily. “I’ve been sent some new data by my Uncle Chulst to help improve this guy's performance here, so that should help-“

    “I was talking,” you interrupt, “about you and Diez.” Lara’s cheeks redden at your inquiry.

    “We’re, ah… We’re doing good,” she mumbles, acting strangely sphinxlike in her tone. You crack a grin- You know what she means.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)10:43 No.18311046
    Finish up painting. I suppose we should talk with Burning, Garma, and Lister on how we're going to scare the Zeon forces from their attack, reveal that Garma is alive without getting him captured, and basically try to end the war with a minimum of lives lost on both sides.

    Which I have no idea how to do except getting rid of Gihren and getting Degwin and Revil to sit down and come to an acceptable peace treaty.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)12:13 No.18311789
    I wonder what we're going to do about Char. He's committed to revenge against the Zabis, a goal that does not exactly lend itself to non-lethal methods. Since we have Garma, even if he did join us, there would be a whole lot of internal strife.

    Perhaps we could at least get him to agree to avoid fighting us. Our goals are convergent, to a point.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)12:14 No.18311793
    You finish painting after about an hour, and then politely show yourself out and find your way to the bridge.

    Garma and Burning wave to you.

    "Any new ideas on how to end the war without another colony drop?" you ask. Frowns and shaking heads are the only response you get.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)12:18 No.18311843
    What color is the Trafalgar? Could it conceivably be painted white, red, yellow, and blue before we reach Jaburo? Could we use what little scrap metal we have left to add White Base-esque elements to its hull?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)12:25 No.18311898
         File: 1331655904.jpg-(78 KB, 440x240, Trafalgar02.jpg)
    78 KB
    We have 3 days to get to Jaburo. Painting the hull would take one. Your decision, really.

    This is what the Trafalgar looks like.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)12:32 No.18311949
    Alright, it's going to obviously resemble a Trafalgar-class no matter what we do. Let's paint it up, add circular shields to the sides, attach some fins and wings, and put on some external hangar doors. Any crew member with artistic ability is welcome to suggest ways in which it can be made to look like a predecessor to White Base.

    We'll rename our ship Sleipnir for the duration of the mission.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)12:36 No.18311976
    You bring this idea up to Burning and Garma. Garma looks a little uncomfortable, but has to admit that it's a pretty good plan.

    "Sleipnir, eh...? I suppose it's a good name as any. Trojan Horse analogues and all that," he says. "Fine, you've got a deal."

    As you walk downstairs, Monsha stops you, sneering.

    "Well, if it isn't the famous ace! What's up, Ace?"

    You blow him off and keep going, but it occurs to you that you are, in fact, an ace now.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)12:38 No.18311993
    Is he following us, or have we lost him?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)12:40 No.18312002
    He's gone now. The Monshas are cowardly, but they will return, and in greater numbers.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)12:43 No.18312021
    Why did you have to put the idea of a herd of Monshas going "BUUUUUURK BURK BURK" in my mind?

    Head to the recreation area. It's pool time.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)12:44 No.18312038

    Anyway, let's check to see how the crew of the Trafalgar/Sleipnir and Garma's Men are working together. Rec area would be best for that, I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)14:33 No.18312946
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)14:44 No.18313047
    You head to the pool area after a quick trip to your room to switch into a swimsuit. There, Lister's female compatriot- you think her name was Jolyne, is lazily doing a few laps in the pool. You hop in as well, enjoying the cool water. At the poolside, a Black Zeon is schooling Chap and Adel- There they are, the sons of bitches- in poker.


    Black Zeon sounds like a kind of mixed drink, like White Russian.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)14:45 No.18313066
    Ah, there they are. Well, we.... really have nothing more to do for now but to relax and get ready. I suppose swim to our heart's content, maybe to talk our new Zeonic compatriots (Zol and Jolyne), maybe do some more pool with that nice guy who gives us designs and shit for beating him?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)14:50 No.18313101
    I wonder if we could end the war by getting everyone too drunk to fight.

    Bartender, give me two Colony Drops and a Red Comet.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)14:51 No.18313113
    Just to note - We shouldn't ACTUALLY call drinks this, because it's horribly insensitive.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)15:08 No.18313271
    You swim up beside Jolyne.

    "Hey, Jolyne, right?"

    "Who wants to know?"

    "I'm Shannon. Just wanted to say hi."

    Jolyne stops mid stroke.

    "You're the one who beat Commander Garma?"

    You gulp. "Ah... Yes." Jolyne stares at you for a bit, before giggling softly.

    "You got some serious balls," she says, before turning deadly serious. "Just don't do it again."

    "Yes'm!" you say, saluting involuntarily, and earning another laugh out of Jolyne.

    "Settle, soldier. I'm not above you."

    "Oh... Yeah."

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)15:12 No.18313303
    "What are your aspirations, as a soldier?"
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)15:18 No.18313384
    Jolyne whistles. "Man, that's a loaded question. It used to be 'crush the Feddies,' but clearly that doesn't really work anymore. I, uh... I dunno."

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)15:24 No.18313459
    "I fight to restore peace. The distinction between Federation and Zeon doesn't matter as much to me as the fact that we're all human, and this war hurts all of us. Does that sound like something that could work?"
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)15:31 No.18313547
    Jolyne taps her chin. "A bit preachy, but I suppose it could work." You grin wryly at her.

    "Well, OK then. And to foster friendly cooperation... Race you to the end!" You take off like a shot, Jolyne in hot pursuit.

    She beats you so bad, it's embarrassing. You stay in the lead for about a second before she bowls you over.

    "Nice try," she says, making a sweeping mock bow.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)15:35 No.18313584
    "Good thing I didn't put any bets on this."

    Let's go see the other three. Maybe we'll have better luck at poker.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)15:51 No.18313738
    Second. Though I suspect Zolomon is schooling our wingmates, what with his shades and all.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)15:53 No.18313761
    Ask Zolomon for the secrets of throwing things effectively that really have no place being thrown. Maybe he can give us some pointers to make the Hyper hammer more effective.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)15:55 No.18313783
    It's all in the hips.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)19:18 No.18314463
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)20:26 No.18315299
         File: 1331684796.png-(163 KB, 342x378, 1266626314029.png)
    163 KB
    "Sir, detecting new enemy units on approach vector. One- No- THREE GUNDAMS!"
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)21:24 No.18316182
    And one thing Shannon has is hips.

    "No kidding," says Jolyne, as you get out of the pool, toweling yourself off. You then saunter over to the 3 poker-players.

    "Hey, boys~" you say calmly, batting your eyelashes. "Mind if I play~?"

    "Sure thing, miss," says the Zeon soldier. "Name's Ringo. Zolomon Ringo."

    "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ringo," you say, smiling.

    Chap and Adel are currently staring at your ass.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)21:26 No.18316220
    What are they using for bets?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)21:28 No.18316250
    "What are you betting with?" you ask casually.

    "Just scrap metal," Ringo says, equally casually.

    Chap and Adel have yet to tire of staring at your ass.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)21:33 No.18316324
    "Hmm. How boring."

    Take a seat. Wiggle a little.

    Too bad Zeon's not as easy to distract as those two.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)21:37 No.18316394
    Chap and Adel look at you in your fine swimsuit, and stand up at the same time.

    "I'll be in my bunk," they snap at the same time, walking out awkwardly. You can't help but giggle softly, before turning your attention to Ringo.

    "So..." you say calmly.

    "So," Ringo parrots.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)21:39 No.18316417
    "I'm still game if you are. We might have the table to ourselves for a while. Unless Jolyne is interested...?"
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)21:56 No.18316667
    Jolyne climbs out of the pool, winking at the two of you. "Sure, I'll bite. 'Course, Ringo, I'd rather we play STRIP poker, if you know what I mean~" You blush in response, but Ringo only chuckles, cleaning his sunglasses.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)21:58 No.18316724
    Play the game. I realize that we could easily use Ben to cheat, but let's not. Not unless we end up playing Degwin Zabi for the fate of the war.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:04 No.18316799
    rolled 5 = 5

    You start playing, smiling wryly.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:06 No.18316828
    You lose the first hand, losing one ton of scrap. Will you play again?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:08 No.18316855
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:09 No.18316869
    rolled 7 = 7

    "Again," you say, putting another chip down.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:16 No.18316971
    You're down to one ton of scrap. All in?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:18 No.18316998
    Yes. Hopefully our luck won't force us to wager... other things.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:19 No.18317021
    rolled 9 = 9

    You sigh. "Last I got," you mutter.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:21 No.18317048
    so is this a Zeonquest side story or something?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:22 No.18317074
    You gulp as you lose your last piece of scrap.

    "You can keep going," Jolyne says impishly. "Just... clothes go next." You redden.

    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:23 No.18317084
    No, it's an original story. The ZeonQuest characters, however, have showed up.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:26 No.18317126
    And, with a silent prayer to Side 2...

    Here we go.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:27 No.18317139
    Kinda like an AU to Zeonquest's AU.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:27 No.18317144
    rolled 18 = 18

    Ohhhhh boy, you sigh. "Deal me in..."
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:28 No.18317153
    rolled 5 = 5

    You almost chirp in joy as Jolyne and Ringo glumly hand you 2 chips.

    "So close..." Jolyne mutters.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:30 No.18317177
    "I think I just heard two heads explode."
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:32 No.18317206
    Jolyne tilts her head. "What do you mean?"

    "Never mind."

    Will you play again?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:34 No.18317223
    I think we can call it quits
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:34 No.18317230

    How many chips do Zolomon and Jolyne have?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:35 No.18317237
    Jolyne has 4, and Ringo has 9.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:37 No.18317270
    rolled 6 = 6

    "Deal me in," you say, confident now.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:38 No.18317282
    That confidence fades as you are left with one chip.

    Will you play again?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:39 No.18317294
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:40 No.18317307
    rolled 6 = 6

    You join in again, hoping to make your chips back.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:41 No.18317314
    You squeak as you lose your last chip.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:44 No.18317345
    I think it's time to walk away. We're much better at pool, anyway.

    Jolyne will just have to deal with the disappointment.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)22:48 No.18317404
    You throw up your hands. "I'm out," you say, flicking your chip to Ringo. Jolyne looks honestly disappointed. You wave, and stand up, walking off.


    Incidentally, even though we're an ace, we don't have an ace nickname. Mostly because everyone we encounter either is swiftly defeated or joins our side. Usually both.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)22:54 No.18317514
    Do we have any sort of nickname at all? I'm sure the crew calls us something. For Monsha, it's probably got 'bitch' in it.

    Change back into our Feddie uniform and go see how the external modifications are going.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)23:00 No.18317615
    You change back into your uniform, and look outside. One of the shields has been installed already, but nothing else.


    And you'll have to check to see what they call her, then.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)23:04 No.18317686
    Ben probably knows more than we do about what people say behind our back.

    Help out with the modifications.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)23:07 No.18317732
    Honestly, you wouldn't be of any help. This is installation work, not painting. When you upgraded and built suits, you utilized the production capabilities of the ship and crew. You're a young lady- how would you know how to install large machinery?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)23:11 No.18317784
    The wings, fins, and shields don't qualify as machinery, do they? They're more-or-less just big pieces of metal. Only the external doors actually have to move.

    Unless we're building real control surfaces and retractable guns.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)23:12 No.18317808
    Still, holding them up and screwing them in? You're not really inclined towards this kind of work, proven by the time you managed to mess up a Psycommu Test Type Zaku back at the Institute.

    You don't like to think about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)23:16 No.18317856
    We can at least watch. There's no reason to let what happened in the past keep us from gaining new skills.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)23:21 No.18317944
    That is a good point. You open a window and watch the installation procedure for the second shield. You don't learn too much, but it's a way to kill an hour. You're hungry now.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)23:23 No.18317976
    To the mess hall!
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/13/12(Tue)23:49 No.18318415
    You go to the mess hall, where they have burgers, hot dogs, salads, and rice balls.

    >> Rick Dominated 03/14/12(Wed)00:13 No.18318769
    >Not getting Burgers

    I sure hope /tg/ knows better than this.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)00:14 No.18318787
    Take a salad. I'm afraid a hot dog would give people too many ideas.

    Who can we sit by?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)00:59 No.18319532
    rolled 1 = 1

    My vote is whatever the roll on this is. 1 = Hamburger 2 = Salad
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/14/12(Wed)01:09 No.18319684
    You snag a hamburger, and eat it happily. All of the sudden, you get an urge to visit the DAEMONBALL.

    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)01:15 No.18319780
    Visit the DAEMONBALL, of course.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/14/12(Wed)07:21 No.18322530
    You do so, climbing inside to see a new image.

    A Zeon Dossier of Shannon O'Clay, "The Delphinium Hand."

    ...So that's your ace nickname,

    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)11:12 No.18323874
    What else does the dossier say about us?

    And afterwards, I suppose we should get in some more simulator time.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)11:15 No.18323897
    Not as catchy as Red Comet, but it'll do.

    Thank the DAEMONBALL. Ask it if there is any way for it to communicate with us at a distance, perhaps through the Turn 8 Necklace.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)13:35 No.18324817
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/14/12(Wed)14:58 No.18325508
    The last article was dated a few days before your escape. Interesting. You read it aloud.

    "Subject unwittingly established a Link yesterday. The resulting trade of information has given us a design for a more efficient Minovsky reactor, which we are planning on using in the new F2 model.

    ...A Link? What's that supposed to be?"

    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)14:59 No.18325523
    Ask the DAEMONBALL for further information.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/14/12(Wed)15:18 No.18325679
    The DAEMONBALL shuts down. You're not getting anything else. Frankly, you're surprised the thing showed this much over the past few days.

    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)15:19 No.18325686
    Return to the hangar and see if our Gundams are ready.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/14/12(Wed)15:46 No.18325896
    Coming to the hangar, you find the last V-fin being put on the GM. The Gundams are ready.

    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)15:49 No.18325928
    Thank Lara for her excellent work, and ask what else she's got lined up. Besides Diez.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)15:54 No.18325961
    Seconding this. Friendly ribbing, to let Shannon feel like a normal teenage girl, rather than the Newtype experimental test subject-turned-Federation MS pilot that she really is.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)17:33 No.18326906
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/14/12(Wed)17:39 No.18326976
    You go over to Lara.

    "Well done! They look great!" you say to her, smiling widely. Lara laughs, bowing sweepingly.

    "Thank you, dahling~" she says.

    "So what's next on your list? Other than Diez, that is." Lara nearly chokes, reddening.

    "NOTHING SHUT UUUUP" She kicks you out, and you double over, laughing.

    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)17:48 No.18327107
    Make a circuit of the ship and see who we run into. While we do so, talk to Ben. Ask if he's gotten used to the presence of the DAEMONBALL or if it still unnerves him as much as before.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/14/12(Wed)18:30 No.18327623
    Making your rounds,you come across...

    Oh god, it's Monsha.

    4 of them.

    You run as fast as you can, screaming.

    They DID come back, and in greater numbers.


    Monsha laughs hysterically as Chap, Adel, and Diez take off the masks. "Told you she'd freak out!"

    "You're a dick, man," Diez says, regretting his involvement.

    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)18:37 No.18327727
    They don't realize that they're messing with a person who talks to ghosts and is empowered by the fallen souls of Side 2.

    Lean back around the corner of whatever wall we're hiding behind and glare at them.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)20:12 No.18329080
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)20:16 No.18329133
    OH GOD!

    This. Sulk quietly for a bit. Still, we ARE the new girl on the team, makes sense we'd get hazed a bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)21:16 No.18330040
    Seconding this.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/14/12(Wed)21:33 No.18330271
    You poke your head out from the wall, and point vengefully at Monsha. "Tonight... YOU." With that, you slowly pull back.

    He is getting his ass PRANKED.

    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)21:37 No.18330327
    Not just Monsha. We're going to screw with them all. Ideally, Diez will get his surprise at the most inopportune moment possible, when he's porking Lara.

    We might need Ben's assistance for scouting and proper timing. Is he on board?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)21:50 No.18330492
    Can we slice the emergency systems of the Trafalgar/Sleipnir and turn on the emergency sprinkler system in his room?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)21:57 No.18330591
    That's going to do a number on all his porn mags and posters. Also, his tissues.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)22:02 No.18330656
    Hang on, what? Zeonquest crossover?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)22:03 No.18330666
    Yes, as of last thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)22:11 No.18330776
    Just read the last thread.

    He's not doing as well as he did in ZQ, is he?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)22:13 No.18330804
    No. But he's no longer a main character, so that's to be expected.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)00:00 No.18332326
    And I have a bad feeling he'll be around for the duration. There's no way to get rid of him without killing him off, honestly. Not that I mind or anything.

    Monsha, after a few hours of laughing at your expense, goes back to his room.

    "Why the hell's the door locked?" Fumbling for his key, he half-drunkenly opens the door to get a wall of water in his face.

    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)00:06 No.18332414
    Now to see if Chap and Adel have discovered the strange and wonderful adhesives we slipped into their lotion.

    Have Diez and Lara found time for loving yet?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)00:59 No.18332997
    Chap is currently running around, hand stuck to his crotch, yelling for help.


    Diez walks into his room to see someone under the covers. He smiles. "Hey there, La-ti-da," he sing-songs at the shape under the covers, turning off the lights and getting undressed. "Frisky tonight, aintcha?" Pulling off the covers, he gets to work immediately, going down south to get at...

    "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Diez runs over and turns on the lights, to see a bound, gagged, and naked Adel looking at him, traumatized.

    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)01:04 No.18333059
    Of course, we didn't forget Lara. I doubt she was happy when that mustachioed blow-up doll popped out of her closet.

    Good thing we had the foresight to relocate all the important things in our room and be playing a quiet hand of poker with Zolomon when this all went down.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)01:06 No.18333081
    Lara was in on it. She helped you tie up Adel.

    Meanwhile, you've done considerably better, winning 5 tons of scrap at the poker table.

    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)01:09 No.18333112
    Okay, we'll save that idea for some other time.

    Who else is at the table, and are they prepared to defend us when the four amigos burst through the door?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)01:11 No.18333136
    Lister's there now, and he's almost entirely cleaned out Ringo. Dude's a badass.

    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)01:13 No.18333153
    So yes, it's Lister, Jolyne, and Ringo, all of which you have befriended. They will defend you at the very least from Monsha. Also, Ben will as well. He's picked up a few new tricks, he says, but he refuses to elaborate.

    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)01:13 No.18333155
    Ask if there's anything else either man has besides scrap metal they'd consider betting.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)01:16 No.18333191
    Lister and Zolomon tap their chins simultaneously.

    "I suppose we could train you a bit. You're a great pilot, but not a trained one," Lister says. "Zol here is the most dangerous thing on 2 feet when he's in a cockpit."

    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)01:20 No.18333227
    "Is there something specific you'd want in return, Zol?"
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)01:24 No.18333287
    "Eh," says Zol, shrugging. "Until we reach Jaburo, my time ain't worth more than a ton of scrap. It's cool."

    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)01:26 No.18333301
    "Thanks, then. I'll take that bet."

    Let's play.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)01:40 No.18333447
    rolled 20 = 20

    You deal in, hoping for luck.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)01:41 No.18333460
    Yes. Yes!
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)01:45 No.18333498
    "Two words," you say, putting down your cards. "Royal Flush." Jolyne balks at your hand, and Zol's jaw just drops. Lister laughs hysterically.

    "You got a deal, kid."





    Tomorrow, folks. I am fading fast.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)01:46 No.18333514
    What do you mean, it can only be used for research, or what?
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)07:41 No.18335956
    I mean the opposite. You can use the point for anything but research or upgrading, like what you did with the Desert GM. You can use it for weapons, armor, HP, but only those things.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)12:02 No.18337522
    Interdasting.... let's upgrade the Gundam's Armor then. I don't like how the blue Zaku was able to blow through it so easily before...
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)12:05 No.18337549
    I agree. It just tore through our armor as if we were just a regular Zaku I.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)12:39 No.18337812
    rolled 17 = 17

    You upgrade the Prototype Gundam's Armor.

    ((Rolling a d20 to see how many points you gain.))
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)12:40 No.18337820
    75+17=92. The Prototype Gundam now has 92 ARMOR.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)13:09 No.18337982
    Back to poker, then.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)13:31 No.18338128
    rolled 12 = 12

    You deal back in, hoping your luck holds.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)13:34 No.18338141
    It does, and your scrap total is up to 8.

    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)13:40 No.18338184
    Of course!
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)13:41 No.18338194
    rolled 11 = 11

    Let's do it again, then!
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)13:45 No.18338210
    Like taking scrap metal from a baby...
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)13:48 No.18338230
    Like taking pilots from Zeon.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)13:53 No.18338273
    And you're up to 11! Zol looks a little ill as he sees your luck. "Damn, girl... Were you lulling me into a false sense of security?"

    You figure you can maybe play 2 more games before they kick you out.

    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)13:55 No.18338297
    "How highly would you have priced your training if you thought I was good?"

    Play one more hand.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)14:07 No.18338403
    rolled 12 = 12

    "Still would have offered it all the same," Lister says, dealing. "If that Zaku comes back, like it told you it would, you're gonna need to be better." Jolyne and Zol spittake.

    "You saw the Zaku?" they say simultaneously, and you nod.

    "Why do you think the Gundam came back in such bad condition?" you say, laying down your cards.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)14:16 No.18338477
    "Better start following the Northern Star," you say jokingly, "because I've got 3 Kings." Zol scowls at your luck, and Jolyne just shakes her head. Lister laughs.

    "Anyway," says Zol, "yeah, I noticed the damage. Didn't put two and two together. Damn, you came out of it way better than-"

    "Yes, we know she fared better than me," Lister says, slightly aggrivated. "Let's just play again."

    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)14:18 No.18338498
    Yes, play again.

    "I didn't defeat it in combat. Even with the Gundam, that would be near-impossible. I was able to convince it to leave, with words, not machine guns."
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)15:23 No.18339176
    rolled 18 = 18

    "Sounds like you're quite the orator," Ringo says, dealing you in.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)15:40 No.18339330
    "Good with words if that's what you mean." Said jokingly.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)16:55 No.18340118
    rolled 17 = 17

    "Of course," Zol says as you are handed 3 more chips, bringing your scrap total up to 14. "Now get out of here, you're robbing us blind." You laugh and stand up, waving good bye.

    "Before you leave," says Lister, turning around. "We'll start training first thing in the morning." You nod and wave goodbye.



    Hey, what's the post limit? I feel like we're coming close.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)16:58 No.18340149
    As of this post, three more to the limit, which is 300.

    Stay alert and have Ben watch our back as we return to our room. The four amigos might make their counterstrike anytime.
    >> Ori !cBEvEK4Lak 03/15/12(Thu)17:05 No.18340238
    It's been a long day, you think, as you go to your room.

    "Ben, keep watch, would you? I don't trust the boys to take this lying down."

    "Sure thing, Little Owl."

    "Little Owl?"

    "Your name means owl, you know."

    "Um... OK. Well, good night."

    DAY END.

    Damn, just about hit the post limit. Good job, guys!

    I'll either start the new thread tomorrow or next thursday, since this one lasted almost a week.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)17:08 No.18340280
    Alright then. Thanks for running this, it's an awesome quest.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)17:54 No.18340738
    Hope it comes tomorrow, I really enjoy this quest OP!

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