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Virtues in depth
03/16/12(Fri)20:56 No.18352249 File: 1331945766.png-(6 KB, 713x640, crude diagram.png)
 >>18352226 The Virtue of Power represents force, authority, desire, and the will to exert change on the world. Din, the goddess of Power, shaped and formed the world through strength. It represents both a noble king whose strength inspires his confidence in his subjects, and an ambitious tyrant who subjugates others to fulfill his goals.
In game terms, Power is related to overwhelming martial and magical force. A character who values power is inclined to destroy obsticles in their path and reshape the world to suit their designs, for good or ill.
The Virtue of Wisdom represents knowledge, responsibility, temperance, and compassion. Nayru, the goddess of Wisdom, created the laws of nature and gave order to the world. At best, it represents a prophet who shares his wisdom to guide and support others. At worst, it represents a trickster who decieves and misdirects to achieve his own ends.
In game terms, Wise characters are patient and subtle, choosing to fight defensively or evasively. A sorceror who uses magic to protect their allies and impede their foes, and an assassin who strikes only when the circumstances are right, both plan and think ahead to turn the odds in their favor.
The Virtue of Courage represents innocence, loyalty, determination, and bravery. Farore, the goddess of Courage, placed life on the world to grow and mature. A faithful and heroic champion or a vain, naïve or boastful individual, both align with this virtue. Courage also represents a point of balance between the opposing forces of Power and Wisdom.
In game terms, Courage-based characters are versatile and decisive fighters. Instead of overpowering force or cautious judgement, they are warriors that stand and fight, adapting well to changing circumstances and influencing the direction of battle by opening up and exploiting the weakness of their enemies. |