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!DowN/N3yMY 03/13/12(Tue)02:41 No.18307635 File: 1331620871.png-(201 KB, 500x281, vlcsnap-2010-11-28-15h17m41s21(...).png)
 The two of you sit down, and you ask Ryuu this before anything else. "Ryuu, i was wondering. How does one make a potion from scratch? How do you make a new potion?" "You mean create an original potion?" "Yes." "Well, there are three main criteria you will have to consider." he says as he begins. "First, you must know what you want it to do. The reason for creating it. Second what you will make it from. What materials to use, what emotions and memories to channel, they should have connections to the final result you desire." He says this as he wipes some glasses. "Finally, if it's meant to be consumed, you must take into account the drinker." "Do you plan on experimenting on your own?" "Well, I guess." you answer him. "Very good. An alchemist should rarely be bound to conventions. I wish you luck, and do tell me any and all results you get." He then takes a bottle from behind him and hands it to you. "Here, take this. It's panacea, It should clear up any mishaps any potion you create should make. Well, except for death. Do try not to die, okay Hayate?" "Of course Ryuu." you chuckle as you put the bottle away. "I'll be leaving you for now Ryuu, Yoshika. I have other business to attend to." "Leave our the little miss here to me." Ryuu answers. "Bye Hayate." Yoshika bids you farewell.
You get out of R&D 45 minutes after you entered.