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!!UjNzln6KLxU 03/24/12(Sat)22:54 No.18446364 File: 1332644075.jpg-(54 KB, 284x600, ScOh-Lahn.jpg)
 You bite your lips, forcing down the urge to hurl innumerous Scottish curses at shizune, if only because you doubt Misha could translate them well. “Hanako?” You ask sweetly, , turning your face to her. “Would you kindly go let Akira know what’s happened?” Two drunken nurses skid by on rollerblades, playing street hockey with a severed head in the hallway. “And also ask her if she could quiet things down just a bit?” “Ok…” She says dejectedly. “I’ll come right back…” And with that, she vanishes, leaving you with Misha and Shizune. ‘Yeah. Sending away your numeric balance. That was a smart move.’ Your insanity cane echoes to you. Suddenly, you detect a wave a malevolent energy surging into Misha’s drills. Those drills which can slay any mortal… You grit your teeth. Then just as suddenly, it stops, accompanied by the sound of hands cutting the air in quick signs. The drills power down and Misha then flops into a chair next to Shizune. It seems at least one of them didn’t want to risk a fight where there was a chance of Hisao getting hurt. You settle down into a chair across from them and wait. Time passes rather slowly as you wait, and of course, Shizune, the person responsible for all this, is just across the room. Your temper running a bit high, Rin’s sword of madness keeps echoing through your head, asking you what purple tastes like, how you’ll decorate the palace once you sieze control of the Britons, and other such nonsense. You sigh. It seems like nothing will happen for a while now.
[] Talk to Misha. [] Go find Akira. [] Stay silent and endure Rin’s evil. |