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03/25/12(Sun)13:35 No.18453060 File: 1332696920.jpg-(77 KB, 610x458, 1318340583817.jpg)
 to keep the thread rolling, copypasting from the wiki
>Welcome to InfiniCon, the Con that never ends. >A Convention so large that it occupies its own city. infinity City, the cleverly named home of InfiniCon is a relatively small, but densely packed urban paradise where fandoms of all kinds coexist in a year-round celebration of anime, video games, sci-fi, fantasy, LARP, and just about any other kind of nerdy subculture you can imagine. With multiple conventions running all the time, each organizing their own large events and gatherings, the city is more or less split into districts.
>For some, InfiniCon is merely an event to attend once a year, like any other convention. You get some pictures of neat costumes, meet some popular celebrities from the industry, visit some panels, and that's the end of it. For many more, InfiniCon is home. It is a fan's Neverland, where they get to live the dream, fully immersed in a surreal world where fictional characters roam the streets and where you can go to the local café and find a Jedi, a Ninja, a Space Marine, and zombie, sharing a table and conversing over coffee.
>Luckily, for those who wish to stay, there is always work to be done in Infinity City. The large events require organizers, security detail, technicians, craftsmen, janitors, and countless other little jobs to pay the bills and stay just a little longer. Even those who don't want to runt he convention can find a job helping out the various vendors and stores dotting the city. Many talented and entrepreneurially minded citizens have even managed to form personal businesses repairing and sewing costumes, styling wigs, or building the complex and detailed props and armor that the costumed citizens cannot live without. |