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!Q7t.srvWZ6 03/25/12(Sun)23:43 No.18459128 File: 1332733409.jpg-(23 KB, 160x231, Conjuration.jpg)
"Basically, I'll take some of the hit, and Johnny will keep a little of the damage, so I just need," You do some quick spiritual math in your head. "Three volunteers sounds good. If you guys aren't up for that, I'll just split the difference with Johnny." He gives you a level look. "You don't need to do that, man." You shake your head. "No, stuff like this is why I learned these skills. Besides, don't want you ruining my multi-thousand dollar power armor by hurting your leg and fucking up with the pedals." He gives a half smile. Anya fold her arms. "Sorry, Dan, but I kind of like my life force where it is." Jeanne shoots her a sideways glance. "Well, if you're to scared, I'll volunteer. No different than casting a particularly potent spell, anyway." Sunshine walks over. "I'll take a share of the pain. Not like I'm not used to that sort of thing." You nod at her. Huan shakes his head. "Normally, I would be all about sacrifice to aid others, but I suspect such intrusive magic would not respond well to the training I have." Summanus walks forward. "I am not normally for allowing Necromancers to steal bits of my life essence, but its for a good cause, I suppose."
You gesture for Johnny to prop his wounded leg up on the coffee table. He does so, and you remove both your gloves and place both hands on his leg. Sunshine, Summanus and Jeanne each put their right hand on your shoulder, and you concentrate, ready to begin. |