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!!UjNzln6KLxU 03/25/12(Sun)23:50 No.18459193 File: 1332733848.jpg-(82 KB, 800x600, 1329277430807.jpg)
 “My, my. Let’s give Hisao a bit of space, shall we?” You say, rising. “…” Shizune follows suit with some reluctance. “WAHAHA! I can stay here, right?” “…!” “Ok, fine…” Misha gets up also. “Good morning, Hisao…” Hanako says, walking towards him at a shaky pace. “Hey Hana-!” Hisao begins, but is promptly cut off by her outright tackling him. “You idiot!” She says, starting to sob. “We… we were worried sick about you!” She nuzzles up against him, actually shaking. None of you seem willing to break the silence that follows. Finally Hisao raises chimes up. “I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful in the future, ok?” Another silence as Hanako calms a bit, then- “WAHAHA! Yeah, you better, Hicchan! Otherwise Shicchan and I are gonna kick your ass!” “Yeah… Me too!” Hanako agrees. “And my CANE.” You pledge. “Ahahaha.” He chuckles a little nervously. “Well, glad to have some motivation, I guess.” Hanako seems satisfied and gets up. She promptly takes her usual position and fastens to your arm. “So… when are you all heading to class?” Hisao asks.
[] (Lie) I’ve gotten special permission to stay here and assist in your recovery. [] Right now. (Have Hanako presence-conceal and watch him while you get permission for real) [] (Lie) Oh, Akira’s taken a turn for the worse sadly, so I’m off classes to watch her anyways. |