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03/25/12(Sun)23:03 No.18458714 File: 1332730986.gif-(176 KB, 350x195, jake amazed.gif)
 >>18458695 In a coincidence that I couldn't have planned better if I had tried, both Autismo and the rest of the group end up at the same place at (roughly, close enough for me to handwave it) the same time, but from totally opposite directions, the group breaking in through the sewers and Autismo sneaking in through the roof. Autismo's been off speaker for a while, so he doesn't really know what's going on, and he's stopped texting the group too.
The group moves faster than he does, making their way through a decent number of enemies and running into the heretic leader, who is, surprise surprise, it's a follower of Tzeentch who's master plan is getting ruined because he underestimated humanity or whatever, but who is still damn powerful. The scum and adept go down pretty quick, and the techpriest gets scared stupid and starts fleeing, leaving just the guardsman who's blasting away from cover.
At this point, Autismo has reached the same area from a totally different direction. I describe the scene, and he whips out his shotgun and charges the heretic leader, unloading shells at point blank. A few good rolls, but also a few bad, but he still staggers and distracts the follower. Then he takes a bolter round to the leg and loses it, falls down, and starts to bleed out. The guardsman sees his chance and charges the follower, but misses his shots, and Autismo's turn rolls around again. He fires off another blast from his shotgun, crits, and turns the follower's head into a nice red mist, and then continues dying. |