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!DowN/N3yMY 03/29/12(Thu)12:28 No.18501577 File: 1333038489.jpg-(58 KB, 720x480, Taedium_Sky_Girls_-_03_DVD_720(...).jpg)
 >girls >keima >SHIROU
You hand out some iced tea and biscuits for everyone and settle in to watch.
Hina is fighting Tama. A predictable matchup since he would want to check up on his recruit. "Hah, you've improved a lot." he tells her as he runs to avoid some shockwaves "Thanks. Mike is a great teacher." she says as she continues to attack "You said it." he answers as he brings his claws out.
------------------------------------------- Erica is fighting a female that looks too much like Mio strapped into a weird skinny mecha flying though the air. The mech even had an oversized katana to add to the similarity. "You are improving greatly, Erica." the girl tells her. "We will still need to work on your Melee capabilities, but your dogfighting is top-notch." Erica fires a few bursts from her machinegun "I'm not an Ace for nothing you know."
-------------------------------------- keima is standing infront of a huge whiteboard covered in flowcharts and scribbles. With him is a guy with messy hair, and weird eyes. "So if this man said that he was in Shibuya at 22:00 on the Thursday, but his coworkers claimed to have last seen him at work at 20:30, then that could only mean one thing yes?" The man tells him. "Nonsense. You aren't looking at the other possible routes. He could have taken a bike cut though the suburbs and gotten there in time." keima tells him.
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