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  • File: 1333160623.png-(363 KB, 452x710, 1309217947803.png)
    363 KB Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:23 No.18519935  
    IRL instances of Sanity loss.

    >Getting my wisdom teeth pulled as a younger teenager
    >Get zonked out
    >Wake up in an empty room, my mouth full of cotton and blood
    >Remove cotton
    >I'm not right at this point
    >Convinced, for some reason, that everyone that I know and have ever known are now dead
    >Walk out of the room, tears/blood running down my face, though I am not crying
    >Wander around feeling dead to the world for a good half hour
    >Some woman who works at the clinic finally finds me
    "Oh my god, there you are!"
    >Look up despondantly, knowing I have never met this person in my life
    >Everything is a lie
    >Try to run
    >Stand back up knowing my faculties won't allow an escape
    >She holds out a bit of cotton, dabbing at my mouth and cheeks
    >Slowly grab her hand, absolutely silent
    >Take the cotton from her hand, looking at her as she wears a face that speaks volumes of worry
    >Try to clean myself up, but my hands won't operate correctly
    >She takes it back, starts cleaning me up
    >"Where do I go now?"
    "Well, I'll take you back to the room for a bit..."
    >"No, after that."
    >"Everyone's gone. Why didn't they take me with them?"

    I don't remember much else besides breaking down when I saw my mother, knowing that she was dead, and that this was a military complex.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:27 No.18520025
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    Thanks OP, I needed a good laugh, and your misfortune provided.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:29 No.18520045
    Jesus, I have the opposite problem. They had to pump me so full of painkillers when my wisdom teeth were removed(I wasn't put under, don't remember why not) they began to worry about my heart rate because I was like "Nope, I can still feel it, more please."

    >Eighth grade-ish?
    >Have to take care of some stupid doll as part of a really important health assignment
    >It's bulky as hell, nowhere to put it, won't fit inside the desks
    >Ask mathematics teacher if I can just leave it out
    >He says "sure" with what I am sure was the biggest shit-eating grin imaginable
    >I leave it out
    >he kicks it and the thing shatters
    >I break inwardly since the assignment was worth like 75% of my health grade for that semester
    >become so despondent I'm asked "are you okay?" by people I have never spoken to before nor since for the rest of the day
    >when math teacher was explained the significance of the doll he apologized profusely and arranged for a replacement
    >felt a bit empty inside from the shock for about a week
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:30 No.18520074

    I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:31 No.18520086

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:31 No.18520087
    Now rewrite it as if your delusions were real, and over the top.

    >I woke up in a strange room, I had just gone in for some simple dental surgery, but it was different now, in that moment I knew everyone I loved was gone,I decided to stand, and with the little strength I had (for the sedative still had its hold on me) I rose form the bed and left room as a mixture of blood and tears ran down my face.

    >"A strange woman advanced towards me"

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:32 No.18520093
    I live alone and sometimes when I go to work on Sunday morning I don't see another person for hours, no cars on the road or people walking their dogs or going to stores. I tell myself that everyone is asleep but I wonder, "What if everyone is dead but me?"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:34 No.18520119
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    >"Nope, I can still feel it, more please."

    Famous last words.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:35 No.18520140
    >>Acid story
    >>1 year ago
    >>Went to beach with my friend, tripping off two hits of acid.

    >>For those who don't know what acid is like, imagine what it would be like if you were COMPLETELY innocent. Like a baby. Nothing is familiar to you, and the world is anew. Add in every breath feeling like an orgasm, and your senses being sharpened to the NTH degree, and that is what it feels like.

    >>When we get there, the clouds are turning into kaliedoscopes.

    >>I start laughing maniacally.
    >>Somehow I think i am a god. My intention when tripping was to reach a new divine consciousness. Not the best idea with other people around.

    >>I think I can make waves at any command.
    >>I go put my feet in water.
    >>I become lucid again and ask what time it was.

    >>I eventually loose my ego, and think I am a colombian drug lord, because as a helicopter passed over, people spoke spanish.
    >>Then I think I am the beach. Then I follow a family around for an hour. Start assimilating other people into my perspective.

    >>Finally come to the conclusion that the beach was nirvana, and that i was the beach and everyone in it, but they were different lives of mine coming back.

    Then I stopped being high. :(
    Caused much havoc, stole someone's drink because i thought i was god, and abandoned my friend, as i thought he was rationality holding me back from enlightenment.

    Lesson learned. Drugs are fun... when you are in the right place, at the right time. Do them...Responsibly.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:36 No.18520161


    I think it's actually because alcoholism runs really powerfully in my family, and all of us kids are immune to pretty much everything that would keep us from feeling anything. I think I actually ended up paying more for the analgesics than I did for the tooth removal.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:39 No.18520192
    Your tale made me a bit disappointed, OP. When I had mine removed all I did after waking up was stumble down the hall and fall asleep on the way home.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:39 No.18520194
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    Fuckin painkillers, man. I had some shit when I was younger that they used to conk me out, did crazy shit.

    >Be 7 or 8ish
    >Need a CAT Scan (I think it was, that or an MRI?) due to frequent, unexplained headaches
    >Have to be put under since I'd move too much in the machine
    >Given some oral meds, put me right out
    >Wake up later at home, no memory of scan or leaving the hospital
    >Stumble about like I'd been drinking for days, grandmother has to help me around, mother films it because it's hilarious apparently
    >Pass out again, wake up later on the couch with blank slate again
    >Time lapse, be 14, out at family dinner at the Ground Round
    >Parents tell me I had actively bitten my dad's neck when he picked me up at the hospital, prompting him to throw me on the floor
    >All of my wat
    >Second time I passed out, I got up and started punching my mom repeatedly, until my grandma had to pull me off of her
    >No memory of any of this
    >There's footage
    >Pic related
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:39 No.18520203
    Not madness, but certainly wisdom teeth related
    >Go to get my wisdom teeth out
    >Get put under as they start to operate
    >Halfway through the procedure the sleep gas has worn off
    >Am fully awake as they are digging through my mouth to pull out bits of shattered tooth
    >Cannot say anything because they have my mouth locked open and my tounge depressed
    >Find out later that the reason I went through that hell was because the dentist fucked up and shattered the tooth downward into my gums instead of pulling them upward

    And that is why I dont trust dentists
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:41 No.18520240

    >Not nut-shotting your math teacher immediately

    Kids these days are such pussies.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:43 No.18520270
    I woke up in a cold, white room. The walls were barren, and I found myself on a facsimile of a bed. It was metal, with a sheet pulled over its square, shining frame. It was not comfortable.

    I stood up, slowly. The room was bobbing and weaving like Mohammed Ali on two liters of Jenkem. I'd been drugged.

    'How did I get here?' I asked myself, out loud. I spat out a chunk of tooth and about a pint of blood. The room spun.

    They were all dead, that was for sure. My brother who was everything that I wasn't, my sister who I never paid any attention to, my mother and father. They were gone. My best friend, his dog Molly, even the bullies who used to beat me up next to the basketball court; they were dead too. I was all alone. I had to get out.

    I was breathing like a neckbeard tying his shoes as I walked towards the door. I hit the door at a half jog, barreling into the cold aluminum barrier. My forehead left a streak of sweat, and my lips traced a track of spittle and pink mucus.

    I had to get out of there.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:44 No.18520286
    More wisdom teeth stories
    > get zonked out with pain killers
    > fall asleep on and off while they work on my impossibly Fucked wisdom teeth
    > wake up again, can't understand anything they are saying to each other only the laughter that happens every once in a while.
    > holy shit they're faces are Fucked up, silently freak out for 5 min.
    > realize my god damn eyes are crossed.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:46 No.18520308
    Ugh, please don't. I'll be putting off dental appointments even more, and my wisdom teeth are still in.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:47 No.18520328
    what if the drugs don't work properly and you regain half conciousness part way through the procedure, where you can feel everything but cannot move?

    What if they end up having to remove all the teeth.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:47 No.18520335
    I also have a wisdom teeth story!
    > horribly impacted teeth, they're going to break my jawbone to get them out
    > intravenous Valium to sedate me
    > they get to work
    > still semi-conscious because that's how it works
    > some mild tickling in the back of my mouth
    > suddenly, warm gush of liquid splashes all over my face and neck
    > hear doctor, "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit"
    > pass out pretty quickly
    > ...
    > wake up completely fucked up
    > decide that they aborted the surgery and that my mouth still hurts because the teeth are in there
    > get up and rummage through drawers looking for tools
    > these things look sharp and pokey
    Fortunately, a dental assistant found me as I was looking for a second mirror to angle so that I could finish taking the teeth out myself. She still teases me about it every time I go in for a checkup.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:48 No.18520341
    You fuckers, I still have to get mine removed this summer.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:48 No.18520342
    I have one. Happened a couple of years ago.

    >stay up for like a week straight
    >keep falling asleep for a while
    >eventually lose it without realizing it
    >keep taking 30 second micro naps where I just dream I'm still awake
    >literally every few minutes something happens that doesn't REALLY happen in those 30 seconds
    >single page math spreadsheets look like hot pink car advertisements
    >science class on acoustics turns into people discussing chest padding
    >at lunch time, get the impression there is a shark following me
    >literally like something straight out of Junji
    >big fucking shadow black grey white, slowly peeking around corners and gliding after me, silently swimming in the air
    >whenever I get scared and look, I get scared enough to wake up so it disappears
    >take that to mean that it teleports when you look at it like a reverse weeping angel
    >every time it vanishes it appears closer
    >think that if I look at it too many times it'll get close enough to eat me
    >trying to communicate to everyone I'm being stalked without letting the shark know I'm trying to tip them off or it'll kill me
    >get driven home because I'm obviously not well
    >laugh the whole way home as the shark falls behind the car as we reach the highway and can't catch up
    >dad phones up school, furious that I "played hookie"
    >he's yelling at the teacher for letting me go home
    >I press my hand over his mouth and stare at him with the most serious look ever, eyes wide as dinner plates
    >slowly shake my head
    >nod over to the empty window where I can see the shark looking in
    >"be quiet. he has no eyes. he can only find you if you make noise."
    >he tells me I need to go to bed
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:50 No.18520382
    Guy who had his removed without being put under here.
    It's not that bad, seriously. I'd be lying if I said I didn't hurt afterward, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:51 No.18520397
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:51 No.18520404
    I have such a mighty gag reflex, they can barely get past my canines, I guess I will have to be put under.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:51 No.18520405
    Not so much sanity loss as anesthesia story, but whatever.

    >undergoing surgery on my foot
    >a cute medical student helping with the operation asks me questions before the surgery
    >anesthesiologist gives me local anesthesia to the leg to block the pain, as well as something weaker to keep me unconscious, just so I don't get freaked out watching people cut my foot open.
    >I wake up during the surgery and announce "I need to piss"
    >doctor shouts "Grab the bedpan!"
    >it is too late, I was already pissing before I finished the sentence
    >on the hot student
    >close my eyes and return to unconsciousness while still urinating everywhere

    Alpha as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:54 No.18520442
    On the bright side, she'll never forget you.

    and maybe she had a urine fetish.

    you should have tried to court her.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:54 No.18520448
    Actually, that might be beneficial. For one thing, no dental appointments ever again. For another, we may well get to sue the pants off them.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:55 No.18520465
    >300mg DXM + 300mg DPH 30 minutes into trip
    >See little yellow eyed imp thing peer around corner at and call it closer so I can kill it and it runs
    >See cow sized slug moving down hallway
    >See two walking cobwebs
    >Asian man gnawing wall/shelf drywall
    >minis start fighting each other on my self
    >See and hear 3 shadow people who sound like co-workers talking unintelligibly in hallway
    >See winged slug fly around me
    >my digital clock keep hiding from me whenever I try to get a look at it
    >zone out and think I am at work, total visual over ride of my actual location
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:55 No.18520475
    he'd need the money to get implants.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:57 No.18520506
    pretty much this. Unless there's something that makes your teeth extra fucked up, it's pretty much routine. Just don't get stuck with an asshole dentist who will skimp on the freezing, not giving it a chance to work, and will threaten to kick you out mid tooth extraction because you can't contain every single sound of pain. Even though he's shattered the tooth, and is actively dislocating your jaw.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)22:58 No.18520531
    Alas, I was only a freshman in high school at the time, where she was in grad school. Not that I have anything against older women, but she could have gone to jail. I am certain that the memory of my hot urine keeps her warm on cold nights as she wonders about what could have been.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:00 No.18520558

    stay classy /tg/
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:01 No.18520589
    >awake for three or so days straight
    >play some tribes ascend
    >for hours
    >no breaks
    >whenever i get up to do something i'm wobbly as fuck
    >I've acquired the tribes HUD
    >I can see the game icons
    >and two fuckers with the flag dancing around
    >and can hear voice overs
    >everythings swaying
    >I can't stand up
    >go for shower
    >realise I've got a problem when the shower tiles suddenly become animated and assume the characteristics of my monitors - I am now watching the game on dozens of tiles
    >go to sleep
    >wake up
    >cannot balance
    >continues for a few days
    >inna doctor
    >still got it 2 months later

    I played a game so good I destroyed my balance centre
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:02 No.18520610
    >staying at family place in summer back when i was 15
    >me and four cousins playing basketball before having bbq lunch.
    >halfway through lunch i start feeling really sick
    >go to bed
    >develop ridiculous fever and start having paranoid dreams.
    >start to have waking dreams and believe my cousins are trying to kill me
    >eventually have to go to hospital for a few days.

    My family played it off like it was just a virus until i started trying to break out of the house because i was completely paranoid. Waking up in a hospital with no idea where i was, was terrifying.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:04 No.18520639
    >have recurring nightmares as a young kid
    >eventually develop associated night terrors
    >black humanoid things with far too many joints in their limbs scratch their way across my bedroom walls to steal my eyes
    >wake up screaming, hallucinate seeing them beat a hasty retreat before my parents arrive to comfort me

    >sleep with an arm dangled over my face to this day- just in case
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:06 No.18520687
    What hurts is actually the pulling and loosening, not the drilling and cutting. Your neck muscles still feel the stress and your jaw/skull is hardy.

    Afterwards, you feel like you drank too much last night, only your mouth is numb instead of dry.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:08 No.18520715

    Oh I love night terrors/waking up thingy, whatever they are. That paralyse thing where you're awake but not.

    >first time it happens
    >oh shit what is this
    >sweat, panick etc
    >fall asleep
    >row vevenge
    >next time it happens
    >something's creeping up alongside me, it's not good, I can't see it and I don't want to becasue then it'll get me
    >it's about to enter my eyeline
    >"f...for THE EMPEROR"
    >charge out of bed, go flying into bookcase
    >enemy defeated

    The Emperor protects, just not from falling objects
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:09 No.18520733
    Sleep Deprivation OR Anesthetic AND /tg/ = /x/
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:09 No.18520739
    >Have serious fever
    >Try to go to sleep
    >Get convinced that I am a lich on a council of necromancers building a wretched tower of death
    >Spend an hour thinking I got trapped on one floor that was made entirely of ice, combatting an endless horde of adventurers
    >Really just spend that time lying naked on a bedsheet, silently tripping
    The last thing like that was when I got another fever years ago, I got a cinematic view of an entire cliff-side city falling off into the void.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:11 No.18520768
    >wake up in hospital
    >"where am I?" I groan out
    >a huge black woman with an idescribable scent looms over me
    >she tells me something in a thick african accent that I don't understand
    >black out
    >wake up in hospital
    >"where am I?" I groan out
    >a huge black woman with an idescribable scent looms over me
    >she tells me something in a thick african accent that I don't understand
    >black out
    >wake up in hospital
    >"where am I?" I groan out
    >"In hospital, Anon" my aunty tells me
    >I vividly remember my spaceship crashing and something shapeless and red
    >Confused doesn't quite cut it
    >This is a feel that cannot be described.
    >turns out I was in a car accident. I lost an entire day of memoryies from my life and the only thing I can remember from that day is the texture of a friends new carpet.

    >that feel when people tell you your personality is "different" after the accident
    >that feel when your not sure if your the same person
    >that strange, strange feel..

    apparently they had a number of people restraining me when the ambulance brought me in and I was being incredibly abusive both physically and verbally.
    my brother tells me that when a fat nurse walked into the room I burst out laughing and said "look at the size of that fucking whale!" at the top of my lungs
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:13 No.18520791
    reported for off-topic. Take this to /x/ or /b/, dipshits.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:13 No.18520807
    I once had heat stroke and wandered around the back yard for a half our screaming at my dad and stumbling into things. Wasn't conscious of it, nor do I have memories of it, I guess it was like sleep-walking of a sort, until my dad sprayed me full blast with the hose for a minute. The same hose that could be used as a pressure washer in a pinch. I came to soaking wet not knowing what had happened. That's the closest I ever came to san loss.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:13 No.18520808
    I mentioned this in the Fred Rogers thread, but it belongs here.

    Today, I helped out with some autopsies.

    It starts out normal, silently wondering if it will have any affect on me at all. I put on a medical gown for splashed liquids, and a charcoal mask (twice as thick as regular, and prevents smell, though you can barely breath).

    Step into a room with a woman who died this morning. She is bloated. She died for seemingly no reason. This is a forensics case. I'm sweating my ass off in these extra layers of clothes, and I can barely breathe. If I remove my mask for a moment to catch my breath, I get hit with nauseating fumes.

    First, they cut off her clothes. Shirt, then pajama pants. They throw them to the floor. Then, they cut off her panties and toss them to the side of the room.

    >What the hell are you wearing that mask for, kid?
    "Well, the police officer told me that it was a good idea to wear a charcoal mask"
    >He's a pussy, aren't ya [redacted]? Whatever. You're missing out on the full experience

    This wasn't some joke, either. He spoke for several minutes on the virtues of taking in the 'full experience', IE smelling the dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:14 No.18520818
    It's Call of Cthulhu related, in some way or another. Hence the IRL Sanity Loss.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:14 No.18520824
    "Damn, I'm sweaty".
    >Doc looks at me.
    >Why don't you take a seat, son. I see too many people pass out with this sorta shit.
    "No, I'm fine. It's just this gown."
    >Siddown, son.
    "No, really, I'm good".
    >Alright, alright. Hand me that plastic thing there. No, the other one. Ya got it.

    He opens her up like a christmas goose, in a Y cut. Her chest splits open like she's a birthday cake and a hooker was popping out. He starts taking out the organs, handing them to me. He was fucking with me.

    >Throw that on the scale, there.
    I throw each organ on the scale, I weight it, and I record it. I'm sweating my ass off. Also, did I mention I drank heavily the night before? I did. It's 8 AM.

    After each organ, he tosses it into a plastic bucket. Not just any bucket, either. It was the exact same kind of bucket that I used for years in a restaurant.

    We empy out the woman, and I look into her chest and abdominal cavities. You ever slice a watermelon in half, eating everything that's in there? You know those puddles of pink juice, and little chunks of things that are all over the inside? That's the first thing I thought of.

    The doc just about shoves his hand in her vagina.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:15 No.18520832
    oh boy, this will be fun. head injuries are great for this!
    >playing football
    >i am center
    >huge guy line backer blitzes from out of no where before i hike the ball
    >hits my head hard as hell
    >black out
    >regain conciousness as dad/coach are waking me up
    for some reason, in my head i thought they were some pod people replacements
    >bolt up and shove them back
    >fucking bolt out of there
    >hear the spectators yelling
    >run faster
    >start to bolt across the parking lot
    >eventually tackled by QB
    >tries to calm me down
    >"oh god don't take my face!"
    >looks at me confused
    >blackout again

    i woke up later and was eventually fine. still recalled and was a bit nervous til the doctors assured me i was alright and explained how it was all delusional. everytime i get a nasty head injury some sorta shit like this happens where i don't quite seem to grasp what is and is not reality. usually freaks me out for a day or two later
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:16 No.18520838
    >Nope, not raped.

    The doc keeps telling me that I'm going to pass out. He tells me that he can see it in my eyes. Am I going to pass out? I've never passed out. I'm hung over, is that what he sees? I must be passing out. He can tell. No, just pick up the meat and chop it up.

    It was meat. I was back at the restaurant, chopping chicken. I was throwing the meat into the same buckets. There was a lot of chicken. We were chopping up the chicken to see how they died. I was sweating a lot.

    We put everything into a garbage bag and put it back on the table. Some woman starts putting it back in, in a methodical fashion, so this chicken can have an open casket. I'm swooning.

    Doc says I did so well I should help him out with the rest of the chickens. Whole bunch of little chicks, taken before their time. Five of them, two killed by roosters and one died in the egg. I did that for 10 hours.

    I'm kind of drunk now.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:16 No.18520843
    you are a colossal faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:16 No.18520848
    Oh fuck, that feel. Got electrocuted refurbishing a garage--turns out my friend hadn't actually hit all the breakers in the circuit, the halfwit. I thought I was good because the light wasn't working, but that turned out to be a faulty light instead. I was just lucky I bounced off the connection. That fuzzy feeling went on through my body and head for at least a day, but what always bothered me was that I'm sure it fucked with my head for good.
    I've always looked back to that day, as a senior in high school, when it suddenly stopped being easy to learn new things, and both my focus and drive to succeed waned markedly.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:16 No.18520851
    inb4 someone makes a post that is basically saya no uta
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:17 No.18520852
    >Random fever one night
    >Wake up believing I was on a space ship
    >Realise something is seriously wrong and need to get to the bathroom for meds
    >Cannot get self to get up, because there is no atmosphere out there!
    >Eventually convince myself to go to sick bay
    >Wake up 25 mins later in the shower coherant enough to get some pills

    I had to convince myself that my hallucination was real so I could get the help I needed, what the fuck brain...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:18 No.18520869
    >be twelve
    >at friend's house playing football
    >get nailed in side of head by football, lose consiousness
    >don't remember a thing until I woke up some time later, struggling with one of my friends like I was trying to kill him
    >get told I was attacking them screaming in hebrew or some shit

    I don't even, to this day.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:19 No.18520890

    Kinetic impact from a pig-product imparts knowledge of Hebrew upon you? There's some irony in there.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:21 No.18520917
    Now that I think about it that's pretty fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:22 No.18520926

    He's not wrong. Once you acquire the Nose for the Dead trait you can finally detect which of the people around you are immortal vampires, undead zombies, long dead mummies, and flesh-eating ghouls.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:22 No.18520929
    its a common misconception that footballs where ever made of pigskin (they never were), its also a common misconception that all jews keep kosher, most don't
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:23 No.18520946
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    football causes sanity loss? who knew.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:23 No.18520949
    >its a common misconception

    Clearly disproven by virtue of our friend there having first-hand knowledge with the Rosetta Stone of the "special" society.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:25 No.18520982
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:26 No.18520997
    >out of nowhere
    >feel slightly queasy
    >blame it on greasy food, go home
    >go to bed early, try to sleep
    >wake up at 4 am in blind panic
    >nauseous beyond all reason
    >unable to stand upright without major effort, let alone walk
    >perceive "level" as being some 18 feet down and at my 2.
    >convinced that I must throw up, and that is the only way to fix this
    >wake up entire household by my trying to force vomit, and smashing into walls and floor
    >panicking about not being able to throw up, believe I'm seriously ill
    >get rushed to hospital by parents

    >turns out it was labyrinthitis and got a shot of gravol in my ass
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:27 No.18521014
    how did they know it was hebrew?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:29 No.18521036

    Because at 3 they went to Hebrew school, and at 10 they learned a trade.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:31 No.18521066
    >think about things while trying to fall asleep
    >start to think about how small i am in relation to the earth, and the sun, and the solar system.. etcetc..
    >start to think about how large the universe is
    >like, REALLY thinking about it.
    >going further and further "out there" in my mind with as much as i've learned about it
    >start to cry just from realizing the sheer size of it all.
    >still don't know wtf happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:32 No.18521089
    My dad is a cop. When I'm in my early teens, I overhear my dad telling a friend about a corpse they'd pulled out of the sea that, when they found it, a crab had been happily munching on the guy's nose, and flared its claws out aggressively when the divers came near as though defending its meal from them. That night I have a very vivid nightmare about that exact thing.

    The next day my sister and I go with our dad to see the place he works. He's a homicide investigator, the offices aren't very exciting. On a whim he decides to take us down to the forensics lab to look at the equipment they use there. We have a more interesting tour, and get to the autopsy lab. My dad glances up at a lamp over the door. It's not lit, showing that there's no corpse currently being processed. So we go in.

    As we enter, I notice a smell that, somehow, strongly reminds me of the dream I had that night. I get hesitant and hang back a little. We round the corner. My dad stiffens and holds his hand out to stop my sister and I.

    Because I've been hanging back, he doesn't reach me as I move forward. I look up. Metal slab. Big, pale, bloated, waterlogged corpse, opened up, missing a nose.

    For a few moments I could SWEAR I saw that fucking crab from my dream scuttling out from underneath that fucking corpse and flaring its claws out at me.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:33 No.18521093
    At nine I started growing gills and swimming in the sea
    And soon I'll know the wonder of the sunken city
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:33 No.18521102
    >He doesn't view the scale of the universe with respectful awe and nothing more
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:34 No.18521113
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:34 No.18521121
    all I know is that afterwards, my mother said "wow you said some... strange things when you were under"
    I asked what... she made like she was just joking... I looked at the doc... POKER FACE.

    To this day, I am still not sure of what transpired.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:35 No.18521133
    >my dad is a cop

    lolno, stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:36 No.18521135
    Everytime I think of the scale of the universe and how inconsequential human existence is, I smash things, for only Khorne can grant me solace.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:37 No.18521154
    It's not THAT bad. I was weirded out, but the sight itself wasn't really that horrifying.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:39 No.18521169
         File: 1333165147.png-(171 KB, 323x377, 1297390406778.png)
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    >Go in to get all four wisdom teeth pulled at once
    >get knocked the fuck out
    >suddenly wake up the following evening to the taste of blood in my mouth and my mouth being dry
    >bruises all over body and black eye
    >new dents in truck
    >soiled self
    >apparently completed writing a module for upcoming RPG session

    Apparently when I was slapped awake after the procedure, I basically just started going "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" only stopping for breath and started punching cars in the parking lot when my ride came to pick me up in my truck. I attacked the bed of the truck and apparently continued screaming like an asshole or the Major Tom from Venture Brothers. Upon getting home I started flailing at everything, and good friend had to knock my shit out with a punch to get me under control, dragged me to my sofa where I had left my GM notes and stuff and brought me a glass of water and took off. I guess I woke up, jotted down some sort of fever dream that scared my players shitless basically all of the PCs were being stalked by a gang of Jack the Ripper copycats or something. I had finished my glass of water and proceeded to ruin a good pair of pants with it by the time I woke up about 43 hours later.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:39 No.18521184
    >get bored, lie in bed and start thinking of ways to pass time
    >start imagining how a fourth spatial dimension would work
    >wake up 4 hours later with no pants

    Fuck. I had another one, but I forgot it as I finished typing. I'll post if I remember.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:41 No.18521212
    >>wake up 4 hours later with no pants
    Because you took them off to fuck!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:43 No.18521223
    >be like 6
    >horribly sick
    >bowl of grapes in the middle of the living room
    >why are there grapes
    >why are they green
    >get up, start running around the bowl as fast as I can
    >going for about 2 minutes
    >mom asks me what I'm doing
    >shoot her a confused look and collapse
    >pass out on the spot
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:44 No.18521238
    >had wisdom teeth out
    >got knocked out
    >nothing happened, procedure went smoothly.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:44 No.18521246
    Oh wow. My mistake, that should say
    >oh fuck
    I was buggin out, not sexing. My bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:46 No.18521265
    >>Going home from work, hop into the elevator on the far right as I exit the building.
    >>Elevator gets stuck about a quarter of the way between 10th and 9th floor.
    >>No big deal, old building, it's happened before, just hit the intercom button and wait ect ect.
    >>Hit intercom button, weird screeching followed by power outage. Still holding my cool but firmly unnerved.
    >>Banging on the elevator doors, coming from the outside from what had to have been both the 9th and 10th level. Hit all buttons and hope the doors will open, or anything will happen. Start to panic.
    >>Elevator rapidly descends with me stuck inside in pitch black. Begin to renew my relationship with God.
    >>Elevator reaches ground floor, lights ding on, doors open and I exit the elevator on the near left.
    >>Spend a solid 15 minutes having a panic attack thinking I just got off a different elevator than the one I got on at before I realise that my elevator is the only one that goes from my floor to ground and that nothing weird has actually happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:47 No.18521279
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    had a REALLY bad one the other day
    >sitting in calculus class
    >bored as fuck
    >take glasses off (i have amblyopia)
    >continue to watch as teacher writes on board
    >all of a sudden, there is no world
    >everything goes completely white
    >feels like my eyes are rotating inside my skull
    >start to scream but nothing comes out
    >friends notice i am losing my shit
    >start shaking me
    >about 2 minutes later my vision kicks back in just fine, like nothing happened

    still have no fucking idea what happened. pic related, its what i was feeling
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:49 No.18521315
    This thread is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:49 No.18521316
    >watched the walking dead before bed
    >dream of being a zombie apocalypse survivor
    next day
    >go to work delivering pizzas
    >heads full of zombie shit because of the dream, including the dream
    >am knocking on a door when this hot read-head answers the door with difficulty because the door was jammed
    >starts making a joke abotu how at least she was safe INSIDE and not outside with the door jammed and all
    >i proceed to bang on about how how safe she'd be during a zombie apocalypse before giving the pizza to her.
    >i am back in my car and half-way back to the shop before it hits me how utterly retarded i was and suddenly realised that look on her face wasn't curiosity but that 'wtf' face.

    i never before considered myself socially retarded like most of 4chan seems to be but that day man...that was awkward.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:49 No.18521318
    So this...is an odd one from when I was about 6 or 7. I'm still not sure to this day what parts of it were a dream and which were real.

    I looked underneath my bed one night and pulled out a toy robot. This robot looked a bit like Voltron I think, I'm rather fuzzy on the details there. Anyways, I pull out the Voltron bot and show my brother. He then began to tell me about the legends about that toy, that it was cursed and should I ever put it down the entire world be destroyed because I had unleashed the robot. I fucking panicked and stood right there on the spot holding the damn thing for an hour until my arms started to give out. I began to cry and threw the thing onto my bed, I then let out a wail and ran into my parent's bed where I spent the night.

    While I slept I convinced myself that the entire thing was a dream; the product of going to sleep after having too much sugar. Well that was shattered when I woke up and I soon saw my brother. He goes white as a sheet and asks what happened with the toy. I began to think that this was part of a dream and I say so, but just yelled and said it was real. I panic again and say I dropped it, tears streaming from my face. I caused the end of the fucking world. He said that the thing would be released now and would hunt me down for the rest of my days.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:50 No.18521331

    For the next three months I have vivid dreams (more like nightmares) where if I stepped on a certain part of bedroom floor; I would freeze. Then I would be sucked down into some sort of alternate dimension; a game show where the prize was my life and games were me being tortured. The host was a flamboyant man in a green suit, it was only after I would wake up that would realize that everyone in the audience actually had the robot's face. Just staring...

    Fast forward a month. I have wiped this shit from my memory, not a trace left. I am happy and calm once again. We're heading off to my Aunt's wedding. The church bits sucked, but not because it was boring. Because I heard small ringing in my ears that steadily got louder as things went on. I ignored it to the best of my ability, why go home when I was promised cake? But it got worse. At the wedding party I begin to panic. The ringing was fucking everywhere, and then I heard it. Like a harbinger of the end times; I head massive booming sounds from outside. Like stomping. Like a massive robot stomping. My older brother finds me and tells me that the robot is coming to kill me now. The booming gets louder.

    I start to look around. No one looks right, something's off. And that fucking ringing never stopped. Slowly I realized the problem. Everyone seemed to have the face of the robot. As I panicked again my mother tried to console me. But I knew she was just a fake, just the robot trying to one up me. More panicking, I'm really starting to work myself up at this point. The booming gets louder outside. I feel like this is it. This is where I die.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:50 No.18521336
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    You may or may not had just looked into a hell-mouth.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:51 No.18521345

    Then I'm in the gameshow again. The host says I won and the robot-audience starts to applaud. They are all wearing wedding dresses. I slowly begin to melt, my flesh just falling off me.

    I "wake up" in the back of my mother's car. My memory hazy. I ask what happened. My mom just looked at me funny and said that we left the party. I asked about the robot and she just shook her head. I could still hear the booming but it was getting fainter. As was the static, that ringing sound. No one would ever talk to me about the wedding again. For the next year I would have "flashbacks" and hear the ringing and booming, start to hallucinate. No therapy, but I got over it over time by reconciling that it was all a dream. Except too much was vivid. Too much was real. The whole thing was just...insane.

    I wish I was making this up.

    >> Landing Gear !DowN/N3yMY 03/30/12(Fri)23:51 No.18521348
    >get some dental work.
    >High as a kite.
    >Don't remember anything I did the night.
    >check twitter
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:52 No.18521375
    >one day in middle school
    >pass out in gym class, wake up again woozy but feeling fine
    >get home, pass out again and wake up with the feeling my body is on fire, and I'm in Hell
    >run around screaming, massive demon crashes in and begins beating the shit out of me
    >snap out of it, demon's my father.
    >get told to quit being crazy and go and do my chores.

    Fucking hell.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:53 No.18521377
    Saw it, researched it, now my life makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:53 No.18521391
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:54 No.18521400
    Nothing cool happened when I got my wisdom teeth out, which is obviously what this thread is about.

    >Go in first thing
    >They have IV sedative
    >Needle's in, worst part over
    >"Alright, try to count to ten"
    >They inject IV bag with something
    >Wake up near the end
    >Can't hear anything but my own thoughts
    >Try to communicate, nothing comes out
    >Oh wait, I know sign language!
    >Start signing furiously fast with my left hand
    >Letter-for-letter accuracy at a speed I've never been able to do while awake
    >Nurse takes my hand, makes me stop
    >Be fully lucid on the way home
    >Feelin fine, feelin fine
    >No worries, no-
    >the pain
    >Can't fucking breathe, too much pain
    >Fetal position on couch, can't move
    >Can't take pills because too much pain to swallow
    >Dad has to replace cotton in my mouth
    >uses chopsticks to get it out
    >Finally manage to get pills down
    >enough pain to sleep with, not much else
    >2 weeks thereafter, pits in the rear of my mouth kept getting food bits stuck in them
    >the madness of having food in my mouth like that wore on me
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:55 No.18521423
    Have bad night. Dragged to club by friends, fail to evenstrike out. Utterly alone with no hope for the future.

    So drunk I feel like im trapped inside my own skull

    Realize I left my credit card and id at club.

    At that exact moment, get phone call from friends cajoling me to come drink more and play halo.

    I collapse to the ground, sobbing, screaming and begging for someone to "let me out let me out let me out let me out."

    Writhe aroundand slide down the stairs, still begging for someone to let me out. I'm jot sure what from
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:59 No.18521496

    Oh and I forgot a small detail, somehow this all linked with Shyguys from Mario. I don't remember how, sorry. All I remember is that there is some sort of connection.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:59 No.18521502
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    >get wisdom teeth pulled
    >wake up laying on my side on a couch outside of the doc's room
    >try to speak, mouth is full of shit and it's hard to breathe
    >sit up, some latino guy rushes over and tells me to lay back down while gently pushing on my shoulder
    >punch him for some reason before ripping the cotton out of my mouth
    >blood is everywhere
    >try to get the fuck outta there
    >find my brother who came to pick me up
    >apparently I told him the cartel was after me
    >"lol wut bro"
    >don't have time to explain, WE NEED TO GO
    >jump in the bed of his truck
    >raise one knee on the hood of the truck and jab a finger at the sky while yelling "FOR AMERICA"
    >pass out
    >wake up in my bed
    >bro says I was cursing a lot in my sleep
    >still a bit crazy, every other word I say is a swear word

    Then I went to sleep. The end.
    >mfw my bro tells me what happened a month later
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:59 No.18521512
    I have chronic cluster headaches. 5-12 attacks a night, every night, for almost two years now.

    I don't think I have any more sanity to lose.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)23:59 No.18521515
    >be 13
    >Invite all my friends and play video games all day & night and drink tons of soda
    >Morning time

    >Suddenly Waffles start talking
    >They keep yelling at me
    >Punch waffle
    >Waffle now stuck on wall, still laughing
    >Punch it again and punch so hard it goes through the drywall and out the other side of the wall.
    >Fuck up my knuckles something terrible.
    >Have to get several stitches so we go to the ER
    >Whole car ride there I'm trying to attack invisible Monkey that keep taunting me.
    >At ER they give me Morphine. I break the meager bonds they put me in and attack the doctor.
    >3 big guys hold me down so the doctor, who now has a bite of ear missing, puts me out.

    >Wake up 3 days later, me attacking the doctor is on camera and I can't remember much of anything. Apparently I was going in and out of consciousness for 3 days in a delirium.

    Needless to say I stopped drinking Caffeine after that. I was fortune that the doctor was cool and the whole insanity thing wasn't my fault. Those friends never let me live down the time I went crazy.
    >> Bi-Polar Hernandez !KuKq0dYqkQ 03/31/12(Sat)00:00 No.18521528
    >Finally come to the conclusion that the beach was nirvana, and that i was the beach and everyone in it, but they were different lives of mine coming back.
    >abandoned my friend, as i thought he was rationality holding me back from enlightenment.

    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:02 No.18521555
    'cluster headaches' don't fucking exist, you moron. It's just an excuse for lazy fucks to get out of work.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:06 No.18521612
    Naturally you know better than the neurologists currently doing research on it. Of course.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:06 No.18521616
    >fucking girl for first time
    >drunk at party in bushes
    >taken some other things idontknowwhat
    >'oh man this feels amazing, feels like im giving birth to a galaxy
    >'shut up im trying to make love to your galaxy
    >theres stars and nebulas and shit all around me
    >the millenium falcon passes by in slow-time due to it being in hyperspace
    >she left 30 minutes ago
    >standing there fucking the air

    my friends have it all on video.
    never again.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:07 No.18521640
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:07 No.18521643
    the fuck?
    When I had my wisdom teeth out they just gave me local anaesthesia, split the tooth with a drill and plucked out the pieces...
    I wanted some hallucinations too, damn it!

    Fuck this, I'll get go get some acid or something. Maybe I might find nirvana and a few restraining orders when I get back...
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:08 No.18521652
    People will do anything to support their lie. :o)
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:08 No.18521660
    Old story from my uncle in the 70s.

    >Uncle is QB of the football team
    >Gets sacked the fuck out
    >Wakes up to see everyone around him
    >"What day is it," the coach asks
    >It's Friday
    >"Who is the President?"
    >It's Ford
    >"God damn it, take him to the hospital and get Olson off his ass, he better not loose the game for us."

    Concussions are underused in campaigns in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:12 No.18521718
    You looked into the Other Place. Something from the Other Place looked back at you.

    The Other Place wants you back.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:14 No.18521762
         File: 1333167258.jpg-(19 KB, 313x317, 1325692168695.jpg)
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    >live in university accommodation
    >door lock is a basic cylinder lock
    >get used to turning it clockwise to lock the door, anticlockwise to unlock
    >get back in one day a couple of months into semester, put key into locked door, turn anticlockwise
    >key won't turn
    >turn it clockwise
    >door unlocks
    >what the fuck

    >spend a couple of weeks creeped out by how odd it is, eventually get used to it now being anticlockwise to lock, clockwise to unlock
    >another month passes
    >try to turn it clockwise to unlock it, key won't turn
    >turn it anticlockwise, it unlocks
    >what the fuck is going on

    >some more time passes
    >it happens again
    >certain by this point I am going mad, because how the fuck would a lock suddenly change direction

    >last week
    >friend happens to see me unlocking my door
    >comments that my lock turns the wrong way
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:15 No.18521783
    I wish I had awesome stories like you guys

    But alas I have none, such is the life of a background character
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:17 No.18521818
    >horribly sick
    >spend 2 days playing gladius on the gamecube
    >on the night of the second day, lie down to sleep
    >close my eyes, the game is there
    >running perfectly, all characters and units being tracked, variables and swing bars and everything playing perfectly
    >completely fail to sleep, spend several hours laying and playing gladius in my head
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:19 No.18521847
    Got plane crud on the way back from Germany in high school, and staying at Grandma's. Like 3 AM, have to use the bathroom. Stagger in, can't think straight, can't walk straight. Get on the toilet.

    I am living the book I read in Germany. Tawny Fool? I think. Just... living the book.


    Suddenly I'm back in reality. Go back to bed.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:19 No.18521858
    >Be 17
    >Be 2005
    >Be getting wisdom teeth removed
    >Waking up from anesthetic
    >Just laying on the dentists chair trying to sleep
    >Mom arrives, "Come on, Anon, it's time to go."
    >Mom and nurse have my arms over each of their shoulders and are carrying me out the back of the dentists office
    >As we pass under a fan I think it's the sound of chopper rotors
    >Ask nurse, "Is Jeff alright? I didn't see him after the ambush."
    >Nurse WAT's hard
    >Grab nurse by both lapels
    >She looks at my mom with confusion, "Jeff isn't here."
    >Mom and nurse carry a weeping 17 year old out the back of a dentist's office while he has flashbacks to a war he never fought in about a man he never knew

    I still am confused about what the hell I was thinking.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:22 No.18521892
    Fuck, I feel old.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:23 No.18521907
    >helping load groceries into trunk of explorer with friend
    >as putting in last bag, hear sudden noise
    >get head bashed with trunk door HARD
    >get swelling lump on head
    >brought back to dorm after blacking out
    >roll out of bed and start panicking
    >this isn't my house! i gotta get home! mom and dad must be worried!
    >bolt out of dorm and take off running

    an old friend of mine from the highschool football team caught me running later and calmed me down.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:23 No.18521913
    >Be 16~
    >Have horrifying ass dream about ghost arms, millions of them, grabbing me, and murdering everyone I knew/loved.
    >Wake up screaming
    >Be manic depressive with hallucinations
    >The dream 'follows me'.
    >I am chased into my closet by hands
    >They nearly strangle me to death before the illusion just vanishes, and I realize I was choking myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:23 No.18521917
    >shrooms for the first time
    >I'd done acid before, was feeling confident about ability to grip reality
    >couple hours into the trip
    >somehow jump to the conclusion that everyone who dropped with me are projections of a single subconscious
    >suddenly determined to figure out which of us created this false reality
    >if everyone is the same mind, everyone knows what I know, and I know everything everyone else knows
    >the only way to determine whether I am real or not is to know something no one else knows
    >sink-or-float witch trial paradox: if I tell everyone deepest darkest secret, their reaction tells me if they are real, but if they are real, I've betrayed my secret
    >ponder alternative tests of reality
    >try to choke myself, doesn't seem to work, but can't seem to feel pain
    >suddenly leaning towards this not being reality
    >for some reason conclude that when the trip ends, if I don't know what is real I will die
    >logic says eliminate variables in this experiment if I want an answer and fast
    >lock my self in bathroom until I can figure things out
    >notice peeling paint around edge of sink and wall while leaning on sink
    >paint bends funny and the trip makes it look like it's melting
    >jump to the conclusion that I could never rightly rip a sink from a wall in reality
    >rip sink out of wall
    >wake up on the lawn hours later
    >go over to friends laughing about how I thought I ripped a sink out of a wall
    >friends laugh at me
    >I ripped my friend's sink out of his wall
    Trying to keep a secret while under powerful influence is an easy way to ruin a trip.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:23 No.18521921
    Actually, I do have one story I could tell.

    >Can't fall asleep
    >Take sleeping pill
    >Half an hour passes and the pill isn't bloody working
    >I walk in through my bedroom door and sit down next to myself on the bed
    >We start chatting about something
    >I walk in through my bedroom door and sit down next to my other self on the bed
    >I walk in through my bedroom door and sit down at my desk, swivelling my chair around to face me in the bed
    >I walk in through my bedroom door and lean on my book case facing myselves
    >I walk in through my bedroom door and lean on my bedpost.
    In the end there were 8 of us (me and 7 of me) having a delightful conversation about something.

    >I wake up and have plucked my arse clean of arse hairs.
    I'm not sure if I want that to be connected to the main bit, though...
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:23 No.18521924
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:24 No.18521932
    This thread seems like it would be a goldmine for creating DRYH characters.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:24 No.18521934
    You had a 'nam flashback without ever being in 'nam. What.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:26 No.18521959
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:26 No.18521960
    rolled 2, 8, 6, 16 = 32

    I've got a couple. I live in an 80 year old house, so my paranoia gets the best of me.

    >be sitting home alone on day off
    >hear loud noise upstairs
    >freak out, call dad
    >dad gets there, checks house
    >hear same noise downstairs
    >go downstairs, empty basement
    Ah, what the fuck. And then for the next couple of months I couldn't sleep without my computer playing music. That's not really that bad, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:31 No.18522018
    the fucked up part is that that event occured on the 26th and all day today my right eye lid (the bad eye) has swollen, painfully, to a rather large size. i literally hadn't given it much of a thought til now. the sleep deprived looney in me wants to panic, but the rational part of my head is still keeping me chilled. jesus i need sleep...
    >> Nothingmancer 03/31/12(Sat)00:31 No.18522026
    A flash... FORWARD.
    Have fun in the next shithole we decide to invade.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:32 No.18522042
    >get wisdom teeth removed
    >all I remember is urgently explaining to my Mom the importance of the typos in the letter my uncle sent me on facebook
    >apparently that was the only weird thing that happened, except I passed out again a few seconds later and had to be walked, semi-conscious, to the car
    >I still swear to this day that he sent me a letter, but I just looked, and it's not on my facebook
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:33 No.18522055
    They put me under for wisdom teeth.
    I didn't know shit when I woke, but my first thought was "That's what death will be like, but forever."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:34 No.18522079
    Another pretty mundane one. Having never taking Nyquil before to get to sleep, I wasn't really expecting what I got.

    >Have lots of trouble sleeping, severe insomnia
    >Take nyquil. Not really tired, but trying to get to work without feeling like shit for once
    >Wake up to some absolutely ridiculous dreams with no way to wake up. Essentially trapped in a coma of nightmares.
    >I remember waking up and reaching towards the light of my computer screen feebly and pretty much just falling asleep after that.
    >Whoo. Scary shit, I know. Such a crazy life, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:35 No.18522088
    I used to work in a call center for the largest telco in my country. This also meant that people with medical conditions who needed a priority SLA for restore times (usually within 24 hours) had to come to us for "guaranteed" service.

    >Working a late shift, probably around 9 or 10pm, only one other person is in the center and they'd only just started so I was the one they had to escalate issues to.
    >I get a call come through, lady is obviously not all there but shes got a medical priority on her account so I'm doing my best to get the information I need.
    >I can't stress enough how deranged she was, she's talking about us monitoring her phone calls and sending them to her to taunt her (her phone bill), threatening to smash her phone to stop it ringing and a few other bits.
    >I think shes just a crazy old lady and we usually got those pretty regularly, there was one woman who used to ring and ask us the time in the city she lived, not the point.
    >I'm trying to get the information I need, to troubleshoot the phone and make sure it's working.
    >She's getting quieter and quieter yet her voice is becoming noticeably distressed so I ask her if she's alright.
    >She says shes bleeding, I'm starting to freak out, she'd rang me off the landline that she was reporting faulty so I'm telling her to ring 000.
    >I hear her collapse across the phone, she stops responding to my voice.
    >Past the zone of freaked, I drop the call, ring emergency services and risk getting fired by divulging customer records (her address and name).

    It turned out to be a false alarm, the lady was actually crazy but at the time I was running circles in my head hoping she was alright.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:36 No.18522109
    >Go under anesthesia to get tonsils removed
    >Puke when I wake up

    >Local anesthesia to get wisdom teeth removed
    >Ride my bike home

    >smoke weed with "doods"
    >get scared of justice system and ride my bike home, feel vaguely embarrassed for a few hours

    That's when I realized that my preoccupation with fantasy is entirely thanks to how boring my real life is
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:37 No.18522125
         File: 1333168656.jpg-(16 KB, 175x190, OMGWTF.jpg)
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    >Be turning 21 'today'
    >Be in Rome
    >Be high as a motherfucker
    >Find mannequin arm on the street
    >Treat mannequin arm as though it's actually my arm for the rest of the day
    >Be eating dinner with a bunch of friends
    >Notice a ton of carabinieri (i.e., submachinegun-supercops) patrolling everywhere
    >Freak out; ask why the hell there are so many carabinieri patrolling around, giving me weird looks
    >Realize the restaurant you're eating dinner is next to the fucking supercop headquarters
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:38 No.18522144
    >and all day today my right eye lid (the bad eye) has swollen, painfully, to a rather large size
    Is the eye itself red? Are you tearing/having a runny nose on that side? Pain around/behind the eye?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:39 No.18522164
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:39 No.18522169
    Fuck, the carabinieri are scary mofos.
    I was on holidays in Italy when I was a kid, and saw them take in a guy who'd stolen a car. They were... less than gentle.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:41 No.18522185
         File: 1333168870.png-(108 KB, 998x898, df_ss_1.png)
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    My worst experience was when I got food poisoning and had Dwarf Fortress hallucinations.

    I had just discovered Dwarf Fortress. Now, this was back in the 40d days, and I was quite a noob. Knew my basics (but not a lot more), and had been mucking about with chasm embarks the past few days. For some reason, probably because I was so new, I really empathized with the dwarves. And every time a few batmen swarmed out of the chasm and ended up chasing a cat around the map, I would feel horribly guilty if it died.

    One night I finished supper and almost immediately vomited up hamburger, everywhere. It was some good fucking hamburger, too... I was pissed. Until about two hours later, when the hallucinations started. I was out for two days. I could see and was aware of the world around me, and was able to shake it enough to gnaw some saltines or down some jello now and then, but as soon as I settled back down, they started again.

    I was trapped, inside Dwarf Fortress. On that chasm embark map. The ASCII (tilesets are for pussies) was literally overlaid on top of my vision, and I kept reliving the moments my precious kitties died. Now normal DF players would scoff at this, but I have a pet cat. He has an innate ability to figure out if you're sick, and will snuggle up to you and stay with you, only leaving to get food. And every single time, I was fucking terrified that one of those humanoid bats, a dark grey lowercase 'b', was going to kill him, and I would be powerless to stop it. The seasons never progressed, and I couldn't get the dwarves on my head to actually set up a fortress, or dig and get everyone to safety. I had no control over the game, even though I could give commands like I had a keyboard.

    48 hours.

    Never even told my parents about it.

    And yes, I still play Dwarf Fortress to this day.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:41 No.18522187
         File: 1333168872.jpg-(32 KB, 400x272, lumines-20050317094513250.jpg)
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    ever play lumines? the worst fucking thing about lumines is that you can't stop imagining playing lumines. it probably doesn't help that sessions of the game can easily get up to an hour or two in length.

    recently i had the problem with dustforce, spent 5 hours trying to beat night temple with a time better than my friends. i can now mentally construct the entire course in my head.
    >> JoeHawksⓌⓄⒷ ⓌⓄⒷ ⓉⒾⓁ ⒹⒺⒶⓉⒽ !!Rpq8kfMi70S 03/31/12(Sat)00:41 No.18522188
    >best friend was a drug dealer (middle man)
    >usually dealt in pot, but started to move on to ecstasy and other drugs
    >newest batch of drugs was dmt
    >went to another dormitory and hung out with some other freshman
    >watched him do dmt, looked like nothing(later on tells me it looked like we were all melting as if dipped in phosphoric acid)
    >I do a hit
    >my head feels weightless, empty, along with a cold sweat.
    >"yeah, okay i can handle this shit."
    >I tell him i'm good for the night, and head back to our dorm room.
    >head back to the dorm.
    >feeling alpha as fuck.
    >load all of the dmt he gave me as i left onto the dankest nug i can find, and put on pink floyd's us and them
    >as soon as i exhale the hit, i instantaneously lose all sensation of the real world, and i find myself unable to physically move.
    >finding myself unable to close my eyes, i stare at the wall, and watch as the posters on it slowly take the shape of monsters of the most horrid nature.
    >one in particular seems to be devouring me, laughing as it does so (i'm guessing it was the pink floyd deranged laughing in "us and them")
    >all of the sudden i see a 3rd person perspective of myself, keeling over and falling into nothingness, and the world becomes wholly alien, that of a kaleidoscopic nature.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:41 No.18522215
    tried to look in the mirror, but my eyes are blood shot from having been up for too long. the pain seems to be behind the eye. there is a little bit of tearing now, but i can't tell if its from sleep deprivation or not. my friends (same ones from the class) said that it looked kinda like a mosquito bite on my eyelid.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:42 No.18522222

    That kind of reminds me of Oppenheimers' "I am become death, destroyer of worlds."

    Also, sanity check for surviving Hiroshima. Pretty sure that's a pretty scary place to start.

    >Going about your morning routine
    >Walking to work
    >Big explosion, knocked off your feet
    >All of a sudden the people you're used to ignoring on your daily commute are gone, burnt and dead in less than 10 seconds, buildings there before are just completely leveled
    >Between the screams and the panic you're only instinct is to run home and see if everything's okay.

    Seriously. That would be one hell of a setting. Especially with some kind of ethereal backlash.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:43 No.18522246
    Same guy, different story, these stories wont be worse then any individual one you guys are posting, they just tended to happen on somewhere between a daily and weekly basis.

    >Get in for an early shift on Monday.
    >First phone call of the day.
    >"Hello, this is *insert cop's name and title*..
    >Doing mental somersaults already
    >..we've just found the body of one of your customers in her shower, her daughter has said she had a medical priority but her phone appears to be faulty."
    >"We needed to confirm that there were no existing fault reports."
    >This is about the worst call you could get. If it turns out that we'd done anything wrong or missed any vital step, the CSR who lodged it is fired and has a case for legal proceedings opened against them.
    >Turned out the phone had been faulty for a week, the lady had a mobile with full service within reach and simply had never phoned for help.
    >I heard later that she supposedly just dropped dead.
    >Still felt bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:43 No.18522253
    Thankfully, the craziest I've been was when I stayed up for 48 hours doing physics work. I started wondering why I needed to walk and open the door and take a shower and clean my teeth and walk back and get into bed when they were all just different aspects of the same thing.
    >> JoeHawksⓌⓄⒷ ⓌⓄⒷ ⓉⒾⓁ ⒹⒺⒶⓉⒽ !!Rpq8kfMi70S 03/31/12(Sat)00:44 No.18522267
    >>18522188 cont.
    >i believe myself to have experienced death, so i start screaming and shouting "OH GOD I DIED. NO, I DIED. WHY GOD. WHY DID I DIE".
    >my voice sounds not like my own, adding to the supposed "death" factor
    >i'm still disoriented, pacing back and forth in the tiny and dark room, bracing myself against the door, and then pacing back and forth again, freaking out from the sounds of running echoing all throughout the hallways.
    >finally come down, and realize i'm soaked in bong water, and realize that i just suffered an ego death and would never again be the same.

    to this day, I'm still haunted by that memory and the smell that dmt creates. God, it took forever to get rid of that smell. Consecutive showers didn't work. I had to wait weeks for it to wear off. Months for my bong to be rid of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:44 No.18522270
    I don't remember this myself, but when I was 4 I was in hospital to correct a lazy eye. I'm insanely resistant to anything and everything, so they kept upping the anaesthetic and eventually had to use a double adult dosage to get me under.

    They kept me in for three days after surgery for observation, and apparently I kept climbing up to stand in my bed and sing, at the top of my lungs, "La Paloma Blanca".

    I'd never heard that bloody song before.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:45 No.18522285
    Elaborate on these guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:46 No.18522302
    If you start having serious, serious headaches - think ice cream headaches, but a hundred times worse - go see a doctor.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:46 No.18522310
    >Finally going to sleep
    >I can only assume I was just going into REM sleep
    >Roommate comes back
    >Not acting like a dick, but he takes long enough that I wake up anyway, about twelve seconds before he turns off the light and goes to bed himself.
    >Somehow, all of the things I thought significantly about throughout the day are all tangled up in my mind.
    >Tiberian Sun, a book I read, a class I attended, my Rogue Trader group, a quest I was thinking about
    >seriously fucking tangled up
    >can't fucking figure out where one thing ends and another begins
    >can't think because my thoughts are tangled up in some kind of psychic deadlock
    >lie there for fifteen minutes, and then another five as things slowly begin to sort themselves out
    >weirdest fucking thing ever
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:49 No.18522347
    Oh, and.
    I don't speak a word of Spanish, but apparently had perfect diction when I sang that thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:50 No.18522358
         File: 1333169426.jpg-(141 KB, 734x979, MOA Sharky.jpg)
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    >Take acid
    >Go to the mall of America
    >Feel a tap on my shoulder
    >This motherfucker
    >He wants a hug
    >I have no mouth and I must scream
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:51 No.18522366
    you aren't supposed to see a doctor when you temporarily lose your sense of vision and have some kind of seizure? but then if you get some headaches later, now it's serioustime?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:52 No.18522378
    I'd assumed he'd been reasonable and seen a doctor already and they'd said it was nothing to worry about, since he didn't make a big deal out of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:53 No.18522395
    I feel lame in comparisson to all these stories

    >go to get an endoscopy
    >zonked out when I wake up
    >mom is driving me home
    >i keep trying to eat my fist because it looks like a taco and im hungry
    >pause for a second
    >remember I don't like tacos and then fall asleep
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:53 No.18522401
    will do. thanks again. my sanity has already been slipping from the eye things and lack of sleep, so the last thing i need is some kinda physical ailment to add to that. also, got another one that my suite mates reminded me off
    >sleeping comfy in my bed
    >sunlight gently wafts in and wakes me
    >stretch and yawn
    >open my eyes
    >see this HUGE guy standing over me
    >standing extremley close
    >his face is about 7 inches from mine
    >he is staring intently
    >nope nope nope
    >roomate wakes up
    >"oh, hey JP"
    >"hey. hows it going?"

    turns out he lived on our floor and was there to study with my roomate. the reason he was standing so close is because he is legally blind and was trying to see what my face looked like. still din't keep me from freaking when i saw a 6'8" 300 lb hispanic man standing over me
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:55 No.18522425
         File: 1333169748.jpg-(36 KB, 251x291, harohasseensomeshit.jpg)
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    >massive dose of medicine, injected straight into the muscle
    >everything went better than expected.jpg
    >except things go grey
    >and grey
    >and greyer
    >mfw my vision clears and I'm in my dad's car and I have absolutely no recollection of leaving the clinic and crossing the street

    My dad and my sister were with me and they didn't help me across the street or anything - they didn't even notice I was out of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)00:57 No.18522447
    I have weird triggers that set me off.

    >Get into a prank war with roommate
    >one night, get a sack of flour dumped on my head
    >go to the washroom to clean myself off, take a good long look at myself in the mirror
    >something snaps
    >I start giggling and smear my mouth with ketchup from the fridge
    >walk out into the street, whisper-screaming the lyrics to 'Greatest Show Unearthed'
    >cause a nuisance in the street
    >next thing I know, I'm in a public washroom, scrubbing my face with as much hot water and soap as I can manage while sobbing hysterically
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:00 No.18522496
    Not quite the hallucinations everyone else is having, but:

    >am 14
    >younger brother is 11
    >waiting up late for our mom to get home from church function
    >check old wall clock, not a grandfather, but a wind-up clock hanging from the wall
    >it's like 10:20pm, pretty damn late for her, why isn't she home yet?
    >only other person home is dad, in parent's bedroom in back of house
    >tell brother the time, he's like "Wow, that's late"
    >later than we usually stay up on a school night
    >start telling ghost stories
    >first mistake
    >half hour passes, and we're started to creep each other out
    >also a little worried about mom, it's getting on towards eleven
    >hear footsteps
    >Oh, it's her
    >check the windows
    >nobody's outside, footsteps stop
    >Huh, that's weird.
    >start talking about school tomorrow, younger brother still in middle school, lol he don't know shit
    >hear footsteps again
    >. . .
    >check outside
    >still nobody
    >. . .
    >footsteps stop again
    >starting to get a little wigged out for real, now, imagining someone outside circling the house, and we live kind of in the country, but still can't into why we don't see anyone but we hear their footsteps
    >try to laugh it off, try to play it like it doesn't get to me in front of little bro
    >little bro wonders why mom isn't home yet
    >Don't know, you know? We live about a half hour from the church, and it's late, might be driving slow to avoid accidents
    >hear footsteps again
    >oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
    >me and little bro visibly fucked up by this
    Check outside!
    >Fuck you, YOU check outside!
    No, YOU check, YOU CHECK!
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:00 No.18522509
    >we book from the living room to the back room where our dad is
    >door is locked
    >bang on the door scared shitless
    >no lights in the rest of the house, either, just the living room
    >both of us are convinced some kind of hookman or serial killer or escaped lunatic is behind us, but too scared shitless to look
    >light flicks on behind door
    >oh shit we woke up our dad
    >light flickers on and off
    >light stays on
    >hear dad cursing and stumbling to the door
    >opens the door and stares at us like he's the king of the undersea and just rose up from the deeps to kick our asses
    >try to explain that the monsters were coming to get us and they blew up the living room, but we're babbling and talking over each other and interrupting
    >swear we'll never stay up late again

    Turns out the "footsteps" and crash were our old clock. It was hanging from the wall in the living room by an old nail, and had been for like 15 years. The. Same. Nail. It's old-fashioned pendulum motion had caused it to wear through the nail over time, and as the last millimeters were worn through, the sound was like footsteps, and then the clock crashed down. Our mom got home 10 minutes later, and the next day we learned the intricacies of how our clock was put together . . .
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:06 No.18522594
         File: 1333170397.jpg-(44 KB, 310x307, aw shit.jpg)
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    Holy shit bro, no wonder you didn't want to share that in the Mr Rogers thread. I can't say that I know that feel, because that's some intense stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:10 No.18522642
    >Go to get a tooth pulled that's grown in oddly
    >Been like that for years, I essentially had two teeh stacked on top of each other
    >Dentist goes to freeze mouth
    >Intense sense of dread
    >Ask them not to freeze it
    >"Why not?"
    >I have trouble rationalizing it, end up coming up with "I have this pizza I want to eat tonight"
    >They pull the tooth
    >No pain, just a soft squishy feeling
    >Haven't felt pain since
    I'm not really sure what the fuck.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫Praetor Lillifag‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 03/31/12(Sat)01:10 No.18522649
    >Be kid
    >At the dentist, having tooth removed
    >Get put under
    >Halfway through, the sleep gas wears off
    >Don't remember why I'm here
    >oh god get these doctors away from me hrrrgh

    I lost a tiny bit of SAN there.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:10 No.18522651
    You think it was just a coincidence that your mom got home late, AND your clock just decided to fall on the same night? Someone out there is fucking with you, just to make you squirm..
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:11 No.18522658
    >Reading up on warhammer lore
    >Do this for a full twelve hours
    >Try to sleep
    >Wake up screaming
    >See daemonettes trying to hold me down for slaanesh to rape me with a giant fishhook dick covered in spikes
    >While being smeared infected pus on by nurgle
    >And being drained of blood and my skull removed for khorne
    >While sororitas burn my hands to ashes spouting about the emperor, a tyranid eats my feet and a homonculus plays me like a fucking pain organ.
    >Ass hurts for days, Unsure why.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:14 No.18522699
    Weird shit's happened to me, usually involving things falling, in that house. A year or two earlier, I was reading in my bed, and I suddenly get this urge to go outside. I never, EVER get "the urge" to go outside, I'm a total insidefag. Outside is for illiterates who can't into air conditioning. But I go outside and I read . . . and 15 minutes later, the shelf above my bed, which had been there for months, no sign of weakness before, suddenly gives and lands in my bed, right where my head is.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:15 No.18522708
    Uh, meant to reply to >>18522651
    That was odd.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:16 No.18522713
    >Playing D&D with some friends
    >Decide to spend the night
    >Faint music wakes me up
    >Ignore it
    >Wake up again and open my eyes
    >I'm staring down at myself
    >I'm tied up on the floor in an empty room
    >There's a man wearing a burlap sack on his head
    >He's sharpening a knife
    >I'm back in my body again
    >Can feel my bindings
    >Suddenly convinced this is real
    >Want to scream but can't
    >Can't move at all
    >Staring at the man as he stands up
    >Stands over me holding the knife
    >He just stands there and stares back at me
    >Raises the knife
    >Wake up again
    >Back at my friends' house
    >Surrounded by my D&D group

    They all woke up and thought I was still out. One of them noticed my eyes and mouth are wide open and I look terrified, so they shook me awake. The worst part of it all was that the song playing was Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Sounded like it was on a shitty record player.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:16 No.18522715
         File: 1333170976.jpg-(300 KB, 561x578, 131042195935.jpg)
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    >I'm 7
    >Great grandmother died
    >Open casket ceremony
    >The folks in the funeral procession before the service are making their rounds to the dead body
    >Told to pay respects
    >See my grandmothers dead body
    >Feel nothing, then laughter
    >Laughing so hard that I have to go into a corner and feign sobbing because of how ashamed I am
    >Older brother gives me a disapproving glare
    >Also happens to be an idiot

    This happened again after a two vehicle collision, every bystander that saw the mangled, putrefied bodies of the vehicle occupants bore the EXACT same expression, like a procession of masked greek Tragedians. I saw what was once a little girl and her mother and I started to laugh again. I think it that forced physical discorporation is abhorrent to the human spirit, it reduces us to our constituent biological pieces. What they call "Neo-Newtonianism" in Ghost in the Shell.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:18 No.18522736
    I feel sorry for the man whose body you momentarily inhabited.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:18 No.18522737

    Fuck, you were right about not wanting to share in the Rogers thread.

    Idk if you're still here/concious, but in the future if you're involved in some similar brain fuckery, within an hour afterwards try to play some tetris or bejewelled or some other basic task that requires focus but not too much thinking. Helps occupy your brain with processing menial repetitive shit so it has trouble properly storing those fucked memories. Friend who's an EMT was told to try that by a therapist, now he carries a Gameboy for just that shit, says it helps a good bit. Not completely, but any little bit I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:18 No.18522742
    I can't state how much into air conditioning I am
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:20 No.18522768
    Someone is archiving this shit right?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:23 No.18522805
    >Be 13
    >get wisdom teeth pulled out
    >end up going to cousins
    >make advances to my cousin telling her I want to have her babies

    She continues to laugh about it to this day.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:23 No.18522806
    >Can't move at all

    That happened to me once. I woke up, I was sure, and was in my room, in my bed, and the daylight was starting to shine through my window . . . but I could. Not. Move. I tried everything, I couldn't even shift my gaze, my body was incapable of moving. I don't know how long that lasted, but then suddenly I blinked, and I could move again. That was probably the freakiest thing that had ever happened to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:24 No.18522811
    >basic task that requires focus but not too much thinking
    I have a semi-related story. I had just gone in for surgery on my toe, and it hurt like a motherfucked..
    It felt like my toe was frozen solid, in the most painful way one can freeze something. So I'm laying in bed, trying to fall asleep and I start thinking about some videogame. And then I can't stop thinking about it. I start to go through every possible chain of event, every possible combination of starting conditions, every possible random factor, trying to determine every possible outcome of every possible scenario of that game.

    Eight hours later, my alarm clock went off. I wasn't sure what time was anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:25 No.18522830
    shit man this disturbing. Is this a coping mechanism? I do the same thing, it was my uncles funeral. He looked so peaceful but I just became wide eyed and got lost in laughter. I woke up the next day strapped to a hospital bed. Apparently I pushed the casket off it's table and started attacking everyone while still laughing.
    I never blinked, so they said. My step father cracked me across the head and knocked me out. Man, I have dreams about it and it scares the shit out of me. I am in constant fear of seeing death so I don't become that again
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:26 No.18522844
    >have deja vu (god I hate that term) dreams every once in a while
    >they always end with something unclear but very bad happening
    >deju vu the next day, followed by 1 minute of silent panic
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:26 No.18522849
    >Walking home one day
    >Out of nowhere, someone smashes me on the back of the head
    >Overpowers me, ties me up
    >Puts me in a van and takes me somewhere
    >Dumps me in an empty room
    >Puts on Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
    >He's got a burlap sack on his head and he's sharpening a knife
    >Starts coming towards me
    >Use my psychic powers to call for help
    >Swap bodies with someone
    >It's some neckbeard playing D&D
    >"Oh for fuck's sake."
    I don't even want to talk about how I escaped.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:26 No.18522851
    A few years ago I stayed up for roughly 72 hours. Around the 3 day I started to randomly chant the Grinch's song from "Halloween is Grinch Night."


    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:27 No.18522856
    Indeed. Someone archive this hot brilliant shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:27 No.18522865
    It's called sleep paralysis, often accompanied by a feeling of intense dread.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:28 No.18522883
    Ohhh, didn't think I had one, bypassed thread but then I remembered.
    >Staying at dads place. Step mom was a royal bitch so I hid downstairs in the basement except for night time.
    >Dim lighting, no windows, cold, alone. Not my best idea.
    >Gradually grow more and more out of touch, become zombie-ish.
    >Watching TV, specifically, some ghost hunters thing about a demon with beady red eyes.
    >I begin to hear a laughing, even during the "confessionals" part of the show where they just talk to the people.
    >Mute TV.
    >Look over into my dark bedroom and see two red eyes, moving. A set of teeth, moving.
    >Instantly wide a-fucking-wake, sprint up the stairs.
    >Continue to sob and cry, continue to hear laughing downstairs.
    >Couldn't move until cunt-faced step mother returned home from work and started bitching at me, talking about committing me.

    And it's not like explaining would've helped.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:29 No.18522890
    >Go to get wisdom teeth out.
    >Oh wait, we don't take a symptomatic teeth out anymore
    >So just regular check up
    >Hygienist carves up my mouth like the fucking Argonath
    >Declares I have a cavity, and need to get it filled.
    >Put off making appointment for filling due to 'work'
    >Get second opinion
    >Opinion is they're full of shit, I wish I had teeth like yours.
    >Get new dentist
    >Have perfect teeth

    >This is how you would feel if a math teacher kicked your baby's head off.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:29 No.18522893
    >often accompanied by a feeling of intense dread.
    Wow, great psychological analysis. Kind of a no-brainer.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:29 No.18522895
    I forgot to mention, I was doing it without realizing it, just sort of trancing out and snapping back to weary normalcy a minute or so later.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:32 No.18522928
    I mean, aside from the whole I CAN'T FUCKING MOVE bit.
    Often people are convinced that there is something just out of sight with the intent of harming them.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:33 No.18522941
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    I think the people who are prone to hysteria tend to be sensitive, reflective and thoughtful. I'm not disturbed by it anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:33 No.18522954
    >feeling emotionally unstable for at least a week
    >graduation time, I come home with my gown
    >realize I've left everything else behind
    >start laughing hysterically and hitting myself in the head with things
    >headbutt a hole in my wall
    I have no idea what the fuck happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:34 No.18522965
    This happened to me too, I apparently "woke up" after a surgery I had and tried to punch and fight the doctors and surgeons, lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:35 No.18522980
    You couldn't, like...move your arms?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:35 No.18522988
    What's the big deal about wisdom teeth removal anyway. Everyone was like OH MAN YOU'RE GONNA WANNA DIE FOR A FUCKING WEEK but I drove myself to school the next day. Maybe it was a different cut or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:36 No.18522999
    either that, or people are pussies.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:36 No.18523000
    >Having my appendix taken out
    >"wake up" in the middle of surgery
    >I need to pee
    >Really really badly
    >Doctors don't want me to pee
    >Clearly, these doctors are committing horrible crimes by denying me my right to urinate
    >begin to scream and curse at the top of my lungs
    >Run to the bathroom shouting about how I need to fucking pee
    >wake up
    >First response is to apologize for swearing at the doctors
    >It was all a dream
    I did have to pee when I actually woke up though.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:38 No.18523026

    Same here, I went to a goddamn waterpark in the florida summer sun all day 2 days after I had mine done with no ill effect. Aside from having to eat anything crunchy exclusively with my front teeth like a chipmunk
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:41 No.18523047
    >5 years ago
    >Go to sleep one night
    >Wake up 4 days later
    >Get worried
    >Ask around
    >Handed note
    >"Had you make this after the second day, read it."
    >"You aren't remembering more that 30 minutes. Don't worry, we're apparently doing fine. Everyone seems to know already. Just wait it out."
    >Signed by me, with actual signature
    >Worry for the rest of the day if it will start again
    >Never happened again

    I've also had my brain feel like it's degaussed, causing me to stop moving for a moment. Never any time loss, or lack of perception. Just buzzes, my vision twists slightly, and I lose motor control for a couple seconds. Then I keep going and my head feels mostly empty.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:42 No.18523056
    Happened a few days ago
    >"woke up" at 6:07 in the morning
    look to see if my mother had taken my bus card that day.
    >She has
    >wake up from dream, look to see if mom took bus card
    >she hasn't
    >Wake up
    >Wake up
    >Wake up
    >Wake up
    >Wake up
    >Wake up
    >Infinite dream loop continues for what feels like hours
    >truly wake up at 6:46
    >> teka 03/31/12(Sat)01:48 No.18523111
    two things, i think.

    Firstly, it is an incredibly variable dental/surgical operation.
    Everything from the dentist reaching in with thumb and forefinger and gently tugging out these bothersome teeth to intensive operations cutting into the jawbones and splitting your head in half with a chisel.

    Secondly, this is one of the first, maybe only, time that many people are on the receiving end of some pretty strong sedatives and pain meds.

    Thirdly, there is no third point.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:51 No.18523144
    >still don't know wtf happened.
    You glimpsed amazing beauty, and, for a second, comprehended it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:52 No.18523157
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    >>I press my hand over his mouth and stare at him with the most serious look ever, eyes wide as dinner plates
    >slowly shake my head
    >nod over to the empty window where I can see the shark looking in
    >"be quiet. he has no eyes. he can only find you if you make noise."
    >he tells me I need to go to bed
    >> Rent-a-roman 03/31/12(Sat)01:54 No.18523171
    >>wisdom teeth story
    >>im the kind of person who gets worried about medical things easy
    >>after surgery i apparently spent the next hour asking my mom if everything went ok?
    >>am i ok?
    >>did everything go ok?
    >>am i ok?
    >>i only remember asking the very last time, was fine after that.
    >>Yah not that good but thats what i got.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:56 No.18523192
         File: 1333173373.png-(101 KB, 550x400, 1307136993331.png)
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    >Have shitty desk job
    >hate coworkers
    >Literally do no socializing for a good 2-3 months beyond a "hello"
    >Start hallucinating from sheer boredom
    >Staple remover is voiced by Sean Connery
    >Everything is in black and white
    >Everything looks horrible and grimy
    >Can of Coke Zero starts getting up in my face with sassy fat black woman voice
    >It's around the time I started threatening the scanner that boss decided perhaps I should work less hours
    >I thank him and start vomitting rainbows on his shoes.

    I seriously think one of the partners planned to drop acid or something that day, threw the tab in their drink, and mixed theirs up with mine or something. I have never felt so out of my goddamned mind.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:56 No.18523199
    >Wisdom teeth out
    >Get knocked out for the procedure.
    >Wake up, and stumble out into the waiting room to find my Mom.
    >Start a fairly intelligible conversation with the woman behind the desk.
    >Talk non-stop to my mom all the way home.
    >Start a long conversation with my sister.
    >Talk to my cat when my sister goes to do something else.
    >Sit alone for a bit a little later.
    >Realize that I'm speaking aloud every word that crosses my mind.
    >Oh god what is happening, why won't I shut up?
    >I'm still talking out loud to an empty room.
    >And I'm normally that near-silent, socially awkward guy, who couldn't hold a conversation if it was in a bucket.

    I don't know what they gave me, but if I knew where to get more, I would have ten times the social life I have now.
    >> Starshadow 03/31/12(Sat)01:57 No.18523200
    Holy shit what is with all of these wisdom teeth stories? Kind of a scary trend...

    I also had two of them pulled out of my lower jaw a couple years ago. Its been far too long for me to give specifics, but long story short I ended up with a double dry socket infection.

    That plus the copious painkillers resulted in me having some crazy fever dreams. Even when I was awake I was hallucinating for a good week afterwards. Not so much seeing sharks outside windows as "whelp I'd better lie down".
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)01:58 No.18523221
    Pfft, I didn't get anything cool. All that happened when I had my wisdom teeth pulled is that I permanently lost some feeling in my mouth and face thanks to nerve damage.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:01 No.18523247
         File: 1333173663.png-(16 KB, 400x300, anesthesia12[1].png)
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    >dentists and anesthesia
    >relevant Hyperbole and a Half entry is relevant

    My own wisdom-teeth-experience wasn't so much SAN loss as it was a SAN gain.

    >painful headaches all of life
    >MRI in 5th grade
    >no really it's not a tumor
    >continue unabated until 17
    >really puts a damper on life when most of it is spent mewling in bed in a dark room going oh god ow my head
    >go to dentist
    >holy fuck anon your wisdom teeth are coming in sideways
    >gonna cut those out pronto
    >watch video about after-surgery care, no smoking no sucking (on straws or cigarettes, you perverts), no eating anything with a texture above that of thick wet cardboard (aside from pudding, which is awesome)
    >mom stocks me up on like five pounds of banana and chocolate pudding because she's scared of me having surgery in a mother hen sort of way and somehow this will help
    >day of surgery
    >disturbed for half a second when they velcro-strap restrain me in chair
    >drugs hit
    >nighty night
    >wake up FOUR HOURS LATER
    >not because of bad anesthesia, I just fucking took a nap apparently
    >smoke cigarette on way home with lower lip feeling like it's on my chest
    >yeah, fuck the rules
    >get home to my five fucking pounds of pudding
    >they order pizza
    >oh fuck you guys
    >eat it anyway
    >no problems with dry sockets
    >take maybe one of the 30 percocets they sent me home with
    >fuck yeah high CON score
    >best part, no more headaches

    It's like I got my life back. It's uncanny. It's like I was unable to do anything for almost 15 years. I can't even imagine or remember what the hell it was like.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:01 No.18523253
    >Orthodontist tells me that I need to get my wisdom teeth out or they'll fuck up my teeth.
    >I don't.
    >my teeth are just fine.
    And that's how I retained my sanity.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:04 No.18523281
    >be in college
    >asleep on a bunk bed in dorm
    >having a dream of walking down a hallway
    >glowing door
    >cautiously approach
    >I'm on the floor (from top bunk) with bloody nose, roommate looking at me from above
    >Floormates knock on door saying I woke them up
    >Roommate says I screamed "WHAT?!" at the absolute top of my lungs and jerked so violently I fell off
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:11 No.18523341
    >Be 15
    >Get two lower wisdoms out.
    >Nurse injects me with anesthesia.
    >Eye's get HUGE
    >Konk Out
    >Apparently mom had to leave because my eyes were still open.
    >At end when I'm coming up, I'm freaking the fuck out.
    >Nurse gets mom.
    >I pantamime to mom to take a picture.
    >She does.
    >Go home. Take a Valium. Sleep.
    >Sobbing uncontrollably.
    >Never take another Valium.

    Kinda lame, but that's my Wisdom Teeth story. Stuff like that happens when I get memory loss from Concussions, too.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:17 No.18523381
    >I have a really bad memory.
    >Like, no really. I mean really bad. Not like "Oh, where are my keys?" more like "Shit, I forgot what my Mom's name is."
    >After a few months, anything I haven't done in a while feels fresh and brand-new again.
    >Hadn't bought a new videogame in years.
    >Re-read like four or five different book series, always cycling around.
    >Mentally had the same experience as losing my virginity like three times.
    >Go to the dentist.
    >He's on some huge kick about sleep apnea.
    >I show basically every single symptom.
    >Go to a nose and throat doctor.
    >Sinus infection.
    >A sinus infection I've apparently had for over twenty years, limiting my oxygen intake during sleep, resulting in something like a nightly suffocation of my brain.
    >My memory is normal now.
    >Suddenly my old routines feel... Not right. Stale.
    >Suddenly all my games are boring. All my books are dull.
    >Suddenly I can't stand my gf.
    >My sister doesn't know how to talk to me anymore.
    >My work, which I used to enjoy, now feels like an inescapable hell.
    >Oh god, what happened to my life?
    >Who am I?
    >WHO AM I?

    I got used to it. But for like two years, I wanted that tumorous mass of pus back in my head so I could go back to the way it was before.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:18 No.18523396
    This actually happened not even a month ago.

    >was really fucking sick
    >like holy shit should have gone to the hospital sick
    >be lying in bed, door open cause fuck, its hot in here
    >keep drifting in and out of sleep, girlfriend was moving around the house/our room doing stuff all day
    >in fever-dream haze, become convinced I was already dead
    >wake up
    >rage at girlfriend for letting me die and not noticing
    >she tries to convince me I am not dead
    >I know she is lying
    >tell her fuck this, it was better when I was dead
    >go back to sleep

    Fuck, did I feel like an asshole afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:18 No.18523399
    one from my friend

    >playing football left tackle
    >gets knocked the fuck out
    >jumps up and starts throwing his hands up in the air
    >coach asks him wtf are you doing?
    > im teaching my chickens to fly. fly away chickens
    >goes to hospital every 5 min. asks about his chickens
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:19 No.18523404
    This thread makes me very happy that I never grew wisdom teeth.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:23 No.18523433
    >be 6
    >in a small, traditional kind of church
    >need to sue bathroom, all regular ones are taken so I head to the one in the bridal room through the empty chapel
    >in a room full of mirrors with no one anywhere near me and the only thing I can hear is myself and the faint sound of cars
    >finish up my business, back in room full of mirrors
    >suddenly see what looks like a goddamned corpse in the mirror sitting in a chair behind me
    >shriek and turn around, obviously nothing there
    >turn toward door
    >in another mirror
    >run for door
    >won't budge
    >flip the fuck out, smashing all of the mirrors
    >door still won't open, hear something in bathroom
    >finally charge toward the door, summon all of my six year old strength and force it open
    >no one in chapel, turns out friends weren't even at service that day
    I fancy myself a rational person, but that's one thing I've never been able to explain to myself. It still shakes me to this day.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:23 No.18523436
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    >Bust into friends room asking if she wants to get wasted.
    >She sits bolt upright in bed, gives me this intense looks and says
    >"Fuck Yes!"
    >We get drunk
    >She mentions how much she loves sardines
    >I have a couple cans of sardines in my room
    >We bounce, and eat sardines like bosses
    >Bond over tasty sardines
    >Laying together afterward basking in the afterglow
    >Turns to the side and vomits all over my bed
    >Apologizes and leaves while I do the laundry
    >A few days later complains in the dining hall about her vagina being sore.
    >Point out that is a common side effect of hard boning with me
    >Acts as if I just made another big dick joke (not an uncommon occurance)
    >'Well we did have sex on Saturday'
    >'No we didn't, I slept all Saturady'
    >Assume she's apparently kinda uncomfortable discussing the whole sex with good friend thing. Weirder shit has happened.
    >2 months later
    >Bust into her room for her awesome chili recipe
    >She sits bolt upright in bed, gives me this intense looks
    >Gives me the recipe in extreme detail
    >Flops back down, straight back to sleep.
    >Wake her up later for chili
    >Thank her for the recipe
    >Doesn't remember giving it
    >Recount how it happened
    >'Oh, I must've been asleep, that happens sometimes.'
    >All of my what? How does that work? Wait a minute...
    Now before you all laugh about how a woman slept through sex with me, she gave me the best blowjob/titfuck I've ever had that night. This includes our three months of FWB the next year.

    How does that even work? How do you not lock your door when you know you do this?
    >> Deus vs Machina 03/31/12(Sat)02:25 No.18523446
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    >First semester of the first year of college
    >Get up one morning
    >Roomate asks if I remember anything unusual about last night
    >I say
    >He tells me apparently in the middle of the night I suddenly sat upright and screamed
    >Then I said something along the lines of "praises be to the lord of infernos"
    >This was followed by, as he put it, "the most evil laugh ever"
    >mfw I remember none of this
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:25 No.18523451
    >Clean out dusty ass attic
    >Cough a couple of times, no bigger
    >Evening I can breath at all, feels like someone has a vice on my lungs
    >Go to hospital
    >Give me PURE OXYGEN and Ventaline
    >"This isn't so bad"
    >Stand up
    >Glide to the car like a boss
    >Next day legs hurt like hell
    >> Deus vs Machina 03/31/12(Sat)02:26 No.18523458
    Curse these typos!
    >I say no I do not
    Also, apparently he was in bed with his girlfriend at the time that this occurred.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:26 No.18523460
    >wisdom teeth coming in
    >have plenty of free jaw space
    >keep them
    >lose almost all SAN anyway for unrelated reasons

    Seriously why is this thread full of people who had to get those yanked? I didn't think it was all THAT common.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:28 No.18523479
    I'm in the Navy serving on board a submarine. We were getting ready to pull out of dry dock, and had been working for about two weeks straight. Sleeping a few hours very other day at work. Life was hell. Day finally comes when I can go home and sleep for a full night. I walk out to my car, and black out. I wake up standing outside of my apartment with a shopping bag full of shampoo and toothbrushes, and a fresh haircut.

    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:28 No.18523482
    This is the weirdest thing to happen to me. Which shows how my life hasn't been that weird.

    >I look outside when doing whatever in the kitchen
    >The sky is purple
    >Just straight purple
    >Not that rosy color it can get when the sun is going down that is kinda like a gradient
    >It's just purple, leaning into a pinker color
    >I try to make sure my vision isn't having trouble with colors
    >There are times when I close one of my eyes and alternate, I can tell that one picks up a blue hue while the other a red
    >It isn't that, because nothing else seems off color
    >I get up from where I'm sitting and move to go look at the screen door
    >It's definitely still purple and everything outside also seems a bit purple too
    >Start thinking something big has happened
    >Has a bomb gone off and fucked over the area?
    >There's no sound or anything that would indicate that
    >Go back to doing what I was before, still unnerved by it all

    I'm pretty sure it was just a case of the sun's light causing everything to take a more purple hue, but it was just so weird when it happened.

    As for having my wisdom teeth removed, I didn't act too crazy when waking up post-removal. Only later when I was still somewhat 'out of it' due to the drugs did the gauze in my mouth start to just freak me out. The sensation was totally unbearable to me and I need painkillers NOW. I was getting hysterical about it.
    >> AG93 03/31/12(Sat)02:32 No.18523505
    >be on /tg/
    >read thread about IRL sanity loss
    >funny at first but gets more and more frightening as time goes on.
    >vow to never take drugs, illegal/legit, or go to dentist.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:33 No.18523515
         File: 1333175616.jpg-(82 KB, 800x600, 1331041078800.jpg)
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    >Be cattle major, have slaughter class
    >Designated to stun-gunning the bovine because I'm the class manly-man
    >Shoot stungun, it somehow doesn't knock out the cow despite driving an iron spike half a foot into its brain
    >The thing freaks out and -screams-, blood spurting right in my face out from the inch-wide hole in it's head
    >Blood spurts everywhere
    >Blood/brain bukakke all over the slaughterhouse floor
    >Cow constantly screaming as it jizzes blood from its forehad
    >It takes a solid minute for it to get paralyzed
    >Proceed as normal with skinning and quartering

    Pretty sure I lost at least one point that day.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:33 No.18523516
    I feel like I missed out on insanity when I got my wisdom teeth removed. I just laid on the couch watching TV all day.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:35 No.18523523
         File: 1333175714.png-(39 KB, 184x184, Aghast.png)
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    >Wake up, I feel sticky.
    >Touch my fingers to my neck, then pull them back and look at them. They're covered in blood.
    >Lean up a little, my whole body is numb, see a dark red stain pooling down from my neck onto my chest, I'm covered in it.
    >"My throat's been cut"
    >Clutch my hand to my throat, trying desperately to hold it together. My entire palm is now covered in blood, I can feel it between my fingers.
    >Stand up, fall onto the ground, stand up again, stagger my way towards the door, struggling with my wooziness to open it with one hand while holding my butchered throat together with the other
    >Make it outside of the room. My father is sitting at his kitchen table, reading glasses on, absorbed in a book
    >Looks up at me
    >I start to mouth the words "A burglar cut my--"
    >"You just had a tumor removed from your head. You're pretty fucked up."

    Turns out it was all dried blood that had dripped out of my ear following the surgery. Everything made sense, as soon as he said it I remembered. I was staying at my parent's house after the surgery to prevent me from doing something stupid, which was probably smart, seeing as how I would have probably called the police and started rasping about how my throat was cut had he not been there.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:35 No.18523525
    Dealing with borderline schizophrenia makes these things a fairly common occurrence for me.

    >Riding the subway
    >Look out window, see billboard sign
    >Billboard seems to be directly related to my current situation
    >Shivers all up and down my spine
    >Look back inside train, everyone is looking at me
    >Put on my headphones, stare out window, deal with billboards invading my personal life, ignore hallucinations of people smiling creepy smiles at me
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:36 No.18523529
    >having heart surgery
    >powerful as fuck IV to knock me out
    >middle of the surgery wake up out of it
    >my chest was open and I could see the doctor bent over me
    >oh god oh god oh god
    >doctor looks at me, suddenly looks horrified
    >yells at the nurses to put me under fast
    >suddenly needles in the IV
    >black out
    >wake up fine in the recovery room

    Man it was freaky as fuck, the only good thing was I was so doped up when I woke up I didnt feel much
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:36 No.18523531
    >Take shrooms for first time
    >watch FLCL for first time in the same night
    >everything is understandable (not easy to say for FLCL) until cat appears
    >cat pops around screen
    >freak the fuck out
    >havent watched since.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:36 No.18523533
    It's the opposite for me. I'm glad I kept my wisdom teeth in. Those things are apparently the fucking lug-nuts of sanity. Take them out all sorts of crazy shit just spills forth.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:39 No.18523550
    oh god, /tg/...i haven't had my wisdom teeth out yet. i'm 19 now. how much longer do i have on the countdown?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:40 No.18523556
    There's no real way to tell. I'm 32, and haven't had them out.

    My older brother had them out when he was 20, and then again when he was 40.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:40 No.18523558
    The closest I've had to insanity is this:

    >Have dream the details of which I don't know, just that it was really fucking weird.
    >Wake up and think "What the fuck was I just dreaming about.
    >Wake up again and think "What the fuck was I just dreaming about... Wait, didn't I just?"

    CaptchaL Robert, Lagain
    I'm honored you know my name captcha what what is lagain?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:40 No.18523562
    >My wife talks in her sleep.
    >Usually complete nonsense bullshit. Past statements include "Pass pass pass." "The couch is purple." (It is actually black) and the classic "Don't forget about the thing."
    >Little background: We had a miscarriage about four years prior to this event. We had already been talking names, but had settled on 'Maggie' if it was a girl.
    >She starts mumbling.
    >"What's that, honey?"
    >"Mrph mrph place."
    >"She plays."
    >"Who plays?"
    >"Maggie plays."
    >Seriously shattered reality for like three hours.
    >Couldn't sleep.
    >Wandered around the house in a daze, looking for my daughter.
    >Curled up on the couch and cried because I can't remember where her room is.
    >Wake up on the couch.
    >Sun is coming up.
    >Life goes on.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:42 No.18523569
    >My older brother had them out when he was 20, and then again when he was 40

    Different sets, or did they somehow grow back?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:43 No.18523580
    I'm not sure, but I think the latter.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:44 No.18523583

    Do you have medical insurance/an orthodontist? Then probably soon, unless you have a FUCKHUEG mouth, those orthodontists are more than eager to rip those fuckers out.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:44 No.18523587
    Speaking of Wisdom teeth

    >16 years old
    >still have six baby teeth and wisdom teeth coming in
    >go to get them all pulled
    >they give me two shots for each tooth, one of either side
    >I feel every one even though they say I will go numb after the first few
    >pull out my first tooth, hurts like hell
    >tell them it hasn't kicked in yet
    >they say it will kick in soon
    >start pulling one of my molars
    >fucking hurts
    >root is wrapped around jawbone

    >The dentist says something that I have never been able to forget

    >Rip my arm out of the leather restraint that they puts my hands in so I wouldn't move around if I got zonked out and grab his arm before he can go back to hurting me
    >turns out I am immune to that painkiller, all twelve shots didn't do a damn thing
    >go back the next time and get local to knock me out
    >have to give me extra because I start waking up mid procedure
    >have to give more again
    >eventually had to give me 3 times the normal amount to keep me knocked out
    >wake up, but not conscious
    >regain consciousness 30 minutes later and realize I am already awake and saying something
    >gripped with fear about what I have been saying
    >also realize I am sobbing uncontrollably
    >parents tell me that the dentist almost called an ambulance because my reaction was so bad
    >haven't had any major surgery since then because local makes me insane and i'm resistant or outright immune to most painkillers

    I'll never get that out of my head. Pass me the bone chisel, pass me the bone chisel, pass me the bone chisel, pass me the bone chisel, pass me the bone chisel, pass me the bone chisel, pass me the bone chisel, pass me the bone chisel, pass me the bone chisel, pass me the bone chisel, pass me the bone chisel
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:45 No.18523593
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:45 No.18523596


    On the growing back and mouth though, (not the poster you're refering to) Iv had my tonsils out 6 times and they keep growing back.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:45 No.18523597
    This had a lasting affect on me. Mirrors scare the shit out of me, no matter what. I only have one mirror in the entire house and I avoid it as long as possible until I need to shave and I absolutely dread using a car.
    Shit, that's..... heavy. A strangers condolences don't mean much but, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:46 No.18523601
    >Be a little kid
    >About 10 or so
    >Time to get my tonsils out
    >They go to gas me
    >I rip the maskie off and pitch it across the room
    >Adrenaline kicks in because I'm about to die
    >Doctor tries with another maskie
    >No way
    >Doctor holds me down
    "That's not working doctor!"
    >Dad comes in and helps hold me down
    >Wake up after surgery
    >Arm taped to a board to help stabilize IV area or something
    >Board is broken in like 10 places
    "You did that while knocked out"
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:46 No.18523605
    Why do you keep getting them out? They want to stay.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:47 No.18523609
    >Awful sleeping pattern due to college finals.
    >Friend's birthday party at his grandparent's house.
    >Stay up way too late drinking.
    >Notice a white porcelain rabbit out of the corner of my eye.
    >Visual hallucination of the rabbit's black eye turning into some sort of a vortex.
    >Instinctively know that if I keep looking at it, reality as I know it will get sucked into that awful black hole.
    >Friend finds me curled up in the fetal position under the kitchen table the following morning.

    A recurring hallucination I get when sleep deprived are these illusory cats I see darting about at the periphery of my vision accompanied with faint meowing/scratching noises. It's awful.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:48 No.18523620
    I'm this guy
    and I had all four Wisdom teeth out that time, and then two news one grew in on top. I need to get them out, but they can't figure out how to do that because none of the drugs work.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:49 No.18523626
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:49 No.18523627
    Are you also resistant to alcohol?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:49 No.18523631
    Because I get horrible tonsil stones for some reason, no matter how good my dental hygene is I get them, its so good I havent had a cavity or any tooth / gum problem in the past 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:50 No.18523636
    >8th grade
    >Go on vacation in a cabin with family on Easter weekend
    >Break collarbone
    >Get pumped full of Demarall or something or the other
    >Be out for three days
    >Dream a single, long sequence
    I'm at school, and terrorists arrive. They've stolen something from a nearby laboratory and the authorities are close on their heels. They hold the school up as hostages and buckle down. I declare myself bamf, and charge the one holding the device. Device breaks, and I inhale a silvery cloud.

    Suddenly, I'm infested with nanotechnology. The gunmen direct their aim towards me, I imagine myself clad in armor. Their bullets ping harmlessly over the tank-level battle armor encased around me. I wipe out the evildoers.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:50 No.18523638
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    >meet gf on internet
    >she has abusive boyfriend who she is leaving for me
    >tell her Im getting her a surprise
    >rock up at her doorstep in sydney
    >her sister answers the door and cries in my arms
    >she knows who I am cause she talks about me 24/7
    >beaten to death by abusive boyfriend
    >cry, deepy
    >cry more
    >my soul mate is dead, RIP my angel
    >spend rest of my life with her family as my own
    >i love them all so much, her sis and I are BFFLs
    >cry secretly everyday
    >this never happened
    >have legit memories of these events
    >mfw when I have a girlfriend of 6 years and a 1 year old girl
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:50 No.18523642
    People congratulate me, wonder what happened to me. I smile and send nanobytes to the moon. I suffer interviews, debriefings, a military-held torture over the device. The moon is slowly assimilated into raw materials. I am returned home, the authorities believe I don't know what could have happened or why or how.

    The moon, nothing more than a thin crust covering a moon-sized army, explodes. My army rides the debris to Earth. The world easily falls. I inject into every living human being the nanotechnology. They are put to sleep, their memories erased.

    The nanobots go to work, changing the very world as I see fit. Mountains rise, valleys become seas, the very continents drift. When all is perfect, I inject into each human being false memories, send them to specific areas, and wake them up. Nothing is amiss, and they go through their lives. Lives that are utterly the same as a number of books and games I've experienced.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:50 No.18523645
    Is there any apparent medical explanation for why they regenerate?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:51 No.18523648
    Well fuck, that would sorta do it for me too. We lost one just a couple months ago, we had already decided on Harley. Sorry man.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:51 No.18523652
    When the circumstances are perfect, I personally arrive to that area, and perform the duties of the protagonist. I get the fame, the glory, and all the women I could desire.

    Legend of Dragoon, Animorphs, Transformers, Street Sharks, Dragonlance, Star Wars. All of these things I can remember living through. In this reality, time passes through three centuries when I arrive upon the Wheel of Time. I am the savior, the Dragon Reborn. Male Sedai return in huge numbers, neither they or the females knowing their powers are merely the work of my pervasive nanotechnology. I subjugate the female sedai, turn them into a quivering harem that would do any of my biddings, while the male sedai stampede the countries as my hand upon the region. I have an idea, a game. I call forth two female sedai, individually. One I task with rooting out my hidden enemies, by giving her the command to rise against me. The other I reveal the possibility of a traitorous sister. I watch the game unfold, but ultimately the detective discovers the loyal traitor before her plans come to fruit and I can welcome her back in. I smile at her, and she smiles back, believing her master will never allow her to come to harm.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:51 No.18523654
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    >Wake up during surgery
    >Run away down the hallway in a drunken stupor with your chest hanging open

    The fact that this has surely happened at least once terrifies me more then most of the things in this thread.
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 03/31/12(Sat)02:52 No.18523658
    >Wake up semi-drunk after a night of party at my friend house
    >Try to walk home and after walking for a while the area around me kind of change into this huge empty battlefield
    >Don't remember what happen but my sister found me pass out in the front door holding onto a gun and in my full airsoft gear
    >Still have no idea who put those on me
    Wish I could remember what happen. Would be fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:52 No.18523659
    Yes ;___;

    I've never been drunk. I went to a bar with friends on my 21st and drank shots and beers. My friends all got wasted but I didn't even get buzzed. After a few hours I was the only one conscious and I decided getting drunk was just too expensive.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:54 No.18523674
    not that I know of, I get them completelly removed (if they are only partially removed they can grow back) and it is RARE that a fully removed tonsil will grow back. The doctors are all like "wtf man" when I go back to get them taken out again.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:54 No.18523676
    Have you had yourself examined by a non-dental medical professional to determine why this is?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:54 No.18523679
    I whisper: You are . . . a cat.
    The words burn into the miniscule machines buried in her mind, who in turn burn that mind away. All that is left is a, first mewling, then purring, woman of awkward balance and movements.

    And on that third day, I awake.

    >Only thing my family knows is that I slept the sleep of the dead those days and nights. My little cousin even left flowers for me one day. There's a photograph of me lying on the cabin's couch, my hands folded over wildflowers on my chest, looking like a damned corpse.
    >It was not the last dream I'd ever had that was so vivid that I can still remember all the details.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:55 No.18523683
    Have you ever had any amputations or similar serious injuries?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:55 No.18523688

    Dayum, I know that feel, except for san gain because stubborn kid.

    >10 yr old me
    >Bottom middle teeth are still baby teeth
    >Dentist busts out the x-rays
    >Tooth roots are fused to the jaw
    >Orders immediate extraction, to be put under
    >24 hr moratorium on eating for pre-knockout safety
    >10 yr old me makes it all day, but shit's tough I'm hungry
    >Sooo HUNGRY , middle of night sneak a pretzel
    >Next day at the dentist, general questions
    >Did you eat anything?
    >10 yr old me, cannot tell a lie
    >Had 1/2 a pretzel stick
    >WHELP, cant put you under insurance/safety
    >Local anesthetic tiem
    >Can literally feel them yanking the teeth off of my jaw
    >No fucks given, reap what you sow mode engage
    >Operation over, gauze inserted, foam airplane from the toychest acquired.
    >Forever be known at the dentist's office for being a 10yr old baus and giving no fucks
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:55 No.18523690
    >be 12ish
    >have a fever of about 102
    >dream that all the roads in the world have been jumbled, Paris is just down the street (i lived in new york at the time)
    >get up, see the clock as being 12:30am (its around 10:00pm)
    >go to parents room and tell mom to jump in my mouth to go to work at the hospital
    >get taken to hospital
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:56 No.18523701
    >Have been awake for 3-4 days straight
    >Studying for organic chemistry and doing labor at work
    >Wake up for morning shift not feeling quite like myself
    >Step into the shower
    >Start freaking out because I think I'm an ethane molecule and I'm unable to bond with any hydrogen from the water
    >Mom comes into the bathroom to find I've covered my face with shaving cream
    >Pass out naked on the floor with a shaving cream face
    >wake up a few minutes later as my mom is calling 911 and trying to shake me awake

    After getting some sleep, I got better
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:56 No.18523704
    Apparently it's just genetic. My mother has red hair (which means I have a recessive gene for red hair), and I have blue eyes. Both are associated with increased drug resistance and alcohol tolerance.

    It's fucking depressing. Tests showed I could get up to .12 blood alcohol before getting any buzz. They stopped after that because any further and I'm entering alcohol poisoning territory. I should have been completely shitfaced with that much alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:57 No.18523705
    Yeah, this story is also mine
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:57 No.18523707
    Man, and I thought my wisdom teeth incident was unique. Didn't know it fucked so many people up.

    >Go into dentists to have upper left wisdom tooth removed.
    >Everything proceeds as normal.
    >I am put under in a dental chair.
    >I wake up in a hospital bed and gown.
    >Start freaking my shit out. Notice my mouth feels like its full of wire.
    >Nurse comes in and calls a doctor as I try to discover what is happening or where I am. Fairly convinced the dentist was from a horror movie and cut out chunks of me.
    >Truth is far worse.

    Apparently while I was out, everything went perfectly smooth. They cut open the gum and yanked the sucker out, then covered my mouth in cotton to soak up the blood. Best they can tell, when the left the room because all they were waiting for was for me to wake up, I woke up and was very concerned over the blood coming from my mouth. I proceeded to take my vintage lighter and heat a knife to self-cauterise the wound, with no mirror nor practice nor sanity.
    Did I mention that my hands were none too steady after being filled to the brim with drugs?
    By the time they had come back, I had missed my gum a total of 20-some times, finally sealed it shut haphazardly, and continued to try because there was somehow MORE blood coming from my mouth. They sedated me again to keep me calm and rushed me to a hospital where I was kept under as they cut open and re-sealed the various half-melted-together cuts I have myself.

    >Total time passed
    >22 hours
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:57 No.18523709
    Have you tried any drugs?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:59 No.18523719
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    Fuck the gripping nightmares or strange painkiller bullshit. I literally went insane for about two years. Shit was not cash. Shit was horrifying.

    >Drug dealer has dogs.
    >Dogs knock weed off of bed, onto ground.
    >Drug dealer salvages what he can, has a lot left on carpet.
    >A lot.
    >He uses a hand broom and sweeps about a medium sized shopping bag full. (A gallon or so)
    >I am not much of a smoker.. I am very sensitive to all drug effects.
    >This weed is delicious!
    >"Oh.. mind the dog hair."
    >The weed is FULL of dog hair from his carpet. This bag is mostly shake.. he had a lot of weed he was breaking up.
    >"Uh.. ok."
    >Smoke it for two months straight. 8 bowls at a time, a couple of times a day.
    >Nicest, mildest high ever. Smoke more weed and get higher? Nope! The effect just lasts longer.
    >Begin acting more and more erratically.
    >One day catch myself in a casual conversation with the King in Spain over our appreciation and grasp of the Spanish language as I cook myself breakfast.
    >Observe symptoms, paranoia, reading people's intentions, hearing voices, holding conversations with NO ONE.
    >Realize I am exhibiting symptoms of something, wrack brain for cause.
    >That fucking weed?
    >That fucking hair?
    >Google "inhaling burnt keratin".
    >Sole symptom of inhaling burnt keratin:
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:59 No.18523720
    No, never really had a chance to. Knowing what I do I just don't see the point. I'm more likely to overdose than get any real benefit out of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)02:59 No.18523724
    Neat. Have an amazing life, proto-Wolverine.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:01 No.18523735

    >YFW burnt keratin bonds to neuro-receptors in your brain and mimics the symptoms of schizophrenia.
    >MFW I was FUCKING INSANE for 6 months, Flowers for Algernon style, crazy, but just sane enough to KNOW I was crazy. Gripping myself by threads, rebuilding my mental processes.. breaking down constantly (in private!)
    >Barely keep shit together; publicly a little eccentric and reclusive lately.
    >Privately? Constantly warring with my own brain and reassuring self of eventual (and at that point, uncertain) recovery.
    >Worst: shit literally disintegrated. At one point the world dissolved into blackness and became filled with a kaleidoscope of meaningless colors, eyes open or shut.
    >It takes two years to rebuild my shattered psyche.
    >It takes four to smoke weed again without panic attacks - weed didn't cause it, but was associated in my brain.
    >I still only smoke rarely, it is a medicine after all.
    >The good points?
    >My mind is actually better now for its reconstruction.
    >I get along really well with crazy people, almost never get hassled by them.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:02 No.18523737
    Imagine being your fucking dentist
    the fuck
    I always thought dentists were assholes,
    Now I realise they have to deal with a lot of messed, drugged up people.

    Damn that's pretty funny though.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:03 No.18523742
    If wisdom teeth are lugnuts of sanity, then what happens for me, since I never had any come in at all?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:06 No.18523757
    thanks man, the horrified look on the surgeons face still haunts my dreams though.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:09 No.18523775
    >people having "horrifying" dreams about death and stuff
    My horrifying dreams aren't like that. They're more cerebral situations.

    I had a dream once set in one of those British-style dystopic schools where you have to live there and have no personal rights or anything. In the first iteration I discovered that students never left the school and were used for some nefarious purpose that I discovered in the dream but don't remember now that I'm awake. I discovered this in the first place because a pool I was in blew up. That dream ended with me hopping a fence and escaping the school.

    The second dream in that setting had me back in the school, I think with the intent to shut it down and free the students, video game style. In that game I discovered a series of tubes which weren't surveiled and which allowed me to move about the school building unseen. It was three main stories with a forth floor on top for the dorms, and the layout was extremely inefficient, in most cases these tubes were a quicker method of getting about than the normal way. As far as I can recall the reason these tubes had been built was never revealed in the dream. I was initially introduced to these by a girl, who showed me around, but we stopped being together by the end of the dream. This dream culminated in me discovering an underground passage to a chapel outside of the school. The significance of this was that it was a safe route off of school grounds.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:09 No.18523776
    I have two little ones, neither to do with getting my wisdom teeth out Im afraid.

    >Little kid, laying in bed.
    >Look out my window at the night sky
    >See Orion just outside like always
    >Suddenly one of the stars on his belt starts moving
    >Then the others
    >Then every single star in the sky moves
    >They rearrange themselves completely
    >Fall asleep
    >Normal the next night

    >High schooler
    >Wake up one ordinary morning
    >Except this morning isn't ordinary. This morning Im thoroughly convinced Im a girl.
    >Have serious thought as to whether Im a lesbian or not
    >Eventually decide that I am.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:09 No.18523779
    This entire thread is insane.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:10 No.18523782
    wait. Dude. Serious?

    Oh fuck, that explains way too much. How much hair do you need to smoke for this to affect you? Like, if there's been some floor weed here or there, is that.. bad?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:10 No.18523787
    > already scared of needles
    > been in the hospital for a week with IV line and daily blood draws
    > vein with IV line gives up, need a new line for last transfusion
    > nurse can't pin down a vein in the back of my hand
    > freaking out more and more as she around
    > she finally gets the vein
    > goes right through the damn thing and a bubble of fluid forms on the back of my hand
    > round two with a different person holding the needle trying to get the vein on the same hand
    > fail san check before she even gets started
    > curl up in a ball, pull at my hair, cry and rock back and forth
    > doctor decides I was healthy enough and discharges me
    > dream of needles for days after
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:10 No.18523789

    The third dream in this setting I made use of the passages but it wasn't a setting. It was mostly focused on maintaining the appearance of being an upstanding student, although this mostly entailed acting cooperative, as actual classes were never involved. Eventually, as I made my way to the school bar (which I had said I would be going to and thus was obligated to attend, despite other matters having presented themselves) I was caught in an awkward situation by an enforcer. I needed to sneak by a group of them who had discovered evidence of my presence in the chapel from the previous dream. One (a male with vestigial wings and no hair) was giving a speech. The enforcers were non-human beings with black skin as though they were wearing a gimp suit (ie not negroes) and vibrantly colored hair and tails, in big bushy quantities like a ponygirl getup. The green-haired one is the one that caught me, and I through eloquent speech was converting her to my cause. Others gathered around and began to look as though they might sympathize. However a purple-haired one say and, before she could be swayed by my speaking, called out to the crowd which had not seen that there was a subversive and they needed to attack. I grabbed the first greenhaired one, and teleported to my dorm with her, from which I immediately fled using a secret passage. I more or less woke up while still fleeing, so there's no good culmination to that one.

    And it's now occurred to me that this is not hugely related to this thread, but at this point I've typed a fuckton so damn if I ain't gonna post it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:12 No.18523805
    >Wake up one day convince that the world is ending
    >Go downstair and I only see my sister eating breakfast
    >Somehow think that everyone outside is dead
    >Started to cry
    >"Why are you crying?"
    >Just go straight and hug her asking her not to leave the house
    >Spend the day holding her and cry
    >Regain my senses the next
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:13 No.18523815
    >series of tubes

    So your dream was actually a complex metaphor about internet censorship?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:13 No.18523816
    This board has more insane people than /x/

    No wonder we all play with toys and RPGs
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:14 No.18523820
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:20 No.18523855
    are you a bevan
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:20 No.18523857
    My favourite concussion.
    > hit in side of head at high school rugby practice
    > lose lower half of my visual field
    > assume it's because of extradimensional robots, no big deal
    > driving friends home after practice, burst out crying
    > car filling with tears, about to drown
    > no one notices as I drop them off
    > water level drops every time someone opens a door
    > get home just before drowning, collapse in driveway, pass out
    > wake up in a bed
    > stranger (who turns out later to be a doctor) comes in: "Do you know where you are?"
    > no idea
    > see number 13 on door
    > "Room 13?"
    > "Okay, you can go home now."
    > next thing I remember is waking up at home a couple days later
    Here's the insanity part. My mom says she got a call from me at the hospital and went down to pick me up. She saw my car in the driveway as she left. When she got there, I was gone already. She got back home to find me in bed. Everyone we've asked denies taking me to the hospital or picking me up there. To this day, we have no idea how I made it there and back. It was something like 6 kilometers, so it's not like I walked it in the 15 minutes she took to drive.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:21 No.18523863
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:21 No.18523865
    Everyone in this thread is an android. Don't worry. We'll have the glitches fixed in the next generation.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:21 No.18523866
    Wait, so are you resistant to all these drugs and stuff, or do you just not feel the effects until they get lethal?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:25 No.18523889
    But if everyone is then that also means you are, and if you are that means that any and all glitches could also apply to you, which means you could be delusional about there being any glitches in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:25 No.18523891
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:27 No.18523904
    Now, I get your point, but

    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 03/31/12(Sat)03:27 No.18523905
    Why can't we just get update like normal programs.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:28 No.18523909
    My biggest fear in the world is snails and giant slugs.

    That picture is making me insane and gag.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:29 No.18523920
    We are forever cursed to operate with beta software, our endless bug reports never reaching tech support.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:29 No.18523922
    Holy shit /tg/.

    The weirdest thing I've had was
    1. Dreams of utter terrifying darkness, knowing that I'm gonna die. Thank fuck I'm a lucid dreamer and can wake myself up.
    2. Recursive deja vu. I only have this one sort, and it involves me remembering myself remembering that I was having deja vu. Remembering remembering having entire conversations while I'm having them is weird.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:30 No.18523926
    I understand that phobias are irrational by definition, but uh... seriously? They're kinda icky, but not more than that.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:30 No.18523929
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    These people got into the Guinness book of records, please respect their accomplishments

    Also your fear of snails indicates deeprooted childhood trauma involving the human tongue, and an Oedipus Complex
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:33 No.18523941
    Are you.. are.. you.. psychic?
    Are you fucking serious?
    The fuck. What. How can.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:33 No.18523942
    >Have somewhat nasty fever in the middle of the night
    >Fucking welded to the bed. Not sleep paralysis, but I feel like I weigh ten thousand pounds and every movement takes a huge amount of effort.
    >Hallucinate a huge monster rampaging across a void, being attacked by loads of biplains like in King Kong
    >Somehow got it in my head that my well being was directly connected to their success
    >After about two hours, my brother comes in to wonder who I'm pleading with
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:35 No.18523962

    Saying that they have a fear of snails and slugs on 4chan is more indicative, however, of a person who will anonymously provide falsehoods for the sake of an ulterior motive, like the humor inherent in people discovering someone can be afraid of snails, or a damn good portion of the people with stories to tell in this thread, like this tl;dr:
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:36 No.18523963
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    That's the power of Associative Reasoning coupled with Wikipedia-tier Armchair Psychology!
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:36 No.18523967
    Not quite sure if this fits but,
    >Go to bed, turned off laptop next to my pillow
    >wake up in the morning
    >Laptop is gone
    >Look around upstairs bedrooms, no laptop
    >Find it on hallway desk
    >Suddenly remember walking out from my bed room carrying my laptop in the middle of the night while mostly asleep
    >Remember I was saying something the whole time
    What the fuck did I say?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:38 No.18523991
    >Go to dentist
    >Locals only
    >Takes out wisdom teeth no problem
    >Gives me painkillers, take paracetamol instead
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:39 No.18524000
    That comic. The fuck? Haha.
    I don't actually know what you're saying.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:41 No.18524017
    >sitting in physics
    >friend brings that mirror thing tat makes holograms appear above it
    >brings ladybug toy to go with it
    >get convinced im a space cadet intructor and give the spaceladybug flight training
    >friends thinking im joking until i argue with the teacher in my dead serious voice that this is a military manner an she should get her ass off base.
    >still dont know what the fuck happened
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:44 No.18524042
    >Nose is broken
    >get corrective surgery
    >Doctor does the whole before surgery speel
    >"I'm giving you pure oxygen right now, did you know only 25 percent of of what we breathe is actually oxygen?"
    "actually it's more like 21 percent"
    -Knocked the fuck out
    >wake up an hour later
    "Mother fucker"
    >absolutely no idea where I am
    >desperately try to rip IV from my arm and crawl out of the cart
    >3 nurses needed to stop me.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:46 No.18524047
    This thread is giving me a new appreciation for medical personnel, seems like every other person gets up after their medication and starts fighting the first thing they see.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:50 No.18524076
    >have appointment to have all my wisdom teeth pulled out a month from now in fort Bragg
    >see this thread
    Oh boy, I'm definitely looking forward to that day. Not to mention the San loss of reading this thread 4 in the morning after a week of sickness and vertigo. Goddamit /tg/ y u do dis to me?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:55 No.18524127

    Yeah, I worded that oddly.

    He doesn't actually have a fear of snails. He's just saying so because it's an easy place to admit to falsehoods, and the falsehood led to a change of topic the person found preferable. Like many of the other people in this thread and their stories.
    >> DWR !!ANp+PMTpy+J 03/31/12(Sat)03:56 No.18524135
    >last week
    >hugely sick, fever, etc.
    >horribly fatigued
    >read Scion while I tried to sleep
    >one night, decide that I needed some water, some Nyquil, and to go pee
    >before I can get up, Isis and Set start warring for control of my body
    >sit there for an hour or so while Egyptian gods fight over me
    >finally Horus notices I have plans
    >allows me control for long enough to get the things
    >head back down, gods continue to fight over me for three more hours

    Evidently, Nyquil has very little effect on me sleep-wise.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:56 No.18524141
    This starts out like a tale of awesome, but hits you once you come to appreciate it in full.

    I punched out a Nazi. It was 2004.

    I was a visiting Germany with a bunch of friends while on summer break from college. We traveled the country, but it was mostly the Munich and Berlin show.

    Being college kids we were mostly very drunk. One day a couple of us went out and hit the bars hard. Black out hard. So my good, light drinking, friend Sarah took the job of dragging my black out drunk ass back to the hotel.

    Sarah is Jewish. Really Jewish. Like if she were anymore obviously Jewish it would be considered a hate crime.

    I, being black out drunk, only remember waking up the next morning. My roommate was not there (acute case of German girlfriend) and my hand hurt a lot. My first sight of it was red. Naturally I went into oh shit I broke my hand mode.
    When I got a clear look at it I noticed an off white thing stuck in the skin between my middle and ring fingers. It was a tooth. I pocketed that bad boy in case it belonged to someone I knew, and cleaned up. I remember being absurdly not hungover.

    When I showed up at our usual breakfast meetup two of my friends grabbed me, dragged me off to a more private area and informed that I had spent all last night in there room watching the Matrix on one's nifty little portable DVD player. Nothing. Else. Happened.

    Yeah sure, fine, whatever. What happened last night?

    You blacked out hard, like really fucking hard (no shit). And beat the shit out of a Nazi while Sarah was taking you back to the room.

    I fail to see the-

    An actual Nazi Anon. An actual WWII Nazi.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:57 No.18524150
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    It's actually not bad if you stare. It will continue sucking the reality in until you can't stare anyway, at which point you have to blink and things go back to normal. I get similar experiences quite frequently, and to be honest, by the 15th time during the same day, you're too curious to resist.

    +It's just your conciousness of the reality that gets sucked into it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:57 No.18524152
    Apparently a trio of drunk guys in their late 70's early 80's had crossed paths with us somewhere around Stadtmitte, and being drunk went to town on Sarah for being Jewish. As we passed she was suddenly not holding my arm, and I grabbed one of these guys and started pounding his face in. Eventually she and the other two guys managed to pull me off the guy I was hitting, at which point I grabbed her, yelled 'book it' and took off down the street with Sarah thrown over my shoulder.

    I don't remember any of this. Not even enough to put together just how badly I beat this man. All I know is that I jumped on a drunk 80 year old man and beat him so badly I got a tooth lodged in my hand, and my friends were so convinced the police were actively searching me out they forced me to get a haircut, met me on return with hair dye, made sure the carpet matched the drapes, and studiously avoided Stadtmitte the entire rest of the month we were in Berlin.

    That was the last time I blacked out. I still remember nothing between ordering a Becks at the bar and waking up with a bloody hand. I'm not sure I want to.
    >> DWR !!ANp+PMTpy+J 03/31/12(Sat)03:59 No.18524174
    Also, while my wisdom teeth gave me no real weirdness, the painkillers afterwords did something weird to my brain. Basically, I was paranoid, but I was aware I was paranoid and could ignore it.

    Part of me was convinced that a nearby drainage ditch contained mortal enemies about to attack. I could see the entire thing and knew no one was in there. So I simply watched that part of me amused for the next week.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)04:05 No.18524212
    >last year, try acid for the first time
    >tabs 1.5 times as strong apparently, take 2.
    >at mutart conservatory in edmonton, after spending an hour giggling looking at plants
    >jumping across chasm in back, take a jump too big and go into fetal position mid air
    >wreck myself on concrete, gash open one leg, writhe on ground for 30 seconds then get up and walk away
    >next 8 hours is a blank, i wake up in a field with a dog sniffing my crotch and still tripping balls.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)04:14 No.18524299
    I had a fever dream one Christmas, when I was little. I was asleep on the couch, facing the Christmas tree, wrapped up in my favorite blanket. The lights in the room were off, except for the colored lights on the tree.

    I dreamed that I woke up in my bed, but immediately knew that the illustration of an endoscope from "The Way Things Work" was chasing me. I tried to hide under the covers, but it knew where I was, so I had to run. My room grew as I ran, the distance to the door constantly increasing, and the ceiling rocketed upwards into darkness.
    Soon, my entire bedroom stretched away into emptiness.
    I kept running. I knew the endoscope, which was also a snake, would catch me.
    Enormous, drooling cat heads came out from the corners of the room and whirled around me.
    The endoscope snake was now the snake from Disney's Robin Hood, but it was still after me.
    My mother, stretched hideously tall, appeared in the doorway that I could not reach.
    She was going to do something terrible, but I didn't know what.

    I woke up. Mom was in the room, adjusting something on the tree. I clutched my blanket and asked if she was going to take it from me. I was terrified that she would take my blanket to make Christmas tree ornaments.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)04:15 No.18524312
    This happened to me about 4 years ago..

    >feel unwell
    >leave college with a friend to head home
    >collaspe in the street
    >friend freaks out and police are called
    >i'm unconcious and flailing on the floor
    >my mind thinks that i'm now in a fantasy world
    >my flailing is fighting off goblins/orcs
    >feel like i'm about to acheive victory
    >come to (not still fully concious) on a hospital trolley and yell "For God and Emperor"
    >wake up fully, with a flashing "restart" in my bottom right vision.
    >Nurse is about to stick a drip into me.
    >"Where the fuck am I"
    >Nurse looks at me like i'm a retard "Your in hospital. And dont swear."
    >Eventually figure out what happened, but still nothing during that glorious 20 minute mind-journey.
    >Apparently I had sat upright and started punching the police when they tried to hold me down. While screaming religious zeal from a RPG
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)04:35 No.18524498
    Absolutely not. Everything he said is complete bullshit. Keratin being smoked doesn't do any of that.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)04:36 No.18524501
    >Kinda young, don't remember how young
    >I have to get eye surgery
    >No food before
    >It's like 6 in the god damn morning
    >The lobby has a table full of food
    >Like, why the hell is there so many donuts and eggs and bacon and shit here?
    >Plead for mom to save me some
    >”Sure honey”
    >they put me under
    >wake up in a room hours later
    >where's my food?
    >nurse comes in
    >start asking about my donuts
    >just ignores me
    >start yelling “WHERE ARE MY DONUTS!”
    >that gets her attention
    >convinced she's hoarding my donuts
    >yelling for her to turn over my donuts
    >everything goes black
    >wake up at home
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)04:38 No.18524517
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    My girlfriend talks her sleep sometimes. One time, when we fell asleep together after a long gaming session (I'm GM, she's one of the PCs) she starts derisively saying, in a normal, level tone without waking up or moving from the snuggle "Your AC is right there on the sheet, and you really should fucking know your BAB by now."

    She berates shitty players in her sleep. Is this what love feels like, /tg/? I think it's love.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)04:52 No.18524643
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    Never. Let. That. Girl. Go.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)04:58 No.18524685
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    >been in a weird emotional funk for a while
    >weird emotional funk usually manifests only when drunk
    >when drunk, I begin to feel sad
    >when drunk and sad, I begin to feel like my new purpose in life is to protect everyone else's happiness

    And that's how I ended up stretched across two chairs near the door at a party, telling everyone who asked me what I was doing that I was "keeping the watch."
    >> DWR !!ANp+PMTpy+J 03/31/12(Sat)04:59 No.18524690


    Unless, you know, she turns into a bitch or something. People change, and just because someone shares your obsessions doesn't mean that you're good for each other.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)05:04 No.18524729
    >driving home from college, the trip usually took about four hours
    >late October or early November-ish around the beginning of hunting season so there are a ton of deer around
    >tons of deer roadkill
    >making the trip on very little sleep late at night
    >brain starts copy/pasting dead deer and deer guts everywhere
    >also start seeing deer about to jump into the road that disappear when I hit the brakes
    >start ignoring "living" deer and put myself at risk for hitting a real one
    >brain starts getting creative, start seeing different dead things
    >people I know
    >intestines and blood everywhere

    Longest drive I ever took.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)05:06 No.18524745
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    >Walking from friend's friend's apartment after several hours of gaming. Session went well and I was in high spirits.
    >2 minutes of walking down dark, poorly lit urban residential blocks, keeping an eye out as it looks like the perfect place to get stabbed.

    >As I approach my car to drive homeward, I notice a tall figure a couple cars away from mine.
    >Tall, dark, and apparently wearing what appeared to be slacks and a dress jacket.
    >Face obscured, blurry even.
    >I keep walking forward.
    >Surely it can't be.
    >Holyshit that looks like Slendy standing next to my car.
    >Feel the blood drain from my face, vision blurs more, heart-rate skyrockets.
    >Why am I still walking forward?
    >Ohgawd why am I still walking toward That?!
    >Get closer.
    >Say "Good evening!" in a high-pitched voice, pray to god that I'm just seeing things.
    >Slendy doesn't make any movements, just stares.
    >Finally get to my car.
    >Look over.
    >Dude in dark pants, black jacket, pale shirt smoking and looking at me weird.

    >Desperately get in car and hurry to start it.
    >Look up again.
    >Still smoking dude and totally-not-eldritch-horror.
    >Drive the fuck away.

    I don't think I was seeing very clearly at that point, but either my vision was a little fuzzy, or I have seen the face of madness and suppressed it or been taken by it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)05:15 No.18524803
    Crazy shit. I've never understood how that can happen.

    On a side note, however, congrats on the blowjob/titfuck. Those are always awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)05:21 No.18524840
    Great stories!

    >Drunk and high at a party
    >Suddenly, a moment of perfect clarity hits me while dancing
    >Music and physical world must exist on two different layers
    >The devil lurks between the layers
    >The devil must have heard my thoughts
    >Hold on, what the hell am I thinking?
    >Laugh at myself hard

    I think that experience widened my imagination because I can still kinda imagine that feel I had and use it to understand some imagined spiritual beings and where they dwell.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)06:19 No.18525109
    > Recurring dreams with a shared and more or less coherent setting
    The fuck? Is this normal?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)06:25 No.18525142
    >Meet the perfect girl
    >We get close
    >I fall in love
    >Years of great relations. Considering marrying her
    >Wake up
    >Oh god why?
    Real GF could never compete and didn't know why

    >2 days without sleep
    >Driving home from Uni
    >See stick men dancing on the devising line
    >Enthralled in their dance
    >Almost drive off the road
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)07:33 No.18525616
    I'm sorry, man. It's like having a waifu but much more powerful.
    Maybe you should try lucid dream and dream your life further.

    As one anon from an another thread who told a story of his dual life. He just dream one dream all the time, his entire life. He has his job in fantasy militia and family which he comes back to every time he falls asleep.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)08:54 No.18526072
    Through the years, there have been a couple of recurring places in my dreams. The latest is some kind of street I've never been to, that I recognize and know in my dreams. Another is some kind of house with thick carpet/fur on the walls and the floor, cushions everywhere, very narrow halls and ALWAYS the love of my life in there.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)09:10 No.18526183
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    Pretty tame but eh.

    >Years ago
    >For some reason I barely catch any sleep this week.
    >Annual school play is on.
    >It's shit.
    >Suddenly everything feels kind of weird
    >Everything is now 2D
    >Actors are motherfucking Super Mario Bros. sprites
    >Also only in grayscale for some reason?
    >How the fuck is this happening?
    >Snap out of it after I don't know how long.
    >Play was much better when Mario happened, now only shitty Shakespeare reenactment.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)09:49 No.18526462
    I have two stories

    >Trying to sleep
    >Cat tries to get on my bed
    >Kick it off
    >Tries again, I kick it off
    >And again
    >And again
    >Everytime I would fall asleep, cat gets back on bed and I have to kick it off, waking myself
    >Unknown amount of time spent battling with the cat
    >Suddenly, become convinced the cat is the messenger of God
    >Oh god every time I kick it off, I reject God's message
    >Can't stop kicking it off
    >I'm gonnna go to hell

    Then I finally fell asleep.
    Then there's the other occasion

    >Spend the evening drinking with friends at a pub
    >I drink spritzer (mixed soda water and wine) all evening
    >Go home drunk
    >Suddenly, wake up at 3 AM
    >Oh god my head is splitting and I'm gonna vomit everywhere
    >Go to bathroom, don't even bother turning on the lights, the pain to my eyes would be unbearable
    >Throw up everything into toilet, too sick to stand up
    >Suddenly, I clearly sense shadowy figures sitting in chairs around me
    >They are discussing how I'm vomiting
    >Oh god what the hell
    >This lasts an hour
    >Finally go back to bed
    That must have been some shitty wine.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)13:08 No.18527931
    Worst that's happened to me was getting pericarditis and being paranoid about random shit with the nurses/doctors (when a doctor came in with a bunch of interns I was convinced he was telling them how I was going to be dissected). Morphine has a weird effect on me.

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