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!Q7t.srvWZ6 04/05/12(Thu)23:06 No.18590900 File: 1333681616.png-(29 KB, 700x431, ED.png)
You sigh. "Yeah, that's kind of why I did it this way. Better to have and not need, and all that. Though I get the feeling I'll probably need it." You feel a headache coming on. That spot where you knocked your head throbs painfully, and you rub your temple. Anya speaks up, "You alright Dan? You don't look so good." Roxy frowns worriedly at you. "I'll be fine. Just smacked my head a little while ago, psychic stuff." "You hit your head because psychic stuff?" Asks Johnny. You open your eyes to stare at him for a second, then shrug. "Well, actually, yeah."
Jeanne glances over to the back of the room, then back to you. "Well, if you have a headache, we have a couch in the back. You can just catch a couple hours rest if you like." "Isn't that what you're not supposed to do with a concussion?" Says somebody, Naomi you think. Roxane leans forward and studies you intently. "Well, I'm no medical expert, but I don't think he's concussed. He's still pretty spry, and all. Just a banged head, I guess." You shrug, "Whatever, yeah, I'll take a couple hours. Don't let me sleep too long, guys." You stand up and walk over to the couch a ways back, take off your jacket and breastplate and throw them in the back, and lie down. Sleep overtakes you surprisingly quick.
You find yourself standing in a black, shapeless place, you yourself standing in what looks like a spotlight in the darkness. A familiar voice say, "Hello, Daniel. Let's chat."