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!!WUNNLo47u5Q 04/07/12(Sat)23:28 No.18617916 File: 1333855728.jpg-(144 KB, 707x800, 1314876383531.jpg)
 >>18616833 So how about coming up with something better?
>All the PC's have had some kind of interaction with a coven of hags, whether it be former prisoner, partner, or had a loved one killed by them. >One of the PC's was born with a birthmark that has several factions interested in them. The other PC's all belong to one of the factions. >GOBLIN ATTACK! Because classics are fun for nostalgia. >While traveling through a forest on the way to a Baron's keep, the PC's find what looks like a dead unicorn. Turns out that a wicked treant druid is corrupting the forest for unknown reasons. >A mad bard is traveling around the country side, convincing people that his songs will usher in a new age of happiness. Really just encouraging hedonism, lust, and sloth. PC's are former members of his cult. |