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04/07/12(Sat)22:23 No.18616899 File: 1333851824.jpg-(133 KB, 1128x315, truck.jpg)
 The Truckers (or Crawler Jocks, given the huge supply crawlers in AC) also make for good bridge adventures.
PCs need transport to Sparta Command? "Well, sunspot, I got good news and bad news for you. The bad news is a major fungal bloom took out 300 clicks of the road between here and there. The good news is the Crawler Don't Stop. We're going over the red stuff. The worms, well, they will not like that one bit, so the kids stay in the panic box, and everyone else carries a flame gun. You fought worms before? Good, good. And it don't look like you got your eyes chewed out, neither. Ok, sunspot, grab a flamer and a bench. And, whatever happens, whatever the worms make you see, you do not get off the Crawler while we're crossing the red. Cause, like I told you, sunspot, the Crawler Don't Stop." |