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!kyfms5tN66 04/12/12(Thu)15:45 No.18683705 File: 1334259920.jpg-(65 KB, 468x353, dekotora_3.jpg)
 Sure thing! GF was also a little late, so I had some time to hammer this out.
Funny, makin’ those fat jokes at this land lubber, In your native ocean you keep warm with blubber, It’s easy to be the pig man when your diet’s krill, Now stay put while I shoot my harpoon for the kill! You ain’t a Viking, you’re a human marshmallow, And my world ain’t got no use for lamps and tallow, An unmarketable product in ev’ry way, I even tried to sell you to Shiawase, They told me, Gaijin scum, this prototype’s gigantic, immense, We’re Japanese; our model’s smaller, makes more sense, We’ve prior made this product, but better before, A quality rapper who don’t fall on the floor, Smaller, better, faster, smarter, and handsome too, Hold on a second, TwoDee, that product was you! Naturally I escaped that little close call, But undeterred I hauled you cross the Tokyo sprawl,
I tried to sell you to Mistuhama, But that produced a fuckton of drama, For the dishonor of WITNESSING you, They chased me down to Yokohama, They said I’d lose a finger: Which one would I pick? I went with my third pinky: Fotbitr’s dick!
With my product only mildly trashed, Down to Renraku in Chiba I dashed, They bowed and apologized for their noncompliance, But they’d had problems past with a soulless appliance! I didn’t even ask them to reconsider, Just left Japan to find the next highest bidder, |