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!E1yyNEjdEc 04/15/12(Sun)00:10 No.18717490 File: 1334463054.jpg-(146 KB, 1024x640, wallpaper_warhammer_40000_dawn(...).jpg)
 Your PDF has grown in size from 300,000 to 9 million; armored vehicles are in short supply simply due to the massive increase in PDF numbers, even after old armories were opened. The Munitorum Rep is correcting this and re-arming your PDF.
You have begun local production of the Chimera APC and Ragnarok MBT (A Leman Russ alternative developed during the Krieg War, designed to be as simple to construct as possible, essentially a Plasteel box on treads with a cannon and Heavy Stubber) to supply your PDF and even export a little on the inter-planetary market. The Ragnaroks have taken the place of Leman Russ tanks in much of your PDF due to sheer shortage of the latter. The Departmento Munitorum is correcting this, however.
Former Resistance leader Davos Ithkael has started a Planetary Militia, training troops up to the standards of modern day U.S. Marine Marksmen and arming them with Flak Armor, lasguns, Heavy Stubbers, Autocannons, and Ragnarok Tanks. It is unclear whether he has built up this force to fight off future invaders, you, or both.
Your PDF has been armed with a improved mark of the lasgun used by the Krieg regiments, packs more punch at the expense of using more ammunition, has longer range, is even more durable than the standard, and comes with an advanced targeting system that replaces the standard IG iron sights, although they are still included in case the targeting scope fails or is destroyed. |