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04/17/12(Tue)21:25 No.18759665 File: 1334712344.jpg-(16 KB, 207x326, dean_check_em.jpg)
 >>18759545 We begin with a little bit of exposition.
It is Armistice Day, a treasured and time honored time of introspection, reflection, and crazy-ass partying. Fifty years ago, on this day, the persecution of magic-users by the Castillian Church reached a fever pitch, and as a result, several other countries banded together to fight against this perceived injustice. This caused a long and bloody war which tore apart most of Theah (Europe), but in the end, the Castillian Church was defeated.
The Separatists, deemed as heretics by the Castillians, formed their own church based in Avalon, and worship Pelor. The Castillian Church, as a result of this war, lost a lot of influence, and had to cede much territory to Montaigne and Vodacce (Italy), as war reparations. Castille became isolationist and stopped participating in things on an international scale, aside from the massive push for world exploration.
Because in the wake of the war, as the Armistice was declared, explorers from Vodacce brought news of a discovery in the far west: an entirely new world. Suddenly, the age of exploration was upon Theah, and now, everything else seemed stupid and unimportant. Armistice Day was declared a huge holiday in most countries, and nowhere celebrates the Armistice harder than Freeport, in the Five Peak Islands.
Which is where we find our intrepid heroes, as we begin their journey. |