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04/19/12(Thu)02:08 No.18776343 File: 1334815691.png-(385 KB, 540x334, lake_mead..png)
 "We have a proper briefing room just up those stairs. Bit more private, plus it has screens and such."
"Convenient." he comments, before giving a simple 'lead on' gesture. You go to the room, and Mooch slides him the control tablet. The seven of you sit down.
"This is Lake Mead," He says, pulling up a picture of a large body of water. "That little red mark is where our lab used to be, and the experiment escaped containment. The subject, a mentally unstable man who answers to Q-Tip stole an advanced prototype core from Rayleonard."
"Wait," Dave cuts in "I thought this was a recovery mission, us running security while you guys went in and cleaned up."
"And you were told a lie. Not my choice, but the higher-ups wanted some secrecy. This man was brilliant, but unstable. We brought him in to protect him from enemies he made, but he took advantage of our goodwill and plots terrible things with an advanced Core. We can't have that, because that would be an unspeakable tragedy for him to land in, say, Vegas and start blowing up random civilians in the suberbs on the western outskirts." So he clearly knows exactly who you are. "Besides," He adds in a deadpan "That would be bad for business. So my mission is to kill him before he escapes the perimeter, marked as that blue circle. Yours is to stay with the Caravan, because if he breaks out, the Egg-heads are going to reel him right in. Perfect bait, not that they'll like that. Which is why I never told them."
He looks around. "Any questions?" |