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  • File: 1334874121.jpg-(23 KB, 430x395, 3710122025..jpg)
    23 KB Nobleman Quest Discussion Thread Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)18:22 No.18783649  
    Good evening people. Wonder if any of the regulars are online right now, but I'll throw this out anyway.

    Just mean this to be a thread where, if you've got any questions about the political situation within the game, you can ask them. Questions about other things like the culture and economy would be perfectly fine too. There are also plots going on right now, as far as I can see - so more plans for the future would be welcome too.

    Onward, Adrian!
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)18:27 No.18783700
    > Stuff is still being written up on the wiki, meanwhile: http://noblemanquest.wikia.com/

    Tasks Adrian is known to be working on:
    > Martha's bird toy
    > Gesadag: trying to repay his debt before he gets us to repay it on his terms
    > Getting on with the Convocation - primary aim seems to be influencing the entrants' list (More on the Convocation in the wiki)
    > Katesas and Geharo's uncle: need to find out more about him, and then find a way to finish him
    > Draw up a list of the girls on the Fourth of Fifth (More on that in the wiki too)
    > Are there any more I've missed out?

    If you need more background information to make plans or make decisions on the above plans, do ask!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:34 No.18783786
    Hmm... are you going to run the quest today?
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)18:38 No.18783831

    Not today, tomorrow. But thought to get this in earlier, to make quests more coherent.

    Wouldn't want too much unnecessary faffing about in-quest; post time is precious!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:41 No.18783861
    Ah okay....

    I don't really have questions right now though...
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:47 No.18783909
    What is up with every fucking quest making two threads now? Fucking 'quest discussion threads'? Fuck off, honest to god, you take up enough threads as it is.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)18:50 No.18783937

    Have to appreciate your effort posting against a thread you don't like. I'm almost flattered.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:50 No.18783943
    >this fuckin guy
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:52 No.18783960
    Hey, tank witches did not have a discussion thread, nor has kawata yandere.

    >quest threads
    >too many on /tg/
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:56 No.18784008
    1. Shouldn't we be buying expensive gifts on the cheap from the black market? We don't have a lot of money right now, but we'll need gifts for both the merchants and the future concubines/wives.

    2. Perhaps we should also ask around about the chariot races. Surely we know someone who is an avid fan... we might be able to glean what exactly we need to ensure the Red chariot wins. They are housed in the palace after all. If there was some mysterious acid applied to the axle of a chariot or two in hard-to-see places then, well....
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)18:59 No.18784038
    Alright I've been looking at the wiki and I've got a few questions.

    Is Baseg our butler the same Baseg that was a big damn hero for House Iatar at one point?

    As an Earl, is it inadvisable or unusual for us to court one of the noble-born ladies that lack an actual title? Same for the merchant-born one. What about as concubines?

    On the other side of the coin, who would our competition likely be if we were to pursue the Viscountess?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:00 No.18784058
    I don't recall our meeting with Sagota &co ended, so I was suggesting we ask Naimir to visit us in one of our lakeside residences. I don't think we dropped the whole "we'll be leading the convocation" on anyone yet, but it might be worthwhile to tell Naimir now. Word will certainly get out soon anyway, and he should have the decency to be surprised when it does.

    Should probably clarify or "carefully consider" (ask the dm for in-character information) regarding supporting the Reds in the races. I'd rather throw my weight in with them than with the Blues, who seem like treacherous dogs.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:04 No.18784093
    >ROTK image

    I like your style.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:10 No.18784146
    All I now is I know see quest discussion threads fucking everything. I don't give a shit about quest threads, that is legitimate as far as I am concerned, but do you all seriously need two fucking threads for this shit?

    When I participated in quest threads when you had a question like... >>18784008

    ...or... >>18784038

    ...you asked it IN THE FUCKING THREAD. That's what it is for.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:12 No.18784184
    Honestly dude, I haven't seen all that many discussion threads recently. I think you might be overestimating how many there are.

    sage for not being on topic
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:13 No.18784185
    I think we should make a point of checking out Sira, the daughter of the fourth Earl, too. She might be a couple years older than us but she does have some rank behind her.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:16 No.18784238
    This is a complicated political intrigue game. We need this kind of info to make our plans beforehand so the actual quest can move at a non-glacial pace when it runs.

    Shit like 'lol u guys SWQ general time' without the GM even being around is annoying yeah, but this is somewhat different from that.

    polite sage
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:17 No.18784250
    >This is a complicated political intrigue game.
    This thread is filled with people talking about their waifu.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:18 No.18784259
    Cousins too. Viscountesses might be all well and good, but an actual Countess is well within our status. We would need to look outside the Appanage for that though. Perhaps a trip to the capital next year?
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)19:18 No.18784260

    Black market purchases are definitely possible! In fact, if you'd like, you can arrange for it via the Reds - as a powerful Cooperative they would be very glad to have a patron like you.

    The only concern is that, since it's your father's revenue (taxes, duties) you are ultimately fobbing off... best be discreet.

    As for the charioteers, yes - each cooperative, guild, and merchant will send in a team of chariots, horses, and riders. As one might imagine, this leads to a rowdy situation full of horseshit and machismo, which might be why your father decided to go hunting and leave the youngsters to handle it.

    You can try something in the palace to incapacitate the other cooperatives' horses or riders, or you can even bribe the drivers (with whose money though) to throw a match. Take note, however, that this being a sacred occasion, and your father presiding over the race, getting caught may have extreme circumstances.


    Ah, damnit, I should note that or change a name. But no; big damn hero Baseg was later made Baseg, Baron of Iatar - the founding baron of the house. He's passed on now.

    Well, as an Earl, you probably wouldn't take as a wife someone who's fallen off the tree - ie. has no noble title. That of course narrows the choices down quite a bit, unless you'd like to be married to a foreign girl (there are options, I'll add the girls by tomorrow). But courtship is not a problem; I'd say any girl with a title is fit for a wife (though marrying a Baroness might have limited political benefit), and anyone off the tree is best for concubines.

    For the Viscountess, competition is uncertain; her father Amirag doesn't show his face much, and neither does he. There are rumours both adoring and damning, but it just makes it more confusing.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:19 No.18784267
    >hasn't actually read the thread
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:20 No.18784289
    Untrue. We don't even know these females, we're looking for possible political marriages or alliances to raise our status. Beautiful concubines are a side-effect.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)19:26 No.18784349
    Okay, since Adrian is probably old enough to figure this out, here are some general guidelines about the way factions split within the Palace. (I'll put this in the Wiki under one of the thread summaries.)

    The fact that the Prince has six houses sworn to him is an unusual situation; even the King only has got four sworn houses. (There are many others affiliated, but not sworn.) This situation is partly because of all the disastrous warmaking 25 years ago; because of that Iatar and Daudu were rewarded with fiefs.

    So, within the court, things are rather split between the 'old houses' - Tali, Ahun, and Oson - on one hand, and the 'new houses' - Daudu and Iatar - on the other.

    It's a surprisingly even competition. Daudu is rich from its merchant roots, and Iatar got much of the rich farmland in the Vale and the southern trade routes. But Ahun also commands those routes, and Tali is by far the oldest, most esteemed and most prestigious of all six houses - after all they were around *before* there was a Prince of Mar.

    As for Kimasig, they mostly don't align with the two sides, though if they choose to they mostly lean towards the new houses. While they are an old house, their Hillmen lineage is looked down upon by Tali especially. The Kimasig tend to be closer, rather, to the many small and scattered border villages which have their own rulers - affiliated but not sworn, and often afflicted by instability and invasion.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)19:33 No.18784440

    Once social season is open, you may go to the capital to court at any time. Of course that will mean a terrible lot of ritual seeing your uncle the King and all that. You win some, you lose some.

    Alternatively, the duchies around your kingdom also will have noble ladies; the daughters of Dukes are also Countesses.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:34 No.18784455
    Property ownership and inheritance, how does it work?

    Can women own property? What should, legally, happen to our merchant target's business if he were to die? Would his step-son get the property? Would the slaves be freed? Can slaves buy their own freedom? What does "freedom" mean?

    If we marry the only daughter of someone, do we inherit that someone's stuff? Does he choose?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:36 No.18784487
    We should probably stop by and see our uncle the King at some point.

    His is our uncle, and the King, after all.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)19:40 No.18784543
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    Additionally, could you drop the progression of noble ranks on the wiki?

    since this quest is China-themed, I have in my mind a picture of Glorious China for a map, and, looking at it now and remembering that the tech level is something like 500 AD, this would be the size of the empire, more or less. How close is this to being true? How many large settlements are we looking at? Big picture questions, and such.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)19:49 No.18784641

    Class is a greater distinction in terms of property ownership than gender; as such, noblewomen may own property in their own right. Since males are always preferred in inheritance, though, it is not likely that women get very large a share.

    Inheritance is mostly by primogeniture, with provisions made for the deceased's other children. Only sons of the wife may be eligible for the primary inheritance - even if a concubine gave a son years before, that son is considered 'younger' for inheritance.

    If your merchant target kicked it suddenly, his property in the city should go to his children or relatives; you somewhat presume it would be Geharo who gets it, given he's killed most of his own kids. Slaves would pass on as well, being chattel. A slave may indeed buy his or her freedom; manumission is also possible.

    There is a saying that 'if enslaved, better serve a knave than a prince'; this is because higher-ranked nobles have the right to free slaves belonging to their servants. (Naturally, to not set precedents, this right is not often used.) There are many cases of slaves running from a baron's house to an earl's house, hoping the earl will show them a way out. This tends not to end prettily.

    If you married a lord's only daughter, you *ought to* inherit most of her property. However, this won't be the case for sworn houses - being sworn to the protection of a liege, they receive the privilege of a lasting fief so long as they are sworn, so you can't swallow the whole of House Tali's fief simply by marrying the Viscount's only daughter or something. A bit would go to you, perhaps as dowry; the rest passes to another Tali.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)20:01 No.18784773

    Doing so now, have a link on the main page. Great you requested.

    Well, that map looks about right - it's the Chinese heartland. In this setting, though, the sea is to the south, and you are in the east, some distance from the sea.

    In terms of how many Kingdoms and Duchies there are, the profusion is too much to be counted. Some ancient texts say 25 kingdoms and 150 duchies; some say 35 kingdoms and 500 duchies. You'll probably never need to know their names.

    You do know the names of four or five famous kingdoms that gained hegemony, and you know of your closest rivals, including the Kingdom of Kaso which lies directly on your west and northwest and is several times your size. Unfortunately, for a kingdom, your homeland is pretty weak, and punches below its weight influence-wise.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)20:06 No.18784832
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    Also, belatedly, thank you. Have another one.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)20:14 No.18784919

    Oh shit, I didn't see this.

    Well, Naimir's asked you to visit him, but then it's true that it's better to host than be hosted. If you'd like to ask him to invite others, that's possible too.

    If more people here agree to tell Naimir about the Convocation, I'll start the thread tomorrow with that.

    I do need to ask more about Adrian's attitude towards the Convocation, though. This body has a few aims - to protect and extend its trading power, and also to protect the interests of its members in terms of competition. Right now, as foreign merchants are gradually moving into Margade, the merchants might probably look towards Adrian for decisions.

    Therefore, some questions:

    > Does Adrian prefer to control the trade more, actively participating in efforts to extend it, or is he more laid-back?
    > Does Adrian prefer to assert princely power against mercantile power in Margade, or is he more laid-back?
    > Does Adrian like the foreigners entering the city to trade, or does he wish dem barbarians would piss off back where they came from?
    > If there are other possible attitudes towards a group of merchants holding considerable political weight in a crucially important city, do elaborate too!

    As for the Reds, they aren't just asking for race support it seems. Certainly that's one thing, though. Currently the Reds, Whites and Greens are holding the Blues in check, so in the north of the city there is a tense calm, often punctuate with violence. Interfere at your own risk.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:31 No.18785120
    > Does Adrian prefer to control the trade more, actively participating in efforts to extend it, or is he more laid-back?
    Actively participate, but not directly. Mostly we should be trying to work into a position where we are reading daily (well, maybe weekly) reports of the trade and matters pertaining to it, then depending on how we want things to do issue orders to our proxies to carry out. The actual business of trading and most dealmaking is beneath us, we only personally negotiate when there is a brokerage of critical import.

    Mind you, this is our objective. We currently don't HAVE smart merchant dudes to act as our frontmen while we manipulate the market from the shadows. And of course we actively participate in the convocation itself where all the big merchants are gathered, since it's one of those critical times I mentioned.

    > Does Adrian prefer to assert princely power against mercantile power in Margade, or is he more laid-back?
    Situational. Every time we slap merchants down they will be less inclined to support us later. That said, it's a potent tool and we should apply it appropriately. Not adverse to using it, but it shouldn't become the cornerstone of our method.

    > Does Adrian like the foreigners entering the city to trade, or does he wish dem barbarians would piss off back where they came from?
    He tolerates them in general but favors the civilized folk. Unless they are his friends, of course. No seizures and the city is open for business with proper foreigner permits, but there will be an extra tax or two.

    This keeps foreign trade flowing in because they know it's safe. It also keeps them schmoozing us; hopeful that, eventually, they will be able to secure a position in our graces and be exempt from all these taxes and such.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:36 No.18785175
    Oh, also, by making it so that foreigners want to become friendly with us then we also secure allies outside our own little province. It's always nice to have a trump card hidden outside the gameboard, able to be slipped in if you're dealt an awful hand.

    But yes, cultivate foreign friends but remember they take most of their profit -- and whatever power they might use to back us -- back to their own countries eventually. For better or for worse. Making a strong ally to help us stage an invasion of a neighboring duchy could be a great way to expand our power in a few years.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:38 No.18785201
    I think Adrian wants to control the trade more, get him some avenues of power not tied directly to his family, which gives him more freedom in their usage. I'd rather not have to assert princely power for this but if it's what we need to do to get our way it's acceptable but I'd rather not have to pull the I'm a Royal card often, people don't respect your and will try to go around you if you use that willy nilly.

    We're probably better with foreigners than most people here, we speak their languages and read their literature, we know they're not all howling barbarians. We have more loyalty to our own people of course but we're much more willing to negotiate with them.

    They bring in useful trade and they'll prefer negotiating with us over many others due to our linguistic skills and us not considering them savages immediately. We obviously can't favor them over the native merchants in huge explicit ways, but we can probably cut some good backroom deals like making sure they keep being able to trade here, tariffs stay reasonable and so on, with them for both of our benefits. They want to trade here and having us backing them to some degree will let them do so, they'll be willing to scratch our back at that point. They are also easier assets to cut off and remove our patronage from if necessary.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/19/12(Thu)20:42 No.18785250
    Well, certainly part of the attitude that Margade's inhabitants have towards the foreigners is coloured by what happened a quarter century ago. The barbarians did fight their way to the very walls of the city, and in their wake left utter devastation.

    In a few years, if you have the strength, you might well be able to take the easterners on yourself. Memories of eastern defeat still rankle, and there are hawks who will support you. But that would of course put you at odds with merchants, who never really like war...
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:52 No.18785368
    > control the trade ... or is he more laid-back?
    He wants to rise to prominence. You don't do that by letting things run themselves- so while he might not be directly trying to control the trade, he'll definitely be throwing himself into learning more about it and trying to get himself in on the action.

    > assert princely power ... or is he more laid-back?
    He probably prefers to assert princely power... unless of course the merchants show that they're willing to make it worth his while to not assert that power. Getting kickbacks and bribes from the merchants to let them do what they wish is another way to display princely power, after all. Pushing enough princely power to make it appear to his father that he's defending noble rights and is thus worthy of favor while easing up enough that the merchants will see him as someone they want to work with because it'll benefit them will be a delicate balancing act, but he'll try it.

    > foreigners ?
    I think he sees foreigners as an opportunity- otherwise he wouldn't have spent all the time necessary to learn so many languages. He'll probably try to aggressively press his advantage in that arena by making as many foreign contacts as possible, in the hopes of establishing extremely lucrative lines of cashflow (foreign trade is always extremely lucrative, for those good at it). That said, while attempting to personally build foreign trade contacts, it's also in his interests to ensure that others don't build such contacts- being one amongst many is no way to reach the top of the heap, after all.

    So I'd say that he'll try to keep down the volume of foreign trade, while simultaneously trying to carve out as large a slice as he can for himself and those who appear to be his allies out of what remains.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:54 No.18785395
    We court the nobility more than the merchants anyway, though. Once the war is won and new markets laid bare before them the merchants will fall back in line. Especially when we have a victorious army we could use to put them in line if they don't.

    We're courting the merchants because they are a power bloc we can make use of. That doesn't mean we are a merchant, or that we are beholden to them. Wealth is good, but it's only one piece in the power game. We are still a noble first and foremost, we're just one who will use all tools at our disposal to climb the ladder of nobility even higher.

    We are a prince-in-the-making, maybe more. Our spies gather information on merchants and we use that on them, but this does not mean we are one.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:55 No.18785401
    Which RotKXI officer did you steal that picture from?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)20:57 No.18785429
    >Our spies gather information on merchants and we use that on them, but this does not mean we are one.
    That is, we aren't a merchant.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)21:08 No.18785534
    I am hugely hesitant to be directly involved in rigging the races. The city takes it seriously. It's religious. Father and Fourth Brother will slap our shit seven ways if it gets found out.

    > Does Adrian prefer to control the trade more, actively participating in efforts to extend it, or is he more laid-back?

    We want to have our hands in their pockets, so to speak. We do need money, after all. As I see it, trade is a huge business here, so we should be doing our best to make sure Margade is getting good deals.

    This is probably an indirect question about the docks. Yes, we support repairing them. No, we (Adrian) do not have the money. Dear Father does, but he might not care much for merchants, so we may not be able to count on him for support. This is probably a good thing to figure out (or to recollect from our memories [ask the DM if we'd already know]).

    I'd also like to point out that such a huge public works project will have monetary returns in more ways than one. For one, it will increase the infrastructure. For two, more workers means more people in the town, means more people buying goods, means more imports, means more taxes. Construction is a great economic sector (unless you've built too much). We should probably do an audit of where the treasury's money is coming from, and base our goals off of that. Then again, we're not going to be inheriting the treasury...

    Actively participating in efforts to increase trading... well, we would certainly be alright with opening new trade routes, if that's what you mean. Telling merchants what to do is generally a bad idea, since the free market looks out for itself far better than the government. Am I wrong in assuming a free market? Maybe we should be working on eliminating barriers to trade.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)21:12 No.18785558
    We don't want a free market, we're not a merchant. We want a market that the merchants are willing to pay us for the privilege of making it free. We need more money and influence over power blocs. Having the merchants want to suck up to us and having some amount of indirect control over trade gives us both these things.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)21:13 No.18785569
    > Does Adrian prefer to assert princely power against mercantile power in Margade, or is he more laid-back?

    Depends on what you mean by mercantile power! We shouldn't care as long as they pay their taxes and don't cause trouble or infringe on our rule.

    > Does Adrian like the foreigners entering the city to trade, or does he wish dem barbarians would piss off back where they came from?

    As long as they are providing us good business (buying our shit), it's great! If they are supplanting our (people's) business, that's where protectionism comes in and we levy import taxes. If they have goods we want, we should consider trading with them as well, as long as it's in our favor.

    > If there are other possible attitudes towards a group of merchants holding considerable political weight in a crucially important city, do elaborate too!

    We want them to be our friends, and we want to be their friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)21:14 No.18785573
    >free market looks out for itself far better than the government
    Not really, and especially not really when you ARE said government.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)21:18 No.18785605
    >We want them to be our friends, and we want to be their friends.
    This is just blatantly not true.

    We want them to serve us and follow our every command, not be friends with the world and sing together while holding hands.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)21:26 No.18785688
    I said that intending it to be more like "i'll scratch your back and you scratch mine" instead of "friendship is magic." Probably should have been more explicit. I don't think we're advocating our own merchant fleet, though, at least not yet.

    I'll retract my previous comments about the free market and whatever, because looking over it again I see that it's not actually helping Adrian to be funneling more funds to Father's treasury. It should still happen as proof of our competence to him, but I think what Adrian wants is more money and more power, Father can get fucked. And we're supposed to be discreet about it as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)22:11 No.18786247
    I'd also like to request a map, if only of the surrounding area.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)22:12 No.18786259
    Sorta off topic, but just want to say OP I appreciate the wiki and all the stuff you put out there for the players. It's really handy.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/12(Fri)00:27 No.18788047
    Here's a question:

    Obviously, we're paid from the treasury, so that's where our money is stored. Would our money be secure (would Father care) if we put in more money than we are allotted, or is that cause for concern? There probably isn't a banking system.

    What would an Earl such as ourselves be expected to do to secure financial wealth? How does First Brother do it?

    Basically, I'm asking about ways to legitimately get more money, in a way that is appropriate for noblemen (excluding direct participation in trading). Should we be buying and/or developing land? Sources of Noble income excluding taxes.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/20/12(Fri)02:36 No.18789423
    (just woke up.)

    Liking the discussions about the merchants! It'll be interesting to be at the Convocation's meeting now, then.

    There are also many old/new struggles within the Convocation, since a lot of its membership aims basically to keep barriers to entry high - the less people share the pie, they think, the better. (Which is true if you're a merchant.) You can expect that if anyone supports the membership of any other merchant, there's got to be a particular reason they want him in.

    Traditionally, as the monitor of the Convocation, your mandate is a little narrow; you are really just there to monitor, not necessarily to dominate, the proceedings. Still, you can do what you will - certain merchants will want to socialise with you.


    All right. I will scan one in. Hope you don't mind that it's rather roughly hand-drawn.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/20/12(Fri)02:37 No.18789432

    Do you mean put in more money, or take out more money than you're meant to be paid? Well your father wouldn't mind you putting in money, naturally. Taking out large sums of money might be tricky, though.

    You currently are quite well acquainted with the Treasury Office, which does the accounts and all that for the treasury, and some of the people inside are even friendly to you. This means the taking money part will be easy, but the consequences might still be there.

    As for wealth, well, your estate is supposed to be the foundation of that wealth. Naturally, growing wheat and rice is not going to earn you much, so diversification is key - the manor economy in China in the last centuries BC can be shocking. There's everything from wheat, linen and silk farming, to milling, fish and prawn farming, even forest management and industrial-scale silk-making or dyeing works. House Tali is famous for having mulberry plantations and silkworm sheds all along the East Lake, for instance. If you are lucky like your second brother, and your fief sits on a mine deposit, better still!

    Buying land or simply taking it over is quite normal for nobles. The second is frowned upon, but it's not like people are going to stop an Earl. Owning shops and businesses in the city is also fruitful, though not conducive to the dignity of a noble; so mostly they are managed by merchants for nobles. At the Convocation, for instance, you can bet that the positions of many are direct favours from one earl or another.


    Guo Jia. I always liked him more than that walking cheat-code Zhuge Liang.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/12(Fri)03:20 No.18789749
    The reason I ask about the treasury bit is because I want to know where we can stash our money, should we have money to stash.

    There's a currency (taels), but is it a standard currency (where is is standard)? What is a tael? Do foreigners take it, or are interactions with them barter? How much of trade is barter and how much is done in taels? How is lending/borrowing handled, if at all? Who does this kind of economic activity, and is it considered unseemly (as it used to be in some places)?

    On that, would you (the DM) consider it poor form if Adrian were to kick off a banking industry? I remember steam engines were brought up at some point, but were quickly dismissed as being anachronistic.

    We know almost nothing about our estate, correct? I guess a trip out there is in order. Do some research on what is lucrative, and pay them a visit.

    At the convocation, our purpose is to sit and listen to them, but how much say do we REALLY have? We're still acting on behalf of Father, so it might be a good idea to know what his views on certain things are (especially if we need an excuse to do something). Certainly, we will be doing people favors and the like, but but there's a point our influence ends, and I want to know where that is.

    What else would we do there, it sounds like conducting a meeting and then signing off on some names.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/12(Fri)03:22 No.18789764
    >Guo Jia
    Bro fi-
    >More than Zhuge Liang

    No, I kid, but excellent choice. If only Guo Jia were here, my Sangoku quest might go further! That, and I have shitty timing.

    I'm gonna keep trying though.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/20/12(Fri)03:45 No.18789895

    Well! I don't know, I just think Zhuge Liang's appearance in the novel (and the games) just cheapens everyone else! Zhou Yu becomes a jealous dick, Liu Bei and co. become a bunch of puppets, Cao Cao becomes a dribbling idiot, all so he can have his precious screen time.

    Also, you are running a Sangoku quest. Please tell me it is during a convenient time for me, I will play the hell out of it.


    Well, in terms of banking: in a society where most property and wealth is tied up by lineages and clans, I'm not sure how much traction that would have. Mind, a lot of these lineages often end up looking like little banks, pooling resources, lending money to relatives and investing in trust funds for the whole clan. (Chinese economic history is a hell of a fun thing to learn.)

    In order to simplify a potentially nightmarish scenario, I'm using the tael as the standard unit for all transactions. Silver and copper coins are recognised by the barbarians as well, after centuries of trade contacts; but they have their weights and standards which I really don't want to introduce in-game or it'll muck the game right up. If it makes things more plausible, Peony and some of your slaves probably know conversion rates on the fly or something.

    If there are plots involving currency manipulation (which is highly possible, of course), then I'll do some elaboration for the occasion. Besides that, I hope no one minds if I don't introduce different currencies for different states, different cities, sometimes even different goods - historically, a Chinese 'tael' means a different weight of silver for buying cotton than for wheat or sesames or oil. And the only 'official' tael? It's never even produced as a currency!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/12(Fri)03:48 No.18789931
    ...Fair enough. I still really like him and Jiang Wei, though I like Jiang Wei more.

    It is, right now, whenever is convenient for me.

    Which is usually about three hours earlier than this.

    We are Sun Yuan [no/limited relation], a young warlord making a name for himself in the land south of Ru Nan. He made a voyage to find himself some loyal retainers in Ru Nan and found the land under neglect by the local lord - and by making his case, gained the services of a sage named Guo Sang and his page, Fei Wan. Together with Fei Wan, he is returning to his hometown to take stock of his property and decide a course of action as the Yellow Turban rebellion begins to gain steam, not knowing that he has already made a rival in Yuanrang, who was also competing for Guo Sang's services before he showed up.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/20/12(Fri)03:54 No.18789980

    > cont'd.

    What you do know from Baseg of your estate is that it's being farmed by smallholders, which implies subsistence agriculture mostly. Mind you, given they've produced steady surpluses most years even though they are farming to feed themselves, that does say something about the land's potential.

    You do know there is a river flowing near your land, and that most of it is flat and arable. Not much to go on for mining though. There's a forest to its north, but it's not your land (yet).

    As for the Convocation, well your father is a business as usual guy. There's a reason he's so relaxed about appointing a monitor. But technically, most things you do within the Convocation meeting will not be overstepping the line - if you risk such a thing, Baseg or Peony will tell you. At the minimum, yes, you'll simply socialise and sign off - and, mind, many established merchants will be expecting you to do only that.

    But you don't have to. As monitor, you can raise questions and modify the agenda of the meeting; you can also openly endorse, or openly protest, a proposed new member or some other membership-related move. Well, for one, you can't extend the list of proposed new members yourself; you'll need the backing of some merchants at least. The Prince hasn't been listening in on the meetings for several years, really; if you make big waves he'll notice, but to be honest you can't tell if he wants you to make waves. You're already 17, after all; you should be throwing your weight around as a nobleman.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/12(Fri)04:01 No.18790029
    Unrelated question - if I were to run/organize the creation of a Legend of the Wulin game, would you participate, time zones allowing?

    If you're not familiar, there's a thread: >>18786049

    It's just the thing for Romance-style wuxia action.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/20/12(Fri)04:09 No.18790090

    Aww man, that's my sleep time. But really, if I see it I'll play it. Such a sucker for Sanguo.
    >> Sleeping Dragon !!rSK+AszrrNq 04/20/12(Fri)04:10 No.18790102
    West coast blues man.

    I'm awake before everyone else and everyone else goes to sleep before me.

    So many Ausfags living up tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/12(Fri)04:18 No.18790171
    Sounds like we've got a land full of potential!

    I'm not sure Adrian has any topics to bring up in the convocation, but if we start meeting with merchants we will find stuff to talk about. Preferable if we get paid to bring it up, or to support a certain side, but there you go.
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/20/12(Fri)04:22 No.18790204

    Hmm, I'm not very sure about the mechanics, but I've actually been reading that thread, and it does sound cool.

    Do you reckon there's more space for fighting, or for stratagems? I'm personally more for the latter, but both sound great.

    Also, where do you intend to run it?
    >> Sleeping Dragon !!rSK+AszrrNq 04/20/12(Fri)04:27 No.18790250
    If I were to run it, it would likely be through IRC, since most of my games online have used IRC. It's just the simplest method, generally speaking.

    Generally speaking it's pretty high-action being based on wuxia, but there's plenty of room for crazy stratagems and courtly maneuvering - that's what Scholars and Courtiers are for. I could definitely see letting the players run themselves through a time of revolt in Shen Zhou and trying to come out on top.

    My friend keeps trying to find a way to make a character with a Flexible/Massive weapon work, which he describes as a 'cannonball on a chain'.

    I desperately want to see this work, only for a scene wherein he flings it at a guy, the guy wuxia-leaps over it, and he stomps on the chain, grinning maniacally as the chain whips like a serpent and sends the cannonball spiraling up into his opponent's groin.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/12(Fri)05:15 No.18790568

    Where on IRC?
    >> Xingzhe !HggsKt0/NM 04/20/12(Fri)05:27 No.18790639
    Also, just to make sure - will be running Nobleman Quest today, around 1pm 4chantime.

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