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!Q7t.srvWZ6 04/20/12(Fri)17:55 No.18795594 File: 1334958901.jpg-(28 KB, 550x316, cleaverf2bl.jpg)
 >>18795486 >>18795489 >>18795491 >>18795507
You place the flying cap firmly on your head, and place the goggles on your head. You look up at Ashwood, and simply say "Bully." And climb in the copilot/gunner seat, and strap yourself, and get the twin Lewis Guns ready. To your surprise, Ashwood produces two cigars, and hands you one, and lights his own. You chomp on the cigar. You've never smoked before, but you're about to have a biplane duel with a dragon, and a member of the British aristocracy is your pilot. What the hell. "You sure this thing flies? And shoots, for that matter?" You say through the cigar. Ashwood nods, and replies through his own, "The Ashwood Family Foundation has strict requirements for museum displays." You check your machine guns, and find them loaded, chamber a round, and say, "Now I have a machine-gun. Hohoho."
Outside, a Dragon burst through the lobby of the museum, a comparatively small young woman clinging to its back. It roars, blowing out all the windows and streetlights on the street, again. Cops fire wildly at it, but don't seem to bother it too-too much. It spits a stream of fire at some of them, then takes to the skies with another cry. Then there is the distant sound of a propeller, and moments later, a Biplane comes roaring out of the museum entrance and takes flight after the dragon, the pilot giving a healthy shout of "TALLY-HO!" |