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04/27/12(Fri)00:15 No.18878859 File: 1335500101.png-(188 KB, 600x600, Such is a pirate life.png)
 Just tossing some ideas around, for a Pirate Deck. A little confused by some of the terminology but yeah
1. Sea . Field x 00
3. Landsman, Human 1/1 - If any ally adjacent unit is in combat, you may help that unit in combat
4. Press Ganger, Human Marine 1/1 - Any ally unit adjacent to him gains the keyword Marine.
5. Sea Dog Crew 2/1 Human Marine - Sea Dog Crew gain +0/1 for each ally unit adjacent to him. Needs Sea
6. Calm Belt, Maneuver - Choose 1 Hexes. Any unit in those hexes will have to remain one turn stationary. Needs Sea
7. Port, Tower 0/5 - Place it on a Nexii you control You may field another unit.
8. Poseidon is Kind to us, Maneuver -All Marine units on a Sea may move one additional Space. Needs Sea
10. Quartermaster, Human Marine 2/1 - One more unit may move per turn. Needs Sea |