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!!ZwhWAwcuTHG 04/26/12(Thu)21:18 No.18876104 File: 1335489480.jpg-(85 KB, 971x523, MCShip_HeavenlyForge.jpg)
 "The information, though I wouldn't mind hearing more of your relationship with Canoness Laci. She seems to value your opinion quite highly."
If your words had any effect upon Athe, she didn't show it in any way. "She trained and served with my mother, then taught me in the Schola when I was young. Before I left. As for the missions, the sororitas would like to get some of their future battlecruiser crew acclimated to a larger ship, and your new factory ship is the correct size for such a task." "'Heavenly Forge', I was recently struck with inspiration from the Omnissiah." Athe raises an eyebrow at your words, but soon breaks into a small laugh. "You'll have to tell me the stories behind your naming schemes some time, Elesh. Anyway, they're offering to provide a crew for a crewless ship, so the deal seems sound enough until we can get our own crew together. I doubt men from Tortuga will want to work a mining ship, though. You'll need to supply the ship with a captain, as well."
You slowly nod your head in contemplation as your XO finishes off her glass of water. "Magos Grumman has two missions for us, though completing both will be quite difficult. The first is to secure a powerful drive component that has recently been purchased by Feophe. We'll need to take a transport and then make the ship and cargo vanish for good, along with any escorts and witnesses. Information suggests that a squadron of escorts will be the cover. The second mission involves diverting Feophe's attention by striking a small group of ships in the Norovictus system. Again, no survivors or witnesses. You've also been requested by the Eldar that Quein freed from the raiding Xenos above Aquari."
>More answers? (pressure) >To the star charts! >To the xenos! >other? |