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    169 KB Nomad Quest?! Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:03 No.18928391  
    Can anyone explain just why, exactly, the thread went down? Was it auto-saging? I didn't think we reached that many posts.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:06 No.18928428
    no idea.

    so we getting on that potion selling?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:06 No.18928434
    I think it was instant auto-saging.
    This has been happening a lot for the past few months. I guess that is the reason why so little amount of people participated.
    Shit, I forgot to check if it was auto-sagin, I usually do this. Keep this in min OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:09 No.18928463
    Here is the previous thread:

    Please repost what have not been archived for posterity sake.
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:12 No.18928493

    You are a truly wonderous person. How long will that thread be kept up? So far, the entire archive is on suptg for easy reading for those who miss a thread and I'd hate for anyone interested in future to miss it.
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:13 No.18928505
    Also, give me a moment to retype the last post.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:15 No.18928522

    But you could, just in case copy that into pastebin or text file and post the link in this thead just in case.

    One thing though: when you archive this thread on suptg, make sure to not in the Description of the thread that the link to previous thread can be found here. It will make it easier on new people who read the archives
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:15 No.18928526
    foolz threads stay pretty much forever.
    it can't really archive images.
    i think after a month or 2 the images of that thread go offline
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:22 No.18928615
    (I certainly shall do. Honestly, I was despairing before you posted that link. I put a lot of effort into writing that magic battle, as mistake riddled as it was! But now, onto the game.)

    When you find Eames, you find the man looking rather dejected. He soon explains that scrolls for Elementalism cost a lot more than Summoning scrolls, and they happened to be the only thing they had here. When you explain your idea to him, however, a crafty grin shows up on his face, quickly turning his mood around.

    "Thol, you wily thing, you. Perhaps you should have been born in Vanthania rather than on the steps. Come on, then, let's get alchemizing!"

    The mortar and pestle costs 100, and the empty vials each cost 30, so you end up spending 190 of his money. But he doesn't seem to mind. He seems to be just as convinced as you that you'll both be making a lovely return on this. You find a quiet corner of the fortress (not easy) and pull out your ingredients. Just as you did last time, you crush the opal first and slice the rabbit heart. Then bit by bit, you add the chunks and the bluebells until it reaches the smooth consistency you're used to, gaining that shimmering red luster. However, the smell of blood is gone. All that remains is a pleasant smell, like bluebells distilled into a soft, yet alluring scent. You imagine you might as well get as much selling the potion as a perfume. Jubilant, you and Eames quickly make two more. Finally, you have three vials of the glittering red potion and can make some money! But... how do you plan on going about selling them?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:26 No.18928662
    can't we sell one to the guy who told us the price or just go around asking people if they want to buy a minor healing potion? or just ask someone i guess, one of the merchants
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:26 No.18928664
    Can we sell to an Alchemist Store?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:28 No.18928701
    We can always go to the fighting arena and sell them for 200y. I bet people who visit that place would need these kind of potions.
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:30 No.18928718

    The same goatee bearing man who sold you the equipment raises a brow at you when you bring him the potions and offer to sell.

    "Why would I want to buy a Potion of Restoration? I'm not an Alchemist. I get caught selling that and I'll be in chains before you get to spend the money. Those Guild bastards keep a close enough eye on me as it is. As for personal use, I already have one. If you have a copy of your guild membership, why don't you just set up a stall?"
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:31 No.18928741
    why we don't?
    We do have to make more than three
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:32 No.18928753

    You mention this plan to Eames. He doesn't look very convinced at all.

    "Sell them potions for 200 when they can have a trained Restorer heal them right then an there for 20? Perhaps... we have not thought this through entirely, Thol..."
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:34 No.18928775
    keep one of the potions.

    so yeah, head over to the alchemy place and get a copy of your membership, we signed that thing before so we're probably good to go.
    then just... set a stall?

    alternatively we could try to sell it at a slightly higher price at the arena
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:35 No.18928792
    oh, nevermind about the arena thing
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:36 No.18928814

    You don't have a copy, and there isn't a legitimate institute of the Alchemy Guild here. A couple agents watching to make sure no-one sells without authority, yes, but that's all. Unless you want to travel all the way back to Losaid and get a copy.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:36 No.18928824
    These people will need them out of arena too, wont they? But, I digress.

    Hmm, can we do that?
    Lets do it.

    Oh, wait. lets make a deal with the ingredient seller. He lets us stand behind his stall and sell them, and he gets a like 50y out of each. We'll try to sell them for 240 but the least we can do is 170.
    We sell cheap because we wont be staying around here long.

    >mfw I misread the seller's dialogue and thought he said he was going to buy them for 220y
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:40 No.18928878
    well, how about going around looking for injured people and offering them the potions?
    trying to sell them individually instead of a stall
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:42 No.18928900

    You argue in favour of the arena once more. Eame's scratches his chin.

    "You might be right... but it seems like we'll get in trouble trying to sell alchemized potions here, anyway. I told you, Thol. When you sign a Pact, you can end up inadvertantly getting yourself into a lot of trouble. Remember? You're not allowed to distribute alchemy? If we got a permit, then maybe but... how about we just keep them? You never know when we might need them."

    You aren't satisfied, however. Goddammit, you want to enterprise and enterprise you shall! However, when you mention selling behind the stall, the man slams his hands on the table and tells you to get away from his stall before he has you arrested for Obstruction of Business. Which carries a penalty second only to a murder charge.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:43 No.18928924
    Man, this is stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:44 No.18928946

    Hmm. I thought the Pact was Permit too. Anyway, he's right. We will need potions of healing too.

    We really need to get some money. What the hell. I feel bad mooching of Eames.
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:47 No.18928986

    That it is. This is your first lesson in the truth that is: alchemists and magic schools are all assholes. Eames can clearly see that you're displeased. He puts a hand on your shoulder and makes his best attempt at a cheery voice.

    "Well... maybe we can sell them in the capital, instead? Vol Itolstein is a giant city of commerce, I hear. They'll certainly have an Alchemist's Guild there. We can get you your permit and then sell your potions."
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:48 No.18929006
    >That it is. This is your first lesson in the truth that is: alchemists and magic schools are all assholes.

    Not really. It makes sense seeing how much they sell for.

    "Thanks Eames. I bet we will need these potions anyway seeing how we were attacked the last time."
    Give 2 to him and keep one for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:49 No.18929014
    fine fine, this is getting nowhere, lets go meet up our companions, doesn't seem like theres much else to do here. oh, maybe visit a tavern? thats where the druid girl and our nomad followers were after all
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:49 No.18929023
    "yeah, yeah"
    get depressed.
    give bottles to Eames
    go sulk in the local tavern
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:50 No.18929033

    That was, alas, my mistake. The Pact ensures you don't distribute without the approval of the Guild. Doesn't make sense for it to also be document that allows you to sell.
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:52 No.18929068
    Tavern or back? You still have an hour left.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:52 No.18929071
    Alright. It's okay. Nothing good comes out of alchemy anyway. Should have chosen another secondary skill.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:53 No.18929081
    Lets go back to our companions.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:57 No.18929136
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 04/30/12(Mon)23:58 No.18929147
    rolled 5 = 5


    Evens: tavern, odds: stable.
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)00:06 No.18929230

    Part of you very seriously feels like drowning your sorrows, but then you realise you'd be spending more of Eames's money, so you decide not to and, instead, return to the stables.

    By the time you get back, Cu and Siobhan are already there. The red-head, fitted in a green tunic and skirt, is trying very hard to hide a smile. Alas, she doesn't seem to know how to do so.

    "Welcome back, friends." Cu grins at you both. "We got ourselves a carriage. Just 1150y, too! We got rooms in a local inn, as well."

    "All this is my treat, of course. You two saved my life, so I won't have you paying for anything. Father gave me enough funds to get to Homme, and intended I hire a bodyguard on the way, so the least I can do is provide the food and shelter."

    She nods excitedly, almost rocking on her feet. Her hands are kept firmly behind her back.

    "How was your afternoon?"
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:10 No.18929288
    "Oh man we saw this amazing mage fight at the arena-" Catch our self "I think Eames can retell you it much better than I can. Most of it went over my head."

    No need to tell them of our failures. Give one potion to Cu.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:16 No.18929381
    giving her a potion is a good touch

    ... when we're alone with her, ask her if she can grow bluebells
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)00:18 No.18929415

    "A magic fight?" Her lips pout open for a moment. "That sounds... I was going to say magical."

    She giggles, prompting a laugh from Eames, too, who had been busy marvelling at how beautious the Druid looked, even in a commoner's dress. As he begins to explain in detail the fight (oft repeating and emphasising and re-emphasising and correcting when he realised he had emphasised enough), you turn, instead to Cu and offer him one of the potions.

    "Hm? You're finally making a use of your Alchemy? Good. It's a treasured art back in my home of Sersipa. Some say it's the truest school of magic."

    Before you can tell him what a load you consider that to be, Siobhan tugs on your sleeve.

    "I can't wait anymore! I got you two presents." She beams like the teenage girl she is. First, she turns to Eames and, from behind her back, produces a scroll.

    "Wait..." The spectacle wearing young man gawks. "How did you...! I wanted to just buy that! Thol, look, it's an Elementalist's scroll! I can learn Fireball from this."

    He grins as giddy as a girl on her birthday and only resists hugging Siobhan due to the cold stare from Cu. The red head then turns to you and pulls out...!

    A patch of white cloth. And some thread.

    "I still have to work on yours! But I'm going to make you another nomad mantle! I might need to borrow your current one so I can get the pattern right but... well, I still feel bad about getting it burned..."
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:23 No.18929493
    smile, thank her for her presents and mention how you just can't get used to other clothestyles
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:24 No.18929510
    "Thank you, Siobath, you truly honour us with your gifts."
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)00:28 No.18929552

    Indeed, just remembering that suit, how it made you sweat and how much it restricted your arms and legs... still makes you claustrophobic.

    "Not at all, Sir Thol. Now... shall we retire to our inn?"

    Cu and Eames agree, and before long, you're all heading along the streets. Thankfully, it's quite a distance from the far overcrowded fort. The bottom floor serves as a more peaceful tavern. Here you can see that most of the visitors are also the locals. The farmers and smiths and seamstresses of the village. It almost feels like a different world from the fortress, and you imagine the taverns on the second floor there are much less quiet.

    Besides the usual collection of locals, you also see a familiar white haired figure sitting at the bar, enjoying a tankard of ale.

    "Look, Siobhan!" Eames excitedly whispers. "That's Silver Guin I was telling you about! Come, let's all have a drink, shall we?"
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)00:30 No.18929571

    Or of course, you can also head to bed for the night. It has been a tiring day, full of bumps and set-backs. The choice remains yours.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:31 No.18929579

    Some drink would be nice. And Silver Suin might tell us more about magic and shit. Maybe.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:34 No.18929614
    meet with the guy, hell, he might end up joining us
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:34 No.18929623
    Isn't he a known womanizer?
    i'm not sure Cu will like that guy
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)00:37 No.18929647

    Guin sees you heading in his direction and lets out a heavy sigh as Eames orders you all drinks. Siobhan is fussing over whether or not it is a good idea for her to drink alcohol, so she and the other two don't seem to realise, but he addresses you directly. He wears a rather tired expression, one that has obviously dealt with a great many annoyances in the past.

    "Look, if you lost money because of me, I don't want to hear about it. I know you and your friend were watching me in the market. I don't know if you're fans, angry betters or you work for Sedge, but I'm not in the mood to be chastised. As you no doubt know, my match today didn't go very well at all."
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:39 No.18929662
    "Well, you'll love what we've got for you then."
    Present him the drinks.

    "We saw your fight and it was amazing. Never seen something like that in my life!"
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)00:42 No.18929685

    You shove a tankard his way. He raises a brow at it and shrugs.

    "You haven't had time to put anything in it, so why not."

    He downs his own and begins settling the next already.

    "Much obliged, stranger. Apologies for coming off so poorly, but I'm not as happy with my performance as you are. It's not often I come across a spell I've never seen before. Please, sit with me. What are your names?"

    Eames and Cu are now bickering. It's not one of her vows to stay away from alcohol is Eames's defense, but Cu seems to be insinuating that it may lead to the breaking of another. Guin sees this an lets out a small chuckle.

    "Well, perhaps you can speak for them."
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:46 No.18929728
    "My name is Thol, and these are my friends Eames, Cu and Siobhan"

    Also can we
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:47 No.18929737
    Introduce ourself then our companions. Tell Eames is a student of magical arts.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:47 No.18929740
    can we speak Siobhan real name?
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)00:53 No.18929822

    Well, her full name is Siobhan Thulstry. The last bit would give away the fact she's of the Thulstry royal family. But you can give her first name. And so you do.


    When they hear you say their names, you catch the attention of the rest of the party. Eames grins sheepishly at the accomplished caster, Siobhan's face is as red as her hair and Cu still thinks Eames could use another punch.

    "A pleasure to meet you all," replies Guin, looking at Siobhan just a second longer than the rest of you. "So, Eames, then. Thol tells me you train in magic?"

    As Eames goes about stuttering that he's not really a great caster and his primary goal is to catalogue all known spells and schools of magic, Siobhan secretively takes a drink from one of the tankards. And another. And another. Essentially, she's not stopping.

    "My, my. It's a pleasure to meet one who is genuinely interested in the art of magic. And Thol, you neglected to say you were an alchemist. That's heavy work, alright." He chuckles. "So, what brings you all to Rickenlist? It's certainly not the most glamorous town in Vanthania."

    As Cu attempts to wrestle the tankard out of Siobhan's grasp, Eames looks to you. After all, he's not sure what to say. Is it even safe to say you're on your way to Homme?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:58 No.18929877
    "We're actually passing through. We stopped here for a rest and to look around.
    Certainly the arena was a grandiose sight."
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)01:03 No.18929936

    "Passing through? Ha. That was my intention, too. Then I thought I'd try my hand at a Duel or two. That was five years ago." He gives a wry smile. He doesn't seem entirely happy with the fact. "Don't suppose either of you have seen a spell like that, have you? The stare, I mean. The one that froze me to the ground and took control of my actions for me."

    You and Eames both shake your heads.

    "I thought not. I consider myself rather wise to many schools, but I can't tell which that belonged to. Which is, really, quite natural when going up against a Sersipan mage. Excellent at hiding secrets. I doubt I saw even a third of what she could do."
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:04 No.18929960
    "That was a woman? Couldn't tell under all those bandages.
    She fought fearsomely."
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:06 No.18929970
    five years?!

    how about coming with us to (that h sounding place)?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:07 No.18929987
    so she was a girl"
    Also, let's not do this.
    We barely know him and we have no idea how Siobhan and Cu will take our suggestion
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:07 No.18929996
    Should we though?
    I mean we can't exactly go around offering without Siobahn's consent, can we?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:10 No.18930027
    lets break off into a group huddle and ask then
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:12 No.18930053
    We barely know him.
    we should atleast talk more to him before asking him
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:14 No.18930082
    Maybe he doesn't even want to travel.

    "What is it that keeps you here then?"
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)01:18 No.18930113

    "She was a woman, alright. It's the feet." He nodded. "When you can't see the face, breasts or behind, you always look at the feet. A sure sign. Not to mention the eyelashes. I imagine she'd look rather good without the rags."

    Cu momentarily catches everyone's attention, slipping from his stool after being clocked in the head by Siobhan's tankard before she orders another drink and orders him to pay. You hear something along the lines of 'you don't tell me what to do' before returning to your conversation.

    "Tell me, Mr. Silver," Eames interjects. "But you wouldn't happen to be from Aridotte, would you? It's just... the hair colour is quite rare."

    The caster chuckles.

    "Indeed. If only my teachers could see me now. I had intended to travel to further my skills. I suppose I did, but I'm not making the best use of them. But... let's see. I'm going to guess..."

    He ran a finger over each one of you.

    "Nomad, Settehem, Thulstry and... either Icomen or Sersipa. Am I right?"

    Your expressions tell him the answer and another grin flits across his features.

    "Thought so. Quite an odd group... and I thought Nomads weren't allowed to leave the Reach until they turned 21?"

    Since when did everyone suddenly decide to go on truancy watch?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:20 No.18930139
    >Since when did everyone suddenly decide to go on truancy watch?
    Everybody cares Thul.

    "Well, I didn't exactly leave under normal conditions.." Then tell him our story? I'm okay with that, not sure what others will think.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:20 No.18930142
    tell him about what happened to your tribe

    break away when appropriate and ask cu and siobah about having the mage join the group
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:28 No.18930217
    I am a rebel
    an anarchist if you will
    i care not for petty rules.
    i only like to party and more party
    And i would actually like make some money with alchemy
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)01:28 No.18930220

    Cu and Siobhan don't see to be in a state to discuss adding another member to the party right now. Infact, she seems intent only on drinking more. You hear a slurred, 'so what I'm dressed like a commoner I can like a...', then her voice was made incomprehensible, her normally lilting, alluring accent turning into a mesh of lazy consonants and vowels that all turned into the same sound. Now Eames had noticed and decided to try help Cu, too.

    You turn back to Guin and tell him your story.

    "Green fire?" He perks up, despite the sorry tale. "I feel for your loss, Thol. You know... green fire is the mark of the Rakshasa. No-one but them uses it. Part of their Pact."
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:29 No.18930227
    "No, I did not know about that.
    Can you tell me more about them?"

    Who are Rakshasa? Do we know about them?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:30 No.18930243
    I heard there was going to be Rakshasa in a fighting tournament
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:32 No.18930269

    that drunk
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)01:34 No.18930281

    You haven't heard the term yet.

    "The Rakshasa are the practitioners of an old art known as 'Maya'. Today, much more commonly known as Maleficium. It was a school of magic created by Asura, 500 years ago. The Rakshasa were his servant, right up until his disappearance. They have appeared from time to time across history, but never with their master. But... well, this isn't the first time I've heard of them appearing recently. In fact, rumors of Rakshasa appearing are spreading quick. And not just here."

    Asura is a name you have heard before. Estrus, Elder of the Netheros Nomads, said that it was Asura who caused the demise of your clan. That he was seeking you.
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)01:36 No.18930294

    You, sir, have a very keen memory.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:36 No.18930297
    Actually we heard it at third thread

    As he rows the boat hastily towards the tavern, Eames gives a chuckle. A look of disbelief is given up through his glasses.

    "I doubt that, Mr. Thol. I think you flirt with danger without knowing it. I'd best get the Wolf Summoning spell down, hm? Not that I think I'll be able to bloody focus with all this pointless tournament trivia in my head. Did you know that this is the first tournament to have a Rakshasa fighting in it? Bloody wonderful, this useless information."

    We just ignored it
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:36 No.18930305
    "Hmm, that is worrisome.
    Say, have you heard the term blackseer and balanceseeker? (I'm not getting the terms wrong am I?)
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:37 No.18930313

    You can't toy with me silly Priest.
    I'm onto you
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)01:46 No.18930391

    You mention the Balanceseeker and Blackseeker. Guin raises a brow and shakes his head, taking another sip from his tankard.

    "Can't say I have. Say, Thol... it seems like you're not on your average cruise across the Five Kingdoms. Would it be terribly rude of me as to inquire into the nature of your journey? Do you intend to find these Rakshasa?"

    Meanwhile, Cu and Eames attempt to wrestle Siobhan's third tankard away. Attempt being the key word as she somehow seems entirely able to fend them off whilst calling them 'foul knaves' and even asking your assistance.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:48 No.18930417
    For now i'm just searching for answers Mr. Guin.

    Also calmly try asking Siobhan to give me her Tankard
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:48 No.18930419
    tell him you found a clue pointing to that h place we're heading to that leads to whoever took out your tribe.

    also ask the bartender or waitress for a straw and suck out all the booze from siobahs mug and tell the bartender to cut her off
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:49 No.18930423
    "Maybe. I don't even know. I'm trying to find answers to what exactly happened to my tribe. Maybe Rakshasa have them, maybe not.
    I'm following the only lead I have for now."
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)01:54 No.18930467
    You want to tell him about Homme? y/n?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:56 No.18930490
    If he asks, yes.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)01:56 No.18930494
    hmm, i guess this might turn out badly, just give him a vague direction like north or something
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)02:00 No.18930526

    You tell him the details of your journey. You leave out mention of the Ram, because you don't want him to think you insane, and you leave out mention of Siobhan being the Green Maiden because it's not particularly important.

    "I see... Homme, hm?" He scratches his chin. "I suppose that's one place to start." He gives a non-committal shrug, not seeming too convinced by your plans.

    You finally decide to help the other two against the fearsome redhead, asking firstly, the barkeep to cut her off, which he assures you he has, and he has no idea where she got the fourth tankard from. You siphon the rest away as Eames and Cu stop her from drinking it. When it's all gone, she slumps on her stool, becoming dead weight.

    Cu, breathing heavily, hoists her motionless body over his shoulder.

    "And if you gentlemen will excuse me, it is now Siobhan's bedtime."

    He trudges upstairs as Eames turns back to you.

    "Perhaps we should also concoct a little vial of Sleeping Butterfly Wine for the next time this occurs, hm?"
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)02:02 No.18930541
    "Admit it. It was hilarious sight"
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)02:07 No.18930585

    "She's ferocious..." Eames shivered, seeking the comfort inside his own tankard. Meanwhile, Guin chuckles after finishing his own.

    "Giving a Thulstran a drink is like giving a shark blood. It's instinctual."
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)02:11 No.18930618
    oh shit

    ask how he knows

    and ask when we can find him, assuming the princess lets him join so we can ask him to join
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)02:12 No.18930628
    Laugh. We don't exactly understand but we still find it funny.

    "So, Mr Silver, what are you planning to do from now on? Keep dueling in the arena?"

    >and with that, I'm gone!
    >Thanks for the quest, but I really need to sleep now.... the sun is already up
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)02:12 No.18930635
    "Watching Cu struggle was pretty funny, it's not everyday that she gets to relax a little. Also, how much spare money do we have left?"
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)02:13 No.18930642

    "The accent and the red hair. The girl's clearly from Thulstry."

    Then, when you ask how you might be able to find him, he gives you another curious glance.

    "Funnily enough, I was going to suggest we meet down here, tomorrow at noon. I'm guessing you aren't staying for more than one night, and I thought I could make use of some of my sources, see if there are any definite leads on Rakshasa. Because, honestly, I would think Homme is one of the few places in the world they wouldn't be."
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)02:17 No.18930675

    Actually, I'm in the same boat. I'm going to end it here, for now. Thanks for playing, y'all, and for sticking with me through the thread shenanigans. My eyes have been pretty heavy for a while now, but I've been having fun with it, so fuck sleep, it don't tell me what to do.

    Anyway, a quest will be starting either tomorrow or the day after, so keep your eyes peeled and check the Archive if you happen to miss a thread. For now, however, you agree to meet with Guin the next noon before you and Eames head up to bed. After all, you still have quite a ways to Homme so you need to be well rested. For as you know, life isn't easy when it's one big...

    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)02:18 No.18930677
    Hey priest. Never actually caught one of these but I've been reading since the start. Just a quick question. What would butterfly have been? It's been bugging me since the start.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)02:20 No.18930704
    can't wait, see ya next quest.

    i hope siobah or cu aren't against him joining us
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)02:21 No.18930707
    Alright, see you then.
    When is the next episode? And don;t forget to archive
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)02:23 No.18930724

    I might say if you ever meet someone from the 'Butterfly' part of the world. But it's pretty/massively different from all the other weapons in the game. Infact, the Butterfly people are kind of an anomaly in general. I don't want to give away what makes them different because there's every chance the player might meet them yet.
    >> Priest of the 24 !!Bj+uCsh7Spg 05/01/12(Tue)02:26 No.18930757

    Tomorrow or the day after. I'm not entirely sure which night I'm working yet, but I'm sure I'll have one of them off. It'll be around the same time if not an hour or two earlier.

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