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!DowN/N3yMY 05/01/12(Tue)08:42 No.18933054 File: 1335876145.jpg-(20 KB, 300x300, PerrineResized_5435.jpg)
 "But I hadn't even met you two months ago!" you tell her, utterly confused. "Two months ago, the night of that victory party for that fight against the alium hold-outs.. I.. I saw you with the twins." she answers. "But that was less than a month ago!" you protest. Mio cuts in, "It was two months ago dear wife. Atleast, from our point of view." Perrinne continues her tale, "That night, I saw you with the twin's in Ursula's lab.... I ran after I saw what was happening... And then... I bumped into you behind the castle."
Things begin to click in your head. Stuff begins to add-up. Her story of meeting you in your temporal bowler, the weird time difference, her shyness... "And that's when I.. We..." you can only say, unsure on how to feel about this. "No. Please, don't feel bad about this. I wanted this... Actually.. I... I kinda forced you into it." She tells you.
Erica stands up, brings her hand back and slaps you. The sound of palm meeting cheek echoes down the beach. She runs away towards the stairs up to the house without another look.
WAT DO OH MASTER BUTLERS? [ ]follow her *add a roll* [ ]give her some time. |