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05/01/12(Tue)19:32 No.18939452 File: 1335915135.png-(87 KB, 800x600, Twinhorn.png)
 rolled 9, 4, 7, 4, 8, 2, 7, 4, 6, 5 = 56
>>18939238 You only remember what Eri told you before, about the circuitry being easily jarred.
You reach for the power cord. As you thought, it's come loose. You deactivated the Stealth.Shld. as soon as your HUB gave you a warning, so the unstable power supply didn't damage the other systems. Carefully pushing the connecter in, there's a slight jolt of power as its secured into the port, but you moved your hand away in time. The component box beeps, and you know that the system is back online. It still may give out on you if you continue using it, but this will have to do for now. You start making your way down.
>Meanwhile "KH!" Vince grunted through grit teeth. Even though he focused on evading, he'd taken 6 hits, 3 doing considerable damage. Those blasted Heldigunners and Malders were making things dicey. He was considering pulling out for now, when he eyed the lead zoid. "If I could take that one out..."
Opening his remaining Chase Missile pods, he launched all the remaining ordinance at the Twinhorn. Just when he thought they would hit their mark, though, the red Zoid raised its trunk, spewing forth a spray of fire that detonated the missile short of their target. Vince cursed at his failure. |