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!DowN/N3yMY 05/03/12(Thu)22:41 No.18969643 File: 1336099295.jpg-(60 KB, 496x402, Three-Musketeers.jpg)
 "Sire," resumed Treville, "as I told you, Monsieur d'Artagnan is little more than a boy; and as he has not the honor of being a Musketeer, he was dressed as a citizen. The Guards of the cardinal, perceiving his youth and that he did not belong to the corps, invited him to retire before they attacked." "So you may plainly see, Treville," interrupted the king, "it was they who attacked?" "That is true, sire; there can be no more doubt on that head. They called upon him then to retire; but he answered that he was a Musketeer at heart, entirely devoted to your Majesty, and that therefore he would remain with Messieurs the Musketeers." "Brave young man!" murmured the king. "Well, he did remain with them; and your Majesty has in him so firm a champion that it was he who gave Jussac the terrible sword thrust which has made the cardinal so angry." "He who wounded Jussac!" cried the king, "he, a boy! Treville, that's impossible!" "It is as I have the honor to relate it to your Majesty." "Jussac, one of the first swordsmen in the kingdom?" "Well, sire, for once he found his master." "I will see this young man, Treville--I will see him; and if anything can be done--well, we will make it our business." "When will your Majesty deign to receive him?" "Tomorrow, at midday, Treville." "Shall I bring him alone?" "No, bring me all four together. I wish to thank them all at once. Devoted men are so rare, Treville, by the back staircase. It is useless to let the cardinal know." "Yes, sire." |