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!kyfms5tN66 05/06/12(Sun)04:28 No.18997205 File: 1336292917.jpg-(126 KB, 284x423, frat_boy.jpg)
Deciding that right now clever infiltration was no longer an asset on Riese and Granger, Bend and Dervish switched places, with Bend following Riese's thugs, and Dervish and Wildcard tailing the wayward couple.
Wildcard and Dervish made the frat party shortly after Granger and Riese, only to find themselves accosted by two figures. One was Geppetto, who had somewhere along the line lost his suit and donned a sideways baseball cap, a "Not tonight ladies/I'm here to get drunk" novelty t-shirt, a pair of off-green chonglers, and mismatched flip-flops. The other was the gentleman whom he was currently sharing a Camelbak with, a collar-popped cap-wearing orc frat boy with a pierced ear, expensive shades, and a porno trid apparently running on said shades [Shadowrun Storytime 1].
"Yo yo yo, mah boi Satan here says you be doins some Shadow-runsing up in this bitch! Well the only runnin' I'ma be doin' is after I get me some puss-say, knawmsayin?"
Jackson turned to Dervish.
"Do I know you from somewhere, Brosemite Sam?"
Dervish's eyebrows narrowed over his mirrorshades.
"Was that supposed to be a play on 'street samurai?' "
"Naw, Brosetta Stone, I just be keepin it real. This shit's energy drink and vodka, yo, I be gettin' mad unrecognizin' of everyone and shit."
"No, Terrence. I don't think you know me."
"Coo, yo. Feel free to drink and partay, yo, it's all on my new best friend here's bill. Just one thing, since I'ma be not up to recognizing NOBODY soon, yo. Ya feel me, sammy?"
"What is it?"
Jackson handed Dervish a credstick with fifty nuyen on it.
"You a runner, right? You be seeing that nerd fool Simon Berckiwitz, you rough his ass up MAD crazy, knawmsayin?" |