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!!UjNzln6KLxU 05/07/12(Mon)00:16 No.19007502 File: 1336364197.jpg-(481 KB, 1029x1029, 1335398262600.jpg)
 You straighten up. “Sure. Let’s do that.” Together, you and Hisao head over to your mural, having finished your impromptu brunch. Reaching it, you find a series of people splayed about on the ground around your mural, babbling incoherently, drooling on the pavement, their frail minds crushed upon intaking your depiction of the eldritch nightmare. You shrug and flop against the wall. Hisao follows suit. Together, you look at your finished work – a colored relief depicting a hellish scene of demons, monsters, and blasphemies from beyond the veil of reality… In response, that strange evil book materializes before your eyes. No. You clench them shut and shake your head vigorously. Not now… Not with Hisao… “Rin?” His voice calls you back. As if waking from a dream, you open your eyes to a clear view of Hisao’s face. For a few seconds, you stare into his eyes, wanting to say something... But not knowing what to say. Silence. Then, suddenly, Hisao groans. “Incoming.” He gestures over your shoulder. You turn and make out Nomiya, stomping over to you both. “Well, I’m sorry Tezuka.” He tells you, his face twisted in annoyance. “I forgive you.” You toss back, not really caring what he has to say. “Um… what happened?” Hisao asks. You don’t know either, but you doubt it’s that important. He dramatically places a hand on his forehead. “I was going to pick up some fellow artists so they could sample Tezuka’s divine work. But just this morning, I went out to the faculty parking lot and found that someone wrecked my car.” |