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05/07/12(Mon)14:10 No.19012837 File: 1336414210.gif-(1.07 MB, 400x540, 1279356472689.gif)
 Ivans first storm krak took out the first warrior, what with 2RFs on one of said grenades. Mir semi-auto’d his hellgun at another, hitting with both shots, both of which RF’d. This also melted apart another warrior. The Necrons fired back ineffectually. Now, even with the nerfs, they were still pretty scary on paper. Sure, -10BS, but that still left them at 70BS. 1d10-3 crit is still crippling if you are being hit by massed shots. In practice, they were as shit as ever. Gunner fluffed his Melta was pump-action (To aid in merchandising a melta themed supersoaker) as he took out another warrior, and the Immortal was taken out by the next krak barrage. Basically all the bodies hit the floor in short order, and only one or two of them showed any interest in getting back up.
Finishing those, we looked back to see the screen, being necron tech after all, had repaired itself. The Lord was back on there, watching us. The entire floor collapsed beneath us, and we were caught in some kind of suspension field. Before us, we could see the lord himself, and his personal guard of flayed ones. “Ah, nice of you to drop in.” (The GM started weeping after this as he realised how low he had fallen). Stern, because Emperor, fired his boltgun at the lord, but a shield deflected the round. “First, I captured the girl, but now I have the greatest prisoners of all: Yourselves!” Dwayne looked around for the source of the field. His first necron tech use test rolled 59, a failure. Fate to reroll had the tens die rolling all the way across the table before coming to a stop at the edge: 09. A hail of bullets took out the glowing pillar and we dropped safely to the ground. |