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War Train Specs
!2RRlyIA6Zs 05/08/12(Tue)16:55 No.19027142 File: 1336510504.jpg-(12 KB, 480x360, rockyou.jpg)
 -WAR TRAIN STATS: F40PH Engine [Sold to prior regime leader when a business in States went under. Yes. I had to use an F40PH...] -80-130mm Armor, makeshift, pulled from scrapped vehicles. -A 10 foot armored "cow catcher"
1 Artillery Combat Car -2x 120mm Mortars -1x Dual UB-32 w/ S-5 Rocket Launcher (Libyan Rebel Technicals for ground-use reference. Intended for Hinds, Fishbeds, etc.)
8 Combat Cars -30mm to 80mm makeshift armor. -2x ZU-23-2 (Front, Back) -1x 73 mm 2A28 Grom Cannon w/ Turret (BMP-1)
12 APC Cars (Firing Slats for infantry to use.) w/ 40mm makeshift armor.
4 Armored Vehicle Transport Cars (Capable of holding 2 BMPs a piece, with free-turret use these are combat capable.)
As there are no tunnels, theoretically "platforms" could be added to the engine as well for RPK LMG gunners, or even RPG positions.
If we take another engine from our now useless civilian rail line (as we only have one city) - perhaps more could be added. The creator, Doctor Leonid Davoi, wishes permission to access more rocket UB-32 pods to mount on the front of the vehicle, in a set-arch. Or a forward firing cannon. He says if the left-side of the cabin is cut, a tank cannon could be added.
One of your advisers says the train is on budget, but the commanding staff think of this as over-kill as it is....though it is a rather impressive weapon. |