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  • File: 1336520192.jpg-(38 KB, 640x397, shipleavingwarp.jpg)
    38 KB Privateer Quest 19 MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)19:36 No.19029516  
    Like a leaf upon the solar winds, Privateer Quest finally arrives!
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)19:39 No.19029555
    You are Elesh Phryx, rogue techpriest and captain of the Sword class frigate 'Sword of the Omnissiah'. Having send the group of freed eldar on their way in exchange for the services of 'Bob', you set out to explore an ancient system found upon an ancient star map. Exploration of the system revealed a lone planet orbiting a blue star, with spheres of nebula-like debris orbiting at several intervals. Above the lonely planet orbits a long-dead light cruiser, presumably hulked during some battle lost to time and memory. Unfortunately, you have a cargo to intercept within the wider Corgus Sector, and must rendezvous with Advi and your factory ship 'Heavenly Forge' back in the Serentus system.

    The orbital docks of Serentus IV are much the same as you left them, aside from several gaggles of younger sororitas crowding about to view something on dataslates. They seem quite excited about something, though you are quite busy overseeing the transfer of supplies onto 'Sword'.

    >You know, I really should see about gathering some allies for this mission...
    >Pirate Contacts: Magos Banks, Captain Wilson, Magos Taylor
    >Screw Magos Grumman's mission, I'm not in the mood!
    >Mission Details: Intercept AdMech transport and capture the ship drives she carries for Magos Grumman. No AdMech crew are to survive. Destroy all ships.
    >Expected escort: Squadron of Frigates (no further information)
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)19:40 No.19029570
    Previous Thread:

    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)19:44 No.19029642
    >Privateer Quest is back!
    Fuck yes. I thought this quest had died and was very much sad_frog.jpg

    Might as well wander over and see what the sororitas are looking at. Even if it is probably just silly porn. Especially if it's silly porn.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)19:44 No.19029652
    We need to know what's on those slates. For the Omnissiah!

    And see if we can get a message to Quein that we simply misinterpreted his intent when he told us about the offer that was made to him.

    We'll definitely need support if we're up against a squadron of frigates, and the pirates are all we have. Establish contact asap.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)19:45 No.19029680
    >I really should see about gathering some allies for this mission...
    Yeah, how about this.

    Considering we're just one frigate versus an entire squadron, we're going to need to find some other pirates and assorted cutthroats to join our little raid.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)19:51 No.19029784
    Because you only live once.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)19:56 No.19029880
    Speaking of Quein, we ought to see if he'd be interested in joining our mission. He'd have the chance to make his name by being part of a lucrative raid so early in his command, and we'd have an ally we could count on not to turn on us as soon as it came time to divide the loot.

    Well, assuming he's still working on the wrong side of law, that is.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)20:03 No.19030030
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    You wander over to the nearest group of excited sororitas, extending a mechadendrite over the crowd to view the dataslate. A holographic dances upon the leveled slate, showing a crowded trading dock. Two groups make their way thru the crowd, and you're fairly certain you recognize a certain scared man in the lead group. Soon one of the lead group's members lags behind, until the pursuing group reaches the figure. The next few moments are a blur as the crowd scatters in panic and the signature gore-spraying detonations of a bolt weapon erupt within the second group. A momentary flash of sororitas emblems is revealed as the gunwoman reveals her ornate carapace chestpiece, advancing upon the last of her pursuers as he attempts to scramble away upon his back. The figure's begging ceases as his brain matter is scattered over the decking by the Emperor's mercy. "She's so coooooooool~~~!!!" scream the women surrounding you.

    As you return to your duties, you try to place the familiar man and sororita from the hologram.

    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)20:04 No.19030050

    unfortunately, you're unable to contact Quein, as you lack knowledge of just where he is and who his astropath may be.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:05 No.19030060
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    >mfw this quest is back
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:05 No.19030064
    Perhaps the "grief counselor"?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:06 No.19030085
    Well, somebody has to know where he went. Since Athe is probably much better with these investigations as they require at least a minimum of social graces, have her do it.


    Contact our potential support for the mission.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:08 No.19030106
    In the grim darkness of the future, YouTube is nothing but gore videos.

    Let's go looking for some back up for the raid.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)20:11 No.19030173
    Who will you contact first?
    >Magos Banks (Tortuga)
    >Captain Wilson (Unknown Location)
    >Magos Taylor (Unknown Location)

    It strikes your cogitators suddenly: The grief counselor! What was her name... Serra?

    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:13 No.19030217
    >Captain Wilson
    We could use another Captains help.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:13 No.19030227
    Magos Banks. That way we can ask about the profits from that frighter we still had some stock in as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:14 No.19030252
    Well, being in Tortuga, Magos Banks would probably be our best bet for finding a pirate squadron to attack with. But since our target is an AdMech ship, and we've been instructed to kill everyone on board, do we think Banks is sufficiently heretical to be cool with that?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)20:15 No.19030257
    Nice to see this back!
    We need some allies for this and we need something to pay them with.
    I would rather not accumulate any more debts than we have to.

    We also need them to be quiet about this whole thing or we will have a bunch of pissed off AdMech coming after us.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:18 No.19030329
    >We need some allies for this and we need something to pay them with.

    The only thing we need are the ship drives they are transporting. Give the lion's share of the rest to our allies and that should be enough to pay them.

    >I would rather not accumulate any more debts than we have to.
    We could probably even renegotiate the promethium deal because Elesh lost her arm on a party they were hosting. And the host has to make sure of his guests security, I'd say.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)20:22 No.19030414
    You soon have your head astropath in direct contact with Magos Banks' own astropath.

    "Elesh! It has been a while, my pupil. I have taken the liberty of paying your monthly rates to the astropath and navigator dynasties that provide teams for your ship. You have accumulated eleven wealth, after such deductions. It is secured and waiting for your arrival upon Bellius Airus. Does the Omnissiah still bless your journey?"
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:26 No.19030511
    "Of course. Although the Omnissiah found the speed at which I replaced my flesh with the blessed machine a bit too slow. And therefore decided to give me a small incentive to get started on replacing my extremeties."

    "I hope your businesses are still as efficient as ever."
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)20:27 No.19030521
    And the money just rolls right in.

    "Yes, he certainly does, even if we did run into some trouble on the way. I am contacting you not only to check in, but also because I have a job lined that that I can't do on my own."
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:28 No.19030547
    >Does the Omnissiah still bless your journey?"
    Indeed he does. As it would happen, the Omnissiah has seen fit to deliver unto me the opportunity for great profit at the expense of some of our less loyal brethren.

    In recognition of the help you have given me in the past, I come to you first to offer the chance to join me in this venture.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)20:38 No.19030727
    "I had heard of your wounds, child. The Omnissiah works his will in mysterious ways. You shall have to bring a sample of your work when you return."

    You provide Magos Banks with the basic details of your mission, using Tortuga's favored code words. "I'm afraid that I can not lend much in the way of support, Elesh. Most of my assets are out on jobs, though I've been made aware that Magos Taylor and Captain Wilson are in Tortuga and looking for information. I do have two new captains that are in need of proving their skills, and such a target would prove fitting for them. Twenty percent of any recovered wealth, and first choice of up to ten small cargoes, and they shall aid you."
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:40 No.19030766
    I dont know about first choice but ten small cargoes are definately worth it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:41 No.19030769
    Sounds okay. But it really depends on what kind of ships these two can provide.

    Small cargo doesn't include the drives, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:41 No.19030780
    Ask if he has any information about Quein's new command.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)20:44 No.19030816

    The mission objective counts as Elesh's 'first choice' of loot, by the understandings of Tortuga.

    And a ship component (drives, in this case) is ALWAYS a HUGE component, requiring a Main Cargo Hold to be carried. (Huge components take up 1/2 of a MCH's volume, allowing 2 to be carried in 1 MCH)
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:47 No.19030878
    Ah, ok then. First choice of 10 small cargo it is.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)20:48 No.19030890

    "I have yet to be contacted by voidsm- Captain Quein, Elesh. I have heard a rumor that he may have been picked up by the Labado merchant families, though."
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:52 No.19030962
    I agree. Even if he only provides 2 raiders, this is probably fair.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:52 No.19030970
    "Nevertheless. My sincerest gratitude for that information."
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)20:55 No.19031034
    I'm ok with this deal.
    We will have to come in with the factory ship and put the drives in because we don't have a big enough cargo hold on the sword, right?

    We should also suggest that they come in equipped for boarding actions, I am very much in favour of taking over one or more of those ships if at all convinient.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)20:56 No.19031039
    In that case, their requirements sound perfectly reasonable to me.

    I say we accept their assistance.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)20:56 No.19031052

    "The two raiders shall meet you in the Labado system, Elesh. Do not fret, should they be destroyed. The captains are responsible for such damages to their ships."

    >Captain Wilson next?
    >Magos Taylor next?
    >> Technographer Decim 05/08/12(Tue)20:58 No.19031089

    looks like we'll have to get our new ship in to carry the ships drives.... unless we can aquire the transport that our enemy has graciously loaded them upon for us.....

    but Magos Banks offer is a fair one. we shall accept this offer, with a squadron of frigates, i assume that there will be pleanty of small cargo available for going around...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:00 No.19031126
    rolled 2 = 2

    Did the sororitas replenish our forces of armsmen?

    Don't really care who we contact first.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)21:00 No.19031129
    Wilson next
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:00 No.19031131
    >Captain Wilson!!
    >> Technographer Decim 05/08/12(Tue)21:01 No.19031147

    we should contact magos taylor... after all, we seen some ground combat with him... rather recently...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:02 No.19031166
    Let's see about Captain Wilson.

    Also, we outfitted our factory ship with weapons, right? Because a huge ship full of thousands of crew members who we didn't have to pay for could be awesome for boarding.
    >> Cegorach 05/08/12(Tue)21:04 No.19031186
    Assuming it gets that close, yes. Given it's a factory ship...
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)21:10 No.19031286
    Captain Wilson seems to have been waiting near his astropath as yours makes contact. Banks' doing, most likely.

    "I heard you had a mission, Elesh. Taylor and I have already talked it over... I'm in for a twenty percent cut of wealth and rights to claim a ship if we can take one in decent condition. Taylor wants a ten percent cut of wealth, claim rights on his choice of a ship if possible, and prime choice of any servitor bits we capture. On the plus side, we'll bring any armsmen you need from Tortuga. We'll even waive the transport fee."
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:12 No.19031312
    >Claims rights

    How would that work? Would every captain get 1/3 of the claims and we'd have to work out a compromise?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)21:14 No.19031347
    "Whole ships. We're both in a bad position with the Addies already, so let them try and find us to take their ships back."
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)21:15 No.19031366
    So, if we take two ships, they take both, if we take five, they take both, we get three.
    Just speaking theoretically.

    Try to haggle the price down and accept the deal.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:16 No.19031372
    I'm okay with letting them have claim to any ships captured during the raid.

    It seems a fair trade for replacement armsmen, and we've got that derelict light cruiser waiting for us to salvage, after all.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:16 No.19031378
    In that case, an appropriate reduction to the wealth they would receive, if they decide to take a ship.

    And we get to veto select servitor bits for our own use.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)21:17 No.19031398

    technically, you're not supposed to take -any- ships. you're to destroy them.

    then again, two pirates with no illusions of legitimacy and a bone to pick with the AdMech taking the ships?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)21:19 No.19031419

    please specify your "lowered" percents and changes to their terms.

    this is -not- a roll-for-negotiations section.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)21:19 No.19031428
    Oh, we're supposed to completely destroy them. I thought we just needed to kill everyone aboard.

    Yeah, sure, I'm still ok with that deal, but try to haggle down their cut of the wealth.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)21:20 No.19031449
    fifteen percent and eight percent
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:22 No.19031476
    The fraction of the total wealth they get is reduced by 5% for every ship they take.

    If they do something highly critical for the sucess of the mission during the fight, they get the full amount, regardless of taking a ship or not.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:22 No.19031477
    I doubt we could convince them to take a lower cut of the wealth, since their already asking for the same cut as the novice captains and it seems unlikely they'd work for cheaper even with the possibility of salvage rights.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)21:24 No.19031507

    "I'll accept fifteen percent and claim rights, but Taylor wants twenty-five percent wealth if you're going to have veto power on servitor bits."
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:26 No.19031533
    Would he be willing to grant us the right to veto 10 persons from being processed for bits without raising the price?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:27 No.19031542
    How would Taylor feel about an equitable distribution of servitor bits, with neither of us having priority over the other? Sort of a "he picks one, we pick one" sort of arrangement?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)21:28 No.19031547
    How about Taylor gets fifteen and we split the servitor parts?
    He gets first pick and takes half, we get the rest.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)21:30 No.19031581
    "I'll agree to an even split of servitor bits, but my cut stays at ten percent. I have to replenish my combat servitors somehow."
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:31 No.19031609
    He's got a deal, I'd say.
    >> Cegorach 05/08/12(Tue)21:32 No.19031616
    So, wait, which of them gets priority if we only take one ship?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:32 No.19031621
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)21:32 No.19031632
    I'm ok with that deal.

    So, we have a total of five combat capable ships and a factory ship right now?

    That should be enough.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:34 No.19031659
    I wouldn't even have an idea where we could find other semi-reliable allies anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:38 No.19031727
    It will have to do. If we divided up the loot any more that we already have, we wouldn't have anything left to cover the costs of repairs if our ship is damaged.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)21:41 No.19031763
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    "We shall see you in Labado, Elesh."

    >anything else to do, or head to Labado and gather your raiding force?

    >ideal ambush location for the target is in system 'The Corridor'. The system consists of the gravity well of a dead star and a bit of scattered debris.
    >> I Named Myself 05/08/12(Tue)21:42 No.19031784
    >WOO haven't been in a Privateer quest in a while!
    I think it would be the best deal we can really get out of him, don't want to push it any farther.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:43 No.19031798
    There was that one canoness who knew Athe and seemed to like her quite a lot. Could we contact her and ask if she'd be willing to lend us 2 sororitas style armours for Athe and Julin for this mission?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)21:44 No.19031812
    head for Labado, work on the locked box and perform a systems check on the way there.
    And speak to our officers.
    >> Technographer Decim 05/08/12(Tue)21:46 No.19031837
    We should make something for magos Taylor... as a token of appreciation, and thanks.

    Also,we should go and set up our ambush and do a practice or two...
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)21:46 No.19031856
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    >SOBs lending armor
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:47 No.19031861
    I'd say we head out and prepare for the ambush.

    Question about the factory ship: Considering its size, could it be mistaken for a cruiser at long range?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:48 No.19031885
    I hadn't expected them to give out provide counselors either, but here we are.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)21:48 No.19031893

    only by the most basic of augers, at extreme range

    1D100 for lockbox
    1D100 for HIDDEN
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:49 No.19031907
    rolled 7 = 7

    First d100.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)21:50 No.19031912
    rolled 40 = 40

    rolling for METAL BAWKS
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:53 No.19031979
    Fuck yes. That box has stayed closed for too long.

    I just hope it has something nice inside, rather than being the containment device for some eldritch horror.
    >> I Named Myself 05/08/12(Tue)21:54 No.19032005
    rolled 31 = 31

    Second Roll
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)21:54 No.19032008
    Probably archaeo tech dragon dildos.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)21:59 No.19032070
    I never did figure out what people found so funny about dragon dildoes.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)21:59 No.19032076
    'Sword of the Omnissiah' and 'Heavenly Forge' depart the Serentus system in twin flashes of light, each ship's spirit sensing blood in the future. You spend the two days of warp travel to Labado hunched over the luxurous lockbox that still resists your advances, finding your previous mapping attempts of its lock quite helpful. To your dismay, the container has one final hurdle for you to overcome before you may enjoy its contents. 'What is your Quest?'

    The Labado system bustles with ships as all types of captains seek to profit from the skyrocketing demand for goods during Aquari's reconstruction. As you pass thru the system, 'Domum Emendationem' and 'Enshrouded Sire' slowly draw beside your ship and begin shuttling armsmen to your barracks. A Claymore-class Corvette, a lighter version of your own Sword-class, draws suspiciously close to your ship in the void. A focused communication spills into your mind via your MIU: "I told you the deal was good. Have your astropath contact mine."

    >> I Named Myself 05/08/12(Tue)22:03 No.19032141
    Have the Astropath open up communication with the corvette.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)22:04 No.19032153
    >for clarification, the lockbox's final lock is querying you: 'What is your Quest?'
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:05 No.19032160
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    Do we, in fact, seek the Grail?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:06 No.19032184
    Privateer Quest, duh. Says so in the subject field of the first post.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:06 No.19032191
    Huh. My first instinct is to be honest and say "Riches". But I feel this deserves a group consensus.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)22:07 No.19032200
    >'What is your Quest?'
    I have no idea as to what the correct answer here is, can we get past this?
    Keep in mind that we are not in a hurry to open this, we can take our time.

    And, open the astropath connection
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)22:08 No.19032221
    "Captain Quein here. It is good to see you again, Captain Phryx."
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:11 No.19032271
    "She's a beauty. I understand why you left me for her."
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:11 No.19032281
    "Excellent to hear you are doing well Quein. Your good fortune makes my processor positively whirl. (slight sarcastic humor, tempered with honest happiness for him) What are you doing here though?"
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 05/08/12(Tue)22:12 No.19032299
    It is good to speak to you again, captain Quin, how has captaincy been favouring you?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:13 No.19032304
    Hello again. What brings you to these parts, Captain?
    >> Cegorach 05/08/12(Tue)22:15 No.19032335
    Soooo... Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus (Meme Virus)), Scholastic Lore (Legend), Scholasitc Lore (Occult) or Speak Language (Explorator Binary)?
    >> Technographer Decim 05/08/12(Tue)22:16 No.19032343

    ahhh. here for the comming party are you? we are expecting a variaty of entree's followed by a beautiful prize game. also, how fares you, your ship and your crew Captain Quien?
    >> Technographer Decim 05/08/12(Tue)22:18 No.19032375

    by any chance would we be able to find out anything about the lockbox's previous owner?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)22:20 No.19032421
    "Thank you, Captain. Had some trouble with a raider wolfpack in Xapsieh, but they came in piecemeal and our guns ate them with minimal damage to the convoy. Caused a bit of trouble and picked up a character or two, nothing I didn't learn from you. The merchant families sponsored me for a -minor- warrant of trade, so I'm able to make an honest profit when it suits me. It looks like you're gathering for a party."

    > Quein can now be contacted via astropath at any time!
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)22:21 No.19032443

    the previous owner was likely eaten by a Gru- Genestealer.
    >> Technographer Decim 05/08/12(Tue)22:27 No.19032535

    well, looks like our voidsman leaving us still has a plus side. we should offer him an opertunity to join our little surprise party...

    also, our job said 'no surivors', not 'no remaing ships'... looting of vessels are clearely a secondary goal... we should take the prize ourselves, as the drives are our primary targets... after that, we can inform the remaing escort ships that they also belong to us and our party guests...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:30 No.19032606
    "Quite a party it will by, my friend. You're welcome to join in the festivities, of course, though I suspect your sponsors might not look kindly on this particular flavor of revelry. Either way, it's good seeing you again, and Omnissiah's blessing be upon you."

    Somehow, I feel like "Our quest is to avoid a horrible death in space" might be too general to unlock the box. Before we try anything, I'd suggest we try to determine if this last lock mechanism is connected to any sort of booby-trap that could be set off by a wrong answer.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)22:35 No.19032695
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    >also, our job said 'no surivors', not 'no remaing ships'

    >Mission Details: Intercept AdMech transport and capture the ship drives she carries for Magos Grumman. No AdMech crew are to survive. Destroy all ships.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)22:37 No.19032725

    "You're the one with only one identity. What are you offering for a cut?"
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:38 No.19032744
    Um.... why doesn't he want us to even try to capture their ships? I mean, doesn't he and the SoB have a distinct lack of ships compared the the AdMech? Why wouldn't they want them? Only reason I can think of is because then the admech will KNOW it was them, and might make an overt attack against Grumman and the SoBs.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)22:40 No.19032785

    because AdMech ships are generally quite easy to tell apart from other faction's ships.

    and if you have those missing AdMech ships? And happen to bring them to a system with AdMech spies?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:42 No.19032809
    Ah, alright. Fair nuff.Just making sure. Set weapons from stun.... to kill.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:42 No.19032819
    The way I see it, since Taylor and Wilson have dibs on captures, it doesn't particularly matter if we capture anything. Might as well not waste the lives of our new armsmen.

    If they capture any of the escorts on their own, that's their prerogative, but I say we do our part of the mission as cleanly as we can.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:43 No.19032825
    If I counted correctly, we've promised 55% of the total wealth we'll acquire on that mission to the other captains, if they should all surivive, of course.

    So, 15% of any recovered wealth?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)22:45 No.19032869
    in theory, you'd be best off boarding the target transport, so that you don't mistakenly damage or destroy the cargo it carries.
    >> I Named Myself 05/08/12(Tue)22:46 No.19032883
    Go with 10% first, then we work up if need be.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:46 No.19032895
    Well yeah, I see that we'll need to board the transport. I meant that there's no need to board any of the escorts.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)22:47 No.19032898
    Good thing we have a good core of armsmen.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)22:58 No.19033090
    Quein quickly agrees to a twelve percent cut, maneuvering his ship into your formation. "I don't have any armsmen, but I'm still able to dish out the pain with macrocannons."

    Eventually the two small raiders from Magos Banks arrive, joining your force as you take on the last of your six thousand new armsmen from Captain Wilson's ship. "If we don't hurry, we might miss the mark, Elesh."

    >+6,000 armsmen GREEN
    >Jump to battle?
    >leave the stove on?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:00 No.19033122
    Let's jump!
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:01 No.19033146
    To battle!
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:02 No.19033166
    Leave the stove on? haha
    >> Technographer Decim 05/08/12(Tue)23:03 No.19033172
    To battle!!!
    ...and looting, we mustn't forget the looting...
    >> I Named Myself 05/08/12(Tue)23:03 No.19033184
    Time to move in to battle.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)23:24 No.19033544
         File: 1336533844.jpg-(457 KB, 2000x2000, Raid_Map_001.jpg)
    457 KB
    Your raiding force bursts into existance on the edge of 'The Corridor'. Your augers quickly locate a pair of ships barely outside of your weapons range. "They're early!" shouts Athe.

    "Astropaths, don't let them send any distress calls!"

    "Elesh, why are there only two?" asks Quein.

    "Trap?" grumbles Captain Wilson.

    >sorry for the delay, I had to remake the map.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)23:25 No.19033573
    >the two unnamed friendly ships are Magos Banks' escorts. If someone wants to name them something silly, I'll put the names in.
    >otherwise... READY, FIGHT!
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:28 No.19033636
         File: 1336534122.jpg-(369 KB, 2000x2000, Ships.jpg)
    369 KB
    How about this?
    >> Technographer Decim 05/08/12(Tue)23:30 No.19033668
    Try and I'd them, just pretend that we are just passing through the system. I assume that they don't know that there is a bounty on them yet...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:30 No.19033676
    I'll second that motion.
    >> Cegorach 05/08/12(Tue)23:31 No.19033704
    "Death and Glory" and "Beginners Luck."
    >> I Named Myself 05/08/12(Tue)23:32 No.19033726
    Have them double check on the augers to find any more ships. Should we hail the ships, just to make certain? If anything, we may be able to make them feel safe, get closer and then just pummel them to oblivion. Long shot but worth a try.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)23:34 No.19033757
    Roll 1D100 to ID, specify top or bottom contact (Elesh can only ID 1 ship per turn)
    >> I Named Myself 05/08/12(Tue)23:36 No.19033797
    rolled 92 = 92

    Closest ship to us (top contact)
    >> I Named Myself 05/08/12(Tue)23:39 No.19033846
         File: 1336534762.jpg-(15 KB, 240x252, 1275014804612.jpg)
    15 KB
    Dice gods, do you seriously hate me or something?
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/08/12(Tue)23:45 No.19033943
         File: 1336535131.jpg-(469 KB, 2000x2000, Raid_Map_002.jpg)
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    Several voices cry out at once over the raiding force's vox channel. "FIRESTORM! Lances on her prow! Lances on her prow! EVADE!"

    "Beginner's Luck, get out of there! Move!"

    Your vox net is being flooded with panicked chatter from the two rookie captains!

    >Roll 1D100 to bring the rookies in line!
    >Turn 2
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:47 No.19033978
    rolled 2 = 2

    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)23:56 No.19034187
    I'd say we need to try to flank the Firestorm and close to extreme close range so it won't be able to bring its lance to bear against us.

    We should move "south" along with Quein's ship, "Death or Glory" and "Enshrouded Sire," and try to get between the Firestorm and the Factory Ship.

    Meanwhile, "Beginner's Luck" and "Domum Emendationem" should go north and evade the lance as best they can.
    >> I Named Myself 05/08/12(Tue)23:57 No.19034194
    Beginner's Luck and Domum, go to the top (chart position) of the firestorm, Quein and SotO divides the firestorm from the factory ship by moving into the center, Quien firing to take out the engines of the firestorm. Sire and Glory move to the back of the Factory ship. Make sure that they are unable to regroup and assist each other.
    >> Technographer Decim 05/08/12(Tue)23:57 No.19034197
    Augers not working, but taking charge like a boss... some days it's questionable how techpriest-ey we are...

    Still say we act all non-chillant like we are just passing.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/09/12(Wed)00:00 No.19034256
    >only your ship shows up with a registration when ID'ed
    >two of the ships with you are -wanted- dead by the AdMech
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:05 No.19034336
    I don't think even our epic swagger could convince them that a squadron of pirate ships jumping in just off their bow is friendly in intent.
    >> I Named Myself 05/09/12(Wed)00:06 No.19034384
    They are bringing lances to bear, nonchalant now is going to get a hole punched through their hull. While Banks did say they didn't need to come back in shape, still doesn't mean we should lose them so quickly. Lets kick their asses, get anything we need, and then get out as quickly as possible in case they happen to be waiting for friends.
    >> Technographer Decim 05/09/12(Wed)00:08 No.19034417
    My apologies. I was unaware that our companions were wanted and have no id.can our navigator tell if they've been here long, like through warp residual energy near their ships? Cause, if they just got here, their friends might be close behind them...
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:08 No.19034427
         File: 1336536519.jpg-(25 KB, 666x334, fire-everything.jpg)
    25 KB
    I knew I saved this pic for a reason...
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/09/12(Wed)00:11 No.19034489
    Extreme weapons range reached!

    1D100 to target the firestorm!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:13 No.19034505
    rolled 57 = 57

    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:13 No.19034509
    rolled 54 = 54

    Omnissiah bless these dice!
    >> I Named Myself 05/09/12(Wed)00:15 No.19034542
    I've rolled my shitty roll, I'll just sit this one out. But I will suggest we fire on the factory ship, if we are going through the center, that should be the closest ship to us. Aim to cripple.
    >> I Named Myself 05/09/12(Wed)00:17 No.19034564
    Disregard about shooting the factory ship, but the crippling still stands.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/09/12(Wed)00:19 No.19034609
         File: 1336537182.jpg-(467 KB, 2000x2000, Raid_Map_003.jpg)
    467 KB
    "Beginner's Luck here, going evas-" Your sensors register 'Luck's void shield overloading as the firestorm batters her with long-ranged fire, then follows up with its lances. 'Beginner's Luck' is cut in two, moments before her plasma drive goes critical.

    "Stick to that bastard's sides if you want to live!"

    The enemy frigate is momentarily lost to your augers as Quein's macrocannons saturate the void surrounding her, scoring several hits after one of your shots connects and drops the bastard's void shield.

    >turn 3!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:24 No.19034728
    Well, that's one less cut.

    Head up between the two enemy ships along with Quein's ship, hopefully bringing the Firestorm's rear quarters within the fire arc of our broadsides, and do our best to cripple its engines. As long as it can't come about and line up its lance on us we're good.

    Have Death or Glory and Enshrouded Sire continue on towards the factory ship.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/09/12(Wed)00:29 No.19034811
    Movement will take you into optimal weapon's range!

    1D100 to bring on the hurt!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:30 No.19034834
    rolled 89 = 89

    Come on gunnery crews...
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:31 No.19034845
    rolled 50 = 50

    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:33 No.19034867
    Tzeentch is obviously against us tonight.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/09/12(Wed)00:53 No.19035164
         File: 1336539239.jpg-(466 KB, 2000x2000, Raid_Map_004.jpg)
    466 KB
    Again the void around the firestorm ripples as four ships concentrate their fire. Your augers show her shedding large chunks of armor and venting several long streams of her precious atmosphere as Quein's macrobatteries continue to pummel her.

    "She's still trying to come around!"

    Navigator Teris approaches you. "Captain, there is a large ship in the warp nearby!"

    >turn 4!

    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:54 No.19035166
         File: 1336539245.jpg-(126 KB, 452x308, Damn.jpg)
    126 KB
    And then all our gunners were pacifists.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:56 No.19035213
    rolled 41 = 41

    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)00:58 No.19035238
    Personally press the attack on the Firestorm, while everyone else focuses their fire on the factory ship.

    We need to cripple it fast in case we have to pull back when that large ship arrives.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/09/12(Wed)00:59 No.19035248
    D100 roll for shooting.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)01:00 No.19035257
    But traps are a good thing!

    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)01:01 No.19035285
    rolled 48 = 48

    >> dice+1d100 Technographer Decim 05/09/12(Wed)01:03 No.19035308
    Get behind where the large warp presence will emerge and kill it's engines...
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/09/12(Wed)01:14 No.19035412
         File: 1336540448.jpg-(186 KB, 960x640, SWAG_original.jpg)
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    Cheers fill the vox net as your laser batteries reduce the firestorm frigate to a hulk, tumbling thru the void as she burns and her crew dies.

    "Death or Glory is putting armsmen aboard the transport!"

    "We've got something big coming in the warp, folks. Quein, Taylor, Wilson, form up on me. My Navigator believes it will be coming out of the warp in a few moments..."

    >That's it for tonight, folks! Next thread on THURSDAY @ 7:30 PM EST
    >It's not over yet!
    >Q&A for a bit, if you have any questions.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)01:28 No.19035531
    The enemy ship is huge. That means is has huge profit! Loot and pillage!

    Also, that pic is so fitting. If I had the skill, I would totally shoop in some mechadendrites and it would be perfect.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/09/12(Wed)01:32 No.19035575
         File: 1336541564.jpg-(79 KB, 960x640, SWAG_PQ_004.jpg)
    79 KB
    sort of like...

    gotta find some more time to work on that
    >> Anonymous 05/09/12(Wed)01:33 No.19035585
    Yes. Just like that.

    Didn't know you were a drawfag, OP.
    >> MachineSpirit !!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/09/12(Wed)01:38 No.19035629
    very rarely.
    >> Technographer Decim 05/09/12(Wed)08:51 No.19039116
    Not meaning to look a gift horse in the mouth, but is there a peticular reason as to why we have a MIU in the first place? I mean they are not really found outside of high ranking admech, titan leagons or a very well connected rouge trader... at least through my understanding of the purpose on them...
    >> Cegorach 05/09/12(Wed)09:28 No.19039360
    Going off what Machine Spirit has said previously, we don't actually have the full set of bionics included in the Mechanicus Implants trait, since bionics are somewhat rare in Tortuga. However, as the pupil of a rogue Magos, and as a starship-captain-in-training, we were given an MIU implant. Which is good, because sticking with just Vehicle Integrated Circuitry would have made being Captain Shuttl- erm, Techpriest somewhat awkward and far less awesome.
    Though, oddly enough, going off the DH rules, MIU interfaces are fairly attainable as cybernetics go, and actually less expensive than VIC.

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